David SimsEssaysNews

Waukesha: Just Around the Corner from Kenosha

Anti-White murderer and Black Lives Matter supporter Darrell Brooks and his maroon SUV: Taking direct aim at White teens and children and elderly in a Christmas parade — six have died so far; Jew-run MSNBC says this was an “accident.” The National Alliance demands that Brooks be thoroughly investigated, including an in-depth forensic examination of all his digital devices and online presence, including subpoenas for YouTube and Facebook and all other social media to recover his postings that they have deleted. All individuals and organizations which contributed to his homicidal hatred of Whites, to include all major media outlets and anti-White groups and NGOs, need to be held fully accountable, with punitive damages imposed sufficient to shut them down forever. In addition, laws must be enacted to criminalize the spreading of anti-White hatred or sentiment.

by David Sims

A MALE Black, Darrell Brooks, age 39, rammed his Ford Escape SUV into a crowd of white people attending a Christmas parade in Waukesha, Wisconsin, on 21 November 2021, killing five people immediately and injuring more than 60 others, including 18 children. One of those injured children (Jackson Sparks, age 8) died on the 25th from injuries sustained during the deliberate collision of Brooks’ SUV with his body, bringing the total dead to six.

Darrell Brooks has a long criminal history, and he is, furthermore, a sex criminal. Brooks was arrested on 2 November 2021 for reckless endangerment, disorderly conduct — he punched his girlfriend in the face — bail jumping, and battery, but he was released after posting a $1000 bond. That is what gave him the opportunity to do mass murder a little over two weeks later.

Darrell Brooks is affiliated with Black Lives Matter and is a supporter of The Five Percent Nation (a black Muslim group) and The Nation of Islam. Members of the former group call themselves “Allah’s Five Percenters,” and they preach that White people are evil devils.

Brooks is also an “aspiring rapper” [aren’t they all?] with the stage name Mathboi Fly. He had a “music” video on YouTube that featured the red SUV he used to murder people in Waukesha, but that video has been deleted by Jewish-run YouTube, which is apparently trying to cover for him.

Likewise, Darrell Brooks had Web sites on a number of social media platforms, which were found and archived before the Big Tech hosts could delete them. The likely reason for the censorship of Brooks’ social media accounts is to prevent the public from learning that his vehicular homicide was an act of anti-White, Islamic-inspired terrorism against innocent White people in Wisconsin. The social media Web sites contained endorsements of Black Lives Matter.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook is one of these social media platforms which removed Brooks’ account so that you wouldn’t see his posts, one of which read: “Religion is White Supremacy.”

Now, let’s make a comparison.

James Alex Fields is a young White man who accidentally crashed into the back of a car blocked by Antifa rioters near an intersection in Charlottesville, Virginia, on 12 August 2017. He was looking for a way out of the city, and his mapping software sent him in the wrong direction. The crash happened because Fields was distracted [to put it mildly] from his driving by a large mob of bat-swinging Antifa members, who were chasing his car. After being hit by Fields’ car, the car ahead of him moved forward and struck a third car which hit Heather Heyer, causing her to have a heart attack. She died. For this, perhaps Fields should have been convicted of manslaughter. The lying “mainstream” media, controlled by the Jewish minority, tarred Fields as a “racist hater” and presented his accidental homicide as an intentional act. A corrupt jury found him guilty of first degree murder. A corrupt judge sentenced Fields to life plus 419 years.

Now, Darrell Brooks apparently did commit an intentional vehicular attack on innocent people. But Brooks is Black, and the people he hit with his SUV were White. He injured more than 60 people, including 18 children. Six people have died, one of them a child. Since our justice system is corrupt and treats White people as second-class citizens, there is just no way that Brooks is going to be punished as severely as he deserves.

Driving the red SUV, Darrell Brooks takes direct aim at White children watching a Christmas parade.

If we were to imagine that justice were fair with respect to race, then what sentence would be appropriate for Brooks, if or when he is convicted? Six times as many people died at Brooks’ hands than at Fields’. Brooks’ act was intentional, whereas Fields’ act was accidental. James Fields turned himself in to police, whereas Brooks tried to flee the scene.

The answer is this: There is no possible punishment that can be inflicted on Darrell Brooks that can match what he deserves, if we go by the same scale of penalties that were used for James Alex Fields. Life in prison wouldn’t be enough to punish Brooks. The death penalty wouldn’t be enough. Perhaps an eternity in Hell would be adequate, barely, but I’m an atheist, and I don’t believe in Hell.

The Jew-controlled mainstream media have begun spinning the predictable false narrative: MSNBC, for example, actually described Darrell Brooks’ actions as an “accident.”

You might not be able to find video showing this mass murder on YouTube because YouTube would be a collaborator in building the false narrative that this was some sort of “accident.”

I found a video of part of what happened, made by someone with a smartphone.

Warning: All of these videos are graphic and should not be viewed by young children or sensitive persons.

This video shows Darrell Brooks’ running over part of the marching band and some of the people lining the streets who were watching the band go by. Obviously, this isn’t an accident.

Here’s another, similar video. Behold, the vehicular mass murder that MSNBC called an “accident.”

Most of Brooks’ victims in the vehicular attack were either elderly women or children. Brooks targeted a group called “the dancing grannies” as he approached the parade.

* * *

Source: Author

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30 November, 2021 5:51 am

“James Alex Fields is a young White man who accidentally crashed into the back of a car blocked by Antifa rioters near an intersection in Charlottesville, Virginia, on 12 August 2017. He was looking for a way out of the city, and his mapping software sent him in the wrong direction.” The mega phone (((companies))) like tmobile and especially verizon, have deliberately placed fat angry NEGRO FEMALES into positions in call centers that could allow them to not only monitor our calls but play games with our phones while using apps. I’ve been doxxed and these games have happened to me as well. Once you “get on the list” their connections with these domestic terrorists groups like BLM/ANTIFA and positions within these phone companies could allow them to engage in… Read more »

Reply to  fred
1 December, 2021 9:41 pm

Try Straight Talk.

pj dooner
pj dooner
30 November, 2021 7:57 am

I haven’t heard a single radio talk show “patriot” demanding that “hate crime” charges be filed against Brooks, in fact, they haven’t even mentioned “hate crime”, they’re just whining that the MSM is calling it an accident and not an attack!!!

ricck lineheart
ricck lineheart
Reply to  pj dooner
10 December, 2021 6:35 pm

They know who butters their bread…And remember this “accident” if you are ever walking in an area where knuckle draggers inhabit or roam.

Reply to  pj dooner
12 December, 2021 11:31 am

Well they don’t want to upset all the negroes who they tell us are on the verge of voting Republican en masse.

pj dooner
pj dooner
30 November, 2021 7:59 am

A white college student was murdered during a robbery in Philadelphia on Monday (no arrests yet but perp most likely non-white) and according to the victim’s LinkedIn account he was a student organizer for Bernie Sanders: https://6abc.com/temple-university-student-shot-deadly-shooting-north-philadelphia-crime/11279522/

Reply to  pj dooner
1 December, 2021 9:43 pm

He refused to listen to his parents but chose a Pied Piper, instead

Walter Green
Walter Green
30 November, 2021 9:12 am

So horrible and shocking.

It should be top news for a month at least in every country including my mine.
Every major media in my country, South Korea, told this as short one.
Never revealed the race, name and picture of the criminal.
I suspect that, some how, every media here is controlled by the Jew.

Here is a picture of several members of South Korean congress,
kneeling for the George Floyd as if he is a victim of unjust discrimination.

It was really strange, unfamiliar scene for the most of Koreans.
And it gave really bad feeling to me.

South Korea, George Floid.jpg
Reply to  Walter Green
1 December, 2021 8:55 pm

I can’t tell if that’s a sign to tell the elites to not bring illegal immigration or they’re just that cucked. Anyway, here’s an interesting article about “Korean Racism” :


I bet it’s just Koreans not liking black invaders, look at the first picture in the article and tell me they don’t look like they came from the hood.

Hans Spit
Hans Spit
30 November, 2021 9:14 am

i don’t know what’s worse : this filthy ugly nigger maggot, or the daemonic Kike media that covers for “ It”.

James Fields should be released from prison, and then allowed to behead this tar monster with a sword, on the steps of the Jew “capitol.”

30 November, 2021 10:48 am

So it is clear, the media and the government wants whites death.

So, what does the national alliance guys expect if they don’t advocate for the only solution at this point?

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
30 November, 2021 11:38 am

It has been reported that Brooks did not just punch his girlfriend in the face, but actually ran over this ho with his car. Since his ho is black, he therefore cannot be racist. His ho must have some kind of supernatural abilities, also. She apparently suffered no effects from being run over, like those White people did.

I will never watch those films. I am already mad enough.

Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
1 December, 2021 9:45 pm

I heard she was hospitalized

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
1 December, 2021 4:15 am

Geez this is getting tiresome. This whole thing is a fake. Another jew psy-op. What I find troubling is I seem to be the (only) one consistently pointing it out here in the comments section of another article where the author is buying what is sold to us as real by the usual kosher hucksters. The videos are all clearly and obviously staged / fake. People, supposed parade goers, have been inserted on the background of driving car footage. Just take a quick look at the right ‘photo’ above. Isn’t it obvious that the two gals in Santa hats in the foreground are pasted onto the background ? It’s obvious to me and I’m not any expert. But it gets way more apparent. In one of the video breakdowns I… Read more »

KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
Reply to  Rommel 41
1 December, 2021 12:54 pm

This is all I got to say about your “post”

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
Reply to  KingVirzion The devout Disciple of Adolf Hitler
2 December, 2021 3:23 pm

Typically childish ad hominem drivel. And NOT what I’d expect here in the comments section of this site, but not really surprised either to be honest. Most people are children compared to me. Sorry, that’s been my life experience. You, like most others, likely believe things at first presentation from our lying jew deceivers, right ?!! Still think we put men on the moon do you ?! That arab hi-jackers flew planes into the ‘twin towers’ ?! How about children being gunned down by a crazed ‘Adam Lanza’ at Sandy Hook elementary school ? Or Dylan ‘Storm’ Roof shooting all those black ‘churchgoers ?!! And dozens of other so called news ‘events’ I could throw out there. You wouldn’t know a staged psy-op, false flag hoax produced for your unsophisticated… Read more »

Reply to  Rommel 41
1 December, 2021 7:02 pm

This whole thing is a fake.”

You tell that face-to-face to the parents of the dead 8-year-old boy. I dare you.

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
Reply to  Howard
2 December, 2021 2:55 pm

How do YOU know he’s dead ?! Know them personally do you ?
Know for a fact that he was run over by that red SUV driven by
the ‘accused’ ? See it yourself, or know someone personally
that you trust unequivocally, who did ?!! I’ll be waiting here in
the comments section.

Reply to  Rommel 41
3 December, 2021 11:58 am

How do YOU know he’s NOT dead ?! Know them personally do you ?
Know for a fact that he was NOT run over by that red SUV driven by
the ‘accused’ ? Did YOU see it yourself, or know someone personally
that you trust unequivocally, who did see it ?!! I’ll be waiting here in
the comments section.

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
Reply to  Howard
4 December, 2021 11:08 am

Well aren’t you clever. A clever child. You want debating points or something ?! Grow up man. I told everyone in my post, all who can read and who did read that is, that (much of) the footage is fake. If you don’t see it, then you don’t see it & I would recommend you take in the videos at the sites I mentioned to avail yourself of better (or veteran) minds and eyes. But it is child’s play to see the fakery, and esp. so after someone has pointed it out to you –which I did. Howard, I don’t know how old you are, but I guarantee they have been faking events and history since before you were born. In other words LYING. Is that really a surprise. So… Read more »

Reply to  Rommel 41
4 December, 2021 2:58 pm

“… (much of) the footage is fake. ; Nobody died at Sandy Hook. Nobody at the Boston marathon bombing either. Orlando Pulse nightclub alleged shooting. “  Interesting, very interesting. Anything involving nonwhites, i.e. Boston marathon bombing, Orlando Pulse nightclub alleged shooting. (with the exception of Sandy Hook) is in fact all a ruse, involving clever manipulation of media so as to fool the public.  (Oh those nonwhites are so very very clever) As for the final commentary by yourself regarding the hijackers of 911 being alive-I myself have never heard anybody ever saying that they have seen, or heard, or talked to or videotaped or anything else of the people that took part in the airplane attacks. But that’s just me. I certainly like to see videotapes, as well as physical… Read more »

Reply to  Rommel 41
4 December, 2021 5:22 pm

Suppose you believe that 6 milliom jews were gassed by the Nazi`s

Reply to  Rommel 41
2 December, 2021 2:06 am

Why would a “jew psy-op” be this sloppy in its video editing? The last things the jewish power structure wants is to make black males look like criminals – Career criminal Brooks did kill 6 Whites and maimed dozens more, while CNN has censored black-on-White crime for decades, while the White population has supported the mostly black NFL and NBA as well as cancel culture. What do the jews get out of Waukesha to shore up this status quo?

Reply to  Rommel 41
2 December, 2021 11:56 am

What are you, utterly off your rocker? This is no more a juice I have then I have wings to be able to fly. This Nigger ran down a bunch of people including a child-and you want to say that this is nothing but a altered video tape? The Jews are behind all this devastating attacks on whites and now you’re denying this-what the hell is going on with you?

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
Reply to  Howard
2 December, 2021 3:39 pm

>what the hell is going on with you?< I have a functioning brain and I use
it critically. Can you say the same ?! I don’t have all the answers, but my
default position is ALL these events are false or at least questionable
until proven otherwise. As it should be. Just like in a ‘court of law’. Do
think Trump was lying when he said ‘fake news’ ?! Of course he wasn’t
telling us anything new. ((They’ve)) been faking news and history for
decades. The list is staggering. But once you adjust, you can see.
Put on the Hoffman lenses my friend :)

Reply to  Rommel 41
3 December, 2021 12:04 pm

“I don’t have all the answers”, and I don’t either but why default to a position that everything is a lie ?

“((They’ve)) been faking news and history for decades. The list is staggering. ” and I agree but not ALL things.

Reply to  Howard
3 December, 2021 3:15 am

The liberal bail policies that put Darrell Brooks on the street were politicians’ concessions to BLM and its demands to end mass incarceration, and a growing non-White public supporting that. The most egregious examples outside of Waukesha are seen in NYC and Philly, with numerous deaths, injuries and maimings by violent black criminals released with no or little bail on an unsuspecting public. These no-bail DA’s usually are elected, not appointed. Despite his office’s no/low bail policy causing at least 2 deaths in his first term, Liberal Philly DA Krasner just won reelection. Another death, of a Temple student recently shot by a released carjacker, can be added to his list: https://www.fox29.com/news/suspect-in-temple-students-murder-previously-charged-in-july-carjacking-authorities-say . The DA’s office clearly believes this suspect had committed the earlier carjacking and the victims’ accounts, but… Read more »

Reply to  Sethmoto101
4 December, 2021 3:03 pm

I absolutely, totally agree with everything that you just said here in your reply. This is nothing new to me because I have said and felt for the longest time that what is happening is that Jews are using nonwhites as biological weapons to attack and destabilize Whites and white society. This is obvious as these so-called ‘politicians’ pass laws and use law enforcement to open the floodgates of our countries to these Third World hooligans to come into our nation and undermine it and spend our money. We are, as a nation now under the occupation of a ‘foreign government’ which doesn’t happen to be that of the United States of America-it’s something else, more of a hybrid of a liberal state grafted onto a totalitarian communist system. They… Read more »

Reply to  Rommel 41
2 December, 2021 7:11 pm

I don’t mind alternative theories to the narrative because there are proven psychological operations going on in the world. However in order for this one to be all staged, it would require what looks like a hundred people running around in a panic to be in on the act. It’s very difficult to believe that they would have all signed up for this. Unless you think we all live inside some sort of virtual reality with virtual characters who get selected to act out events, your theory that this was faked in the real world is pretty far fetched.

Reply to  Jmac
11 December, 2021 4:43 am

Good srach brother .

1 December, 2021 10:54 am

James Fields was COMPLETELY BLAMELESS in the “accident.” He was being terrorized by antifa clubbing his vehicle and ANYONE would assume that their life was in imminent danger. He REACTED in a natural fashion to escape what he or ANYONE would conclude was an attack on his life. The mob in the street ARE TO BLAME – they shouldn’t HAVE BEEN THERE. More fundamentally, the the City of Charlottesville, the local and state police, and agents of the CW of Virginia CRIMINALLY CONSPIRED to perpetrate multiple felonies of a character that were almost certain to cause physical harm and likely even death – as that is exactly what happened. They did this purposefully, knowingly, and with malice aforethought. THEY!!!…not James Fields – WHO IS ENTIRELY WITHOUT BLAME – are guilty… Read more »

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
1 December, 2021 5:27 pm

Mr. Sims, thank you for informing your readers about this tragic massacre, something some Jew’s news outlets referred to as a “crash.” I lived the first 37 years of my life in Waukesha and during that time there were never any Wakandan-related incidents, due in large part to there being practically no Blacks living there and the media, education system and government hadn’t been indoctrinating the public with anti-White propaganda to the degree they are today. On social media, Brooks, a murderous Morlock, referred to Whites as “the enemy.” His posts included numerous anti-white violent threats in addition to pro-BLM rhetoric. One post on his social media featured a black man whipping white men who are enslaved in a cotton field. Another, from during the George Floyd riots, encouraged blacks… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
1 December, 2021 10:08 pm

Move along white goyim. Nothing to see here. Accidents happen.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
3 December, 2021 5:51 pm

You have a commenter that calls himself “Rommel 41” that is spending a lot of his time trying to gaslight your readers into believing that the massacre in Waukesha didn’t really happen (“This whole thing is a fake”}, and that it was probably a staged event. He bases this on what he saw in the videos provided in the article. I didn’t watch the videos because I know what happened. In my other post, I mentioned that I am from Waukesha. Most of my family and my wife’s family are still living there and some of them were at the parade, along with some old friends of mine. A few were at the East end of the parade route and some of them at the West end and they verified… Read more »

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
Reply to  Mike Mann
4 December, 2021 11:47 am

I’m right here. And I’m not trying to ‘gaslight’ anybody. As I have mentioned, I need proof since my default position is MORE than justified. We live in a ‘Boy Who Cried Wolf’ jew psy-op world much of the time & that it is beyond question. There is ZERO doubt – ZERO – that the footage is manipulated & fake. NOW … that doesn’t mean that someone wasn’t run over by an SUV during this parade event as those are two separate things. This could have been a staged event with an MK ultra type patsy like Brooks and that would be my position at the moment IF it was ‘real’. I then would really like to know why the footage was manipulated, among other things. This reminds me of… Read more »

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Rommel 41
4 December, 2021 6:27 pm

I think it’s obvious to everyone in here that we live in a “jew psy-op world,” and, like you, I think that Brooks is likely an “MK ultra-type patsy” (I know, you’re not ready to make that assumption because you’re not yet sure the event even took place). Waukesha police claim that they received a message from an anonymous caller that Brooks was in a knife fight that sent him fleeing in the direction of the parade route. The “knife fight” was unconfirmed and the anonymous caller was not identified. This was the first indication to me that this may have been a Jew-orchestrated event. That, and the fact that Blacks are their favorite proxies, especially in events that might lead-up to what they would love to see: a race… Read more »

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Mike Mann
4 December, 2021 7:00 pm

From now on, we’re not going to entertain any of the “it’s all a psyop” or similar theories regarding current events here in the comments section on National Vanguard. (If some slip through, my apologies; we’re not perfect and we depend on volunteers.) Our enemies do lie, but seldom or never against their own agenda and perceived interests. Though in very, very rare cases there is truth to these types of theories, they are 90-plus per cent. intentional distraction and confusion. All of those I have looked into personally have been highly questionable and, in my opinion, created by attention-seekers — or by intelligence agencies seeking to further confuse and divide opponents of the regime in Washington. (For one brief example, I have seen innumerable breathless “exposés” of simple jpeg… Read more »

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
4 December, 2021 7:42 pm

Wow. Censorship huh ?! I would never have expected it.
Kevin, I have nothing but respect for who you are and what
you do. I continually refer people to this site. I have listened
to many of your ‘Dissident Voices’ broadcasts with mostly
approval and agreement with all the content. But I believe
you are out of line here. I think that a robust debate should
be allowed to occur and take it’s own natural direction on
most any topic. I don’t have any agenda other than to fully
wake people up to whatever can be discerned of the truth
and wherever it might lead, controversial or uncomfortable.

Reply to  Rommel 41
5 December, 2021 12:32 am

Robust debate on speculative theories? Mr. Strom is correct, let’s not waste time on that, especially the time of our shorthanded staff. Bring facts with comments instead.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
4 December, 2021 8:08 pm

Kevin, I was simply giving Rommel 41 the benefit of the doubt that there may have been more to the Waukesha event than just an anti-White Black venting his hatred for our people by plowing through a parade of mostly Whites to kill as many of them as he could. 

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
5 December, 2021 2:10 am

The only psy op in the Waukesha incident was the mainstream media’s calling it a ‘crash’ when it was intentional vehicular homicide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS5DQ9J730k

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
Reply to  Mike Mann
4 December, 2021 7:44 pm

Thank you Mike Mann for the most reasonable and intelligent reply
thus far on my comments. I appreciate it.

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Rommel 41
5 December, 2021 12:09 am

I’m confident that we are on the same team, my friend.

Reply to  Mike Mann
5 December, 2021 1:58 pm

” … confident that we are on the same team”

me too, the same (((team))) …

Mike Mann
Mike Mann
Reply to  Howard
6 December, 2021 12:45 am

Howard, you’re insinuating that Rommel 41 and I are philo-Jews? Until now, I didn’t count you to be among mealy-mouthed commenters who carelessly hurl invectives at people they don’t even know.

Your implication goes beyond just disagreeing with an opinion, it is attacking the very character of an Aryan when you make such an accusation. You owe it to us to at least point out what, in any of our comments, gives confirmation of your accusation.

Reply to  Mike Mann
5 December, 2021 12:17 pm

Your point might be that a Ming vase could be repainted badly to make it look fake and thus disguise it against theft, so to speak…as far as any media goes their effects can always be faked as technologoid object’s just as human subjects can lie if they can speak but everything/ nothing is true, is also untenable…some people say they have seen a ghosts, others say such things don’t exist and so rule the witness mad or a liar…if one saw this public assault by a known and brazen racist I think one would know it true.

Sam J..
Sam J..
5 December, 2021 11:52 am

Why are the police all standing around? I see several police cars. Why aren’t they chasing him?

If people at the parade saw three people in the car why is there now only one?

22 December, 2021 12:12 pm

This is what happens when you give monkeys car keys

15 March, 2022 2:45 pm

I have recently sent this message to a BLM propagandist in england. Would this help the situation do you reckon?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  schlomo
15 March, 2022 11:00 pm

I doubt it. We in the National Alliance have a strong policy: at this time, we have nothing to say to non-Whites and Jews; when the time comes to talk to them, it will be in a language they cannot fail to understand. Right now the BLM rabble simply laugh at us as we’re in no position to back up anything we say with that one language they understand. One of our short term goals is to build up our strength to where we can dictate from a position of superiority. Thus we are to concentrate our efforts on reaching and moving the Whites who are sympathetic or well disposed towards our message to join us and accomplish the various tasks necessary for attaining the aforesaid position. And only those… Read more »