American Dissident VoicesAudioKevin Alfred StromRadio

The “Metaverse”: Living in the Unreal World

What is billed as a “luxury” capsule hotel in Tokyo, Japan

American Dissident Voices broadcast of 27 November, 2021

by Kevin Alfred Strom

TODAY I am going to be talking about the unreal world — the “metaverse” — that the Jews will be offering you soon in exchange for your slavery in the real world — and how we can save our families and our nation from that nightmare. But first let me give you some significant news.

First, I want to explain to National Alliance members and supporters why our monthly printed National Alliance BULLETIN is late — and why the number of articles posted has slowed down temporarily on our online magazine site,

The National Alliance BULLETIN depends largely on one man — our National Alliance Chairman, William White Williams — for its production. Will does the writing, I do the editing, graphics, and typesetting, and Will does the proofreading, interfaces with the printer, and Will and his wife and staff at the National Office do the actual mailing every month. When the Chairman is out of commission — and that is very, very rare; it has happened only once in eight years — the BULLETIN has to be put on hold.

As our National Alliance members have already been informed via postal mail, Chairman Williams contracted a serious case of Covid in mid-September, and had to be hospitalized and then put on a ventilator. He’s home now and undergoing rehabilitation to regain his full strength. Will is a real fighter and we know that this microscopic enemy won’t keep him slowed down for long — soon he’ll be back to where he needs to be, back to normal, fighting the non-microscopic kind of enemies our people face, better than ever. A sign of how Chairman Williams keeps on track is that, even as he sent out the letter explaining the illness-related delays, he sent a copy of the just-printed and updated brand new edition of Building a New White World — our booklet introducing the National Alliance — with each letter. We expect that he’ll be assembling the next BULLETIN soon, and it will be a multiple-month issue, combining September and the following months in one. This is something that Dr. Pierce occasionally had to do himself when circumstances required it. We thank all of you for your patience and understanding.

In the text version of this broadcast on National Vanguard, I’ll include an illustration taken from that new edition of Building a New White World. It shows several photographs illustrating the National Alliance community in action:

…the National Alliance community in action: (clockwise, starting from top left) part of the Alliance’s National Office complex (with an oil portrait of Dr. Pierce [painted by Chairman Williams] at top of stairs); construction work taking place at the site of the new William Luther Pierce Memorial Library and Research Center, which will be the centerpiece of our National Office facilities in eastern Tennessee; Svetlana Williams (Mrs. Will Williams) at work in the National Office; Vanessa (Mrs. Kevin Strom) at work in the National Alliance studio; a member’s Alliance literature table at a local gun show; and Will Williams officiating at a Cosmotheist wedding ceremony (several such couples, married by Chairman Williams, have now brought White children into the world). Here in the unspoiled mountains, surrounded by the inspiring natural beauty and the history of our race, White men, women, and families — National Alliance members all — have worked for the cause of White renewal since 1985.

As for my slowness in editing, writing, and posting lately, it’s all due to some very good news. My wife, who you know as Vanessa Neubauer of audio book fame, just gave birth to the second child we’ve had together, Victor William (yes, his middle name was chosen to honor Will Williams), earlier this month. Victor, who was 10 lbs. 4 oz. at birth, joins his sister Catherine, who was born last year and just turned 16 months old. Vanessa is well, but she’s been ordered by the doctor not to pick up our daughter for a couple of months after giving birth — so I must be a very, very busy man for a while, taking care of our toddler while Vanessa concentrates on our newborn. We are gradually adjusting to having “two under two” in our household and, yes, astounding as it may seem, we are both determined to get back to our normal pretty high levels of productivity in our work for the only cause that really matters, the cause of the National Alliance, the cause of our race’s future. Again, your patience and understanding are appreciated!

Catherine and Mrs. Strom
Victor William

* * *

MEDIA JEW Mark Zuckerberg, who stole the software and the idea of social media to create Facebook, and has since then amassed a personal fortune of $124 billion, has just taken what some consider the rash step of renaming his company “Meta,” which is short for “metaverse.” He’s making a big bet that the metaverse will soon eclipse both the social media and the dinosaur media and become a hugely significant, possibly even dominant, part of our lives — and he intends to profit handsomely from that change. Zuckerberg didn’t originate the idea of, or the word, metaverse, which means an artificial reality which you — or an avatar you create which becomes your new “self” — can inhabit as if it is a new universe.

We already have something approaching that in many online multiplayer video games. These games aren’t like the video games of the past, in which you played, by yourself, essentially against software on your machine — a PC or smartphone, or game console. No, you play not only against characters created by the software, but against or with other real players who are connected to the game just like you from their own homes.

These players can, within the limits set by the game’s designers, change their names and appearance and skills and even species. You and the possibly hundreds or thousands of other players inhabit a landscape — its own country or planet or even universe — created by the game designers. This landscape persists even when you yourself aren’t playing — the “plot” of the game, and the passage of time in the artificial world of the game, go on even when you’re not logged in. These more recent games also aren’t like the old video games the older generation might have experienced — the characters can look very realistic if that’s the way the game is engineered.

And the landscapes can also be hyper-realistic, if that is the effect the creators want. You travel through a forest, and, even though it was created by a team of artists, it looks almost like a 3-D hologram of a real forest. A castle looks like a real castle, more compellingly real than almost any photograph of a castle you’ve ever seen. You can walk around it, open doors and walk into it, find hidden treasures in secret rooms, encounter enemies or friends in other rooms, free prisoners from its dungeons, read books in its libraries, meet the love of your life in another room, fight off guards in yet another — the possibilities are endless… and that’s just one castle in a single city on a whole simulated planet. Men look like real men, women look like real women. And those “characters” can do anything the programmers allow or program them to do. And the voices and sounds are presented in perfect high fidelity, indistinguishable from reality. Some games purposely have a “retro” or less realistic cartoony look — but these days that’s an option, not a limitation. These games, and the virtual reality they are segueing into, can only get more perfectly realistic with time and the constantly increasing processing power available. They’ll be hyper-real when they want them to be; like a cartoon when they want them to be; like a living painting when they want them to be.

They’ll try to sell you on the idea that these worlds will be what you want them to be, that somehow living in their metaverse will be the “liberation” of your imagination — but in reality you will have a very limited range of choices, all pre-approved by Zuckerberg and his ilk. They’ll rewrite even the laws of Nature and physics itself to suit their agenda, and, if you buy in — and they will make you pay, believe me — you’ll be living in a fake universe in which all of what seems like reality will be reinforcing what these billionaire Jews want you to do. You’ll see only what they want you to see. You’ll experience only what they want you to experience. You’ll feel the way they want you to feel, exactly when they want you to do so.

In the text version of this broadcast, I’ll include a couple videos in which Zuckerberg tries to sell us on his coming version of the metaverse.

It’s already bad enough, with hundreds of millions of our people addicted to books and TV programs and films in which they’re immersed in Jewish values and a distorted Jewish version of reality for a few hours a day, for as long as they suspend their disbelief. It’s already bad enough, with hundreds of millions of our people communicating and interacting with each other — a basic human need — but doing it on Jewish-owned or -dominated platforms like YouTube and Facebook and Instagram in which the most vital communications of all — the truth about our race’s greatness, and its great danger — are disallowed.

But can you imagine the next generation spending much, or most, or nearly all of its leisure time wearing virtual reality headsets and, instead of actually living life and having goals besides their money-men bosses’ goals outside of working hours, spending their most precious commodity of all, time, in a universe of Mark Zuckerberg’s making? This will be a universe in which rewards are doled out, and success and status determined entirely by how closely they conform to the behaviors and values that Zuckerberg and his ilk set up. Monetary rewards for conformity to what the Jews want — and, yes, it is now possible to earn money, both virtual money and fiat money, in the metaverse already. Perhaps there will be sexual behaviors that will be “rewarded” too — and perhaps rewards can be sexual as well. It’s all to be decided by the metaverse’s designers, you see. I’ve already seen some of the avatars — artificial beings, actually — that some have chosen — or had suggested to them — to serve as their “bodies” in these virtual worlds. Some of them are very, very sick-looking indeed.

Well, since you can have a virtual mansion in the metaverse, who needs a real home? Since you can have the perfect lover in the metaverse — or ten dozen of them, perhaps — who needs to find a real mate? Since you can “choose” to have virtual offspring that can appear and disappear almost at will in the metaverse (as long as it’s all right with Mark Zuckerberg), why do the hard work to bring into being a real family?

So, when you come home from laboring at something you don’t care about all day long so you can pay interest to the money-men, pop on those VR glasses, and resume the life you’ll really care about in the Jewish metaverse. Earn points and sexy thrills by doing what the Jews want in the virtual world — and doing almost nothing in the real world. Who knows what you’ll experience? — killing racists, engaging in perverse sex, incinerating “nazis,” engaging in even more perverse sex.

Where will you actually be while you wear those VR glasses? Look at the image of the “capsule hotel” in Tokyo at the beginning of the text version of this broadcast to find out. They’re also called “pod apartments” and they’ve already started to appear in this country, especially in California. They’re the smallest possible space in which a human can live. They’re holes in the walls, two high, many in a single hallway, each the exact size of a single mattress. They look a lot like the body-drawers in a city morgue. You climb in and pull the curtain and watch TV, play video games, or go into the metaverse, and then fall asleep, and begin your slave labor again in the morning. Eating and bathroom areas are common areas you’ll have to share with your fellow slaves, to save money.

In another one of these already existing virtual-world games, “Fortnite,” one can “earn loot” and other benefits in the game by attending a virtual “Martin Luther King, Jr.” event and virtual museum and “learning about the civil rights struggle.”

And, speaking of money, you didn’t think that Zuckerberg and his ilk were going to give you all this wonderfulness for free, did you? They will find ways to make you pay for what they will sell you as a “better metaverse experience.” In one early metaverse incarnation, a virtual estate just sold for over two million dollars. People using these metaverse-precursor games already spend money regularly to get extra perks in the games — special avatars, virtual clothes, weapons, “powers,” you name it and they’ll sell it to you. As the Jews become masters of this kind of thing, you can be sure your “virtual” purchases will indebt and enslave the real you even further than you already are indebted and enslaved — you might have to work longer hours and lose an hour of sleep or VR play to keep up the payments! If you don’t, you’ll lose your Meta account — and maybe your pod, too. Then what will you do?

Evolutionary psychologist Geoffrey Miller has speculated that the reason for the Fermi paradox — the fact that, despite the massive size of the Universe, no intelligent beings except us are apparent in it — is that each and every intelligent civilization has stopped aiming for the stars as more and more of its energies and efforts have become devoted to artificial realities like video games, like the metaverse. He says that those civilizations that do survive, if any, will be those who hate contraception, love raising children, and embrace the real struggle for survival. We won’t be meeting any video-game-lovers in the next star system. If we do meet anyone, they — like us — will be those who see child-bearing and child-rearing as sacred things.

Do people who live in pods, and endless fantasy worlds, ever make revolutions — or new nations? I don’t think so.

Let me tell you something. The real world is the only one that exists. The metaverse is a lie. A Jewish lie, just like “heaven,” only worse. By making you care about something, about an entire “world,” that is not real, you are ceding to them all the power over what truly is real. Let’s not do that. Let’s live in the real world. Let’s do the hard but joyful work needed to build a new community, and then a new nation. That’s what the National Alliance is doing right now. And I want you to join us.

* * *

You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at and Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help.

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
29 November, 2021 8:26 am

Actually, I believe this sort of thing has been
around for quite some time now. It was/is
called “Second Life.”

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Walt Hampton
29 November, 2021 11:16 am

Depressing. They don’t seem to offer sex; Zuckerberg will, for more $$$$. He will probably offer (or sell!) immortality in the Metaverse . . . and they will believe it, and take out a loan.

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
30 November, 2021 7:53 am

No. It’s worse than you realize. SecondLife did indeed offer sex. Not out of the box, but it allowed players to script their own interactions.
The results ranged from simply adding existing game mechanics into SL, to the truly depraved. “Degenerate” is not a strong enough word.

Ted Truewil
Ted Truewil
Reply to  Arvin N. Prebost
9 December, 2021 9:27 pm

He will probably offer (or sell!) immortality in the Metaverse . . . and they will believe it” The Jews have already done this. Their “Heaven” scam. And vast numbers of Whites have fallen for it.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  Ted Truewil
10 December, 2021 7:04 pm

Yes, Ted, that is true. But I think that Lake of Fire thing, and singing hymns in Heaven, for all eternity is getting a bit thin. It is outdated. I think that they will come up with more-or-less the same idea, but with new, modern Metaverse imagery.

Danielle M.
Danielle M.
Reply to  Ted Truewil
30 December, 2021 6:15 am

I personally have experienced the supernatural as far as becoming a born again Christian and have also experienced the presence of an evil spirit in my bedroom-when it made a noise both I and my two cats heard it and looked in the direction of the noise. If two animals heard what I heard than logic says that it wasn’t a figment of my imagination. Atheism is like a blind person not being able to perceive the seeing world because they’ve never seen it before. Just because you haven’t experienced it personally doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. Real, Bibiblcal Christianity supports nationalism for all races, and though it allows race mixing technically speaking, it is not in the context of what is happening to the White race today….with enforced borders… Read more »

Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
2 January, 2022 2:14 am

I understand and accept that while White populations are small perhaps they “can’t afford” to share the same living space with other races (like the Chinese Han population “can afford” to mix race minimally because of their being over a billion people. I do believe if a White person is found to have a small percentage of nonWhite blood, yet was raised and acts wholly culturally White, is of great moral character and is law-abiding, they should be allowed to stay excepting the right to breed with a full blooded White (either they must breed only with those like themselves by law until the full-blooded population gets so big it can again “afford” to interbreed with them to redeem and absorb them, or let the non-full-blooded Whites be sterilized. If… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Kevin Alfred Strom
4 January, 2022 2:31 pm

You are an especially kind person, Kevin — much kinder than I — the kind who politely reasons with a nutcase like D.M. who believes myths from the Big Jew Book unquestioningly. She should be commentating on Christian sites rather than being a foil here on NV, because that is surely what she is with her Christian nonsense. I will be featuring the writing of Wolf Stoner in the January NA Members BULLETIN (the December issue was mailed yesterday). Wolf recognizes the “Christian virus” as the biggest obstacle Whites must overcome if we are to survive and advance as a unique people. D.M. shows us why. An Alliance supporter commented recently that reading Wolf’s hard line writings is to him like reading the words of William Pierce. That makes me… Read more »

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
Reply to  Walt Hampton
29 November, 2021 12:52 pm

Yeah, I never peeked at it, but I wonder if it spun off from the Sims, which I took a quick gander at, but nothing else.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
29 November, 2021 11:09 am

First, congrats to Kevin and Vanessa. Best wishes for continued health to Chairman Will.

Another escape from the real world. People will become ghosts, or like a spell-bound person trapped in a fairy mound . . . but a lot of people seem to want that.

Very troubling.

L.B. Blakeney
L.B. Blakeney
29 November, 2021 1:37 pm

Thank you once again for yet another insightful podcast. Only this one was more candid, regarding the happenings in the lives of those working hard behind the scenes of the National Alliance. I recall some time ago when Chairman Williams sent out a survey to get to know a bit about those of us who receive The Bulletin, so this time, we get to know more about you all. Vanessa and KAS, congratulations on the new addition to your family. This radio show was also very educational for me, because I have a generation gap between my gen X cohort, and even then, I’m an old soul, so I’m rather out of touch with the gaming world of the past several decades. Uh, I remember pac man machines, pong and… Read more »

mortal goyal
mortal goyal
29 November, 2021 2:01 pm

This is way way off topic, but i was wondering if anyone knows what became of the excellent MODERN HERETIC blog/site? Big Jew apparently shut it down a few months ago, and i was just wondering if anyone found it on some other server or whatever?

Either way, we’ve still got our most excellent NATIONAL VANGAURD site, which we hope will continuously slip under the radar of the No. 6million Nosed Rat People….

cheers to all.

Andrew Hamilton
Andrew Hamilton
29 November, 2021 3:54 pm

A friend of mine read this and said: Wow, Strom’s account of “The Metaverse” hit it right out of the ballpark. I just finished reading it over lunch, and it PERFECTLY describes what my kids are doing, right down to the name of their game, Fortnite. Two weeks ago, my son suggested we watch a new movie/mixed animation called Free Guy, and it very well detailed what this Metaverse looks like. I recently sent my brother some thoughts on the relationship between Jim Carrey’s The Truman Show and this new Free Guy. Here’s how Wikipedia summarizes the Jewish film Free Guy: Free Guy is a 2021 American science fiction action comedy film directed and produced by Shawn Levy from a screenplay by Matt Lieberman and Zak Penn, and a story by… Read more »

29 November, 2021 6:26 pm

As I said on this site before, there are no jewish billionaires, and these jews, pretending to be billionaires, are doing nothing more than acting out a role on the world’s stage to hide the fantastic conspiracy among all of them. It is the collectivized jews that built these companies, and it is the entire jewish people that collectively benefit from their wealth, as the money finances tens of thousands of jewish run think tanks, nonprofits, NGOs, and media outlets all coordinated to further jewish interests, as well as funding the development of jewish infrastructure projects in bugout spots like new zealand. This jewish billionaire act also reinforces the concept of individuality, modeling this “rugged individuality” to us, which is nothing more than a sophisticated divide and conquer strategy, duping… Read more »

Answer to post above me
Answer to post above me
Reply to  jank
2 December, 2021 4:19 pm

This comment is the most important writing on this page!! Even on the entire site!

Reply to  jank
14 December, 2021 11:10 pm

Yes excellent comment and analysis. They have been putting this programming out intensely for over a decade now with these competition shows of every type and making, the amazing race, fear factor, America’s next top chef , Americas next top [ insert profession here ] ,survivor , the bachelor/ bachelorette, the voice, American Idol,Dancing with the stars ,just to name a few, it is the basis of nearly every show they have been put out and now that the propaganda has has been absorbed into the soft heads of the goyim the jews plan on balkanizing the United states just as they did in Yugoslavia, just as they did in the Middle east with their Oded Yinon plan the last 6 years has been increasingly more propaganda about not only… Read more »

Reply to  jank
15 December, 2021 4:41 am

Good comment but the Conservatards of the Anglosphere are deeply midwitty Christard Germanophobe’s and you would need one base nations territory to regroup in, plus a mass media to reach folk…the multi-national formation of the USA is already Balkanisable while Republican in the guise of Democracy own the world for Israel…the EU is Trotskiist and the two Masonic giants are facing off over Ukraine which has long been Jewy…you would still need to secede some of the USA to demoralise NATO and preserve some Euro Americans, surely? but the paranoia of Judentum is still also a provocative weakness.

29 November, 2021 7:54 pm

Congratulations to you and Vanessa. We have two boys under two and it keeps us very busy.

29 November, 2021 8:42 pm

Our Icelandic brethren have a better idea: The Iceland Verse:

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
Reply to  b.smith
29 November, 2021 10:49 pm

I agree completely with this Icelandic commercial. That is why I go swimming in frigid lake water until late November (or later), campaign for Dark Skies so I can see the Milky Way, and otherwise just try to drink in nature. I also liked this guy’s understated sense of humor!

Art Thief
Art Thief
30 November, 2021 7:43 am

Many years ago, I watched a movie starring Alec Guinness called “The Little Lord Fauntleroy(sp?)”. I believe it may have been based upon a book. When the titular character is taken on a tour of his grandfather’s (Guinness) castle he comes to a play room full of toys and games. This is seeming out of character for the stern English lord, and the boy asks about it to which he replies, “toys and games prepare us for the larger game of Life.” I think that’s true. I also think that our race’s creativity and drive would naturally create more detailed artistry and technical application in said toys and games even without the Jew in the mix. We might very well still have created the realistic digital worlds you describe. I… Read more »

Reply to  Art Thief
11 December, 2021 7:22 am

I think it is necessary to limit these technologies as much as possible. These technologies are rubbish, they will not be useful for the survival and life of future generations. We do not need digital dreams, but awakening from the darkness of these very digital dreams among the masses.Video games tv is all connected by one thread. Namely, the renunciation of life in favor of the autistic existence of the individual in himself and not in the community

Art Thief
Art Thief
Reply to  null
13 December, 2021 10:09 am

There are some tough pills to swallow, here; at least for me. I spent my entire life and built the bulk of my skillset around the hope of crafting video games one day. Don’t get me wrong; if I had a problem with tough pills I wouldn’t be here. You make some good points, though I see some utility for such work or similar that you may be missing: outreach and simulation. Outreach via video game is certainly a tall order and may be a pipe dream, but I had read on this site that it’s been tried before – I wonder if there was any success behind it. Simulation will continue to be useful for dangerous activities, such as flight training, and attempting simulators or dumbed-down versions of them… Read more »

30 November, 2021 11:24 am

With every artifice employed, Jewish intriguers will convince a multitude of White people that their existence is a software program.

2 December, 2021 4:31 pm

What they don’t tell you is their “matrix” is literally the same as their movie “the matrix” promotes. That is their end goal. “Mankind as batteries” so sad.
Technology are tools nothing more. Blunt the harmful side=better outcome

11 December, 2021 7:18 am

The metaverse has been around for a long time. This is a TV and mostly white people sitting around the clock.

15 December, 2021 3:12 pm

Metaverse is not to distant from timeshare, except you can vacation at home. And you don’t have to share the places you visit with other people. Too much audio/video is like too much music. People who subscribe to it will walk around Stoned.

I said years ago that Jews will find away to sell timeshare in space. I just didn’t know how they would do it. Cyberspace.

Ranger danger
Ranger danger
19 December, 2021 8:38 am

Maybe I am not able to find it because I’m on mobile, however, if there is an rss page of the various podcasts and recordings, it can be manually subscribed to in iOS’s Podcast app as well as most other podcast apps. It would make listening to the audio easier.

Walter Green
Walter Green
25 December, 2021 8:54 am

You’ve got another child. Congratulations, Kevin.
And Catherine is shining in that picture with her beautiful mother.
I bet you are having a great days.