Posts Tagged
the controlled media

The “Metaverse”: Living in the Unreal World
What is billed as a “luxury” capsule hotel in Tokyo, Japan American Dissident Voices broadcast of 27 November, 2021 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY I am going to be talking…

The Clinton Foundation Racket and Trump’s Failure to Drain the Swamp
Editor’s Note: The massive, almost unbelievable amount of corruption that has piled up over the years with respect to the Clinton family is one of those open secrets in Washington which discredits America’s entire ruling class, not just the Democratic Party. Every major media outlet…

Democracy of Hypocrisy
Related Content: See also William Pierce’s “The Club”
by Dr. William L. Pierce DURING THE PAST WEEK I was very interested in some of the public reactions to Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura’s comments in a Playboy magazine interview. Governor Ventura, who was a professional…

Patriot’s (Only) Choice: White Revolution
by Dr. William L. Pierce
WHEN I SPEAK with or correspond with people from various parts of the United States the issue on which everyone seems to agree is immigration. Everyone has his own horror story about what the influx of non-White immigrants has done to the community in which he lives or to his workplace.…