Posts Tagged
Darrell Brooks

The Darrell Brooks Farce
Semi-simian profile of anti-White murderer Darrell Brooks “I’m warning you — if you don’t heed my warning, you will be getting another warning, mister! And if you don’t heed that warning, like you’ve failed to heed every other warning, there are plenty more…

More Jewish Tricks
ADL boss Jonathan Greenblatt: He looks for all the world like a Mickey Spillane character who likes to torture kittens and fire revolvers into old ladies’ faces for laughs. by Douglas Mercer THE EVER-REPTILIAN egghead and professional evil Jew Jonathan Greenblatt is at again. He had his “experts”…

Waukesha: Just Around the Corner from Kenosha
Anti-White murderer and Black Lives Matter supporter Darrell Brooks and his maroon SUV: Taking direct aim at White teens and children and elderly in a Christmas parade — six have died so far; Jew-run MSNBC says this was an “accident.” The National Alliance demands that Brooks be…