If the Jews Disappeared from the Earth
by David Sims
MOST OF Israel’s population is Ashkenazi Jews, yet the average IQ of Israel is 94 or 95. The Ashkenazi Jews who are tested in the United States often score much higher, around 115. I’m not sure what’s going on with that, and I would very much like to hear a (true) explanation.
Some of my detractors have called me a bigot, but I’m not a bigot at all. I’m a racist. I prefer my own race to all others, in friendship, in business, in marriage. I approve of the fact that Whites are superior to most, if not all, other races in the ways we are indeed superior. I don’t hold illusions about race: I dispel them. I’m not a prejudiced man; I’m a man who knows what the facts really are.
However intelligent the Jews might be — and there is some reason to question that — it wasn’t the Jewish race that introduced the Earth’s peoples to each other. It was the White race. Although Jewish scientists have done significant work in the physical sciences, White scientists and engineers have done more. Whites are great explorers. Jews are mostly just great exploiters, and lazy ones at that, as their principal method is usury.
If the Jews disappeared from Earth, most of the world would sigh in relief at first, and later forget that the Jews ever existed. If we Whites disappeared from Earth, some of the other peoples on Earth would cheer at first, but as time went by they’d wish we were back because we, not Jews, are the ones that kept the civilized world civilized and running on time.
When a sufficient number of genetic markers is used, and the placement in allele-space of a great many individual human beings is plotted on a graph, it will be observed that most of mankind clusters into groupings. Those groupings are the graphical representation of the races.
Not every individual will appear amid such a grouping, however. Some individuals will be found in the interracial voids of the allele-space. It’s very much with individuals and races as it is with stars and galaxies. Although we find the highest density of stars in galaxies, there are some stars between the galaxies also. The existence of extra-galactic stars does not mean that galaxies do not exist, and anyone who argues to the contrary will get funny looks and be lampooned in images showing him speaking with smug “authority” in front of a background that shows a big spiral galaxy, or perhaps the Hubble Deep Field.
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Source: Author
Off topic (my latest video):
Anyone who believes the Jewish IQ thing does not know the principles of advertising and marketing (or the Jewish penchant for aggrandizing everything they do) and would benefit from studying the art of magic. Illusions which seem to be monumental are actually quite easily performed. . . frequently the easy way they are done is somewhat disappointing. That is a good starting point for understanding the way the world works.
I always keep hearing how they’re good with money. If that was the case, what was a homogeneous jewish society like (before Israel was formed)? As in barely any non-jews.
I think if this doesn’t explain the damn Kikes then I believe nothing will, this is an extract from a Wikipedia page on some Jew philosopher which you can look up yourself if you’re so inclined: “While a student at the Realschule, Wittgenstein was influenced by Austrian philosopher Otto Weininger‘s 1903 book Geschlecht und Charakter (Sex and Character). Weininger (1880–1903), who was Jewish, argued that the concepts male and female exist only as Platonic forms, and that Jews tend to embody the Platonic femininity. Whereas men are basically rational, women operate only at the level of their emotions and sexual organs. Jews, Weininger argued, are similar, saturated with femininity, with no sense of right and wrong, and no soul. Weininger argues that man must choose between his masculine and feminine sides, consciousness and unconsciousness, Platonic… Read more »
What good is a high IQ when it’s used for nothing but evil ?
Well I heard that they’re good with money. If that’s the case, then how come the world is going down the toilet instead of making it a healthier place with all that money?
” When we[Jews] introduced the poison of liberalism into the government organism, its entire political complexion changed.”…The 10th Protocol.
I recall reading at Vox Day’s site (voxday.net) a couple years ago that the much lauded “115 IQ average” for Jews was derived from a sampling of kids’ appications to a high achievement “day school” in 1957. So they filtered out the ones too poor to attend, too dumb to pass the test, and of course proceeded to insist that this extremely selective and probably massaged study from 60-odd years ago is the only proof whites need that “Jews totally aren’t dominating the west because of deception, cheating, and lies.”
Links to the posts I recall there about this very topic, from 2017 and 2018:
https://voxday.net/2018/04/29/the-myth-of-jewish-intelligence/ This one is the more conclusive rebuttal, I feel.
In Richard Lynn’s the global bell curve, it’s reported that avg. Ashkenazi Jewish IQ is 107. That 115 number comes for flawed studies done at elite Jewish prep schools in New York. We can actually repeat this result through statistical analysis of Israel’s population. Jews deliberately mislead the public to cover for their over-representation in elite positions; in fact, based on the IQ bell curve, the number of American whites with an IQ above 120 actually exceeds the total Jewish population.
I have a former long time White buddy who once told me that he had an IQ of 140. I have a generally negative opinion of people who find it necessary to try to impress others by boasting about their supposedly high IQ or about how many degrees they have beside their name on their resumes. I view that kind of boasting as evidence of said individual suffering from a narcissistic personality disorder, coupled with deep rooted feelings of insecurity, which drives them to want to try to impress others by engaging in occasional outbursts of ‘chest beating’. Oh, and this guy who claimed to have an IQ of 140? He rushed right down to the nearest vaccination center, rolled up his sleeve and took the EXPERIMENTAL death jab without… Read more »
The White race is superior to every other form of life being. The White man’s intelligence is far beyond IQ.
Read Ben Klassen and then you will know that no creature in the cosmos can compete with the Aryan man. Ben Klassen tells the entire truth while Charles Murray unfortunetaly needs to hide some aspects of the truth to publish his books. Even Amazon publishes his books but just because he is obligated to say that the Jews are the “Master race” but he knows that White race is superior to all other life forms in the history of Earth. I have read a National vanguard post that states “Charles Murray opened our White eyes” and I guess it’s important to read Murray’s books but to have a perfect reference it’s better to read Ben Klassen books. I will read both authors.
The Aryan brain is too evolved to be as simple as a number and two letters like “100 IQ”.
I have saw this in the internet: “Sorry, we aren’t equal. The entire world as it is today is the product of superior German intellect. There isn’t even equality among Whites. Let alone all races. Don’t agree? We can debate live on any A/V platform of your choosing. But I am not going to raise my children to believe they are the equals of Latin and Blacks that demands to be seen as equals after they walk out of a dentists office after having an entire tooth extracted without feeling the slightest discomfort. Jews aren’t fooling anyone anymore! Maybe except people of color by blowing smoke up your asses! My child has the genetic odds of being a world changer because I blew my load in a White woman! That’s precisely how… Read more »
I was watching a video about Stephen Hawking, which is a White man, and his IQ is 160 and he was so smart that found easy studying at Oxford University. I think that White intelligence must average 150 IQ, not just 120 IQ. Leonardo da Vinci has an IQ of 260 and he’s the brightest White man. Adolf Hitler has an IQ of 141 in stanford-binet scale. I guess there’s a range for White intelligence, which should be from 130 IQ to 280 IQ. From that I conclude that the average White IQ must be 205, because Whites are the smartest life form on Cosmos. But that is just speculation. In the National Vanguard article “The Myth of Ashkenazi Jewish and East Asian Intellectual Supremacy” (https://nationalvanguard.org/2021/11/the-myth-of-ashkenazi-jewish-and-east-asian-intellectual-supremacy/) says the IQ doesn’t… Read more »
I agree that intelligence and other good characteristics of Whites should be improved upon, Mr. Filippo. The National Alliance’s program includes obtaining the power of the state to implement an eugenics program. At this moment, what the White race needs the most of is those with guts to commit to the higher calling we in the National Alliance express. Moral courage is in even rarer supply than intelligence, yet is not difficult to have at all. Still, so many refuse to lift a finger for our race’s future, even when they’re ‘awake’ to our situation. Many commenters here have seen me post our call to join us through the National Alliance’s link to get started, and here it is again for your convenience. Show some moral courage and join us:… Read more »
If you believe Jesus they will disappear from the earth. He said neither root nor branch will remain. They certainly understand that which is why they despise him so much.
Just thinking about this idea feels like a breath of fresh air, a relief. It’s like when you’re stressed they tell you to plan your next vacation, because just the planning itself is enough to give you a little respite. But, I’m afraid all we will get in our lifetimes is this imaginary relief.