Wall Street Vultures Who Harmed Millions Go Unpunished, Retire as Billionaires

THE JEWISH founders of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), America’s first nationally celebrated “private equity” giant, have announced they’re stepping down as the company’s co-CEOs. Henry Kravis, now 77, and George “Roberts,” 78, helped found KKR in 1976. They opened up shop with (supposedly) $120,000 in capital to invest, and the even more valuable capital of their Jewish “connections” in the world of finance. Their KKR portfolio currently holds assets valued not all that far from half a trillion.
Kravis and Roberts also both personally now rank among America’s 100 richest, Roberts with a net worth of $9 billion and his cousin Kravis not far behind with $8.5 billion. In their retirement announcement, they declared themselves supremely “proud of what we have built” and proclaimed that “KKR still has so much potential even 45 years later.”
Global business commentators, predictably enough, have been gushing over Kravis and Roberts, extending to the pair all the plaudits the phenomenally rich consider their natural due. The Financial Times, for instance, has marveled that Kravis and Roberts began their illustrious career with one “dazzling insight” and ended it with another. No one has ever, the business journal added, “understood the concept of ‘other people’s money’ better.”
Kravis and Roberts gave a minuscule portion of their massive compensation packages (this year only) to a charity set up by them for the ostensible purpose of helping workers harmed by the Covid scare, which they said was “wreaking havoc on every country, every industry, every household, and virtually every single person.”
Kravis and Roberts, to be sure, certainly do know havoc. The private equity industry they pioneered has been wreaking massive amounts of it for over four decades now. In one niche of American economic life after another, private equity kingpins like Kravis and Roberts have been hollowing out the hopes of average working people and the communities they call home.
About 12 million Americans, some 7 per cent. of the nation’s workforce, are now laboring for firms that sit in private equity portfolios. That employment total would be considerably higher, analysts have calculated, had private equity not burst on America’s financial scene. In retail alone, one 2019 study reported, private equity takeovers have cost over 1.3 million U.S. workers their jobs.
Among the Victims
Among private equity’s many retail victims: some 33,000 Toys ‘R’ Us workers who lost their jobs when their retail colossus went bankrupt and liquidated in 2018, just over a dozen years after KKR and two other private-equity firms had bought up all of the company’s outstanding shares. That leveraged buyout saddled Toys ‘R’ Us with the massive debt that KKR and its partners had incurred to make the purchase. The burden of that debt, some $400 million a year, fell squarely on workers. They lost jobs, pay, and benefits to private equity’s machinations — as have workers across America’s retail landscape. Of the 14 largest retail bankruptcies since 2012, 10 have come at retailers that private equity firms swallowed up.
Last year, the Wall Street Journal identified the nation’s 38 surviving retailers with the weakest credit profiles. Private equity firms owned 27 of them. Between the massive debt private equity has foisted on retailers and the billions in fees and dividends that private equity has extracted from them, notes Jim Baker of the watchdog Private Equity Stakeholder Project, private equity “has made it more difficult” for retailers “to innovate in a changing industry.”
One typical storyline: KKR became retailer Academy Sports’ largest shareholder in 2011, then paid itself $900 million in dividends from Academy Sports Health over the next four years. A year ago, in April, Academy Sports furloughed a “substantial number” of its employees. Last month, KKR announced plans to sell its entire $853-million stake in the company.
Similar stories abound elsewhere in the US economy. Private equity firms. overwhelmingly owned and run by Jews, now own 11 per cent. of the nation’s nursing homes, and this ownership, says 2020 research from three prestigious US business schools, “has coincided with cost cutting, declining quality of care, and increasing violations discovered in government inspections.”
This past February, another study — out of the National Bureau of Economic Research — found that private equity nursing home ownership “increases the short-term mortality” of Medicare patients by 10 percent, a dynamic that over the 12 years studied led to over 20,000 premature deaths.
Private equity firms, observes The American Prospect’s David Dayen, seem to have a particular affection for collecting some of the nation’s “worst businesses,” outfits that range from for-profit colleges and payday lenders to bail companies and detention camps for children.
Fossil Fuels
The latest unsavory addition to private equity portfolios: the fossil fuel industry. Private equity funds, the New York Times reports, are “buying up offshore platforms, building new pipelines, and extending lifelines to coal power plants.”
KKR has become a major player in this space, notes a just-released Private Equity Stakeholder Project study, and “recently redoubled on fracking.” Private equity firms like KKR have been picking up fossil-fuel assets on the cheap, exploiting the eagerness of publicly traded oil companies eager to ditch their dirtier holdings in the face of growing public pressure. Sales to private equity firms let Big Oil look more environmentally conscious, but the environment — and the 17.6 million Americans who live within a mile of an active oil or gas well — get no relief.
Through all this wheeling and dealing, of course, private equity dealmakers just continue getting richer. That aggrandizement comes with the territory, with the “business model” that Henry Kravis and George Roberts have done so much to perfect. Characters like Kravis and Roberts — they mostly call themselves “general partners” — have over $7 trillion in assets under management, mostly raised, notes policy analyst Matt Stoller, from wealthy people and institutional investors like pension funds. They pay themselves by the rule of “2 and 20,” charging the enterprises they’ve bought up a 2 percent annual management fee on their assets under management and a 20 percent performance fee on profits above some benchmark level.
This 20 percent fee, in turn, gets treated as a “capital gain” for tax purposes, and this “carried interest” may now be the US tax code’s most notorious loophole, just one of the many ways government policies favor these Jewish firms. While they gut these businesses for any quick cash they can extract, millions of Americans suffer, lose their jobs, and face financial ruin — while “regulators,” often Jews themselves, look the other way.
But even real regulation might not be enough to tame the “animal spirits” the Kravis-and-Roberts crew has been visiting upon us. One reason is the common Jewish background of the thieves and money-men: “Always take” is an ancient Jewish maxim, and cheating non-Jews is considered not only not a crime, but a moral duty according to Jewish supremacists who are taught from an early age that “Gentiles are the enemy.”
Private equity, argues analyst Matt Stoller, amounts to “a highly ideological social movement that comes out of the modest conglomerate craze of the 1960s” and the junk bond mania (also Jewish in origin: see William Pierce on Michael Milken) that followed soon after. The essential lesson private equity’s pioneers gained from these episodes: Go for it. Get everything you can grab.
This type of behavior was once reviled by the better class of White business leaders, who once — I know it seems hard to believe — were dominant in this country.
The wealthier they became, the more they used their new wealth politically to stack the deck in their favor. They soon won the massive deregulation of the rules put in place to stop the nation’s original Robber Barons. They neutered the labor movement and white collar criminal enforcement. They invented “derivatives” and “hedge funds.” They birthed “private equity.”
Americans have a received, in effect, a half-century-long lesson in what happens when you let Jews do whatever what they want to do in a so-called “free enterprise” “level playing field” environment.
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Source: based on an article at Consortium News, with additions from National Vanguard correspondents
The Toys ‘Я Us demise is financially attributed to competition from online retailers such as Amazon and big general merchandise retailers with toy departments like Walmart and Target. Both of the last 2 have developed sizeable video game and console depts. When I last visited a TЯU, I marveled at some of the few hobby toys for older children; not just board games or plastic models kits, they required thinking and imagination. There were telescopes and motorized erector sets. There were still some traditional crafts toys. The big generals don’t have room or probably any interest in carrying much of those. So White kids have changed; with TV and school indoctrination, kits for building radios or chemistry sets requiring discipline to prepare them for adulthood have been replaced with video… Read more »
I noted the UPenn article quoted jews who naturally never mentioned the jewish parasites involved. There was also Bain and Co., Mitt Romney’s gang of vultures.
It also bemoans that TRU was full of inventory which ties up precious capital. That was in 2018. Now we’re seeing the downside of the just in time inventory model.
You are so correct about the lack of intellectually stimulating toys for young people. The other thing I notice is that I haven’t seen kids engaged in any athletic activity unless it is part of a structured organization. Besides getting much needed exercise, unstructured athletic games among neighborhood kids taught self-organizing, planning, conflict resolution and other useful skills.
There’s no such thing as a jewish billionaire. It’s a ruse to hide the fact that jews are a one-for-all and all-for-one collective. They are not individuals but want you to think that they are to hide the reality that they’re involved in a giant conspiracy. You have to look at all jews within the context of their history, which has been fraught with persecutions, perpetually brought upon them because of their collective criminality against entire nations. They sneak in to the host, collectively take over the host, kill the host, and then flee to the next host. jews must be looked at as an invading army with both upper management and lower foot soldiers, especially since their last expulsion from Germany was relatively recent compared to say, the spanish… Read more »
“Vultures Who Harmed Millions Go Unpunished, Retire as Billionaires…”
but, but they’re JEWS – they’re already above the Law …
I noticed the article criticizes Jews for investing in fossil fuels. (Are we going “woke” here in the white nationalist movement?) They are doing this because brainwashed white liberals are divesting from oil, coal and natural gas companies — all companies built by white industrialists. I get the need to transition away from fossil fuels and move into more sustainable forms of energy, but let’s be realistic: If we stop producing fossil fuels billions of people are going to starve and freeze to death. We are decades away from being able to run a technically advanced civilization off of windmills and solar panels, and we will never achieve the transition without oil and gas. I say let the markets sort this out. Turn it over to liberal idiots to manage… Read more »