“Spiritual Race”
by Andrew Hamilton
THIS IS a reply to NV commenter Angelicus, who argues that many part-Jews aren’t bad, and (by implication) should be biologically and culturally absorbed into the White community if their political views and behavior are consistent with ours. Condensing his argument:
“History is full of perfectly pure Aryans who have been faithful servants and defenders of international Jewry. On the other hand,” many part-Jews are praiseworthy. “Let’s not fall for a stupid, short-sighted purely material racism. ‘Spiritual racism’ is as good and important as ‘physical/biological racism.’”
I don’t know any White racialist who has ever advocated “stupid, short-sighted purely material racism.”
The writer believes it is “ridiculous” to think that Oswald Spengler’s “insignificant Jewish ancestry” (1/8 Jewish — one great-grandparent) could possibly have influenced his thought processes or values in any way.
Finally, “several of Spengler’s concepts and theories” are “not only valid but surprisingly accurate.”
Spengler set forth an hypothesis (or perhaps he thought it was scientific and irrefutable) that civilizations are born, grow, effloresce, age, decay, and die similar to living organisms. They can also be cut off in midlife, as he said happened to the great Latin American Indian civilizations. This was the primary theme of his major work, The Decline of the West.
In broad outline it is a plausible theory, and can’t be dismissed out of hand. I am not “anti-Spengler” in that sense.
However, I am biologically oriented when it comes to race. My starting point is comparable to that of conservation biologists concerned with the preservation of plant and animal species and subspecies.
Whites are an endangered human subspecies. In fact, the National Alliance used to produce — and now offers again for download and printing — an orange sticker: “Earth’s Most Endangered Species: THE WHITE RACE. Help preserve it.”
The ultimate objective is to move our people back onto a progressive, upward path. But we have to survive first. Collective survival is now an immediate, urgent concern.
Jewish intermixture with Whites pollutes the White gene pool. Only rarely does gene flow move in the opposite direction. I would never advocate accepting part-Jews. Obviously, the “more Jewish” part-Whites are, the worse, but I pay attention to any Jewish ancestry. The SS was onto something there.
Over generations, centuries, even millennia, Jewish genes have infiltrated the White gene pool. This has almost certainly contributed to our present plight.
Going forward it would be better to view part-Jews the way White Southerners viewed Black mixes: Rigidly classify all mixed-race offspring (e.g., Barack Obama, Lawrence Dennis [mulattos], quadroons, octoroons) as Black, not White, and through law and social policy divert the genes of such individuals outward and away from our people rather than carelessly permit them to genetically dilute our uniqueness.
Following this method we ended up with an American Black population that at one point was c. 25% White rather than a White population that was heavily tainted with Blackness. That isn’t ideal. In theory there should be no biological mixing whatsoever. But perhaps we should be practical. Such an outcome was far better than the reverse.
Mixed Jews should be treated no differently in that regard than Blacks were formerly treated. Jews aren’t White.
In fact, there should be a strong supposition that Jewish genes are “prepotent” in crosses with other races, including Whites, as some of their own experts believed at the turn of the twentieth century. It seems to be observationally true: thought, behavior, values.
As an aside, Jewish biologist Stanley Garn, who constructed his own taxonomy of human races, believed that American Negro admixture with Whites was sufficient to classify American Blacks — “of West-Africa and Northern European origin” — as a “hybrid local race of recent origin” distinct from Sub-Saharan Blacks who had remained in Africa. Such “hybrid races,” he said, “are moving toward new adaptive modes. By investigating them, we can catch ongoing human evolution on the march!” (Human Races, 3rd ed., Springfield, Ill.: Charles C. Thomas Publishers, 1971, p. 177.)
That’s evolution — or devolution — through admixture. Race-mixing shouldn’t be taken lightly. And Jewish-Aryan crosses are among the worst. For one thing, they harvest our best women on a massive scale.
I’ve read the “spiritual race” arguments — Spengler, Yockey, and recently Julius Evola — and find that facet basically misleading and unhelpful. It is vague, metaphorical, unempirical, and fraught with dangerous invitations to loose thinking, evasions of hard truths, and the shirking of duty.
Without question there are countless biologically White individuals who cannot and must not be accepted into any healthy White community, now or in the future. I’ve written about some of them (most recently Nancy Pelosi and her family, and Joseph Biden).
They present a huge problem that we must come to grips with. But “spiritual race,” whatever that is, doesn’t provide useful guidance or enlightenment. On the contrary, it tends to open the door to the acceptance of more race mixture among people who say they are pro-White.
* * *
Source: Author
This is a very interesting…and I may
add…accurate appraisal of the racial
situation here in South Carolina. I grew
up in a segregated Southland, so my
firsthand experience with human
sexuality was with members of my
own race. Along the way as a young
person, there were also similar
experiences with the Negro race.
I do not particular take pride in that
situation, nor would I indulge in that
type of endeavor, should it present
itself today. Someone once said,
“hindsight is always 20/20.” I am sure
this could not be said for Bill de Blasio.
My Fathers side of the family were jews. My Mom is not a yid and neither was my Dad’s Mom. Would I be disqualified from National Alliance membership?
concerned nigger asks: My Fathers side of the family were jews. My Mom is not a yid and neither was my Dad’s Mom. Would I be disqualified from National Alliance membership?
Yes, concerned nigger.
Was your paternal grandmother the “Nubian in the fuel supply,” as W.C. Fields put it?
The Orange Sticker only tells the result, but not the CAUSE of the problem. The sticker should read something like ABOLISH JEWISH GENOCIDE OF THE WHITE RACE or it must contain just W H O and W H A T is the cause of white Genocide. If we don’t name the jew up front our white folk will think it’s New World Order folk, or Democrats, or (((they))), or Liberals, or Nazzis, or BLM or ANTIFA or UN or Communists, or any other cowardly hobgoblin whites are too afraid to name the jew. As Dr. Pierce explained, we are not seeing the forest for the trees. The JEW is the problem, Without the jew, there would BE NO PROBLEM. No fall of Rome, no fall of Egypt, no Spanish American… Read more »
Jim: The Orange Sticker only tells the result, but not the CAUSE of the problem. The sticker should read something like ABOLISH JEWISH GENOCIDE OF THE WHITE RACE or it must contain just W H O and W H A T is the cause of white Genocide. — TMI, Jim (Too Much Information). The Orange Sticker is meant to quickly grab the attention of Whites who see it with that alarming truth, not try to explain how it happened. Those who then go to our Websites, or who send the $3 for more information, will not only get an understanding of what’s behind that simply stated truth but the solution in the booklet we’ll send them, or they can read it for free, here: What is the National Alliance? |… Read more »
Andrew Hamilton have you read Tanstaafl’s work on half/crypto Jews over at age of treason blog? His many encounter s with ‘pro-White’ Jews seeking to infiltrate White nationalism are very instructive. For that matter have you read E. Furlong’s article ‘the dirty secret; thoughts on being a mischling ‘? I think the comments there are a good example of how Whites respond to this idea.
Also should people with Jewish ancestry be made to own up to it? How should those people be treated in White nationalism?
No, I am not familiar with Tanstaafl’s work that you mention, though I’ve probably heard or read portions of it over the years.
I made a post about Francis Parker Yockey recently, and Tanstaafl had examined his positions in depth. I don’t recall anything he said about Yockey that I disagreed with. I don’t believe he made reference to Yockey probably/possibly being part-Jewish, though he might have, since I may not have read everything he wrote about Yockey. If he said it on podcasts I did not hear it.
If anyone happens to know where Coogan referenced Yockey being 1/4 Jewish I’d appreciate knowing what he said, for I have no recollection of that.
Furlong I don’t believe I’ve heard of.
Oh, whew! I thought you might be referring to the Yockey of “Imperium” fame!
Let me look up the reference to Yockey’s grandfather in Coogan. Might take a few days as it’s a long book and it’s not in the index.
If you put 1 drop of excrement into a gallon of water, you end up with 1 gallon of excrement that is going to make you sick if you drink it.
Tout a fait vrai. Salutation de Roumanie. (All true. Greetings from Romania.)
I can’t but half wonder if the letter was from a part-Jew.
Here is some material related to the
subject matter in this thread:
Mr Hamilton: I expect to be misunderstood but I resent to be misrepresented and that is what you have done, and very badly. 1) I NEVER argue that Aryans who have some Jewish blood “aren’t bad” (your words, not mine!) I just made the point that SOME Germans who happened to have some Jewish blood behaved honourably as loyal citizens of the Third Reich. The Nuremberg laws classified those with 1/4 of Jewish blood as “Mischling Zweiten grades” which means “Of Mixed race in the 2nd degree”, as such, they were considered German citizens (that was TOO generous in my opinion). We know that some of them behave honourably during WW2, but, we shall never know how many didn’t do so and engaged in sabotage or treason. So, if you… Read more »
Saying I “misrepresented” your position is itself a misrepresentation. No “spiteful” assumptions were made. You’re addressing the man who wrote the comment, and I happen to know my own state of mind. My goal is to (try to) understand people, not misrepresent them. I provided the link to your original comment so that anyone could read it in its entirety for themselves. It sounds as if I misunderstood you, and this clarification sets matters straight–unless I’m unintentionally misunderstanding you a second time. As for Point 1, I too am uncomfortable with that degree of Jewishness. The South’s treatment of Black mixture was better; and even then some snuck through (e.g., Lawrence Dennis). I don’t see why the treatment of Jews should be more lenient than the treatment of Blacks was… Read more »
Like you, I’m also tired of having the word “principle” conflated with its unfortunate synonym, “spiritual.” Sure, the old adage about the contrast between the letter and spirit of the law (which accurately illustrates the misnomer) can be used, but too many people hear “spiritual” and it derails their brains’ focus off into a sort of a general (((christian))) fantasy. In this specific case, “spiritual” racism seems to mean the world-view and self-image expressed by the environmental factors by which one’s racial characteristics evolved (and/or relatively devolved) which means a propensity for honesty OR hypocrisy.
What I am most amazed about is the American notion of
“white supremacy”. All white Americans strive to prove that
they are not supreme. Yet it is the task of the Jewish “accu-
sers” to prove that whites cannot be superior at all! With what
counter-arguments do they support their cowardly perversion
of the truth, which is presented as a derogatory “accusation”?
It is devastating to see how race mixing has surged over even the past 15 years. There was a time, at most two generations ago that it was virtually unthinkable for a white woman to mix with a black. But any degeneracy is possible given time and a universal press from every organ of an evil elite. And the mask is now completely off of the tyrants who sit in total control.
I’ve solved this. I’ll quote and deconstruct three small excerpts from your article: (1) Re: ““several of Spengler’s concepts and theories” are “not only valid but surprisingly accurate.” – “Spengler set forth an hypothesis (or perhaps he thought it was scientific and irrefutable) that civilizations are born, grow, effloresce, age, decay, and die similar to living organisms. They can also be cut off in midlife, as he said happened to the great Latin American Indian civilizations. This was the primary theme of his major work, The Decline of the West. In broad outline it is a plausible theory, and can’t be dismissed out of hand. I am not “anti-Spengler” in that sense.” This is mere idolatry aka ideology, idealized ideas, and a lying metaphor (unlike analogies, which say “This is LIKE… Read more »
There’s nothing wrong with “racism” – which is merely our brains’ pattern-detecting ability + our free association rights, to freely associate (or not) with those we find compatible (or not). Without “racism,” no “races” would even exist! It’s the liberal hypocrites’ pretense that racism is “bad” that’s the real problem. After all, everyone does it, marrying their own – making the Asians numerically the most racist, followed by the Hindus, then the Blacks, then the mixed White/Asian/Black “latino” and semitic mulatos, and finally, having mixed with those others, and yet remaining THE global minority, the very least “racist” race: the Whites! Telling people “racism is bad!” is to tell them to turn off their brains’ ability to discriminate patterns and to give up their free-association rights – it’s a way… Read more »
There is no doubt in my mind that Bill Gates is a crypto jew from his mother’s side so I concur completely that the threat of jewish admixture absolutely corrupts the white man’s progeny. Bill Gates is absolutely possessed in trying to socially engineer the world towards a centralized control grid that will ultimately make everyone a dependent. He is also like many jews a worshipper of the negro race and doesn’t mind being cradled in their arms so to speak as evidenced in this photo.
Here’s an interesting (albeit cause-and-effect reversed, pre-posterous/backwards) take on this, too: https://gab.com/VLADDI/posts/106717221665045821 In reality, religion doesn’t cause evolution, but it may contribute to devolution as those honest people who didn’t “Believe!” the fantasy lies got killed off.
The south has a freemason problem if it is not addressed soon your organization will fail period.
Apparently the parasitic behavior of the Jew manifests itself into its conception of abstract reality as much as in anything else. Not surprising at all when you think about it; why would it be different from their behavior in the other areas of existence? Their real goal might only get more subtle/concealed in literate expression, so much that you could wonder wether it’s a deliberate strategy or a sincere belief; but essentially it always comes down to: making the object they’re interacting with (humans, any one element of reality) in order for them to facilitate its using, resource-extracting, neutralizing or whatever satisfies their need. The only difference when they philosophize, one could suppose, is that they might be unaware of the real need behind their spreading of this or that… Read more »