Andrew HamiltonEssays

Lawrence Dennis and the Great Sedition Trial of 1944

American fascist Lawrence Dennis, known in a former life as the “mulatto child evangelist,” in a 1944 press photo. He was a defendant in the Roosevelt Administration’s mass Sedition Trial to jail Americans who had criticized Jews or opposed entry into WWII.

by Andrew Hamilton

AS I STATED in a recent essay, even broadly sympathetic authors of mixed-race background who are tarred as “haters” by Jewry and the government can introduce distortions into otherwise straightforward discussions of race, thereby leading unsuspecting people astray.

The (evidently) part-Jewish Francis Parker Yockey (Imperium [1948]) is one example.

Lawrence Dennis (The Coming American Fascism [1936] and The Dynamics of War and Revolution [1940]) is another.

Dennis was widely embraced by the racialist right in the 1940s despite studiously avoiding discussions of race and Jews. He focused on economics. Moreover, Dennis was a fascist rather than a racialist, much less a White racialist. Despite the Left’s habit of lumping White racialism and “fascism” together, the two are quite distinct, as National Alliance founder William Pierce succinctly pointed out in 1970.

A January 20, 1941 Life magazine attack on opponents of the looming World War dubbed Dennis “America’s No. 1 intellectual Fascist.”

Curiously, Yockey’s posthumous patron Willis Carto was also a fan of Dennis. A large two-page spread in The Spotlight of March 18, 1991, “Prophetic Warnings of Lawrence Dennis Are Timely Today,” lauded the author as “the greatest populist theoretician of the 20th Century.”

Written by Michael Collins Piper, the article was a trademark mix of Piper’s straightforward reporting and wrong facts, most of the latter exasperatingly minor (he says there were 31 defendants in the 1944 Sedition Trial instead of 30), others glaring. For example, this whopper: “Born in Atlanta, Dennis descended from a long line of native Americans.” Piper meant Anglo-Saxons, not Indians. His next sentence mentioned the socially prestigious Eastern education his subject, who had no known Indian ancestry, received; no mention whatsoever was made of Dennis’s Black pedigree.

Dennis as a little boy was a celebrated religious showman. Known as the “mulatto child evangelist,” he began preaching to Black congregations in Atlanta before he was five: “By the age of fifteen he had toured churches throughout the United States and England and addressed hundreds of thousands of people.” At age ten he wrote an autobiography, “Life-Story of the Child Evangelist Lonnie Lawrence Dennis,” which Leftist academics say is “essential for information on his youth.”

Cutting ties with his Negro family in his teens, he somehow obtained an Eastern education at Phillips Exeter Academy and Harvard University before joining the US diplomatic corps and then J.W. Seligman & Co., a Wall Street investment banking firm.

In those days (the late 1920s) Jewish Wall Street firms hardly ever hired Gentiles. Indeed, as late as the 1950s a young Warren Buffett was shocked when his Jewish idol, a wealthy New York City hedge fund manager, refused to hire him because he was White. (Eventually Buffett was hired.) Forever after, the oracle of Omaha worshiped Jews, including his bigoted boss.

Lawrence Dennis’s exposés of Wall Street’s shady Latin American dealings in the Left-wing The Nation and The New Republic magazines in 1930 launched his career as a public intellectual. His books The Coming American Fascism (1936) and The Dynamics of War and Revolution (1940) established his reputation as America’s leading fascist theoretician. On European tours he met Hitler, Mussolini, and other Fascist and National Socialist personages.

Dennis married in 1933 and had affairs with numerous women during the course of his wedded life. It’s safe to assume that all of the women, including his wife, were White. He had two mixed-race daughters, whether or not they looked it.

At some point after his 16th birthday, probably when he moved North to attend school, Dennis had begun passing as White. He kept his bristly hair close-cropped. People who met him noted his “bronzed” or swarthy complexion, but did not think he was Black. Charles Lindbergh wondered whether some of his ancestors “might have come from the near east.”

World Jewry declared a “holy war” against Germany in 1933 and began whipping elites and masses everywhere into a frenzy of hatred against the nation. Part of the campaign assumed the form of ruthless attacks on anybody — famous or virtually unknown — who dissented from their political demands.

Incensed at Dennis’s anti-interventionism and perceived sympathy for Italy and Germany, the Jews, who even then postured as noble colorblind race mixers, secretly researched his racial background after receiving a tip that he wasn’t White, presumably from a Southern Jew. They discovered that he had a Black mother and a White father, according to Jewish ADL operative Arnold Forster (real name Fastenberg).

Today, Establishment academics and “journalists” say that Dennis was mixed-race, and identify his Black biological mother by name — he was adopted by another family when he was three or four years old — but claim that nothing whatsoever is known about his biological father, who Leftists do not even explicitly say is White. Yet the ADL’s Forster wrote that his operatives relied upon specific names and addresses, and unequivocally identified the father as “White.”

Dennis touring London as a boy evangelist. The Black woman has been variously described as his aunt or foster mother.

To harm Dennis’s public reputation and influence, the “anti-racist” ADL funneled its secret find to Jewish gossip columnist Walter Winchell (real name Winschel), one of America’s most powerful men. Winchell exerted enormous influence over America’s movers and shakers, including J. Edgar Hoover’s FBI and the Justice Department.

The columnist and popular radio broadcaster served as a regular conduit for the dissemination of dirt, gossip, and disinformation obtained through the ADL’s vast spy network, the purpose of which was to advance Jewish power and hurt or destroy anyone Americans Jews wanted out of the way.

Just like today, the ADL combined dirty tricks, criminal activity, group defamation, hate speech, and doxing with the formidable power of corrupt government bureaucrats, politicians, prosecutors, judges, police, and secret police eager to do its bidding.

The unscrupulous Winchell publicized Dennis’s Negro background in his syndicated newspaper column read by millions of people.

A Sinister Prosecution

Following Pearl Harbor, the Jewish Administration of Franklin Roosevelt decided to stage a high-profile media trial to jail people who had criticized Jews or spoken against the war.

Between 1942 and 1944 three successive indictments were issued against various defendants for a mass show trial to be conducted in Washington, DC (the first two indictments were rejected by the courts, but some defendants were jailed anyway).

It’s pretty obvious the trial was modeled after “heroic” ally Uncle Joe Stalin’s famous proceedings, adapted to American circumstances.

Early in 1944 Dennis and 29 other opponents of the war, mostly publishers of small independent newsletters written for White conservatives and racialists, were arrested in their homes in a nationwide sweep by US Marshals and indicted for “conspiring” with Adolf Hitler and National Socialist Germany to overthrow the US government. This remained the gist of the case, though at the last minute the defendants were technically charged with undermining the US military.

Organized Jewry was in league with the federal government in staging this disgusting show trial: “The Anti-Defamation League was the catalyst behind the entire Sedition Trial” one of the defendants declared decades later, after carefully reviewing his FBI file.

Jewry and the Democratic Administration viewed the trial as a test run for hauling in bigger fish later, including Charles Lindbergh, Sears Roebuck head General Robert E. Wood, Father Charles Coughlin, Henry Ford, and various nonconformist senators and congressmen.

Please keep the gravity and magnitude of this intended criminal purge in mind when observing and evaluating Jewry’s, the Left’s, and the Deep State’s current nationwide race riots, armed Antifa and Black militias, and legislative, prosecutorial, judicial, Internet, and media responses to Charlottesville and the Capitol. It is imperative that you know your enemy.

Too many Republican officials, and more than a few White businessmen, bureaucrats, and Democrats lulled by the (seemingly) slow-motion nature of this coup and the mistaken belief that “I’m White, but I adore Jews, Blacks, and immigrants and don’t give a damn how many (other) Whites are brutalized, discriminated against, imprisoned, or murdered; that has always benefited me and always will,” are not taking the haters seriously. What’s happening today is far more sweeping than what occurred in the 1940s, and openly targets victims by race.

If there is a goyishe kop (“Gentile brains” or “Gentile head,” a racially insulting Yiddish term) — and there is — there is also a “Jewish head,” which does not reflect well on that evil race or the Gentiles who eagerly serve it and act as its apologists (there’s that goyishe kop again).

To supply a pretext for prosecuting unrelated citizens from around the country in a single trial in Washington, DC, a federal crime had to have been committed by each of them within the District. To create this, a reporter for the Washington Post, secretly working with the federal prosecutor, requested under an assumed name that the victims’ newsletters be mailed to him at an address within the District. The mailing and receipt of the “seditious” literature supplied the necessary jurisdiction.

The Post, which also acted as an Administration mouthpiece throughout the proceedings, was thus a key player in the Sedition Trial. The influential newspaper was owned by the wealthy Jew and former Federal Reserve Board chairman Eugene Meyer, father of later Post publisher Katharine Meyer Graham, a half-Jew.

Franklin Roosevelt, or rather his Jewish advisers, personally selected the prosecutor, a de facto Communist (no, I am not exaggerating), and the judge, a former Democratic congressman from Iowa and former chairman of the SEC.

Both of these functionaries were German Americans. The judge was the son of a Mennonite bishop; the prosecutor was a protégé of Felix Frankfurter, who later became a Justice of the US Supreme Court.

After the death of the presiding judge in late 1944 a mistrial was declared and the indictments dismissed, though for three long years powerful elements within Jewry and the government persisted in trying to reactivate the case.

Various underground accounts of the proceedings have been written. A good if moderately lengthy article to read is by one of the defendants: David Baxter, “The Great Sedition Trial of 1944: A Personal Memoir,” Journal of Historical Review (Spring 1985).

Informed readers will immediately recognize Charlottesville, the James Fields show trial, the Capitol proceedings, and many other contemporary injustices in Baxter’s account. It’s all there.

Lawrence Dennis and Maximilian J. St. George, A Trial on Trial (1946), Dennis’s account of the Roosevelt Administration’s mass sedition case against noninterventionists, many of whom had criticized Jewish power.

The only reason you can even know what happened to Baxter is because Willis Carto founded the Institute for Historical Review, whose journal published Baxter’s first-person account. Otherwise, his ordeal would long ago have disappeared down the memory hole, completely unknown to the world. Of course, precious few people know about it anyway.

Baxter, whose tyrannical persecution triggered his conversion from agnosticism to Christianity, groveled in the end, as he frankly admits, but you can see what Whites were — and are — up against.

Lawrence Dennis analyzed the trial in a book of his own.

The main takeaway is that due to his mixed-race heritage, which he concealed in order to pass as White, Dennis promoted fascism rather than racialism, primarily among White racialists who were supposed to be sophisticated, or at least conscious, about such matters — just as the part-Jewish Yockey promoted a disingenuous, quasi-mystical concept of “spiritual” race in derogation of biological race.

Though not dishonest in the conventional sense, certain ideas are consciously or unconsciously motivated by hidden racial influences that are ultimately damaging to White survival.

* * *

Source: Author

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Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
19 July, 2021 9:37 pm

Interesting. I read this book many years ago.
I never in a thousand years would have
guessed that Lawrence Dennis had a
“nigger in the woodpile!”

Salomon turner
Salomon turner
20 July, 2021 12:00 am

Yockey reminds me of Evola in this regard.

Reply to  Salomon turner
21 July, 2021 4:46 pm

When he mentioned Yockey’s “mystical race” belief in one of the previous articles, Evola immediately came to mind. I’ve never seen it come up too much whenever I’ve seen anything written on Evola but one has to wonder A). Did he cause any damage like Yockey and Dennis and if so to what extent? and B). Did he have some mixed blood in the family woodpile?

Andrew Hamilton
Andrew Hamilton
Reply to  Salomon turner
22 July, 2021 12:11 am

A few words about Evola. First, I have not read many of his works. At the time I was learning about race none of his political-ideological books or articles had been translated into English. (Evola wrote in Italian.) Second, he is a renowned exponent of esotericism and occultism. These are things he believed in. Only a few works in this category initially existed in English, and he became known through them to a small circle here. In fact, the esoteric works and ideas were first introduced by Establishment (Left-wing) figures, I believe. I tend toward the empirical. It is only in the last two decades that his overtly political works have been translated into English—and most of those in the past decade, by small independent publishers. I have read a… Read more »