David SimsEssays

The Lies Told by the Lying Liars Who Commodified the Lie

by David Sims

THE JEWS have controlled the “mainstream” media in the West since they bought out the press in the early 1900s. They did that, at least in part, because Adolphe Cremieux told them to “capture the press” at an Alliance Israelite Universelle meeting in Krakow in the 1890s. They used it as a means of mind control until the rise of the Internet in the 1990s, and they’ve been working hard to regain their media monopoly by capturing the World Wide Web, too.

What CNN and MSNBC and the rest are currently doing is nothing new. They’ve always lied to us. The only difference is that, increasingly, we know them to be liars now, whereas before 1990 many of us believed every lie they told us. In order to acquire CNN for Time Warner, a Jewish media boss named Gerald Levin told Ted Turner a whopping pack of lies and false promises. Lies, lies, lies.

Tucker Carlson threw some light on the habitual and extreme lying from the “mainstream” media… as if this weren’t something that we already knew. It’s good to hear his acknowledgement of his industry’s duplicity though.

One thing Tucker didn’t come clean on, however, was the connection between the dishonesty of the mainstream media and the fact that nearly all of those media are run by Jews. I guess that much honesty would have been a step too far.

But why are so many of the best makers of deception Jews?

Jews, in disproportionately great numbers, seem to have a talent for any sort of activity that involves getting into someone else’s mind and turning the thinking and opinions of that person in the direction they want them to go, even when doing so involves some disregard of the facts.

Jews are frequently good storytellers, and there are many other talented Jewish writers of fiction besides Asimov and Silverberg. Not only are Jews often good authors, they are also commonly skillful lawyers, excellent teachers, persuasive advertisers, accomplished movie-makers, clever politicians, cleverer propagandists, and good liars. Very good liars. Jews are adapted to their peculiar set of skills, and that’s why they are dangerous to everyone else.

* * *

Source: Author

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27 April, 2021 2:04 pm

“But why are so many of the best makers of deception Jews?” Well it’s all sociobiological. As Dr Macdonald has stated, deception is how the inbred jews have survived through the centuries, thus deception is in their gene pool. They simply know no other way of thinking.

Reply to  stump
9 October, 2021 6:38 am

Judaism is a cult founded by ancient Egyptians such as Moses and taught to a tribe of Greeks chosen by them from amongst Grecian immigrants. Jews are merely the ancient mongrel golem of subsequent Rabbi’s much like a machine or an ant herd, are the same as the moronic ideologies they found in their secular diaspora amongst the goyim they feed on…the first rabbi was not a Jew while Judaism is as much a tool of the rabbinate as Communism is a tool of Jews…Jews have no power for those who don’t believe them and that means never to heed anything the shabbos goyim say, ever…which means to trust no public figure, least of all Christians from whom sprang the Freemason form whom sprang the Communists. Judaism amongst us feeds… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
27 April, 2021 8:52 pm

As far as I know, their religious texts even command them to lie, at least to non-Jews.

Craig Kenney
Craig Kenney
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
4 May, 2021 11:13 am

The Talmud is a book of loopholes whereby the jew gets around God’s commands.

Reply to  Craig Kenney
5 May, 2021 7:07 am

Imagine a people who write a book that allows them to get around the ‘commands’ of a ‘God’ they invented.
Is it any wonder that they also invented psychoanalysis ?

Patrick Pappano
Patrick Pappano
28 April, 2021 6:43 am

Back in the 1980s, a German friend told me the Jews controlled the media and the narrative in the U.S. I blew it off as just German jealousy of the Jews. Then around 1990, I was in a German city preparing for a Danube River cruise and I noticed Germans shouting in the streets for the Turks to go home. There were definitely some Turkish looking faces in the crowd. My own view at the time was that the Germans were behaving badly. Now as I look back I am confronted with my own failure of discernment. Why didn’t I see it, I ask myself. Jefferson said it best, if a people living in a more successful civilization think they can do so without an active defense of it, they… Read more »

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
29 April, 2021 1:43 pm

Personally, I suspect that Jews are the largest Ethnic Group in America. The claim that the Germans are, is merely a deception!

Reply to  Twin Ruler
5 May, 2021 7:10 am

Looking at finance, media, government, certain businesses and, to some extent, medicine and education, you could sometimes get that impression.

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
7 May, 2021 7:03 pm

No kidding. I seriously doubt that Germans, whatever their numbers, have much influence at all in American Society. Notice, they are usually presented as Nazis in movies and television. This is much like how Italians are presented as members of the Mafia in movies and television.

The only other group of people who are ever as consistently vilified by movies and television as the Nazis are the Mafia. I find that very interesting!

Reply to  Twin Ruler
8 May, 2021 6:33 pm

I’ve gotten the impression that the German-Americans have been keeping a low profile since WWI, which brought the ultra-vile character assassination propaganda against Germans to America. It may also depend on which part of the country you’re in, the Great Lakes/Midwest region being generally more strongly German than the rest, although there’s quite a bit of German heritage in Texas, for example. Funny thing about the Mafia is that it isn’t actually Italian in origin, but Middle Eastern. Sicily was under Moslem occupation for hundreds of years, and the Italian coastal areas, especially in the south, were raided by Middle Eastern and North African pirates and slave traders many times during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. If you check into the ethnic background of many Mafia bosses, you’ll find that… Read more »

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
9 May, 2021 3:49 pm

Very intriguing.

Reply to  PrinzEdelhart
14 December, 2021 7:09 am

‘Russian and Ukrainian Mafia’ are code words for Jewish mafia.

Even Capolla’s The Godfather movies, ostensibly about intra-generational Italian crime families, implicitly acknowledged the Jewish place in the upper hierarchy of US orgamized crime – in Part 2, Jew Rothstein is the real grand old patriarch of vice and graft, and Jew Greene created Las Vegas as a ground up centre for unrestrained vice and graft. In 19-20th century Jews were at forefront of US organized crime – Murder Inc, etc were basically Jewish street gangs – with time, the survivors laundered their money and many bought into legitimate businesses, not least the media, where they continue to cover their tracks by whitewashing their place in history of US organized crime syndicates.

29 April, 2021 7:37 pm

Why does everyone always to forge to post the (((FOX))) infograph ?


Albeit it is missing some heebs like Jessy Waters and few others and Murdoch is himself an oven dodger (mothers maiden name is GreenE) .

And someone really needs to make one of these for (((ABC))) too.

Craig Kenney
Craig Kenney
Reply to  joe
4 May, 2021 11:31 am

Watters is of Irish, English, Welsh descent. Gutfelds father was a German jew.

Reply to  Craig Kenney
4 May, 2021 9:56 pm

NO , he is a Yid I have found articles where he it says he is Jewish https://affairpost.com/who-is-jesse-watters-wife-noelle-watters-her-wiki-age-fox-news-job-religion-salary-nationality/ from the article “Watters’ Religion Noelle is still married to Jesse Watters, who was born on 9th July 1978, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA, and grew up with his parent’s father Stephen Watters and mother Anne Watters – the family is of the Jewish religion.” And just take one look at him he looks exactly like (((David Schwimmer))) FFS Your jewdar needs maintenance take it into the shop for a tune up. oh and before anyone questions the validity of the source here Let’s just stop and think for a moment , (((who))) is it that likes to write about and promote adultery and affairs? Oh I don’t know maybe people like (((Noel Bidderman)))… Read more »

Craig Kenney
Craig Kenney
Reply to  joe
5 May, 2021 10:40 am

“Your jewdar needs maintenance take it into the shop for a tune up.”

That’s why I subscribe to this web site. I’m just going on what I read. Usually I will type Rabbi before the surname and Google it and see if anything comes up. (((Wikipedia))) usually will tell you but that’s going to change as they said they were going to stop printing their ethnic origin.

Reply to  Craig Kenney
5 May, 2021 7:59 pm

Also try putting jew or jewish after the persons full name and always try Bing if you do not get results from google and also train your eye to spot the features of the different varieties of jews.

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Craig Kenney
5 May, 2021 8:35 pm

Tune up on this:comment image&q=0&b=1&p=0&a=0

David Thomas
David Thomas
3 May, 2021 8:21 am

And they are very adept at manipulating the altruistic nature of empathetic people to the point of dysfunction.

Craig Kenney
Craig Kenney
4 May, 2021 11:11 am

As far as naming the jew, Ann Coulter came came closer than any goy in the MSM. Look where it got her. Relative obscurity.

Alex Wells
Alex Wells
6 May, 2021 5:49 pm

THE JEWS have controlled the “mainstream” media in the West since they bought out the press in the early 1900s. They did that, at least in part, because Adolphe Cremieux told them to “capture the press” at an Alliance Israelite Universelle meeting in Krakow in the 1890s.

This is undoubtedly one of the most significant events in all of Western history, yet I was unaware of it until I read it here. In a healthy society, it would be taught to all White adolescents in school.

Reply to  Alex Wells
13 May, 2021 6:29 pm

Greetings Alex Wells. After Crakow was destroyed by the Mongols twice, a German state, Bamberg if I recall correctly, rebuilt the city as an architectural marvel complete with statues. Because the Poles in Crakow did not oppose the Germans (unlike Warsaw) the German military only attacked a few strategic targets (airport, railway) and left the citizens alone. I suspect the Jewish-captured press were antagonistic to Germans from the beginning in the early 1900s and that they did not thank the Germans for their city.

Joe Lowsac
Joe Lowsac
6 May, 2021 10:26 pm

It is not for nothing that their name has become a byword for dishonesty. Their lying is pathological.

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
7 May, 2021 7:11 pm

The Jews would not want any to properly assimilate to the American Way of Life. If any German Americans could, too many would! That is precisely why Jews make sure there is nothing to assimilate to.

Reply to  Twin Ruler
13 May, 2021 6:12 pm

Yes, Twin Ruler, Germans make good citizens in any country and promote that country’s interests. Jews make bad citizens in any country and promote their own interests even whilst disguising themselves as good citizens according to their ‘Hypocritric Oath’.

10 May, 2021 8:30 pm

Without words, the Jews have NO power !

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
11 May, 2021 8:01 am

Warn your children, of College Age, not to go to Bucks County Community College in Newtown Pennsylvania. This is especially so, if you or your children are of German ancestry, or any of the various ancestries which can easily be mistaken for being German– English, Dutch, any Scandinavian ancestry. Because let me tell you something, the Faculty, Students, and especially the Office of Public Safety itself, are, for the most part anti-German bigots. I, myself, am of English ancestry. But, being easily mistaken for a German American, I had to suffer much harassment and cruelty at their hands. To this day, I have PTSD from what I had suffered then. And, as I always say: those who hate Germans in particular, hate Whites in general; those who hate Whites in… Read more »

Reply to  Twin Ruler
13 May, 2021 6:18 pm

Twin Ruler, the world’s most hypocritical hateful people accuse others of being hateful. They especially resent good people. I like your quote – it will eventually become an Internet meme. Send a copy to the Jews who i expect administer your local German embassy.

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
Reply to  Truthweed
19 May, 2021 8:58 pm

We have got to get the word out, about how awful Bucks County Community College really is. After all, some long haired hoodlums threatened me with knives, there. There is, I guess, lots of gang activity there. Do me a favor, Truthweed, do speak out against BCCC. We have to warn people not to send their sons or daughters to that horrid place.

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
Reply to  Truthweed
30 May, 2021 9:49 am

None should have to ever attend that place!

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
11 May, 2021 8:30 am

To understand how The Holocaust would seem unique to the Jewish mind, one must envision a strange type of farm, wherein the Cattle rise up, along with the other livestock, and slaughter the farmers and other farm workers, instead of the other way about. Now, understandably, if that were to actually happen, the Agricultural Industry would perceive something diabolically supernatural about that. This, of course, is how Jews perceive The Holocaust: why it is so Unique in their view. Notice, by contrast, how Soviet sins are almost completely ignored by the US Media. This, of course, is due to the fact that almost all the victims of the Gulag were Goyim, and many of the NKVD Guards were Jewish. This is the reverse of what happened in The Holocaust. The… Read more »

Reply to  Twin Ruler
12 May, 2021 7:49 pm

Greetings Twin Ruler. The WW2 holocaust [hoax] is unique to the Jewish mind because they are accustomed to committing many genocidal holocausts during thousands of years, and during WW2 the Jewish liars falsely told other Jews, and the world that they were being ‘holocausted’. In fact, Jews holocausted the Germans, and also indirectly starved the Jews in the camps that Germans created to keep Jews alive.

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
Reply to  Truthweed
13 May, 2021 12:46 am

No kidding. They celebrate their genocides in Deuteronomy of the Holy Bible.

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
11 May, 2021 6:04 pm

The Jewish people are very interesting. However one may feel about them, one can give them that. For, after all, if there is something one can never accuse them of being, it is Egalitarians. After all, they believe themselves to be The Chosen People, divinely destined to rule over all the rest of us, Goyim. Ergo, no True Jew could ever be a Feminist for the same reason one could never be a Communist. After all, as said before, Jews are not Egalitarians. They are quite cunning when it comes to entryism though. They thoroughly infiltrated both movements to their own ends- ends which are harmful to Goyim. Intriguingly enough, Feminist Ideology does not work on either Black or Muslim men. They are as Toxically Masculine as ever. But perhaps,… Read more »

Reply to  Twin Ruler
13 May, 2021 6:08 pm

Greetings Twin Ruler. The next time I meet a feminist (male or female) I will ask whether they have observed any characteristic background that is common to feminist leaders.

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
Reply to  Truthweed
15 May, 2021 4:08 pm

Feminism is pretty much gone. It served its purpose. Now, it is infiltrated and superseded by the Gay Agenda, which itself is pretty much eclipsed by the Trans Movement.

Twin Ruler
Twin Ruler
30 May, 2021 11:05 am

Let us warn people not to go to Bucks County Community College, in Bucks County Pennsylvania. It is a very bad school. They have a problem with those of German descent. I, myself, am not. But, I was mistaken for being German American and treated very cruelly there. I am actually of English ancestry. Still, I learnt something there. One need not be of German blood to be mistaken for being so. Besides, there were lots of gangs roaming about, especially in the Cafeteria lounge. Mind you, if it were up to me, the Community College Act of 1964 would be repealed forever. None should have to suffer as I have done so! Still, I am beginning to suspect something: those who hate Germans in particular, hate Whites in general;… Read more »