Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

Anne Frank Hoax Exposed

Anne FrankClever Jew Made Millions from Dead Daughter

by Dr. William L. Pierce

TUCKED AWAY ON pages 119 and 122 of the October 6 issue of Der Spiegel, a weekly German news magazine comparable to Time or Newsweek, was a news item of considerable significance: A scientific analysis of the manuscript purported to be the original diary of Anne Frank, a Jewish girl who died in a German concentration camp during the Second World War, has revealed that the manuscript could not have been written before 1951, six years after the end of the war. (ILLUSTRATION: Anne Frank. She died of typhus in 1945 — but she didn’t write a diary.)

The significance of Der Spiegel’s revelation of this fraud is twofold. First, the printing of the story in a mass-circulation publication constitutes a major break with past treatments of similar news. The German news media, though not under the Jewish monopoly control which blights the media in this country, generally follow a pro-Jewish line, a heritage from the immediate postwar years when the Allied occupation forces gave publishing licenses only to those Germans who had proved their disloyalty to their country during the war. Consequently, most news tending to cast doubt on Jewish stories about gas chambers and the like from the World War II era has either been blacked out altogether or downplayed and given very unsympathetic treatment. The present article, though accompanied by copious apologies and held back for six months after it became news, would not have been printed at all a year or two ago.

Beyond this, the exposure of the Anne Frank forgery is important because of the sheer magnitude of the fraud and the key role it has played in underpinning the entire Jewish scenario of the war. What is known as a fact is that one Otto Frank, a Jewish merchant, formerly of Frankfurt, who had been arrested in the Netherlands and interned in the Auschwitz concentration camp during the war, began visiting publishers in 1946 with what he claimed was a diary written by his young daughter during the time the Frank family was hiding from the German police in occupied Holland. The girl later perished at Auschwitz, Frank said.

The diary, filled with touching adolescent reveries and homely little anecdotes, was exactly what the Jewish “Holocaust” propagandists were looking for: a highly effective piece of ammunition to generate a maudlin, emotion-laden sympathy for the poor, persecuted Jews — as typified by Anne Frank — and generate hatred against the wicked Germans, who had killed her and six million other Jews.

Otto Frank cashed in on the diary in a big way. Not only did he find a publisher, but he found people hot to buy stage and film rights as well. Shortly after its appearance in book form, the diary had been translated into a score of languages and printed in millions of copies, from all of which Frank received royalties. The English version alone, under the title Anne Frank: The Diary of a Young Girl, has sold more than 4,000,000 copies to date. A television dramatization based on the diary was aired in this country last month, accompanied by the usual ballyhoo.

Almost from the beginning there were charges that the diary was a hoax. Some of these charges were based on the gross inconsistencies between various translations and editions of the diary in book form; it was clear that the text had been heavily edited to help it sell well in different markets. Other charges were based on internal inconsistencies and credulity-straining elements in the diary itself.

And then there was the matter of the script for the film version of the diary: Otto Frank was sued by a New York scriptwriter, Meyer Levin, who claimed that Frank had taken large portions of a script he, Levin, had written and had not paid Levin for his work. The court ordered Frank to pay Levin $50,000. One can easily understand why some observers began to wonder how much, if any, of the content of the various Anne Frank books, films, and plays in circulation was actually written by a little Jewish girl named Anne Frank.

Otto Frank, father of Anne, displays what he says is his daughter’s diary, written in 1942–1944 while hiding from the Gestapo. Recent scientific tests have proved the alleged diary could not have been written before 1951. Frank made millions from his forgery before his death this year.
Otto Frank, father of Anne, displays what he says is his daughter’s diary, written in 1942–1944 while hiding from the Gestapo. Recent scientific tests have proved the alleged diary could not have been written before 1951. Frank made millions from his forgery before his death this year.

In Germany, however, it was not wise to speculate about such matters publicly. The line laid down by the government and the media is that Anne Frank is gospel, and anyone who suggests otherwise leaves himself open to criminal charges (“defaming the victims of Nazi persecution”) as well as to civil suits. Otto Frank himself made a regular habit of hauling Anne Frank detractors into German courts, which invariably decided in his favor — until recently, that is.

When Hamburg pensioner Ernst Roemer, 76, began spreading the accusation that Otto Frank had himself written what he was passing off as his dead daughter’s diary, Frank sued him. As usual, the court upheld the authenticity of the diary. Handwriting experts testified that the entire diary, including loose notes and insertions, had been written by the same hand, and that hand was Anne Frank’s.

Roemer appealed the court’s decision against him, and more handwriting experts were called in. Their conclusion was the same: Everything in the diary was in the same handwriting; there was no forgery.

Roemer appealed again, and this time the court asked for the technical services of the Federal Criminal Office (Bundeskriminalamt, similar to our FBI), which carried out a careful analysis of the original manuscript of the diary with microscope and ultraviolet illumination in order to confirm its authenticity — in particular, to determine when it was written.

The report of the technical experts was given to the court in April of this year, and it contained a bombshell: large portions of the alleged “diary” were written in ballpoint pen ink — which was not manufactured prior to 1951!

Were it not for the previous testimony of the handwriting experts that the entire diary, including the portions written with ballpoint pen, is in the same hand, the father might have claimed that he only “edited” his daughter’s work, “clarifying” passages here and there. But the evidence was quite unambiguous.

For example, the testimony of Hamburg graphologist Minna Bekker in an earlier trial was: “The handwriting of the diary in the three bound volumes — including all notes and additions on the glued-in pages as well as the 338 pages of loose material — including all corrections and insertions is identical . . .”

Otto should have been more careful in his choice of writing instruments. It is now quite clear that he finished hoking up the “original” of the diary after he had found a publisher for what, in 1946, was nothing more than some rough notes and an idea in his head which seemed to have prospects for making him a lot of money with little effort. First a typescript for the publisher, and then, as sales of the book began to mount, a completed handwritten “original” to show to doubters.

Just after the report of the Federal Criminal Office was given to the court, Otto Frank conveniently died — before he could be asked a number of very interesting questions. Meanwhile, the worldwide Jewish propaganda apparatus has continued its promotion of the Anne Frank myth as if nothing had happened. Der Spiegel seems to be the only mass-circulation news periodical to have exposed the fraud to date.

 * * *

From Attack! No. 79, 1980, transcribed by Anthony Collins and edited by Vanessa Neubauer, from the book The Best of Attack! and National Vanguard, edited by Kevin Alfred Strom

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Jan Koen
Jan Koen
10 June, 2015 3:35 am


George Woj
George Woj
23 July, 2015 10:28 am

but the ball point pen was released in 1888…

Reply to  George Woj
17 December, 2016 7:56 pm

not released

Reply to  George Woj
2 April, 2017 10:36 pm

It was patent in that year but it never made it to the market due to machinery for fabrications in those years prior to 1900′.

Now it went into the market and went highly advertisded around 1940’s

Reply to  George Woj
6 January, 2018 1:19 am

Sorry bud, but Jon Loud’s pen patented in 1888 was never produced, and as he was a tanner, it was designed only to apply broad swaths of ink to leather hides, not relatively fine print for handwriting. None of the next 350 patents issued in the US for ballpoint pens over the next thirty years were ever produced either. The biggest problem was the ink: if too thin, pens leaked; too thick: they clogged. The next stage of development did not occur until 1935 (almost fifty years later) when two Hungarian brothers – -Ladislaw and Georg Biro – – tried their hand at making a commercially successful ballpoint but ultimately failed. Long story short: the ballpoint went through several iterations – some fairly successful – but it was not until… Read more »

Haime Kykerman
Haime Kykerman
Reply to  George Woj
17 June, 2018 12:51 pm

Time to expose the kikes — the holocaust just like the diary of Anne Frank is a farce, a lie, and a misleading manipulation. A zionist rabbi said it best “the holocaust is the most profitable piece of historic fiction” — it is time for the world to rise and expose the cancer that the kikes are and demand reparation for the 50 Million European civilians killed so they could justify stealing Palestine. These mongrels are NOT even middle eastern but khazarian criminals…. POGROMS are coming.

Chris Calo
Chris Calo
Reply to  Haime Kykerman
2 October, 2019 9:10 pm

Right on

Reply to  George Woj
10 September, 2018 5:35 am

GEORGE WOJ Do you not know the difference between ‘PATENT issued while ATTEMPTING to make (such a pen)’ VS ‘Succeeding at, MANUFACTURING & (MORE IMPORTANTLY) actually SUPPLYING & making available, to the masses the actual product’????

Even when it did become available to the general (WEALTHY) public it was only so in Argentina & much later, ONLY in the U.S. By this time the war ‘Holocaust /Concentration Camps’ was OVER!!!!

John M. Brown
John M. Brown
Reply to  George Woj
5 December, 2021 12:09 pm

Invented, not put into production worldwide till the late 40s-early 50s.

Bobby Lee
Bobby Lee
24 July, 2015 3:38 pm

The ballpoint pen, and the ink used in them, was invented in 188, you idiots.

Regardless, she wrote in iron-rich fountain ink.

No one has taken this theory seriously in decades.

Except, of course, for idiots like you.

Reply to  Bobby Lee
1 February, 2019 7:49 pm

Hmmm Bobby the first commercially available “ball point” was called the Reynolds pen. It was introduced for sale in NY city in mid 1945 AFTER Anne Frank died. And the forensic evidence that large portions of the “diary” was written with a ball point pen is not in dispute. Twice during the trial “experts” declared the “diary” was authentic. However, the defense demanded and got the some of the best forensic experts in the world who examined the diary in question and proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that the ink came from a ball point pen. This after clear bias on the part of the previous so called “experts” was introduced. I humbly suggest you read the relevant court documents in Germany’s archives. These documents are in the… Read more »

Wry Dohson
Wry Dohson
8 August, 2015 7:40 am

He wouldn’t have been able to get one conveniently for a number of years. Unless you’re suggesting he/she made their own, Bobby Lee? It’s a Jewish tactic to insult before checking facts. You have proved you’re a dickhead, so I won’t insult you. The concept of using a ball point within a writing instrument as a method of applying ink to paper has existed since the late 19th century. In these inventions, the ink was placed in a thin tube whose end was blocked by a tiny ball, held so that it could not slip into the tube or fall out of the pen. The ink clung to the ball, which spun as the pen was drawn across the paper, therefore giving areas of the ball with its ink removed… Read more »

B. B.
B. B.
Reply to  Wry Dohson
22 November, 2018 9:48 am

Would it be possible to file a civil Law Suit against the Otto Frank Estate , the publisher and distributor, et Al ?
I am sure there are plenty of grounds, but which one ☝️ would the Courts allow?
Semper Fi And Good Night Chesty Puller Where Ever You Are

18 October, 2015 1:52 pm

Here is the link to the article in Der Spiegel:

Ann Murray
Ann Murray
12 November, 2015 7:35 am

Anne wrote about her life and those of her house mates in a diary about what they did during thier hiding years Plus what her family did before going into hiding and about her griends at school and the classes she took ASll four of her diaries about her life What was written after the haulocost came from other people who servived it If Anne wrote avout her life in a consintration camp she was lucky on who ever found the papers Now about life in a coconcintration camp came from those who wrote it down or got interviewed

Reply to  Ann Murray
3 October, 2016 5:48 pm

Anne Frank didn’t write in her diary during her time in the concentration camp. She only wrote in them when her family was hiding, before they were found. Miep Gies found Anne’s diary after Anne’s family was taken away and she kept the diaries and other papers Anne wrote until she gave them all to Anne’s father after he returned from the concentration camp where he was held.

Glenn Willeford
Glenn Willeford
29 January, 2016 11:36 am

Why am I not surprised?

Martin D. McCoy
Martin D. McCoy
17 May, 2016 10:27 am

You ought to be ashamed of yourselves! To deny the death of 6 million people, including this precious little girl is absolutely horrid. The things that have been put forth in this article have been disproven over and over, but, if you hate Jews and contend that their is a “worldwide Jewish conspiracy” you can conveniently ignore FACTS.

For those that are interested in the TRUTH, here is a link:

You are a bunch of Nazi’s and ought to just disappear like 6 million Jews did.

BTW, I am not a Jew, but a Baptist pastor.

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
17 May, 2016 11:35 am

This Christian pastor tells us that we should be ashamed of ourselves. Why? Because we reject historical lies, like those relating to the “Holocaust,” and also because we reject the alien and inverted morality that exalts and even worships Jews, that denigrates and demoralizes Whites, and that systematically promotes ethnomasochism and racial suicide. Really, this pastor should be ashamed of himself — ashamed of what he believes, of what he serves, and of what he has betrayed. Perhaps he should be put out to pasture or, less charitably, have a millstone tied around his neck and be cast into the sea.

Martin D. McCoy
Martin D. McCoy
Reply to  Anthony Collins
17 May, 2016 10:27 pm

Sorry Anthony, but the BIBLE teaches that God’s chosen people, NATIONALLY AND RACIALLY are the Sons Of Abraham, the Jews. He said that he would bless them that blesses the Jews and that he would curse those who would curse the Jews. I will be the first to admit that the Jews have been a pain in the, you know, in many ways, but God chose them to bring the Messiah into the world and he still has a place for them in the end times. I know that you don’t believe in anything that I have said, but the Bible teaches about people like you would come in the last days and would persecute the Jewish people. So, you anti-Semitism is a fulfillment of Bible prophecy. I have dealt… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
18 May, 2016 2:54 am

This reply might be regarded, by those who do not read with the eye of faith, as an object lesson regarding Judeo-Christianity and the alienation it induces in its victims and agents. We find blind faith in a Jewish book and in Jewish fables. We find Judeocentrism and alienation from one’s own people. (The word alienation can refer to “a withdrawing or separation of a person or a person’s affections from an object or position of . . . attachment” as well as “a conveyance of property to another.” This is appropriate, given that the former is frequently followed by the latter.) I don’t feel like commenting on this reply in great detail, but I will make a few comments. Of course the Bible says that the Jews are “God’s… Read more »

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
22 May, 2016 6:01 pm

Actually, the Bible does not say that at all about the Jews. In Matthew 21: 42,43, Jesus himself says to the nation israel: “Jesus said to them (the chief priests and the older men of the Jews in Jerusalem): ‘Did you never read in the Scriptures, “The stone that the builders rejected is the one that has become the chief cornerstone. From God this has come to be, and it is marvelous in our eyes”? This is why I say to you, The kingdom of God will be taken from you and be given to a nation producing its fruits.’” So Jesus clearly says to the jews that kingdom will be taken from them, and be given to another nation. In Matthew 23:37,38, He also states: “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer… Read more »

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
3 June, 2016 4:12 pm

If you believe as a Pastor in a God that is a racist one, than You clearly bow to Lucifer as your God. The 6 Million victims story is so old and overused that a person with a sane mind will question it.

Gonçalo Costa
Gonçalo Costa
Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
5 June, 2016 5:00 pm

God’s chosen people are not snakes. He showed us who he condemned: beasts and animals who lack his Grace. These people are the jews, what with their cheating and usury. The carrion birds of humanity.
Jesus said this of the jews, in the Gospel of Saint John, chapter VIII, verse 44: “Ye are of your father the devil, and the lust of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is not truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar and the father of it.”

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
26 June, 2016 11:00 am

Well Pastor. Let me tell you this(and i’m from muslim origin and for sure not religious and i share nothing with some white movements): Lying is against the ten commandements. Therefore stop doing so. 1)According to the bible the jews lost their status of being gods chosen. 2)Then god came down as jesus to set things right and he took away jewish supremacy status by declaring christians as gods true followers. And if you believe in christ and the bible than you are part of the chosen,not the jews. If you think the jews are than become a jew. 3)please stop with this mystik and kabbalistik 6 million crap. Years before World War 2 jews have been already talking several about a holocaust and 6 million jews been killed. Try… Read more »

One here
One here
Reply to  Zebo
6 January, 2018 3:39 pm

Old Newspapers Say SIX MILLION JEWS Died in 1915-1938 Before Holocaust

Reply to  One here
29 July, 2020 2:23 am

Your video has been taken down. I’d be interested to watch.

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
27 January, 2017 12:44 pm

God’s chosen people are the Christians. This is what the Bible says:

JOHN 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
JOHN 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.
JOHN 3:18 He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

Reply to  Warren
9 August, 2017 8:50 pm

Quickly, without elaborating, it baffles me that a pastor teaches that that the chosen ones who denied Jesus as the messiah are still chosen. It seemed to me that status changed by denying Jesus as their Messiah. I thought it was that simple.

Reply to  Denise
24 November, 2020 12:03 pm

Not all Christians believe that, I’m a Christian (reformed Baptist) and Israel is always going to be special because God chose and used them to bring our savior Jesus Christ and through Jesus he blessed all of the nations. And the Jews (the 12 disciples/apostles) were the ones that spread the good news of the gospel, first to the Jews and then to the gentiles because Paul is the only apostle who preached to the gentiles. However we are now one, it’s not just Jews it’s the church, gentiles and Jews. Of course only those who repent and follow Christ. So if a Jew does so, repent and put his/her trust in Christ, he/she is part of the chosen. Those who reject him are not.

Innuvik Jones
Innuvik Jones
Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
5 May, 2017 6:57 pm

The jews stole every idea they’ve been flogging from others, including Akhenaten, who’s notion of one supreme god – and a male one! – was blissfully swallowed whole by the pernicious jews. Any wonder they’ve been hated for thousands of years? Dumped out of at least 100 states since their jealousy of each other had them sell that filthy kid in his disgusting coat to the leading nation at the time: the Egyptians!
“God” has been promoting his people this way?

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Innuvik Jones
6 May, 2017 1:32 am

It is a mistake to say that the Jews have stolen every idea they’ve peddled from others. They’re definitely parasites, but they’re not lacking in a certain creativity, and we shouldn’t underestimate them. On this point, I have thought of applying the ideas on “malevolent creativity” in David H. Cropley and Arthur J. Cropley’s book, Creativity and Crime: A Psychological Analysis (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2013), to the Jews. Cropley and Cropley write (pp. 15-16): “Malevolent creativity is probably most obvious in the case of high-level, cerebral, white-collar offending that is remote from everyday life, such as financial swindles involving ingenious and complex machinations, sweeping vision, and ‘creative accounting’; see, for instance, the case of Enron. Indeed, we will pay particular attention to fraud . . . because it is… Read more »

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
29 July, 2020 2:21 am

What about the Russian Holocaust? Jews will be blessed when they accept Christ, but until then…

John M. Brown
John M. Brown
Reply to  Sarah
5 December, 2021 11:52 am

That alone made Hitler and his goons look like a altar boys.

John M. Brown
John M. Brown
Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
5 December, 2021 12:07 pm

Jews come from the tribe of Judah, Sons of Abraham are the 12 tribes of Israel…big difference. The Bible teaches it does not matter who you are or where you come from or what you were born into, if you repent and follow Jesus you are a true Israelite and heir to the promise. Jesus said that I believe it because Jesus can not lie like humans can and easily do. Yes Jesus did say he who bless the Jews would also be blessed but that kind of holds true of anyone you bless because of the way you are to treat people in the first place. Another thing, there is no such thing as anti-semitism, that is admitted by one of the Ministers of Israel. It is a ruse… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Collins
25 November, 2017 5:57 am

very good and logical refutation of pasture moron, kudoz

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
4 August, 2016 6:55 pm

Martin, you are a judeo-Christian waste of breath…I challenge you, please show me where in the Bible God EVER SAID THE JEWS WERE HIS CHOSEN PEOPLE…and please while you’re at it, please show me where JESUS CHRIST EVER SAID HE WAS A JEW…
Isrealites do not = Ashkanazi/Kahzar Jews…

Reply to  Troy
8 October, 2017 9:01 pm

You are CORRECT!

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
6 December, 2016 11:15 am

Shame on you, “Baptist pastor,” for suggesting anyone “ought to disappear.”
For one thing, that’s not what Christ taught. What is wrong with you?
Secondly, two wrongs don’t make a right.
But that assumes those who expose fraud to be wrong.
That’s the kind of bullying and threats that are used to maintain the hoax. It’s called ad hominem, but what does logic have to do with religion? We don’t have to use it, do we?
By the way, Mr. Holocaust Nazi, since you use Nazi tactics, plurality is not denoted by an apostrophe.

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
17 December, 2016 8:11 pm

Why are you jumping to such conclusions? It is not about 6 mil Jews killed during the war, it’s about somebody who found a way to make money and it may very well be Anne’s father. Why can’t this be scrutinized ? The fact that they were Jews should not be in the way of truth. It is known a lot about Zionist program and how they paved their way to victory. Anne’s diary was one tool among other. Hitler killed indiscriminately , how many more millions beside the 6 million? Stalin killed 20 mil of his own people. In the US the Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps during the same war and so were the Germans, twice. The Chinese went through terrible times and discrimination.

Reply to  zaeaza
29 July, 2020 2:25 am

Logic. I like it.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Sarah
29 July, 2020 3:56 pm

comment image






comment image

 The Communist allies did exactly what the motto attributed to Lenin prescribes: “Always accuse your victim (or your adversary) of what you yourself are doing.

ulysses freire da paz jr
ulysses freire da paz jr
Reply to  Sarah
31 July, 2020 9:23 am
Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
23 January, 2017 11:49 am

Actually only 275000 people died, not 6 million.

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
8 April, 2017 8:21 am

and what are your sources ?

Reply to  Donna
5 October, 2017 6:47 am

Maybe the Red Cross as they were inspecting the Work Camps, concentration camps were invented by the Brits during the Boer war killing innocent women and children and nicely used by the Americans for German and Japanese during the war. Of course these are all lies because Germans are barbarians, forgot that. Btw. “The bar-rune refers to the birth, life, origin, the birth of the spirit, the bard, the fountain, and the feminine symbol of the stretcher, which conveys security and everything that protects encompasses, cherishes, and conceals, for example: the pregnant mother’s womb, the mother’s womb of the earth, the primal mother. Boer is called the peasant in the Edda, Bur and Büer still today in the vernacular and in the Dutch or Flemish. Bavarian and Bojer, both go… Read more »

Reply to  Donna
3 August, 2018 5:51 pm

The actual daily death record books were found in an archive (I dont remember which archive) and they show the report for every single day Auschwitz was in operation and they list the reason for the deaths each day. The totals are in the thousands not in the millions.

Reply to  Rainman
5 March, 2021 11:44 am

And it was probably not from extermination, but from disease.

Innuvik Jones
Innuvik Jones
Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
5 May, 2017 6:44 pm

Binjamin Wilkomirski in his FRAGMENTS should be considered a saint! A SAINT OF LIARS, that is! Vaunted moron Jonathan Kozol claimed revoltingly he ” wasn’t worthy to even review” BW’s fantasy. Otto and Annie fall into the same pit. Add Debbie there and you have the Augean triplets par excellence, ready to sweep the truth into the polluted sea!!

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
11 June, 2017 11:04 am

“You are a bunch of Nazi’s and ought to just disappear like 6 million Jews did BTW, I am not a Jew, but a Baptist pastor.” — Something is telling me you’re not a “baptist pastor”, otherwise you wouldn’t have wished that 6 million people dissapear. Pastors, which are Christ’s followers, do not want 6 million people dissapear just because their opinion differ from theirs. — One can notice you’re an illiterate scumbag. Instead of writing “you’re a bunch of Nazi’s” you should learn that “Nazi” in this context does not need the Genitive ( possesive) Case. So, you should have written:” you’re a bunch of Nazis” – and not Nazi’s !! —- We can all notice that you’re a hater, which means you’re a jew. jews hate Truth, jews… Read more »

5 March, 2021 11:47 am

I know this is an old comment, but calling people Nazis is not an insult in the age of awakening. Get educated about who controls the evil in this world. Learn what the Tanakh (Hebrew bible) implies. You’re not well versed in Christ’s teachings at all. The Gospel of Thomas is the book of Quotes.

steven ransom
steven ransom
Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
3 August, 2017 8:20 am

you are fervently reciting ‘rote’ knowldge. you have been taught what to think but not how. history is written by the winners and our minds are shaped and bent and twisted accordingly. you are drawing upon nothing but what your teachers and media have fed you and your emotions too are ruling your responses.

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
6 September, 2017 9:38 pm

For u to say 6 million died proves your ignorance. That fraudulent number was admitted to when the plaque at Aushwitcz was changed from 4 million dead to 1.5 million. What rocket scientist did those calculations? Off by 2.5 million? That brings the lie down to 3.5 million without looking further. But for time sake, the Red Cross documents show their estimates at 120,000 total killed in camps. Wow, what a big difference. Then u can expose the lampshade liars and shrunken Head liars and soap liars so you wonder what else is a lie? However, it is a crime in many countries to question the holohoax. With all the previous shown lies wouldn’t it make sense we should research it further? Funny, the truth fears no investigation. Guess what?… Read more »

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
27 October, 2017 3:01 pm

There were as many non-Jews killed in Concentration camps (if the figures are to be believed) so why do you only mention ‘six million Jews’? You get on your high horse about them, but not the similar figure of non-Jewish victims. Still, I suppose repeating the same old ‘six million Jews’ mantra makes for a nice little sound bite.

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
30 October, 2017 3:26 pm

No offense, but regardless if it’s true or not, one thing that is definitely confirmed is that there is no way 6 million jews were killed during the holocaust.

Reply to  Martin D. McCoy
25 November, 2020 7:06 pm

This ass clown pastor Martin McCoy calling us “a bunch of nazis.” How original. How deeply hurtful this is. As if I’ve never been called this before. It means nothing. Libs and various kikes were calling jew-panderer Trump “Hitler” and a “nazi.”

Pastor McCoy, you are a walking, talking cliche of the misguided goy who worships those that seek to destroy him, his kin, and his church. You are part of the problem and not the solution.

12 June, 2016 12:10 pm

The ballpoint pen part is so funny because they where invented in 1888 but had no viability. The ballpoint pen first commercialised was invented by two people living in Germany in 1941, but they really began to produce it in Argentina, when they moved there to start the company. Soo, for a Jewish girl hiding in a basement wouldn’t be expensive but almost impossible because it wasn’t well known until 1945. Getting food in war times is hard — but ballpoint pens from a small company in Argentina, not a problem.

Reply to  Angel
4 October, 2016 6:59 pm

They weren’t hiding in a basement. That would have been a luxury. No one below to hear a footstep, a toilet flush, smelling cooking that could only be vaguely connected to an area, and providing supplies would have been much simpler, as it would make sense for staff to go to the basement (under the guise of getting supplies) instead of waiting until after hours and climbing awkwardly up a hidden staircase to minister to the persecuted families.

If you’re going to dispute the facts, for the love of God, get the actual indisputable facts correct.

maryann rowand
maryann rowand
4 August, 2016 7:12 pm


Reply to  maryann rowand
25 November, 2020 7:19 pm

And obviously you are a reliable source on the jewish question. I’m sure you have done lots of research on jewish machinations and frauds perpetuated over the last several hundred years. Do tell… what books (of many) have you read that destroy the mainstream narrative on the j question? Dare I say none?

Mea Cadwell
Mea Cadwell
12 September, 2016 9:54 am

The ballpoint pen aspect is moot because experts have studied the diary and found it to be real. So, unless anyone on this board has a degree in that curriculum, and you actually studied the original diary pages, it would be very difficult for anyone else to believe what you say against the experts. The article below explains who the experts were and why there were ball point pen marks on some of the papers.

Reply to  Mea Cadwell
6 December, 2016 11:24 am

Again they use of Anti-semitism as ad hominem: The author states ”Ever since her book first came out after the war, individuals and groups have made statements and issued anti-Semitic pamphlets claiming it was a hoax.”

Reply to  stephen
20 December, 2016 11:16 pm

Ah, then you must be an expert. Please let us all know what university you attended and when you acquired your diploma in that curriculum. Otherwise, what you say means nothing.

Reply to  Mea
25 January, 2017 4:04 pm

Mama Mea, buying into mainstream academia as trusted source means selling out to the central bank cabal and corporate ilk that own it all. Do they own you too?

Reply to  John
25 January, 2017 7:40 pm

I am not your mother, kindly do not call me “mama”. And I am not “buying into mainstream academia”. However, it is quite clear that you have bought into the false beliefs that are being purported as true. Please, open your eyes and broaden your own research on this topic so you can discover for yourself that there is more to it than the limited scope you have allowed yourself. You will be amazed at what you find and wonder why it took you so long to do so. I am done answering the irresponsible people on this board as they are unable to grasp the truth and refuse to do their own research, relying on prejudiced information. I hope you all have a great time of things when you… Read more »

Reply to  Mea
25 November, 2020 7:25 pm

Ivanka Trump-Kushner, is that you?

Reply to  John
27 January, 2017 12:15 pm

MEA, mama came from the heart. Feel attacked by it? Gotta check that. And lies do not come from the heart. Lies lie only in head-trips. (Meaning lies are psychological). Mixed with unbridled pride, and resilient conformity ensues. Not motherly by any stretch. Follow on, then!

Reply to  Mea Cadwell
13 June, 2017 1:17 pm

That article leaves out the fact that her penmanship looked nothing like how she wrote. Secondly, anyone with a IQ over 5 can see the propaganda within the article alone. They immediately attribute anyone who questions the Anne Frank diary or the holocaust as a neo-Nazi, which is simply not true. One does not need to be a Nazi to observe the inconsistent data about the holocaust or even the anne frank diary. The article you linked has no merit due to its clear attempt at discrediting anyone who questions these events as a neo-Nazi. An article based on facts would not need to result or make attempts to discredit its opposition by defamation.

Destroyer Of Planet Z.O.G. 14/88
Destroyer Of Planet Z.O.G. 14/88
Reply to  Mea Cadwell
19 July, 2017 11:55 pm

The experts are Jewish…. why would any of us believe them? So, you haven’t proven anything either with your Jewish manipulation.

2 October, 2016 5:54 pm

“During a criminal trial for defamation against neo-Nazis held in Wiesbaden, West Germany, in 1980, Mr. Barnouw said, the defendants maintained that the diary was a fake because corrections had been made in black, blue and green ink with a ballpoint pen and that such pens were not produced until 1951. The defendants could not produce any examples of such corrections, however. Mr. Barnouw noted that changes in the diary by Otto Frank, Anne’s father, were made in pencil.

Although the ballpoint theory was discredited, it continued to be used by neo-Nazis in Europe and the United States. “

Arthur Robey
Arthur Robey
4 October, 2016 7:57 pm

Stalin saved millions of Russians by quietly assinating his jewish Bolshevik co-conspirators who were
A) responsible for 25 million Ukranian death by starvation in the Holodamor and
B) responsible for holding the Mongols back in the invasion of Germany for the express policy of raping all German women 8 to 80 as an attempt at Genocide.

Go cry me a river Jews.

Reply to  Arthur Robey
5 October, 2016 3:09 pm

Joseph Stalin (actually Dzhugashvili) was half Jewish, according to the Russian researcher Gregory Klimov. The Jew David Weissman claims he was wholly Jewish. (B’nai B’rith Messenger, 3rd of March 1950, p. 19.) The Jewish doctor and publicist, Salomon Schulman, admitted in Sweden that Stalin could speak Yiddish and referred to the Yiddish language periodical Di Goldene Kayt (1962) as his source. This was revealed during a meeting between Stalin and the Jewish poets Abraham Sutzkever and Shlomo Mikhoels (commissary for propaganda). Sutzkever discussed problems of Yiddish culture, with which Stalin was familiar. Sutzkever spoke Yiddish and Stalin understood everything but preferred to answer in Russian. The fact that Stalin understood Yiddish was one of the Soviet Union’s most jealously guarded state secrets. Stalin became a fairly obedient tool of the… Read more »

German historian
German historian
Reply to  Viliam
5 March, 2017 5:55 am

Dzugasvili means the man from Dugan, an island in Iran see, were lived in 1843 a number of 30000 Iran jews, without any hope of better living circumstances beside their own produced grocery on the island, no other Irans lived their. So they decided to leave their home and got all over the world, to the US, to Russia, to somewhere else. Stalins grandfather with his father as a child came with some hundred Iran jews from Dugan isle to the Georgian subtropic valley in 1843, where they could settle and thats why the got the Georgian name ending “vili” connecting to the name of their isle, Dugan.

17 December, 2016 9:58 am

How can somebody in their situation use ball point pen ? She must have had a serious stock for being able to write such a big diary…

Reply to  Zenna
17 December, 2016 2:51 pm

Do you buy five years of writing instruments at a time? Don’t be an ass.

They were hiding above Otto Frank’s business, above the office, in the attic, and received supplies from the workers there. Compared to food and clothing and other necessities, writing materials were probably relatively plentiful.

Reply to  Cat
17 December, 2016 7:39 pm

If I am an ass you are the hole! We are talking 1940s when Walmart did not exist. It was a big problem to find a potato let alone ballpoint pens! Do you hear yourself? What factories could afford to produce ballpoint pens when most of the factories in Germany were making guns? However Actually at that time there were no such writing instruments in Germany. Do your homework. The story begins in 1888 when John Loud, an American leather tanner, patented a roller-ball-tip marking pen. Loud’s invention featured a reservoir of ink and a roller ball that applied the thick ink to leather hides. John Loud’s pen was never produced, nor were any of the other 350 patents for ball-type pens issued over the next thirty years. The major… Read more »

Reply to  Zaraza
17 December, 2016 10:35 pm

Yep, I did my homework. I can read Wikipedia, too.

I don’t give a flying fuck what your feelings are on the subject. I’m just saying, if you’re hiding above an office deemed necessary to the war effort in an occupied country, you’re probably not starving for writing materials. Make of that what you will.

I’m not sure how proving the existence of a viable ballpoint pen proves if Anne wrote the diary herself or not. Maybe it was a work of fiction, put forth as genuine, to illustrate the plight of Jews in hiding went through during the war.

Remember when they tried telling everyone Blair Witch was real? New subject, new era.

Reply to  Cat
19 December, 2016 11:41 pm

Did I say how I feel about it ? No. I clarified the non-existence of ballpoint pen at the time Anne, supposedly wrote the journal. The article says: “The report of the technical experts( the Federal Criminal Office – Bundeskriminalamt ) was given to the court in April of this year, and it contained a bombshell: large portions of the alleged “diary” were written in ballpoint pen ink — which was not manufactured prior to 1951!” Anne could not have used a ballpoint pen to write the journal, so if she didn’t, who did and why? This is not about “the plight of the Jews” it is about fraud. Should we close the eyes and accept a lie just because it comes from famous Anne Frank ? It is double… Read more »

New Testament
New Testament
23 January, 2017 12:00 am

Why Jews didn’t join other nations civilians in a fight against fascism ? It seems all they did was hiding like the rats. Christians were risking their lives to hide Jews and also went to war to fight, while Jews were writing diaries.
And what kind of father is Mr Frank to rush and publish the diary soon after his daughters death? Anna Frank dairy is a well advertised fairy tale. She might be even alive somewhere in America. Pathetic people.

Reply to  New Testament
25 January, 2017 12:22 pm

Correct, Anna Frank is part of the same propaganda initiated by the Zionists to support their new artificial state Israel.It was the same with the ever increasing numbers of victims at Auschwitz and other labor camps where all kind of people died not only Jews.
Israel state was created in a rush on very confusing and vague terms infringing of Palestinian rights to a country.

28 March, 2017 9:38 pm

How pathetic that there are still people denying the Holocaust (otherwise, why would a girl’s diary threaten you so much? Even if the diary was fake–which it is not–that would not change the truth of the Holocaust). Why does it hurt your sensibilities so much to admit the atrocities of humankind–slavery, the Holocaust, etc? Are you trying to hide from the fact that European Christians have committed many/most of these atrocities? You remind me of the weirdos who also believe we never went to the moon–or, better yet, who believe 9/11 was faked–or an inside job. So sad that hatred and paranoia rather than love and compassion drive your lives. It is this hatred and paranoia that feeds things like slavery, murder, and genocide. History will repeat itself when we… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Cheyenne
30 March, 2017 7:23 am

The comment above is full of what I call kumbaya claptrap, and its writer is infected with mental AIDS. I don’t feel threatened by the fraudulent diary of Anne Frank, any more than I feel threatened by other works of Holocaust fiction, like those of the late Elie Wiesel, who once wrote of an alleged massacre of Jews at Babi Yar, “Later, I learn from a witness that, for month after month, the ground never stopped trembling; and that, from time to time, geysers of blood spurted from it.” There have never been geysers of blood, but there are gushers of lies, namely the Jews, and their lies can be deadly. (Gustave Le Bon remarked that the most bloodthirsty conquerors aren’t as deadly as false ideas, and he may well… Read more »

Reply to  Anthony Collins
30 March, 2017 6:13 pm

“Mental AIDS” to you = a good education with a master’s degree to me and the rest of the world. I should feel sorry for you, but I don’t.
Have you been to Auschwitz? Have you ever seen a tattooed survivor of a concentration camp?

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Cheyenne
31 March, 2017 1:18 am

I should have written “kumbaya and kosher claptrap” in my previous comment. They’re closely related to each other — in a symbiotic way, like the relationship between suckers and shysters — but they’re not quite identical. I see no reason to go to Auschwitz and be shepherded by Jewish tour guides on some kind of guilt trip. As far as I’m concerned, there’s nothing to see, and nothing to be guilty of. The forensic evidence for “gas chambers” is less than convincing. Why is this commentator so attached to Jewish children’s fiction? I find it curious how egalitarians subscribe to a kind of hierarchical racism, in which the racial interests and claims of victimization of Jews typically trump those of non-Whites, and those of non-Whites invariably trump those of Whites.… Read more »

Cheyenne the Non-white
Cheyenne the Non-white
Reply to  Anthony Collins
26 April, 2017 10:07 pm

Your ridiculous assumptions are not surprising, coming from a denier of fact/history and clear anti-Semite. I wonder what it’s like to have no heart–never mind, no I don’t.

Reply to  Cheyenne
25 November, 2020 7:39 pm

Wow! So you’ve been to the P.R. scam and tourist trap called Auschwitz, and you’ve seen a tattooed survivor. Well, that settles it. The Germans must certainly have holocausted 6 million jews at a time when there weren’t even 6 million in all of Europe. Not to mention all the “survivors.” Sounds like your masters degree did you no good in the realm of critical, independent thinking.

Reply to  Cheyenne
8 April, 2017 8:16 am

History is written by those who win the wars. Pharaohs would erase the names of their predecessors and replace them with their own so that HISTORY remembers only them. We as thinking apes should try to keep an open mind, inquire and investigate everything that is taught in the history books. There are prime sources recorded by the first who entered the “extermination camps” describing what they found and saw. Most of them have been hidden from public eye. The media took control and distorted the truth. They did and do a great job washing brains like yours. That is pathetic!

Reply to  Donna
26 April, 2017 10:09 pm

History and the media distorted the truth? Have you met Holocaust survivors? I have. They are all lying? They all got together with the media and lied?

Reply to  Cheyenne
27 April, 2017 7:52 am

Have you met Georgian holocaust survivors or communist holocaust survivors or war survivors? Is there a difference or you make one between the Jewish race and the rest of humankind?

Reply to  Donna
4 May, 2017 7:28 pm

The “difference” is this anti-Semitic site and the anti-Jewish sentiment here. That’s why I’m posting.

Brian Johnston
Brian Johnston
7 April, 2017 9:44 pm

To Martin D McCoy the Baptist pastor
Jews were not mentioned in earlier Bibles. The term came into use around 1775.
The Jews/Israelis/Zionists are not Israelites/Hebrew if they were they would have called themselves Israelites.
The Jews wanted the Middle East
Oddly they are now admitting the truth and talking about a ‘second’ Homeland in the Ukraine. Now that would be returning home
It is frustrating when pastors preach the nonsense that you do

Reply to  Brian Johnston
8 April, 2017 8:26 am

Correct. That is the truth

3 May, 2017 7:44 am

ok let me start here, world war 2 (in a way) was started by the jews in march 1933 (newspaper covers and pictures confirm this as well as statements of powerfull jews that felt no obligation to even try to hide it since they won) Hitler reacted on this, he allready was no fan of jews but he did not plan on punishing an entire religion just because (as far as i could find), however after this mostly economic war started Hitler made a deal with zionists to give them a choice eather they leave Germany for palestine giving them the chance to convert their money into goods and sell those in palestine later benefitting both countries, or if they would refuse they would be deported to madagascar,(this was sabotaged… Read more »

Reply to  Lsvdb
4 February, 2020 11:53 am

There is a lot of history to read here documenting the central bankers’ goal of worldwide Communism, i.e. The New World Order. “There is only one aim, one single aim: the triumph of Communism. It is not Moscow which will impose its will on the democracies but New York, not the “Comintern” but the “Capintern” on Wall Street.” Red Symphony, “Rakovsky”, interrogated by Stalin’s agents in 1938, states that the reason for this was that these Jewish bankers, having established Bolshevism, had found it stolen from them by Stalin, a “Bonapartist” akin to Napoleon (p. 36). This is a document of historical importance and nobody who wants to be well-informed should fail to read and recommend it. Not to know the thesis here described is to know and understand… Read more »

4 May, 2017 12:16 pm

You people are disgusting. And why is Hitler your hero If he didn’t do anything?

4 May, 2017 12:17 pm

I am white, btw

4 May, 2017 7:34 pm

Oh, I get it. Your twisted version of the truth says that it was/is ok for a leader of a country to ban/banish an entire group of people; and if they don’t leave willingly, to put them away in concentration camps. . .and even if people weren’t gassed (which, in this case, they were), it’s ok for millions to die in these camps.


Reply to  Cheyenne
5 May, 2017 10:13 pm

Well said ” a group of people” ! This means they were not integrated in the German society, they kept their own ways of life, culture, etc etc, they started to interfere in politics, economy, who knows what? Did they want to take over the country? Did they want to be in that country? Jews went through this treatment not once.It happened 47 times in 1000 years
why ? Was everybody racists, crazy ? No it is not ok for people of any race to die in concentration camps Jews or Polish or Russians or Gypsies. There are many documents that talk about the gas chambers and how they did not exist !

Julian Child
Julian Child
Reply to  Deana
19 October, 2017 3:58 pm

“Nazi Concentration Camps” A documentary from 1945. Go ahead. It’s on NetFlix now.
You won’t watch it because you do not want to admit you’re wrong. The footage wasn’t released until recently because of its shocking and graphic detail that could not possibly be fabricated. Hell, I’d be surprised if this .org would even display this comment because their existence relies on people’s ignorance, fear and lack of education.
-John KOONS … a German

Reply to  Cheyenne
29 May, 2019 6:40 am

Hmmm What an amazing coincidence that jews are committing precisely the same crimes against the Palestinians that they claim were perpetrated against them by the Nazis. The indisputable and undeniable fact is that the jews have been committing war crimes, crimes against humanity, genocide and Apartheid against the Palestinian people since 1940. It is no small irony that you sum up the evils and crimes of jews in israel extremely well…… “…..was/is ok for a leader of a country to ban/banish an entire group of people; and if they don’t leave willingly, to put them away in concentration camps. . .and even if people weren’t gassed (which, in this case, they were), it’s ok for millions to die in these camps” And yes the israelis have used chemical weapons against… Read more »

Brian Johnston
Brian Johnston
5 May, 2017 4:32 am

To Cezar and Cheyenne and others
1) A Semite is an Arab. Anti Semitic is anti Arab
2) Israelis are not Arabs
How is anti Semitic anti Israeli?

3) Hitler did not want war
4) Hitler like Napoleon in his day was anti globalist

WWI & WWII were planned out of London

Further reading
Hidden History: The Secret Origins of the First World War by Docherty and Macgregor

For an excellent book on the holocaust that did not happen. Auschwitz: A Judge Looks at the Evidence by Wilhelm Staeglich, who served with the anti aircraft defence. He went right through the camp.

Reply to  Brian Johnston
5 May, 2017 10:06 pm

Both Isaac and Ishmael share the same father so they are step brothers regardless of the path God decided for them…so yes they are blood relatives both Jews and Arabs

Doug P.
Doug P.
Reply to  Donna
28 May, 2019 3:29 pm

@Donna…Donna,you sound like a Dispensationalist Christian to me,am I correct? I WAS one myself for a number of years.I urge you to read other commentators such as Pastor Chuck Baldwin or Gary DeMar to give a another perspective on Scripture and theology.

Julian Child
Julian Child
Reply to  Brian Johnston
19 October, 2017 4:04 pm

Brian, really? “Nazi Concentration Camps” 1945. Or would you let your own eye lie to you, too.

Reply to  Brian Johnston
10 November, 2017 12:04 am

One of the biggest reasons behind WW2 was the creation of the Pharmaceutical Cartels in America and Germany.
Corporation is the most ancient form of shadow government in all human history.

5 May, 2017 1:34 pm

Both Jews and Arabs are Semites

Brian Johnston
Brian Johnston
6 May, 2017 3:56 am

The site is drifting away from Ann Frank’s diary which I accept as a hoax. There is I believe a Court case registered in New York with respect to the diary. We now move onto the term Jew which is a modern term and includes Ashkenazi, Sephardic and others. In original Bibles there were no Jews though there were Hebrew, Israelites, Believers, Children of God etc. The Israelis are Ashkenazi of European origin. People who learnt a ‘religion’ from the Middle East. Proselytised. They learnt Phariseeism. ‘From the Pharisees’. Christ spoke against the Pharisees and drove the moneychangers from the temple Rev. 2:9 & 3:9 refers to those who are of the Synagogue of Satan It is criminal how the Palestinians have been treated by the Israelis. Refer. The Ethnic… Read more »

Brian Johnston
Brian Johnston
17 June, 2017 5:18 pm

The Israelis are not the Israelites
Jew is a recent term and not in old Bibles
Jesus was not King of the ‘Jews’
Solomon’s temple was not in Jerusalem

Masonic lore says that Solomon’s chief architect was murdered and the killers fled across the Red Sea.
One does not flee across the Red Sea from Jerusalem

4 August, 2017 11:23 pm

”History is written by the winners.”

The Jews didn’t win. Anne Frank didn’t win. One-fourth of the world’s population didn’t win. Maybe you should say, “History is written by the ones who didn’t die.”

Brian Johnston
Brian Johnston
Reply to  Cat
6 October, 2017 2:24 am

The Jews did win and as I have said above
There was no holocaust
The Allies allowed Stalin to take Berlin
WWI & WWII were the same war and a Trade War
The City of London took out Germany as a trade competitor

Reply to  Cat
29 May, 2019 7:04 am

Hmmm CAT: You make an interesting point about history being written by the ones who didn’t die. According to the international jewish community’s own records published after the war, there were more jews alive in 1946 after WWII, then before the war started… Prior to 1939 there were roughly 800,000 German jews living in the country. In late 1945 more than 1.2 Million “German” jews applied to the provisional military government in Germany for aid. Equally large numbers of jews applied for aid in France, Austria etc after the war ended. In 1990, nearly a half century after the war ended; According to the Jewish community’s own published reports, there were still more than 1 Million “jewish holocaust victims still living who claimed to have been in the camps during… Read more »

Julian Child
Julian Child
19 October, 2017 3:46 pm

I’m curious if, two-and-a-half years later, the author still believes this in light of the release of film showing most of the camps just days after the defeat of the Germans. Not even Hollywood could have spent that much money to produce a piece of fiction of that magnitude. And if Mr. Pierce has faced these facts, would he have the b***s and class to apologize? Unfortunately, the uneducated and ignorant willfully defy enlightenment in their attempt to drag the human race down into their hellish, unhappy existence.
John KOONS … a German

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Julian Child
27 October, 2017 3:54 pm

I’m glad I somehow managed to have missed the ignorant comments under this article by Dr. William Pierce until now. Koons, the self-hating German: I’m curious if, two-and-a-half years later, the author still believes this in light of the release of film showing most of the camps just days after the defeat of the Germans. Not even Hollywood could have spent that much money to produce a piece of fiction of that magnitude… — The Jews in Hollywood and everywhere else tell big whoppers all the time and spend billions doing so to keep suggestible goyim like you in the dark and in line. Enjoy this by WLP: Had you read to the end of the article you’d see that Dr. Pierce wrote that piece in 1980 — 37… Read more »

Brian Johnston
Brian Johnston
26 October, 2017 7:02 pm

That the camps were in a bad state at the end of the war is not contested What does need to be taken into consideration is 1) England built bomber planes for the sole purpose of bombing every German city with a population over 100,000. Civilians, men, women, Children, refugees, hospitals and I understand British prisoners. Refer: Dresden by David Irving 2) They bombed the rail lines including those leading to the camps. Transport was a problem food shortages and distribution problems 3) Hitler did not want war and made numerous attempts at peace. The British ‘City of London’ hated Germany and wanted to control world trade. Germany produced better goods in newer factories and delivered to Europe by rail cutting British ships out of their port to port trade… Read more »

26 October, 2017 7:48 pm

I figured out years ago that the Jews desperately needed a Mary Phagan, and they found her in Anne Frank. That Mary Phagan was murdered by a Jew and Anne Frank was a Jew — highlights the morbid mind of those people. One example out of many.

22 January, 2018 1:15 am

Well I DO appreciate ALL the dialogue here, minus the insults towards each other & name calling. Save that for the Yahoo comments sections lol. I just happened upon this site hoping to find info as I recall hearing or reading somewhere, decades ago, that Ann Frank once said something to the effect of “We were old liars”, or “We were known to be old liars” or something very close to that effect, regarding her creed, the jews. I haven’t confirmed it, maybe someone here that has, recalls it, or read it, can be of more accuracy of it, as I never read the diary though. Can’t as have way too many other books no time to read. But all of you have put in some good input, on both… Read more »

Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
Reply to  Al
22 January, 2018 7:27 am

I think you’re probably thinking of Irma Kurtz’s novel, The Grand Dragon, which is discussed in David Duke’s My Awakening. In the novel, Kurtz’s alter ego remarks, “He’s honest, I thought, and then I felt sorry for him, for honesty in my opinion is a vice of children, and a vice my kind [i.e., Jews] never had. We were old liars.”

13 March, 2018 8:51 am

FRANKLY FAKE The so-called diary of anne frank is part rewrite, part forgery by persons other than anne. It was heavily interpolated and edited by her father otto and several collaborators of his, in primis anneliese schütz and ab cauvern. It consists of 3 basic elements : 1. plagiarism of der trotzkopf ; 2. plagiarism of jakob von gunten : ein tagebuch ; 3. misrepresented real events, mixed with fabricated events, from the franks´ family life 1942 – 1944. We are looking at patchwork here. Collage . Many other tesserae of the fraudulent mosaic were filched from : samuel richardson´s 1740 pamela; or, virtue rewarded ; goethe´s 1795-96 wilhelm meister´s apprenticeship ; 3 e.t.a.hoffmann early-XIX-century tales ; cissy van marxveldt ´s 1919-1925 joop ter heul ; h.g.well´s 1894 short story… Read more »

13 March, 2018 8:53 am

CHAPTER I : CRAZY IDEA Now picture yourself hiding from the nazis who are out to get you and send you to auschwitz, slave work et similia : would you write a diary, featuring all of the real names of your jewish friends, christian helpers, plus your antinazi and pro-allies stance ? Would you really do that, in view of the very real possibility you might get discovered and arrested ? Would you not only aggravate your own position in nazi eyes, but also endanger dozens of your friends and helpers ? Maybe you would do that, as a 13-year-old girl, not so smart and all alone but – would 5 adults all around you, hiding with you, aware you are keeping a diary as the diary explicitly states, allow… Read more »

Reply to  ALETH
13 March, 2018 8:57 am

CHAPTER 4 : INTERPOLATIONS IN PROGRESS If we know turn for a moment to the popular edition of anne frank´s diary, the current version that everyone reads when they buy it today, we may notice that manuscript words are changed into something entirely different : take for instance the current standard german translation, ANNE FRANK TAGEBUCH, edited by otto h. frank and mirjam pressler, translated by mirjam pressler, fischer taschenbuch, 19th print, january 2013 ( henceforth POP ), page 11 : the sept. 28, 1942 entry in the photo above, reads in POP: . Wheras the alleged manuscript entry in the photo above reads : . Thus you can see how the so-called diary of anne frank is really a work-in-progress, in which several persons other than anne have felt… Read more »

13 March, 2018 8:59 am

CHAPTER 5 : LITERARY PLAGIARISM As I said in the introduction above, the alleged diary is a collage of 3 elements basically, the first 2 having to do with literary plagiarism from TROTZ and GUNTEN. It is a very subtle sort of plagiarism, very professional , absolutely not creditable to an average 13-year-old such as anne frank. TROTZ is a novel about a 15-year-old girl, ilse, a contrarian and wild child, just like anne. The first leit-motif in TROTZ is the strong rapport ilse has with her father, as opposed to the hostility she harbors for her stepmother. Just like anne in the diary, who relates mostly positively to her dad otto, and negatively to her mother. On page 11 of TROTZ, we are on the second day of the… Read more »

13 March, 2018 9:01 am

CHAPTER 6 : PLAGIARISM DOWN TO THE SMALL DETAILS FRANK 215 : anne lists female beauty marks that she either possesses or doesn´t : among them, cheek and chin dimples : on page 26 of TROTZ, ilse´s room mate at the boarding house, nellie, gets <<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>. TROTZ 26 : Once at the boarding house, ilse sees that . Once at the hiding place, anne will see through the windows, an imposing chestnut tree. Once more : this is not to say that anne frank did not have dimples in her cheeks or that the chestnut tree in her garden is fiction – quite the contrary, I think both were real. What I am trying to make clear is, that whoever cooked up the diary of anne frank, knew TROTZ perfectly… Read more »

tony bonn
tony bonn
Reply to  ALETH
15 April, 2021 1:19 am

@Aleth – what you wrote in your several entries is precisely what the person claiming to have had a masters degree should have written. Your work is outstanding and verifiable – in its raw form it has the makings of a peer reviewable work because it can be either affirmed or contradicted. I applaud that you have applied critical comparative literary analysis to this maudlin sentimental tripe. Had the book been presented as fiction, I would have had no problems with it aside that it is a bunch of maudlin sentimental tripe. The book can be evaluated strictly on its literary merits as an adaptation of earlier traditions to a war time story – there is nothing wrong or sinister with that – it was c. 1947 mashup or sampling.… Read more »

27 May, 2019 6:05 pm

As I recall it, the present holders of the copyright of Anne Frank’s diary have admitted that is was written by Otto Frank in order to have the period of copyright extended.

Paddy Burns
Paddy Burns
15 July, 2019 9:40 am

The Spanish invented concentration camps in the Spanish-American war before the Boer War.

Chris Calo
Chris Calo
2 October, 2019 9:09 pm

Every day good people are waking up to these lying dirty Jews.