
Gone Viral

PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video.

One person was arrested for disorderly conduct following a brawl at Miami International Airport which was captured on video and has since gone viral.

Yew eeeennnn meeeee-ahhhhhh-meeeeeee nao, beeech. This incredible all against all is the end result of the weakness, appeasement and insanity endlessly promoted by our Jewish enemy. I can’t believe it’s not Nairobi. Creatures straight from a nightmare tear into each other while feckless White Talmudvision victims bleat impotently about rules. We took the Negress off the pancake box, I can’t believe this still happened. 

Miami-Dade Police have identified him as Jameel Decquir, one of several people involved in the fight in the American Airlines terminal right outside Gate D-14.

Don’t worry, one of the several groids involved has been arrested and will now get a slap on the wrist, if that, from our “racist” kkkorts. I think it’s obvious from the appalling footage that these creatures are fully human and only behaved like rabid baboons because of the pervasive evil of White supremacy.

Video posted on social media shows the melee which actually consisted of two separate brawls.

Yes, that’s what my lying eyes detected, assuming “brawl” is a kosher code-word for worthless and idiotic genetic aliens beating prone and unresponsive evolutionary dead-ends. Continuing to strike an already unconscious victim is just another example of the amazing vibrancy within the “African-American” community. We need a lot more of these monsters in our globalist bodega and a lot more excuses for the hordes of identical and primitive “diversity” we were already sold by our great ally the merchant.

One fight was next to the check in counter where a man can be seen getting punched and kicked repeatedly by at least three people.

The content of their character. Created equal. The only difference is skin color. Once we completely give up on trying to control this vile burden we should see improvements. It’s really just a sun-tanned White.

When the camera pans to the right, several other people can be seen punching and kicking each other next to a row of seats.

Now check out this stylish pan in my avant garde independent movie. Yes, the vertical filming was an intentional artistic choice. That part where the Negro literally kicks another coal creature in the rear end? That was just a happy accident.

Wow, look how “cool” the tar monster is.

Witnesses can be heard saying “Guys, stop it. Guys, stop it, You’re going to (expletive) kill him,” while others yell for “Security!”

C’mon man, cut it out. This insane all against all is really bad, you monkey-faced pony soldiers. Corn Pop was a bad dude. I had a summer job at the airport…

A woman can be heard saying, “Stop it, you’re going to get it trouble.”

The Soros-funded D.A. is going to throw the book at you!

Miami-Dade police say the victim did not want to press any charges. He was treated on the scene and released.

Stop snitching. Considering this is a criminal case and we have video evidence, there’s really no need to “press charges,” but our dinosaur media never gets tired of making that mistake.

It’s not known what started the fights.

Over fifty years of spending, bleeding and groveling from an embattled White population played a role, combined with 70 I.Q. “bee datt beeech.”

* * *

Source: Modern Heretic

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27 April, 2021 3:21 am

You can have Congoids or you can have civilization, but you can’t have both at the same time.

Whites working together can help ourselves separate from the evolutionary dead ends and put us back on a progressive path. Is our race worth saving? Then join us.

Joe Lowsac
Joe Lowsac
27 April, 2021 10:52 am

I don’t know how this went viral. There is no shortage of such videos. They act like this everywhere, not just Pop-eye’s.

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
27 April, 2021 12:32 pm

I am rather glad that this happened because it shows that the White liberal females and their rules are powerless. After all, the White liberal females tried to do away with masculine spirit in White men, and now they are even getting it back in spades from the congoid females.

Not that I would want to see White people chimp out like this, but it is good to see White liberals getting it shoved back at them.

27 April, 2021 9:14 pm

Greetings Blacks. You all know that Whites are not your enemies! Your enemies are Jews that enslaved you and other Blacks that tried to enslave and kill you. Hundreds of thousands of decent, horourable, Whites died trying to rescue you.

28 April, 2021 8:53 pm

Is chimping out at the airport a common event? A White girl is attacked by a large group of female joggers, her White boyfriend bravely covers her body to protect her.

I recently spent several hours laying over at Chicago’s O’Hare Airport, and also the airport in Ft. Lauderdale FL. I spend as little time around joggers as possible at home, so I was amazed at all the rope like hair weaves, the obnoxious fashions, and the loud and vulgar behavior exhibited by the blacks at the airports. Thankfully, my flights were not ones that blacks were interested in. This society is imploding. There is no way to straighten out these “people”.

1 May, 2021 3:02 pm

Please Video remove on YouTube , can it be shared directly here

Reply to  Tay
2 May, 2021 9:19 am

Yes ,already shoah’d
I would like a link h here too

3 May, 2021 11:50 pm

Or course the video is unavailable! That picture – in every movie there is always the ‘dumb/nerdy’ white guy- and the disgusting trashy white woman surrounded by all black men.
I can’t believe I never use to see this. How scarey it is to see things yet be COMPLETELY blind….