American Dissident Voices broadcast of 24 June, 2023
by Kevin Alfred Strom
“JUNETEENTH” — or, as our beloved African-American equals so often pronounce it, “Juneteenf” — has to be one of the stupidest holidays ever foisted upon us by the genocidal Jews who have taken our country from us.
The very word is stupid and nonsensical, a slurring together of the month of June and some day or other ending in “teenth” because, apparently, the Congoids who began the celebration either couldn’t remember the exact date, or because their counting skills resemble those of their continental African cousins whose minds aren’t really able to encompass anything much beyond “one, two, three, many” and all they can remember is “dat de freedom come” on one of those days that the White man named that ended in “teenth.” As such, the name itself of this profoundly retarded holiday must be intensely embarrassing to the literate and intelligent Blacks, who can’t fail to feel shame as they are publicly reminded of their belonging to a race large numbers of which, even after 300 years of schooling in math and the English language, still don’t get even the most basic concepts.
Blacks with even an ounce of self-respect and courage must feel insulted by the holiday, too: For what exactly is it “celebrating”? — a successful liberation of their own people? — a great achievement of their own race made against terrible odds? — a shining example of Black leadership and self-determination? No, none of these things. Rather their exact opposites: a celebration of something — their freedom from chattel slavery — that was handed to them by White people, in which they had little to no participation at all; a decree made by the Big Bawss White Man, shifting them from secure and paternalistic slavery to perilous and insecure wage slavery in someone else’s society. Adding to their acute embarrassment is the fact that Lincoln made the decree freeing the southern slaves strictly for his own political purposes, explicitly stating that if he could have preserved the Union without freeing a single slave, he would have done so, and furthermore publicly declaring that his full intention was to follow up emancipation with the absolute and permanent deportation of all Blacks from the United States, relocating them to Africa, or to the Caribbean if more convenient. It’s almost as if the Jews and leftist White lackeys who forced this execrable holiday on us designed it with the explicit purpose of making Blacks look pathetic and primitive.
Here in 95% White Cambria County, Pennsylvania, the town fathers gave their blessing to a Juneteenth celebration in the central square of the county’s largest city, Johnstown, and the local controlled media gave the event a big buildup. Despite the fact that certain business interests and the anti-White politicians in Washington and Harrisburg have been doing their best for years now to encourage Black migration to formerly nearly all-White Johnstown, the event was very sparsely attended: local job fairs, farmers’ markets, and motorcycle get-togethers in the same location garner a far, far larger audience. It was disturbing, though, to see that some White families came to this otherwise nearly all-Black event, and some of these volunteered to help their beloved equals re-paint the words “End Racism Now” in six-foot-high letters on one of main streets in town — words that had been initially approved by town authorities a couple of years back when preventing local George Floyd riots was at the forefront of every city manager’s mind. I suppose these “End Racism” volunteers are the very same half dozen or so families who ostentatiously hang Extermination Flags on their homes in the rich part of town and thereby show us how morally superior they are to everyone else.
All across America, Juneteenth was marked by a noticeable increase in Black crime and violence. The headlines tell the story:
“Shootings on Juneteenth Weekend Leave at Least 12 Dead, More Than 100 Injured”
“Shooting near Juneteenth festivities in Milwaukee injures 6”
“23 shot, one killed near Chicago Juneteenth celebration”
“Six teens shot near Milwaukee’s Juneteenth celebration”
“Mass shooting injured six shortly after Monday’s Juneteenth festival”
“Chilling video shows mass shooting at Willowbrook Juneteenth party”
“Juneteenth was NYC’s deadliest day for shootings in 2023 so far”
“Juneteenth shooting: Celebration turned ‘really ugly so fast'”
“Man killed at Juneteenth celebration in Liberty Station”
I could go on and on. What kind of White parent would bring his children or other family members to such an event? Or to any event where volatile Blacks are likely to be gathering and doing what they do naturally, showing us so absolutely clearly the content of their character?
We saw all this coming the very first year that the animated corpse, following Jewish orders and just a short time after he was installed in the White House by more than the usual fraud, declared that “Juneteenth” was a national holiday in the United States. Here’s an excerpt of our report titled “White People Don’t Act This Way”:
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CAN YOU imagine an ambulance being called to a White neighborhood, arriving with the intention to save someone’s life, and the White neighbors emerging from their homes and doing what you see in this video? I didn’t think so.
This video — reportedly showing continuing Black “Juneteenth celebrations” in Oakland, California after emergency vehicles responded to a shooting there that left one dead and five injured — is yet another case of Negroid behavior in a nation no longer willing nor able, for many reasons but mainly because of Jewish dominance, to control its feral Africans.
…[E]mergency medical personnel can be seen wheeling apparent victims on gurneys toward ambulances as throngs of Congoids “dance” — that is, “twerk,” in their gutter slang for simulated near-intercourse with strangers — and generally interfere with emergency workers and procedures while directly leaning on or climbing at least one ambulance.
One Black is even shown standing on top of an ambulance tossing around a football and dozens of other Blacks cheer both him and the “twerkers” on with guttural cries. Scenes like this, and worse, must have been common along the ancient Zambezi — but the irony of this occurring right next to the 21st-century life-saving technology of Aryan man is extreme. One questions whether they deserve such technology, and one knows they could never in a million years create it for themselves.
An ambulance in the video shows that it is part of a fleet belonging to Alameda County Emergency Medical Services. Oakland, California is in Alameda County.
[In 2021, the first year of the national “Juneteenth” holiday,] there were at least ten mass shootings in the US… most of which the media are reluctantly being forced to admit are connected to the illiterately-named “Juneteenth” Negro-focused “holiday” created by both political parties and “signed into law” …by Resident Biden. At least seven were killed and at least 40 others injured in the weekend’s mass shootings. In particular, mass shootings in Oakland, a largely-Black city, have recently been on the rise, the San Jose Mercury News reported. Saturday night’s shooting near Lake Merritt was the city’s sixth mass shooting of the year, which is so far more than all of 2020.
The races are profoundly different — physically, mentally, behaviorally, spiritually, and in evolutionary grade.
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“Juneteenth” also has a more official name — “The Juneteenth National Independence Day,” betraying that part of its creators’ intention was to eclipse America’s traditional July 4th Independence Day. It’s not hard to see a slippery slope, similar to what happened with Washington’s and Lincoln’s birthday holidays: First they were amalgamated into a generic “Presidents’ Day” that honors no one in particular, then MLK day was installed close in time to them, and soon the Black Communist rapist with a Jew Communist ghost writer eclipsed the White presidents almost completely in the public mind. More than one observer has noted that they can see a very real possibility in the future of Whites being accused of “racism” if they put too much emphasis on the “wrong” “National Independence Day.”
Fathers’ day is disliked by our Jewish commissars, and is famously a day of confusion and mixed feelings for many millions of Blacks — and “Juneteenth” is perfectly poised to eclipse that traditional White American holiday too. Not to mention that our deeply meaningful and very real Summer Solstice, sacred to all those who revere Nature and Nature’s God, is dirtied by its close proximity to yet another fake Congoid holiday that we are forced to celebrate by our new overlords.
The good news is that we don’t have to put up with any of this. Cleanse yourself of all allegiance to the putrid, rotting regime in Washington and the aliens who control it. Swear in your heart of hearts that you will no longer celebrate any of its holidays nor regard its pronouncements as anything but enemy propaganda. Give your soul’s allegiance to the real Purpose of the Creator — the eternal existence and upward evolution of our race — by becoming a Cosmotheist. Give your time and energy and wholehearted support to the agenda and organization and projects of the new and growing intentional White community the National Alliance is building — its book store, it’s expanding land holdings, its library and research center project, its media outreach, and its teachings of hope and joy and expanding life. Swear on all that is sacred to you that your family and your posterity will be part of this community — and that this community, and the new nation and new people which will grow from it, will be one of the most important things in your life, and that your family line, from children to great-grandchildren and beyond, will be a part of this community for ever and ever.
And also good news is that the more our enemies try and force such false and fake and life-threatening garbage down our throats, the more of the most perceptive and high-quality White people will find us and be drawn to our message and our efforts and our community. You have a part to play in that, and a joyful part it is.
Until next time, this is Kevin Alfred Strom reminding you of the words of Richard Berkeley Cotten: “Freedom is not free; free men are not equal; and equal men are not free.”
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You’ve been listening to American Dissident Voices, the radio program of the National Alliance. This program is published every week at whitebiocentrism.com and nationalvanguard.org. Please write to us at National Alliance, Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. We welcome your inquiries and your financial support in spreading our message of hope to our people. We also welcome your applications for membership in our community of the conscious. Once again, that address is Box 4, Mountain City, TN 37683 USA. Thank you for your help
Blacks under the age of 35 simply must go. Not segregation, repatriation. Older blacks who aren’t young enough to rebuild their lives elsewhere can finish up here, along with those who are truly disabled, and/or have pensions that can support them without welfare, but the younger ones have got to find a new country to start their adult lives in. We have to end this vicious cycle of new generations of blacks in the United States. It’s been a mistake since day one, and there is no working scenario with them in the continent at all. There are numerous repatriation programs out there for Ghana’s Right of Return law (similar to Israel) and we can throw in a little extra if need be: Whites must demand that this is put… Read more »
Here’s what we’re already doing, Mr. Connolly: Give your soul’s allegiance to the real Purpose of the Creator — the eternal existence and upward evolution of our race — by becoming a Cosmotheist. Give your time and energy and wholehearted support to the agenda and organization and projects of the new and growing intentional White community the National Alliance is building — its book store, it’s expanding land holdings, its library and research center project, its media outreach, and its teachings of hope and joy and expanding life. Swear on all that is sacred to you that your family and your posterity will be part of this community — and that this community, and the new nation and new people which will grow from it, will be one of the… Read more »
Do you really believe that the overwhelming majority of them will leave the richest country of the world voluntarily and would prefer to leave in the most backwards region of the world without welfare and first world infrastructure? What about Western europe? there is a lot of them too and unlike US virtually all them arrived voluntarily and still keep coming. Do you want to force them to leave by gun?
Ian hasn’t thought his idea all the way through, Bjorn. And he’s not amenable to Jim’s suggestion about NA’s community-building as the solution for separating our people from the Black menace. Ian is a defeatist and has no business being here at NV contradicting NA’s program and vision with his goofy lamentation NV readers should rather listen to Douglas Mercer who is positive about NA’s program of strict racial separation: about a core of serious, determined Whites withdrawing our consent to be governed by racial enemies and of supporting anything and everything negroidal, and does it with a smile. Note his latest about so-called “reparations” yesterday at our forum:(146) Restorative Math – White Biocentrism Douglas MercerJune 27 2023Math be hard and math be racist, that’s for sure. Math be the… Read more »
Warning: National Vanguard may be compromised. In the last few weeks I’ve seen Douglas Mercer use the kike-created term of “migrants” to refer to what are actually illegal aliens, and now we see KAS using the yid’s phony “African-American” moniker, a term that was clearly created to try to (a) prop up the inferior blacks and (b) instill a sense of guilt among Caucasians. Why would alleged White nationalists would be using these terms unless they’ve been co-opted by the heeb parasite? Stay perceptive, commenters. The jew cancer always metastasizes furtively.
Miss Zemitik, the National Alliance is the parent to the online magazine National Vanguard and isn’t compromised. I’ve read both authors you’ve mentioned and can assure you that sarcasm is often employed when describing various terms. There are other inflections that may be present as well, and also aren’t always so obvious. We do appreciate that you care to keep an eye out for each other.
Regarding the term “illegal aliens,” consider that to be a misnomer as well. After all, with the stroke of a Jew-influenced politician’s pen, the ‘illegal’ can be made legal. As for myself, it seems best to call them non-White aliens instead. The organic racial element can’t be disputed saying so, and is of the most importance to us.
Yes, the very definition “illegal” presupposes respect to the system that creates all kinds of anti-White laws. I think that “non-Whites” is the most appropriate term to use. The whole US political system is illegal if judged according to the Law of Nature.
It is good that you are reading both KAS and DM, Ann. but it’s too bad you think NV is compromised by their use of a word here and there that our enemies use, I hate seeing people on our side, or any White for that matter using the Ebonic (read: Negroidal) word “woke” when Politically Correct is just as descriptive. (145) Woke? – Page 2 – White Biocentrism Would you have preferred Kevin use the word “nigger” in the opening sentence? Or get cute with “AfercunMeruhcun? If so, you don’t know Kevin. He says “Juneteenf” in the same sentence and “Congoid” later in this excellent piece. Some will be pissed at him for that rather than grasp the entirety of his Juneteenf, and how traditionally White or patriotic holidays… Read more »
You are quite welcome, sir. Ann says she has only read your articles for a few weeks so my guess is that she is newly-awakened. Should she read the 189 essays of yours here at NV her idea that NV has been compromised will vanish: Douglas Mercer | National Vanguard What Ann and some other visitors here haven’t discovered yet are the numerous essays of yours that Kevin Strom didn’t have time to carefully edit prior to putting up on NV — here on our tiny National Alliance forum: (145) Douglas Mercer – White Biocentrism I’m not the perfectionist Kevin is so invited you to feature all of these unedited articles up because I and other will overlook a few careless “finger errors,” and such, to appreciate the red meat… Read more »
Animals, that’s all that comes to mind when I read this.
All these bleeding heart Whites should be required to read a recent history of South Africa because America is going down the same road.
Have to respectfully disagree with you. Liberals are seriously deluded. The only thing that changes them at all is harsh reality. When I was younger, after leaving the military, I was deluded about race and other issues. Then I worked in and around Birmingham, Alabama, for a while. Seeing plenty of black dysfunction, especially as a paramedic, turned me into a race realist. Most blacks are simply unfit to live in Western Civilization. We can throw money at them continuously, but nothing works. Even in my own family, I have relatives who simply don’t have a clue about what blacks are really like. They still believe that blacks are ” just like us”, but with a different appearance.
A good number of National Alliance are former liberals, like you, FL. You describe nicely the transition from “deluded” on matters of race to ‘race realist.” Hopefully, you, too, will join with us. since you can speak from personal experience to the throngs of still deluded liberal kinsmen who can become racially responsible. Believe it or not, a good number of NA members, are also former Christians, if nominally — raised that way, like me, like Dr. Pierce. Many have been awakened to reality, I’d say, by listening to Cosmotheism founder William Pierce until the blinders are removed and they suddenly decide, “By god, he’s right!” Find 240 of his talks here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/natall/ where we’ve finally passed 1,000 subscribers, or here, where we control the channel, not Bitchute: https://video.natall.com/. Besides… Read more »
Welcome home comerad David Cavall yes Liberals are deluded it will be their downfall because everyday we are be proven right our numbers are raising in NA and Racial Realism soon we will wake up the entire Aryan-Race in the world too White Self-Preservation of our race heil our victory…
Thank you, Kevin, for your in-depth take on how I and I hope many others here think of this disgusting new day on the calendar and the interruption of postal, bank and stock markets.
It might as well be called National Chimpout Day. We can only hope the groids keep cannibalizing one another during times like this, reducing their numbers…were it not for their high fertility and more influx of black Caribbeans, Somali and other subsaharan African savages.
I have had considerable experience (via the mining industry) in dealing with australoids (aka; coconuts, bungs or, abos, pronounced ab_bow) and blacks. Though this anthropoid garbage has the semblance of being human their sub-normal IQ, their violent and unpredictable nature and their inability to plan, indicates that they are everything but human. I suspect that they are a failed species – a species that can only survive by ‘sponging-off’ White people.
Well they did survive on the Australian continent for over 50,000 years, give or take. They can take care of themselves and they really should be left to their own devices, ie: get them off welfare, etc.
Then again, there is the abusive childrearing practices that got altruistic Whites to meddle in their affairs in the first place.
Your point! Kangaroos, Emus, and other indigenous life was on the Australian continent long before Abos arrived, so should Australians make Kangaroos or Emus the rulers and owners of the Australian continent. In 60,000 years of residing on the Australian continent the filthy Abo did absolutely nothing of significance. He still does nothing and yes I have visited many ‘Abo’ mission stations run and managed by Abos. They are hell holes – houses wrecked beyond repair, streets full of litter and human excrement. The only time they might look presentable is when a camera crews arrives and in those instances teams of white contractors have been sent in, prior to filming, to clean up the mess the Abos created. They are a filthy, stupid people with no redeeming features and… Read more »
Excellent analysis Mr. Jefferson! I lived in Australia for a decade and although I did not meet any of those horrible creatures, all the Australians with whom I talked about them told me very much the same as you did.
Here is a link to a disgusting article of the DAILY MAIL which reveals “Edwards VIII’s racism and hatred” towards the Abos. The then Prince of Wales was a race realist who did not minced his words when he wrote to his then mistress, Freya Dudley Ward, describing his experiences during his tour of Australia in 1920. The fragments quoted are both interesting and funny.
The Japanese had sent pearl fishing expeditions to the Australian coast (which they called Saiyo) for centuries before the Emperor decided to formally annex the country.
The Aborigines fought them off.
I’ve been to Australia a few times, many of my family members are citizens and have lived there. I’ve never come across a more primitive, ugly and disgusting bunch in my life. They actually make Negroes look almost civilised in comparison. They’re unbelievably stupid and dirty. Either they or African pygmies have to be the most stupid “humans” to walk the Earth. Truly revolting in every way.
The main problem isn’t even all those non-White masses. They push only as far as they are allowed to do. The main problem is passivity of the White mainstream majority. They accept all these humiliations. They hope to preserve their private prosperity at the expense of the overall racial humiliation. They don’t want to understand that it is impossible to prosper on individual level for long if your whole ethnic and racial community goes down. They must learn this lesson hard way. Whites must start to act. The first step is to support those few White activists who dedicate their time and resources for the racial struggle. So far very few do it. The great majority not only don’t support nationalist cause but on each occasion loudly parrot the Jewish… Read more »
An excellent analysis if there ever was one.
Let them die, and die they will. They are
even doing it on their own without any
encouragement – watch them line up for
their Covid-19 Kill Shots!
I think that it is a very logical from evolutionary point of view and I would say it is a tempting position. I myself have come to this conclusion many times, but at the end of the day I am always not sure if it is right to stop trying to win hearts or at least educate normies (which is now impossible to do on a massive scale without taking great risks in Russia anyway as you know, but not in the US). First of all we should understand that if we don’t care about lemmings, where will we get women? Of course there are racially aware women, but their numbers are just too tiny. Second, I would assume that even if there were sufficient numbers of racially conscious women,… Read more »
My reply is on WB: https://whitebiocentrism.com/viewtopic.php?f=68&t=4708&p=26068#p26068
And a fine response it is, Wolf. Here is a portion: …Returning to the “women question” I can add that the overall mechanism is very simple and immutable. First you gain power (of any kind and form) and only afterward you gain unrestricted access to females. It is one of the simplest lessons of history. You can’t be a loser and have access to females. The winners gain females and all kinds of material possessions but losers are enslaved and annihilated. This simple lesson must be learnt by all racially aware White males. There are no shortcuts to success. And any success requires a lengthy period of persistent and arduous preparation. Nothing is for free in life.But I don’t mean that we must start any kind of open hostilities against… Read more »
Some how they fail to mention that Blacks sold blacks into slavery, (Ashanti Black slave traders) so what are they celebrating? They did it to themselves…or is this because they can’t celebrate ‘Father’s day?