
White Female Torn From Vehicle, Stomped in Street by BLM During Riot in York, Pennsylvania

Chaos erupted when a large crowd of violent people mobbed a White female who was driving on the street during an impromptu march through downtown York, Pennsylvania.

VIOLENCE ERUPTED during a Black Lives Matter march, protesting the death of George Floyd through the streets of York, Pennsylvania, on Monday.

The march turned into a full blown riot when a large crowd of violent people mobbed a White female who was driving her car on the street during the impromptu march.

Watch the scene unfold, filmed by Aimee Lewis:

According to WHTM:

The march began at Penn Park, moved to the police station, then became a parade down George Street, which still had cars occupying the road. The roads were not blocked off, which meant that vehicles had to yield way for protestors.

The march took a violent turn when a fight broke out between a protester and a driver. The driver got out of [her] vehicle, while several people swarmed around the car in a scuffle. The commotion eventually resulted in someone jumping on the vehicle and shattering the rear window. 

Police were nowhere to be found during the ensuing chaos, while protestors were angered that some drivers continued on despite people occupying the roads.

Update: According to York Mayor Michael Helfrich, “It is clear so far from the footage that nobody was dragged out of the car.”

Ignore what you saw in the video.

* * *

Source: Harrisburg100

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24 June, 2020 12:01 am

The really important thing about everything that is happening in the USA and the West is:
First, this is a survival war.
Second in wars there are three options, the winner takes everything, the defeated loses everything, an armistice or tie and everything continues just as bad.
Third, the most astute will try to take advantage of the destruction and chaos, criticism of the enemy does not work, unlike propaganda well used.
Fourth, objective and practical evaluation and analysis of events.
Fifth, plan strategy and act as best as possible according to the results that are being given.
Remember from the chaos a solution can come, it is an opportunity.

Bla bla
Bla bla
Reply to  Panadechi
24 June, 2020 4:21 am

Bla bla bla bla bla bla ……. Are you going to do something or just talk ?

Reply to  Bla bla
24 June, 2020 9:25 am

His first statement is true – the first objective is to survive. Until we can come up with counteractions to negro violence, it is important to avoid negroes when possible. York PA is almost 30% negro. While all negroes are violent, the risk is especially high when they gather in large numbers. To paraphrase Sun Tzu: “ Don’t engage the enemy when you are outnumbered and have no battle plan”.

In this case, the driver should never have been driving there and when encountering negroes, NEVER stop, KEEP moving and STAY in the car.

Reply to  guest
24 June, 2020 10:15 am

If non-Whites persecute us, likely quasi-religiously, then how will they behave under the effects of orgonite?

Here’s a good list of what orgonite can do. (Consider the fact, that orgonite could repel and banish evil non-physical entities.)

Reply to  Elfriede
25 June, 2020 1:29 pm

Playing wizard with magical stones is not going to help this situation. We need Real, Brave Men to stand up —now, more than ever.

Reply to  guest
27 June, 2020 9:26 pm

Yes, and when you run one of them over because you refuse to be dragged from your car and beaten to death, the state will then charge you with a “hate” crime for injuring the poor dindu. God help you if you actually kill the feral.

This is what’s happening to White people in the United States now, and I cannot understand WHY they’re just standing by and allowing it. It will be so much worse for our grandchildren. I don’t see how anyone can in good conscience can do what we’re currently doing….NOTHING. We’ve accepted all of this.

Travon Martinberg
Travon Martinberg
Reply to  Bla bla
24 June, 2020 10:13 am

Agree. It is time for dynamic leadership. Whites are being duped, when race-based laws to excuse non-whites from public-safety law are acceptable, for example . We want non-whites to wear masks to protect white lives from the non-whites’ higher infection rate, but an Oregon county considers non-whites’ emotions more important. While any law that protects Whites, say prohibiting discrimination in college admission, is shot down as racist before put to paper. Dynamic leadership means the NA must become more strategic in its recruitment, targeting Whites in key choke-points of society, such as farm managers – who are 95% white in the US now and control the US food supply at the planting and livestock-raising level – and become far more reserved in its rhetoric, so as to be a… Read more »

Reply to  Travon Martinberg
25 June, 2020 1:56 pm

I agree with securing the food, power and vital infrastructure —I know that the current USA government has piss poor plans, as of now. It looks more like they want to sabotage and destroy us rather than secure us (that is their plan after all*). Securing these resources will require feet on the ground to accomplish. Though, there will be some serious challenges, for instance Smithfield Foods. You can read about this in any news source. I just picked the first from a web search and happens to be USA Today, which I never read. Here is the Smithfield Foods situation: “Smithfield Foods is a Virginia-based company and is the world’s largest pork processor and hog producer; it produces a variety of brand name meats and partnered with a Chinese… Read more »

Reply to  Vidarr
25 June, 2020 8:10 pm

I know a little about food supply, unfortunately the people staffing those plants are cheap immigrants. They speak something like 40 different languages at Smithfield, that’s why they’ve had so much trouble with COVID outbreaks. Long story short, they aren’t Union.

Reply to  Janie
26 June, 2020 2:51 pm

We already have laws about illegal immigration. If the current “government” and federal agencies are corrupt, criminals, criminally negligent, and not willing, or able to follow the rule of law, then it is on the people that can. No one is going to do it for us. “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State…” They illegally enter the USA in cargo containers via land and sea, so they can go right back out the way they came in. A Well Regulated Militia in each state, could get most of these illegal thieves out in not too long a time-frame. (This includes “anchor babies”.) Our Well Regulated Militias are professional, neat, clean, of sound mind and character. The Militias will be well organized and share… Read more »

24 June, 2020 3:35 am

If the governments and media lie about violence against Indo-European descent people, then they’ll lie about anything (and would have in the past).

24 June, 2020 7:03 am

This are the orcs Tolkien was warning us about. Real monkey screeching and behaviour, and aesthetics.

24 June, 2020 7:05 am

The canary just died.

24 June, 2020 8:52 am

Can’t breathe ? Take off the completely pointless mouth burqua – that oughta fix the problem.

Rommel 41
Rommel 41
24 June, 2020 9:19 pm

Any erstwhile white Women there or in ‘the vicinity’ for protesting or maybe just for support, get what’s coming to them IMO. If actually ‘innocent’ and just happenstance wrong place, wrong time, then OK, to be determined by our Racial justice tribunal. In MY administration :) if she was there in support or has expressed explicit sympathies for blacks in the past, she could then be evaluated for desirable traits – health, beauty, athleticism, and so on … And IF of good quality, a few eggs could be harvested, after which she’d be banished to deepest darkest Africa for a little ‘R & R’ as part of some determinate sentence. Re-entry to OUR society would have conditions … Think I’m crazy > too harsh blah, blah … Go wash a… Read more »

25 June, 2020 7:57 am

Arm yourself and never stop for the crazies.

Axis Sally
Axis Sally
25 June, 2020 5:24 pm

“The driver got out of their vehicle,…”
Just out of curiosity, does anyone here have any observations on the above statement?

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  Axis Sally
25 June, 2020 9:28 pm

An obvious “femspeak” or ignorant error in the original piece — which has now been corrected. We don’t always catch them.

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
26 June, 2020 12:10 am

Black lives don’t matter to me, not now not ever. They are not my people and race and they don’t mean anything to me, the only thing any white person should do is to ignore them to the fullest and don’t ever have anything to do with them at all. I don’t care how they behave, it doesn’t matter, apartheid is what should be the norm. In this society the killing of that thug couldnt occure, atleast not because of a white police because we would not ever be in the same spot! However, there are far to many white a–lickers out there in all positions of society serving them, licking them. And that’s the worst of all. These whites, they are the ones who really deserve being hated. So,… Read more »

Reply to  Angry Swede
26 June, 2020 2:20 pm

Agreed 100% with everything you wrote.

Angry Swede
Angry Swede
Reply to  Vidarr
27 June, 2020 7:45 pm

Thank you.
It’s the only way and there shall be no exceptions, not a single exception for anyone of them.

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
Reply to  Angry Swede
3 July, 2020 4:35 pm

I recall some years ago a good white woman said something on an audio podcast regarding black crime after a particularly gruesome incident. She said something essentially “to them” like “Learn how to behave, or GET OUT!!” Although I know it was just a reaction based on anger; quite frankly, I could care less if some blacks managed to “learn how to behave.” We should be light years from simply “worrying whether or not they learn to behave” at this point. We need voluntary separation from them forever, and allow the Amy Biehl’s to stay behind. A permanent social and political severing; completely separate statehood.

27 June, 2020 2:33 am

Time to form many and large groups of strong white men and arm the hell up. Women are raped every day in Europe by blacks and Muslims that Jews like Merkel and Macron have bussed in.

Reply to  Wolf
28 June, 2020 1:48 am

Im sick to my stomach. I have my 9mm lying in my lap. Im ready.

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
28 June, 2020 7:49 pm

Update from a correspondent on the ground in York: — I just watched the video of the white woman being dragged from her car by black lives matter. I live just 5 minutes from where this happened; What you’re not seeing in this video are the women being dragged into an alley and raped by gangs of black animals. This is going on right where I live. But the liberal anti-white media will NEVER report the rapes; I see things getting MUCH worse until the Whites rise up and start fighting back!! I’m applying for full time active membership in the National Alliance. i have to do something for my race. This is happening right outside my door. I look forward to being of any help i can. best wishes… Read more »


Are you talking about the woman in the car being raped or just random White women being targeted as the savage hordes continue their stroll?

Guillermo F
Guillermo F
12 July, 2020 10:28 am

Over half of those mobs are white