
Chicago: 61 Shot Over Holiday Weekend, Pilgrims to Blame

Garry McCarthy, Rahm Emanuel
Rahm Emanuel and Garry McCarthy

HOPEFULLY EVERYONE reading this had a safe and relaxing Thanksgiving holiday. For healthy Whites it’s a time to spend with family, a time for quiet reflection on how much we truly have and for sincere and humble thanks. No Negro ball, no Negro Friday, just spiritual nourishment that is badly needed as we journey across the blasted Semitic wasteland that is the modern world. Meanwhile in Rahm’s Chicago plantation the tribal warfare reached new, pathetic levels, no doubt caused by the negative influence of pilgrims.

There truly are two Americas: the shrinking White rump-state where our heritage manages to continue despite being surrounded on all sides by Kosher rot and the dead America that represents the total disaster of “diversity.” One of these national visions will be our future. Choose carefully.

In all, at least 61 people were shot in attacks across the city over four-day holiday weekend, according to Chicago Police.

Maybe the Jew wasn’t entirely honest with that entire “All people are the same, except for us, we’re special and better” line.

Last year, 8 people were killed and 20 were wounded in shootings during the same holiday weekend, beginning at 7 p.m. the day before Thanksgiving.

For some reason the Negro isn’t improving despite every possible sacrifice and humiliation from Legacy Americans.

To toe the Marxist line of “correct thinking” a person must either be a careerist professional liar or completely delusional. Or both. The failure of the Negro is always the fault of the Pink People, no matter how illogical this argument becomes. According to the Chicago Chief of Police the Whiteys somehow responsible for the brown savagery now include Pilgrims. Yes, really. Cancel Thanksgiving, it be makin’ da bruthas hos-tile, mang. Hos-tile.

“It’s a big issue. It’s a long time coming. We’ve done a lot of things wrong in policing in this country. I’m willing to admit that,” said McCarthy. “But this goes back 200-300 years to the time when Pilgrims came here and things developed from that, the African American experience in this country.”

The Pilgrims are, of course, responsible for the Mayflower Compact, which established rule of law and individual freedoms in what would become America. These concepts don’t really mesh well with the jungle all vs. all chaos of the “African American.” Thus, the Pilgrims are responsible for the Big Chimping going on in Chicago. Q.E.D.

But wait, there’s other cracker devils to blame! Hooray!

But the Pilgrims weren’t the only people being blamed for the violence. The superintendent also laid blame at the feet of America’s finest and inferred — without actually stating it — that white police officers are the problem.

“Who has been the people enforcing those laws that were problematic for the African American community all these years? And that’s to me where it all starts,” stated McCarthy. “It starts with the recognition of how we got here and figuring out how we are going to move forward. By first confronting the issue. Recognition is the first step towards reconciliation. So that’s what I bring to the table. It’s one of those things that a lot of police chiefs in this country are afraid to talk about. I’m not afraid to talk about it because it’s out there and we’ve got to address it.”

Yes, we can’t lay all the blame on peaceful religious separatists. It’s also the fault of White cops, apparently. It’s nice McCarthy isn’t “afraid to talk about this.” What courage, to blame the White Man just like everyone else. Anything but pointing out the failure of the American Negro: the single parent broods, the government dependency, the refusal to work, the low I.Q., the poor impulse control, the lack of future orientation, the media and government incitement, the criminality, the endless excuses and all the rest.

Then WVON host Warren Valentine chimed in, blaming the Jim Crow era.

The cause of Negro criminality.
The cause of Negro criminality.

I think it’s legally mandated that this be brought up at least once every time the typical Negro behavior is addressed.

Full Story

It seems the only ones not responsible are the actual criminals themselves. They’re just good boys, aspiring rappers, basketball players and brain surgeons, turning their lives around.

It might surprise some, but I agree with this Police Chief. Whites are bad for Negroes. Clearly the solution is segregation and eventually creating Whites-only nations. This would solve the cruel legacy of religious pacifists. White nationalism: even our enemies support it. Once the negative honky influence is removed the Negro can create chocolate paradises like South Sudan. Clearly progressive justice demands this.

Another comical chapter in the farce that is diversity comes to a close. Until we have our own White nations this idiocy will continue. We’re not equal. Diversity doesn’t work. Wake up, White man.

[Apparently even McCarthy’s over-the-top pandering to Blacks wasn’t enough for Chicago’s Jewish mayor, Rahm Emanuel. Late last year McCarthy was fired to placate Blacks after the shooting of Laquan McDonald. — Ed.]

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Source: Modern Heretic

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Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
Jeremiah Johnson, Jr.
27 January, 2019 4:00 am

It’s plain to see how McCarthy got the job of top cop in Chiraq: just blame your fellow whites and cops for the behavior of black criminals, thereby appeasing your Jewish boss. I’ll bet the white cops of Chicago had a party when the race-traitor McCarthy got fired. How any white person can be a cop in Chicago is beyond me.