Darkle’s Domain
by Douglas Mercer
WHEN HE wasn’t catering to Wall Street, the military-industrial complex, Jews, Blacks, and other assorted racial enemies of White people, Donald Trump would occasionally rip off a good line. An example of such is when rancid jungle trollop Meghan Markle and her subservient consort “Prince Harry” made an ad for our current fake President, urging people to vote for him. Trump was asked about this and he said “I’m not that big a fan of hers; I think she knows that.” And then he said what almost makes me glad I voted for him. “And as for Harry I wish him luck. Because he’s going to need it.”
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Famed visionary Enoch Powell said when he thought of his country he saw rivers of blood; and that in the future the Black man in Britain would have the whip hand; O his prophetic soul.
White race criminal “Prince Harry” decried his family’s lack of support in the face of the “racist attacks” on his ebony “wife”: “For us, for this union and the specifics around her race, there was an opportunity — many opportunities — for my family to show some public support. And I guess one of the most telling parts and the saddest parts, I guess, was over 70 female members of Parliament, both Conservative and Labour, came out and called out the colonial undertones of articles and headlines written about Meghan.”
Colonial undertones? This stupid git had never heard of that ludicrous phase until that mystery-meat wife of his had him read the complete works of that skinny faggot, James Baldwin.
If there’s a Negro Harry hasn’t kneeled in front of, we’ve never heard of him. And some wits have suggested that his wife is openly sharing her favors (such as they are) with Blacks in the bedroom of their high-priced beachside mansion tucked away in an unincorporated area near Santa Barbara. Indeed, how could the cuck object? To do so would bring up old colonial undertones about “possession” and all that. And we know who wears the trousers in that family. We know who has the whip hand. We know who has the ring in his nose and who’s leading whom around. When she says bash the White man, he says yes, ma’am.
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Time was when the British Royal Family was a noticeably Germanic affair. That is, until the Jews made them change their name. Prior to that time, exemplary racialist and anti-Jew Richard Wagner said that his time spent with the Queen and King was a “German oasis” amidst dreary London.
Time was when the English used to have a clear-eyed King who opposed war and loved Hitler. Until the Jews ran him off.
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Now London is minority White British. They have a pint-sized Muslim mayor who hates White people and their history. A mayor who saw fit on this past New Year’s Eve to put a big “Black power” fist in the sky written with fireworks. No kidding, sunshine.
Today, in virtually all British historical dramas, White characters are played by Blacks, because Jews say so and no White man in authority has the testicles to tell them “never in a trillion years.” Currently there is a “hit series” called Bridgerton, which, from what I can glean, is a period piece that shows Black men raping White women and the White women loving it, all amidst a tasteful 18th-century English aristocratic setting.
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When “Prince Harry” married his African Queen it’s likely that the Royal Family was moderately pleased. After all, they have a financial interest in there continuing to be such a thing as the Royal Family long into the future. And they can read demographic projections as well as the rest of us. That is, they know that there won’t always be an England and in the future of their godforsaken island no one there will remember Vera Lynn. And when the island is infested by 50, 60, and 70 per cent. non-Whites the likelihood of them supporting a White family in the lap of luxury is exactly zero. So, they thought, we’ll get us a quadroon and maybe maybe next a mulatto, and if the rich, vibrant diversity hits the fan we’ll all abdicate and Britain can have their Kang.
That is, they saw which way the wind was blowing and they figured Harry sullying himself like that was taking one for the team. And in that way, or so they supposed, they could stay “relevant.”
But funny things happen on the way to a racemixing Hell. And when you are party to genocide you shouldn’t complain about the gas fumes.
The truth is, when it comes to Congoids and hybrids, you must never give them an inch. If you do, you can be sure they’ll take your life. And that of your race along with it.
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“Lady” Di set the tone for the dark future as a money-grubbing whore who burned the coal in the form of a Middle Easterner. And, like mother-in-law, like daughter-in-law — because when it comes to being a gold-digging fame-craving slattern, Meghan Markle takes a back set to no one, and “Lady” Di did some pretty unspeakable things in that back seat. Markle was born to a Negro mother and race-betraying White man in Southern California, an inauspicious start for sure. Wikipedia’s editors like to highlight the fact that when the embarrassment-to-be was just eleven, she wrote to Proctor and Gamble, asking them to “gender neutralize” a commercial they were airing. Like all good “woke” capitalists, the corporation complied, no doubt making great hay about the little “person of color” who had such “gumption.” The little semi-Black helot learned a valuable lesson: Talk in fake “enlightened” language, flash your misshapen brown mug, and the world will buckle for you.
Unsurprisingly, she had political ambitions. She worked as an intern at the American embassy in Buenos Aires (once the home of some great National Socialists who never gave up the ghost). But she was too stupid to pass the Foreign Service Officer test and her career at Foggy Bottom was curtailed. Since Foffy Bottom wasn’t the only bottom in play, she chose other methods to advance herself instead. She did miss her time, though; I’m sure by now the State Department has rewritten or abolished that test so they can promote just such as she — White-hating sycophants who are as dumb as a sack of burnt hair.
When she was old enough to get naked in public, she took up “acting” and was found in such seminal works of entertainment as Dater’s Handbook and Sparks Fly. She got her big break in a Jew-produced television show called Suits where she climbed to moderate fame by taking off her clothes like the good little Hollywood slut she so surely is. (The tabloid media called the show “cable TV’s raunchiest ever,” which is really saying something.)
Once plucked from this still relative obscurity and ensconced in the Royal Family, she asked the British universities to “de-colonize the curriculum.” Naturally her good little ginger cuckpuppy followed suit and parroted every pronouncement of the Big Boss Lady when it came to tearing down his own race. And by the way, “de-colonizing the curriculum” means Shakespeare out; White women getting raped by Blacks and liking it in.
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Now this malevolent witch is at it again. She has just shown up for an interview with Black blimp Oprah and cried… (wait for it)… “racism.” Who would have guessed?
Apparently (according to her) when she popped out little Archie Mountbatten-Windsor, there was some second thinking among the Royals. Sure, this horrid creature is our ticket to the Rainbow Future but what if she spits out Nat King Cole? After all who wants a nappy-haired little savage as a grandkid? (Let alone one named Mountbatten. Surely that’s some kind of fiduciary breach, is it not?)
Well, no one, that’s who. Indeed, entire civilizations and social structures have been carefully erected simply to prevent such a nightmare.
Not for nothing do they say: Broken branch — grandparent cry.
So, again (according to the sleeparound witch) some in the Royal Family were making sure that little Archie would not have round-the-clock security, would not be a prince. And also they were expressing some well-considered curiosity about just what the little tyke’s color would be.
When you take a mulatto and cross it with a White, what do you get?
A variety of Negro, of course. A quadroon, to be specific, which is still definitely a million miles from being European, no matter how the skin-color lottery comes out. One drop is one drop too many.
A quadroon, et cetera, can sometimes have lighter skin than some Europeans. Yet said Europeans are still 100 per cent. White people, and the quadroon is definitely, absolutely not. Skin color and race are two different things.
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Naturally the Jewish-controlled “mainstream” media lauded this interview.
Harry didn’t say “bawk, bawk, pretty bird” but he might as well have. What he did say was that the idea that some of his family still had natural and normal feelings and reservations about welcoming erectus into their bloodline was “shocking.” Then he sat back down while the head of the household patted his remaining hair.
Markle explained that some in her husband’s family worried that they would see someone who would not look like them. And she claims she could not understand how they could not see this as a “benefit” and a “reflection of today’s world.”
Ah, there it is folks. Today’s world. Their world. A Black and Brown world. So they imagine. They don’t know the New Boss very well, do they?
She says she can’t understand why the family would be upset if their grandchild “looked like the future.”
Naturally, the Duchess of Africa is getting massive big ups from the Jewish-run world of celebrities. Someone with the deep out-of-Africa (not) name of Jameela Jamil, along with Ava DuVernay and Bernice King, said they were totally in favor of watering down the White man’s genetic inheritance, and the Black man getting a slice of those world famous genes; just like they “get a slice” of our wealth and our lives every time we take a breath these days. The somewhat less-than-angelic Serena Williams said that she was all for taking the White man down, too.
Of course “British” (read: Jew) media were in the eye of the Black hurricane. Piers Morgan measured his words carefully to show he wasn’t a “racist” and called out the mixed-race whore on a very few of her more obvious lies. He was promptly told by those who want a future in the Jew-run industry that it was “not his place” to say what was or was not “racism against Blacks.” Shut up Whitey, in short.
(On an honestly-named UK talk show called Loose Women, a debate erupted after a panelist was said to have exhibited “casual racism.” Now that’s likely not true, but on the off chance it is marginally correct it only goes to show that your racism should never be casual — this is serious business and needs to be left to the professionals.)
And like a synchronized anti-White chorus, the Jew media said the “real issue” here is not the destruction of an ages-old tradition and bloodline, but the fact that some evil White people just might possibly think that that is not a grand and wonderful thing.
So much for Great Britain. So much for what was, even within the lifetimes of some of my readers today, one of the greatest Aryan nations that ever existed, ruler of the most extensive Empire of any age, unparalleled in human history, beloved by Adolf Hitler — now reduced to a dying vestige, a sick-unto-death Jew-parasitized parody of what it once was.
There goes the demi-paradise. No one there will remember Vera Lynn unless it is to spit on her grave.
The curtain falls.
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Darkle and her ever-loyal sheepdog have found a new home now, not in the ghetto where the trash’s recent roots are, not on the mean streets of Black America, not where the bullets fly freely from guns wielded by Black gangsters, not where the 40s and pipes have their home. No. Their new home is in an idyllic White haven near Santa Barbara, California, a still-lovely place called Montecito or “little mount.”
Homes there typically sell for a cool 22 million fedshekels. If you walk around Montecito’s well-tended and well-guarded streets, don’t be surprised if you see someone famous.
The demographics in the town would make Bull Connor happy, or reasonably so: The breakdown I saw said White: 89 per cent.; Asian: 4 per cent.; two or more races: 2 per cent.; Black: 0.72 per cent.; Pacific Islanders: 1 per cent.; Mexican: 1 per cent. (I know that doesn’t quite add up to 100. Perhaps the missing two per cent. weren’t counted since they live in the servant’s quarters, have names like Smith or Jeeves, and are far more closely related to Queen Elizabeth than Darkle could ever be.)
And, just so you know, the 0.72 per cent. are just two Black guys who sleep in the dumpster near City Hall. They’re repeatedly run out of town by the jack-booted police but keep coming back; apparently even the garbage in golden Montecito is better than the pickings elsewhere.
Home to some of Santa Barbara County’s most famous residents, Montecito has always had an irresistible allure, first attracting vacationing movers and shakers in the 1880s. Today, locals, visitors and celebrities meander along Montecito’s stunning beaches, including famous Butterfly Beach, charming Coast Village Road and Upper Village…. The nine-bedroom 16-bathroom mansion is home to Harry, Meghan and their one-year-old son Archie Harrison Mountbatten Windsor and soon a new daughter who is expected this summer…. Montecito is home to some of the area’s most stunning stretches of coastline, from Fernald’s Point, past the calm waters of Miramar Beach and renowned surf break at Hammonds Point, to sparkling Butterfly Beach. Stand-up paddlers and surfers vie for waves, and sailboats sleepily bob against their moorings offshore.
Ah, to sleepily bob. Try that, you White heartlander in a community riven by Jew-imported drugs, decimated by outsourcing, and victim to a tidal wave of uncounted thousands of White-hating invaders several shades more hideous and dangerous than Darkle.
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So you see this money-and-fame-craving tart lives in a White-created paradise and sucks on the blood and sweat of a White-created world. Who wants or needs Wakanda when you have Montecito?
Wakanda’s not real. But our slavery to the likes of her and her enablers is real indeed.
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Source: Author
Lance Welton had it spot on about the Mulatto Royal and the character traits that go hand in hand with race-mixing:
Even noblesse oblige ain’t what it used to be!
I find it funny they settled in California. First it was South Africa, they had to leve because there was not enough money to cater to their large police security. Then they tried Australia, and though they got the red carpet, nobody wanted them here. Then it was Canada, can’t say what happened there. I don’t care for them too much. Thank goodness, I don’t cling to every word they say.
christ. your awfully nice.
European royal houses, for centuries, have a tradition of reckless young male spoiled brats “impregnating the black maid” and the like. This occurred in numerous countries. It occurred in the Portuguese royal house, and one of the whelps from that union several generations later married into the British royal family. One of the spoiled perverted little punks of the Medicis did an obese black maid and produced an heir who later held power. Literally Negroids ruling over a population of whites, numerous times, over centuries. The behavior of the super-rich make one of the best cases for National Socialism that I can think of.
I have no idea what the hell you’re talking about…, you’re trying to tell us that over the centuries of European history there was plenty of Nigger maids running around, just waiting for European Royalty impregnation so that they could have some miscegenation mulatto son or daughter?
I don’t know what TV or movie show you been watching, but in my entire life I never heard of plenty of Negroes running around in Europe castles of the king, before the 19th century, hot to trot, just waiting to get in some impregnation so as to get perverted little punks (as you put it) from the obese black maids. I don’t know what you’re smoking, but I’m sure it’s far beyond illegal…
So well written. All-encompassing, excellent.
How sure are we that Princeling Harry isn’t at least 1/4 Chosen ?
Greetings Prinz (your highness?). By ‘chosen’ do you mean reptilian?
‘Reptilian’ works. So would ‘the 1%’, ‘Jesuits’, ‘elite’ (….) ‘Franco-Sabbatians’, ‘globalists’ etc.
A very nice read! This little gem would make Mencken green with envy.
indeed. Mercer on fire here .
I agree. A brilliant piece of writing! Loved it!
Yes, Fred, Douglas Mercer is on top of the latest Royal mess like he’s been observing the rest of the so-called “news” that’s dished out to the herd lately. You might remember this by Dr. Pierce back when that scoundrel Clinton was president. It foretold Harry’s choice of a mate, <ahem!> for the good of the Royal family: …One of these Chosen few who has been heard from in connection with the report is “Lady” Kate Gavron, wife of the filthy-rich and very Jewish publisher, “Lord” Gavron. She is the vice-chairman of the Commission on the Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain, the committee of the Runnymede Trust which produced the report. “Lord” Gavron became a lord, by the way, by donating 500,000 pounds — that’s three-quarters of a million dollars —… Read more »
the barometer for me…and what makes DM an excellent writer….is how his pieces make my blood boil!
brilliant post here!
Honestly, does it really matter what or who is even supposedly racist in the royal family? This isn’t about finding some kind of problem of racism; this is about trying to stir up some kind of crap to make another stupid point on the part of the Jews that we must stamp out whites and their so-called white privilege at every possible opportunity. Anybody who thinks this is about some kind of indelicate behavior on the part of somebody is either stupid or perhaps implicit in the game…
First of all, we need to clarify what the true aristocracy is. The true aristocracy are those who put the interests of their nation above everything else. These are the few who embody the best qualities of their nation. The true aristocracy by definition is the ethnic phenomenon; there is no aristocracy outside of this ethnic framework. The bunch of wealthy degenerate parasites who pose as a modern English aristocracy is not closer to real aristocracy than a bunch of rats living in a barn has in common with horses. Aristocracy can be only ethnic/racial; there can’t be such mythical thing as an international aristocracy. The key idea of aristocracy is a refinement, the never ending process of purification and elevation to the higher mental and spiritual levels. The process… Read more »
The term aristocracy comes from antiquity. It was hardly used in the Middle Ages and early modern times. It began to be widely used only at the end of the eighteenth century during the Great French Revolution, when it was used by revolutionaries primarily as a pejorative. This is quite an interesting fact, given that it was originally a positive term. The European nobility practiced some form of eugenics. I see the problem in the fact that they had its genetic origin, especially in the medieval warrior elite, and it usually lacked the sufficient mental qualities necessary to survive in the new era. Thanks to this, they gradually came under the influence of the bourgeoisie and the Jews. You are focused on the survival of the white race.… Read more »
Yes, I agree with your remarks about aristocracy and the actual meaning of this term. But I use this term in somewhat different sense. I denote by it the thin layer of the best people of a given nation; those to whom the wellbeing of their tribe is above their own personal wellbeing. Such people are very rare. Selfishness and greed are the most widespread and universal qualities of all living creatures, therefore, the ability to rise above this primitive animal-like condition requires genuine superhuman qualities. It is why such people bear special invisible mark of distinction. They are above all others and the Nature itself gives them the right to lead their people. Yes, not laws, not kings or presidents but Nature is the only real primary source of… Read more »
Greetings Wolf Stoner. According to your definition Hitler was a true aristocrat. Yes.
Not just an ordinary aristocrat. He was the great monarch.
Yes, Hitler is the best example of true ethnic aristocracy. Hitler was the spiritual consummation of the whole German nation. Hitler and Germany are synonymous. You can’t divide one from another. His whole life was dedicated to his people. It is an absolute rarity. Most rulers are the selfish hedonists who perceive power as a means for personal enrichment. All modern rulers are such; it is why they hate Hitler; his example is the most potent threat to all scoundrels in power. They fear the spirit that Hitler represented, because they know that when this spirit comes again, they will be swept out.
Yes, I agree. Personally, I use term aristocracy in similar way. Based on Aristotle.
Question how strong or big the state must be is similar the army situation. How strong army we need? Answer is relative on how strong our enemy is.
Beautifully argued as usual.
Greetings Reichsfürst von T. Have you read Der Fuhrer antwortet Roosevelt? Hitler was never an enemy of your country.
Greetings Truthweed. But Hitler was the enemy for my country. Czech nation is traditionally against Germans. And in addition, my country was leaded by Jews and philosemites. And they still lead it.
Yesterday, Prague Castle hanged the Israeli flag next to the Czech flag in support of Israel.
Video from ceremony:
Hitler initially only wanted to rescue the 3,000,000 Germans who were incorporated into Czechoslovakia by the Versailles treaties but when the Germans arrived they discovered a collossal amount of armaments (listed in Hitler’s speech) and because Benes/Benesch stated your country was to be used as an aerodrome so that German cities coulod be attacked within half an hour, Hitler seized the rest of your country. In his speech he stated that when Czechoslovakia and Germany were friendly it was good for both countries.
Yes, I know that. But most Czechs will never believe what Hitler said. We are led to blindly believe what our people and our dear Jews tell us. The rest is false hostile propaganda. Most of us will accept this basic principle.
Most of us sincerely believe what they told us that, according to Hitler, the Czechs were not Aryans and should have ended up in gas chambers as Jews after the war.
The relationship between Germans and Czechs is a long and complicated one, going back to the Middle Ages, when Bohemia and Moravia were part of the ‘Holy Roman’ Empire. Much like in the rest of central and eastern Europe, Germans often accounted for most of the doctors, teachers, scientists, artisans, artists and other leading figures in town or village X, resulting in fairly substantial envy and resentment among the Slavic population. Within the Austro-Hungarian empire, the Czechs were easily among the most ornery and demanding of the many, many different ethnicities and nationalities making up that bloody mess. In light of the fact that the treatment ethnic Germans received in the political fantasy construct known as ‘Czech-O’Slovakia’ both before and after WWII was perhaps even worse than in ‘Poland’, none… Read more »
This link is rigged. Can’t watch it unless
create “facebook” account. Screw the
Jew Zuckerberg. Not me.
I share your aversion to the Jewish book, but unfortunately most politically active people use it as their primary means of public communication.
Czech President Milos Zeman is an open and passionate Zionist.
The heroes from the Prague Castle Guard install the Israeli flag.
What a brilliantly incisive and funny piece. So glad I found this site!
Just a thought – is Markle related to Merkel?
Outstanding and pithy essay, absolutely top quality insightful writing.
Diana was a kosher wigger and the Royals are anyway Boaz-Lyons.
As to the English their flag is a Zionist Templars flag and their state is wholly Masonic, note the police checkerboards just as all the US marshals wear pentagram or hexagram badges.
Anglo Protestantism is crypto-Cohenism so these facts are just those of a predictable Anglo devolutionism into a third worldly gulag, karma for Jewry top attack dog.
Greetings stefan. Diana was the daughter of Sir James Goldsmith (not Spencer) whose children married, or narrowly avoided marrying, Rothschilds. She wanted to escape being a Jewish royal by marrying a Moslem, Dodi Fayed. Fatal mistake.
According to an NS acquaintance, Diana Goldsmidt was known to like Brownies in particular as her friend Ferguson did. The Royals are totally trashy parasites.
Has the mainstream media mentioned yet that murdered Dodi Fayed was the nephew of the world’s richest man/arms dealer Adnan Khashoggi who was also the uncle of murdered Jamal Khashoggi? Former Pres. Trump stated that a million US jobs depend on the US/Suadi Arabia arms deal. He knows the truth regarding Jamal’s murder.. Who on Earth would want to prevent the media from mentioning this stuff? Any guesses?
Which Khashoggi did Heather Locklear screw ?
Anyone remember ?
Thoroughly well written. I am so pleased I found this witty, informative, and well-informed site.