What’s Really Happening in America
by David Sims
SINCE 5 November 2020, the Democratic Party’s massive election-rigging machine has been exposed. Before then, it was only a speculation, or, as leftists would say, a “conspiracy theory.” Now we know that that particular conspiracy theory is true.
Because people have become generally aware that the Democrats cheat in elections to get their candidates into office, they will have to use their cheating in every election now that has a voting majority of Whites and honest, conscientious non-Whites (like Candace Owens).
The mainstream media, and groups like Antifa and BLM, will collude with the Democratic Party to prevent these future fraudulent elections from being exposed to the public, or, if the public does become aware of them, at least prevent the election frauds from being subject to proof in court beyond a reasonable doubt. On the rare occasion when one of the many instances of election fraud is brought to court anyway, then the fix will most likely be in: The judge will be corrupted by bribery, by blackmail, or by being in a league with the leftists.
This will continue until the Jewish-billionaire-led leftists have so contaminated the voting public itself that the non-Whites and the leftist Whites, and the other ne’er-do-wells who demand free gibs, can consistently outvote Whites and the honest, conscientious non-Whites who in rare cases can tip an election. They, the takers, will be the citizens, and we, the earners, will be their slaves, and that will be the state of affairs until America falls just as the Soviet Union did.
Republican Congressmen are turning traitor and using the riot at the Capitol as an excuse to certify the fraudulent election of November 2020 and beg their Democrat masters to go easy on them. Observers are starting to point out that peaceful protests accomplish nothing, or at least they have lately accomplished nothing, whereas the violence of leftist groups such as Antifa and Black Lives Matter has met consistently with success, bringing them financial rewards and political gains.
Some are presenting evidence they say suggests that the invasion of the Capitol building was caused by Antifa members posing as Trump supporters and impersonating “Proud Boys.” Mixing with the real Trump supporters, the Antifa members seeded the idea of storming the building. Apparently, the Capitol Police were in on the scheme, because some Capitol Police officers were seen waving the Trump supporters to enter the building. As the Trump supporters were going into the building (through the door), Antifa posing as Trump supporters began breaking glass and climbing the walls and having their fellow Antifa make propaganda photos of them doing that. After the Trump supporters were inside the Capitol, the Capitol Police declared an emergency, pulled out their guns, and began throwing tear gas at the Trump supporters.
You might be wondering who benefited from this staged invasion of the Capitol Building on 6 January 2020.
Well, the House and the Senate were convened to debate the extent to which the 2020 Presidential election had been corrupted by voter frauds perpetrated by Democratic operatives in favor of Joe Biden in six states. After the riot at the Capitol on that same day, nobody was interested in continuing the debate. So the Democrats were able to use a civil disturbance as an excuse to shut down a Congressional inquiry into the cheating by which the Democrats got “their” man [read: certain billionaire Jews’ man. — Ed.] “elected” to the Presidency.
Antifa is sort of a gang of thugs for the Establishment, a group of useful idiots that the Democrats and others can call on for street power and other dirty tricks while pretending their hands are clean. Do you see where this is going?
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If someone approaches a group of soldiers, and shoots one of them, the others will immediately attack that someone, even if he has a weapon and the soldiers are unarmed. They’ll swarm faster than anyone, even the best shot alive, could shoot them all. And they will kill the shooter.
Ordinary people don’t behave like soldiers do. Most groups of citizens who get their dander up for some reason might confront an enemy institution or engage in other direct action and pose aggressively, even in front of the police. But all the Establishment authorities have to do is shoot and kill one of them, and suddenly all the fight goes out of the rest.
We Americans need to become more like soldiers in these darkening times.
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Source: Author
One positive aspect of this whole election fraud by the left is that only the most brain dead whites can now remain unaware of how totally rotten the system and all its institutions are. White support for the system has to be withdrawn completely. No more paying of taxes or obeying the corrupt laws or the police and judiciary or ‘education’ establishments. White men should never again volunteer for the military or police. No more watching the media, it’s all lies anyway, or voting and, most importantly, whites must physically resist the system when it tries to impose its power. For white families struggling to feed and house themselves that may seem like a mountain too high to climb. However, failure to do this will assuredly lead to an Orwellian… Read more »
Apparently, the White right did not learn ANY lessons from the Charlottesville fiasco with regards to how our enemies on the left will seize opportunities that TeamWhite (or Team Trump) hands to them on a silver platter – and then use their agent provocateurs to turn our rallies to their own advantage and use the turmoil to further demonize Whites and to serve as a pretext to pressure Congress to pass more laws which target Whites and which strip Whites of more and more of our liberties. I mean, come on here. Every single time the White conservative right announces plans to hold a rally – anywhere in the country, the Marxist-Communist left deploys the same game plan. Insert agent provocateurs into the rally, instruct them to stir up trouble,… Read more »
The march was organized by a group called “Wild Protest”. Not a bright idea to make it even easier for the media to spin it into something with violent intent. Marches are falsely given credit for so-called “civil rights” legislation and ending the Vietnam War. Civil rights legislation came through rigged court decisions and backroom political deals. The Vietnam marches were winding down years before US involvement in the war ended. Marches don’t accomplish their goals unless those in charge have already decided in favor of the goals. They are a misdirection to give the illusion that democracy actually responds to public sentiment. Marches can be easily infiltrated with provocateurs, nutjobs and hijackers seeking attention for their own pet cause. You really can’t control who participates unless you do thorough… Read more »
Thanks Tucker. Perhaps a rally directly targetted against ‘media manipulators and the corrupted luegenpresse’ is needed. You state that “Oh, and to smear a little frosting on the Communist cake – they have a female black cop kill a White lady who was there to show her support for Trump.” The mainstream media where I am has forgotten to mention the police officer’s background and I suspect we are meant to believe she was shot by a White police officer, as you imply.
Ahem… so … nobody around Trump knew thiis?!
I am actually at peace, since Biden has transition into Trump’s position, nothing has changed and honestly I am better prepared at what Biden throws. I once wondered if it was better to be ignorant or better to know what I know. If I didn’t know I’d still would not participate in riots, nothing good comes from that. Democrats can never take away my happiness and they can suck it. I will always live to my fullest, be positive and have faith that something wonderful will happen, without that hope I’d be less than thrilled to be alive.
Yesa Geli, stand upright and smile. It will at least annoy them.
Until yesterday, I entertained the notion that Kristi Noem, current governess of South Dakota, might be ok as far as Lame Old Party politicians go, but then I found a video on Bitchute where she signs the antiboycott treaty for Israel.
What, pray tell, has South Dakota have to do with Israel ?
How many Jews live in South Dakota ? First guess: less than 1% of the state’s population.
So why is this Norwegian (?) American bending her knee to Zion ?
I leave a lot of the state and federal races blank and concentrate on the very local races and the ballot measures. Even the ballot measures can be overturned by a judge. One litmus test I have is Israel. If a candidate praises Israel and especially if they put on the stupid hat and pray at the Western Wall, it’s doubtful that they will have the courage to actually carry out any of the nice ideas they may have. You can be sure any nice idea they have will be opposed by jews. I am actually glad the negro won in GA as he has criticized Israel and his outbursts will keep his handlers busy. In what other country do visiting US politicians pray at that country’s religious sites. Do… Read more »
“they will have to use their cheating in every election now that has a voting majority of Whites”
I hate to say it but we are seeing the implementation of the Jewish Noahide laws. You can not wipe the population out without two presidents battling it out. One a globalist Chinese puppet Communist and the other the appointed “king of Israel” and the defender of ZOG America. One side will try and kill the “good Christians” and the other side with Trumps buddies will “take out the bad guys”…leaving the jews mostly high and dry. They’ll kill a few to make it look good but not going after them because they are Israeli. At this operation in Washingtom the “patriots” erected a rather crude gallows. The hammer and sickle are battling it out. The poor will try and take property. The wealthy whites will try and hold on… Read more »
Do not hope that “The Holy Bible” will go into
the dung heap where it belongs. It will not.
The crux of the Christian mythology – death is
desirable in that is what is required to “ascend
into Heaven and sit at the right hand of God.”
You can be sure the Christian will desire his
own death – sit up there in the sky or on the
back side of the Moon or wherever the Holy
location may be in vogue – as determined by
the next Sunday morning TV Christian
broadcast. After all, it has to be true…because
there it is…right there on the television.
Tienes que entender que se trata de una guerra total contra blancos y patriotas, que se combate en tiempo real, la pregunta es:
¿En qué posición nos encontramos frente a nuestros enemigos?
¿Qué debemos hacer para evitar ser aplastados?
¿Cuáles son nuestros recursos disponibles y cómo podemos utilizarlos?
¿Cuáles son nuestras fortalezas y debilidades?
Es de vital importancia responder a estas preguntas, ya que los acérrimos anti-blancos Biden-Harris no mostrarán piedad a los disidentes, y serán enviados al gulag en Sion.
WHAT IF—-Trump were elected to become the representative of all right-leaning people, to get their full devotion and allegiance, only to be revealed as an unstable rascal, narcissist and provocateur at the end of his run? Would that not cast merde on the cause of the right for quite a while? If you unwind Trump, layer by layer, what is left is one of Those Cockroaches, blinking in the light. This guy is supposed to be playing 4-D chess, making moves in his mind miles ahead of anyone else. But he is like a boxer who knows that his opponent has a fearsome left-hook, and yet he persists in always dropping his right arm well below his head. Did he really slow down illegal immigration more than Obama did? Did… Read more »
Which “middle class” are you talking about.
Very rich jews are the only ones that made gains.
Not true! I made gains, and I am not Jewish. But I sowed the seeds of success a long time ago, worked my muscles to the bones, and tightened my belt. Now I am seeing the fruition of my efforts. It is glorious.
I’ll let you in on a little secret. You are one of the very few. Good for you.
But America’s Middle Class (as you listed), by and large, has NOT. Any rational, thinking person knows this.
I am quite sure that Trump was in on this setup of his own supporters. He is a servant of the Jews, just like every politician in Washington.
Greetings Ted Truewil
The assumption of all dialectics is the moral honesty of the participants, that is, that everyone is seeking the truth
Don’t miss this video. Especially if you are a Trump supporter and feel that Trump won the 2020 Election. This video may soon be banned by the new Communist regime about to barnstorm its way into America.
Yes, it has been in plain sight. His “jewing down” the sum he owed ordinary working people who did work for him, his philandering, his ego-mania, his daughter and her husband, his devotion to Israel, the way that nobody can work for him very long—all tell-tale signs. Strange that the Christians supported him . . . or maybe not.
If anyone still believes this is a racial issue, then they are part of the problem! It’s a money and power issue! Those with money and power have used race to divide and conquer us!
Different races have never been truly united, Concerned Citizen, and because of this those with money and power (so to speak) who are often of that tribe we know as Jews have stuck together and use their resources towards exploiting racial animosities that have existed for millennia.
Separation is the solution, especially from Jews. Let them cause others to quarrel and destroy themselves elsewhere, we Whites don’t need it.
When Sco-tards Attack!!! I was astonished at the ferocity of some of the protesters who were battling the cops in a few areas of the Capitol but then I realized these people were actually Sco-tards, religious fanatics fighting for their warped philo-semitic delusions. And it didn’t take much for the Antifa agent provocateurs to whip them into a fury. One Antifa agent was on tape clad in black from head to toe smashing a window and I haven’t seen an FBI Wanted photo of him yet! I was pleased to see that only a few misguided WNs breached the Capitol and there were surely other WNs at the rally probably to observe more than anythng. Also, Trump supporters make some strange bedfellows, there was oath Keepers, 3 percenters, various patriot… Read more »
Antifa is not anti-fascist. It is a jewish fascist organization that is opposed to White people.