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What’s Really Happening in America
by David Sims SINCE 5 November 2020, the Democratic Party’s massive election-rigging machine has been exposed. Before then, it was only a speculation, or, as leftists would say, a “conspiracy theory.” Now we know that that particular conspiracy theory is true.
Because people…
Because people…

HR Managers and College Professors Paying Antifa to Attack Trump Supporters Saturday
PAYPAL, Venmo and CashApp are allowing anarchists to raise money for transportation and riot equipment to attack the “Million MAGA March” in Washington, DC this Saturday, National Justice reports. Kai Breaux, a gender studies professor at Stony Brook University, collects the money…

Portland’s “Secret” Antifa Tent City
by David Sims IN PORTLAND, Oregon, there are several blocks near the intersection of Hawthorne Bridge and Burnside Bridge, both of which span the Willamette River, that have no permanent buildings, where Antifa/BLM rioters have been squatting for several months. They live in tents and under tarps…

Comedy Relief, Antifa Style
by David Sims ON THE night of 6 September 2020, an Antifa member in Portland, Oregon, tried to throw a firebomb at police. But as he threw the Molotov cocktail, the bottle slipped out of his hand, smashed on the street at his feet, and caught his pants on fire. Watch as the amusing consequences unfold. Feel…

Kenosha: Multiple “Antifa” Rioters Shot After Attempting to Jump Young Man
Gunfire erupted on the streets of Kenosha, Wisconsin on the third day of race riots led by anarchists and the left-wing NGO Black Lives Matter. KENOSHA, which is 67% White and working class, has been abandoned by Wisconsin Governor Tony Evers, who has released public statements providing moral support…

If We Did This, There Would be Air Strikes
He talked back to Portland antifa. by John Young LOOK … if White nationalists had been protesting in Portland for the past 80+ days, even without a single injury or arson, a ton of them would already be starting 20 year sentences for various and sundry crimes. And if even one of them had accidentally stepped…

Remembering CHAZ
SEATTLE POLICE stormed into the city’s protest zone early Wednesday morning, shortly after Mayor Jenny Durkan issued an executive order that demanded protesters leave the area, which has been occupied for more than two weeks. You are now leaving sanity. As police flooded into the zone, protesters…

National Justice Report: Violent “Antifa” Filmed by Project Veritas Is New York Times-published Author
Antifa extremist belongs to bizarre communist death cult, yet receives privileged, pampered treatment from the powerful. by Eric Striker National Justice reports: TWO WEEKS ago, Project Veritas published an investigative journalism piece showing the inner workings of “Antifa”/anarchist…

There’s a Club — and You’re Not a Member
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 13 June, 2020 2020-0613 – There’s a Club – and You’re Not a Member.mp3 by Kevin Alfred Strom OUR CITIES are in flames. The Blacks, egged on by the cynical media Jews who are using…

The Phony, Money-Driven “Revolution”
Yes, it’s a sham in that it is not what it’s claimed to be. But it is also very real in that real people are dying and will die, and if successful, Jews will be empowered to do what they have always wanted to do to us. Think Ukraine 2014. Think NKVD. If the anti-Whites get their way, everything we…