So That’s It Then
SO that’s it then; Biden is declared the new American president, shortly to be replaced by a White-hating West Indian who’ll be supported by a Democrat-controlled House and Senate. That’s what The Plan and the 4D chess got us. What have QAnon, the X22 Report and dozens more of those who assured us that everything was in hand, that The Plan was working, even as a blind man could see the whole thing swirling down the toilet… what will they say now? [We have seen some of the QAnon believers in the last few days claiming that “all air traffic has been stopped” over DC, that “imminent military rule” (I wish!) of several states was being set up, and that Trump would soon announce the same over the Emergency Broadcast System. — Ed.] Were they deliberately taking the vinegar out of us or were they just winging it for clicks and a vicarious sense of insider knowledge? Who knows? And anyway it doesn’t matter now. As ((Norbert Schlei)) gloated after the passing of the 1965 Immigration Act, ‘now let the floodgates open.’
Dark days lie ahead for America.
I’ve talked about this before but really, how plausible was it that Trump would drain The Swamp and all the other things he promised when he surrounded himself with Swamp Creatures from the outset? Sure he fired some of them but by that time the horse had long bolted. In fact the few patriots that might have made a difference, like Bannon and Flynn, were gone before the game had even kicked off. And Trump signed off, not with some magnificent gesture like pardoning Assange, but instead by giving freedom to a collection of dual-citizen shysters.
Meanwhile over in Britain the “Scottish” Justice Minister Angus MacDonald Humza Yousaf advised “British” Home Secretary Dorothy Ainsworth-Grimes Priti Patel to consider banning any future entry of President Donald Trump to “our country.”
* * *
Source: Irish Savant
Bannon and Flynn are “patriots”. How cute.
Talking about that and Qannon, i found this video really interesting:
Deep State planning Civil War, people to fight each other, capitol, blame conspiracy theorists.
And about the Capitol…
‘Meanwhile over in Britain the “Scottish” Justice Minister Angus MacDonald Humza Yousaf advised “British” Home Secretary Dorothy Ainsworth-Grimes Priti Patel to consider banning any future entry of President Donald Trump to “our country.”’ indeed… The English are very grateful for their heroic Commonwealth conscripts and mercenaries who died in the last war to make England a brown Weimar, the war the brainy English fought for Israel against their old cousins, thereby cleverly reviving the Kalergi-Coudenhove soft genocide regime in Europa, as the EU Hitler was born to stop, which EU the Blimps still think must be stealthily ‘Nazi’. Perhaps a Pyhrric war number two, fought by the stupidest nation of Europa, according to both HG Wells and Princess Michael of Kent…these Asians are just one obvious strand of Jewry’s intersectional minority kapo legion, in fact,… Read more »
I am currently trying to convince my best childhood friend that what we call the Kalergi Plan is indeed real.
He thinks that millions of non-Whites moving into Europe and race mixing are entirely natural processes…..
Quickest way to lose your old white friends is to tell them truths likely to make them queasy instead of angry…if they haven’t been responsibly curious enough to know by now, they may be incurable fence-sitters.
Sometimes, I am amazed by how much of a difference a few months can make. My friend is among the youngest of the Boomers, I among the oldest Xers and it shows, even though we did, of course, grow up in very much the same environment and cultural climate. He’s comfortable, overweight, denies any importance of Europe remaining White, pretty much believes the official narrative, sees ‘migrants’ as well integrated, eager and intelligent, balks at any attempts to revise the official Holohoax picture, sees himself as a ‘citizen of the world’ and all that other claptrap.
Surprisingly, he’s not on board with the official Kung Flu narrative, but don’t expect any serious resistance from him when they make the sterilization VAXXX mandatory…..
It’s the historical supremacy of Europeans that ironically makes them so Liberal but those who never had to fight for anything often feel the generousest in giving it away. He can only be a bland midwit. Ten a penny. Give him Mein Kampf just for fun and wait.
He’s in the Old Country, where the only edition of Mein Kampf they are allowed to buy is heavily edited and infested with more ‘footnotes’ than text.
I have provided him with a link where he can get an unedited copy, we shall see what he does with it.
He thinks he was born into a rich European country by accident, might as well have been born Black in an embattled African village and does not feel special for being White.
I see. Hm. I think the 25 points of the NSDAP are good, too or Eckarts Bolshevism from Moses to Lenin.
I’ve given him plenty to think about and lots of reading and viewing suggestions. Now it’s up to him to get off his overfed, overcivilized and overcomfortable Boomer behind.
sorry mate…he sounds like a fat pos.
If someone pushes him off a cliff, he may wake up on the way down.
If not … oh well – you tried. :)
You can’t help those who refuse to help themselves. Ignore them and carry on.
ask him to explain what force initiates these natural processes, and towards what end? what kind of a genuine human man could entertain the thought that filthy miscegenation and brutally en- forced multi-culturism are naturally occurring phenomenon? and why is this ignorant lumbering lumpenprole still considered a “friend?”
There are many millions just like him, especially in the Boomer age group, known as ’68ers’ in the Old World……
of course
they are dissipating rapidly and should think about leaving whatever racial logic they possess behind …. to the children they scattered around this disaster.
best i could always gather: boomer= comfortable= cowardice
b’nai britain has long been circumcised.. one of many golems reaching back into antiquity.
Sco-tards are losing their minds imagining that Trump will spring the trap on the “Deep State” any minute now. Here’s two lunatic Sco-tards, Dave Hodges and Steve Quayle, talking it over:
Meanwhile, the jews these Sco-tards worship are not letting up in the least:
“Three of the four Democrats leading the charge to impeach President Donald Trump for a second time are Jewish: David Cicilline of Rhode Island, who is the lead sponsor, and Jamie Raskin of Maryland and Jerry Nadler of New York, who are among the three lead co-sponsors.”
I cannot translate this through AI and services. Google even censored the translation. The rest are very bad with translation. Крутая многоходовка . Евреи спускают пар не будте тупицами . В Америке есть некоторые правые настроения но иза наивности все может испортится . Президент переведет волну на себя тем самым лишив массу хаотического появления групп правого движения и их лидеров . Очень злой ультра правый президент который на деле имеет кучку еврейских дружков и который заставляет верить кучу овец в то что он проявив правый характер будет поддерживать стабильность в Америке . Круто а ? Все же я не понимаю как так можно вообще верить выборам это очень тупо . Выборы похожи на игру шизофреника в которой шизофреник не может определиться кто будет завтра маньяк строитель или семьянин . в… Read more »
During the 2016 republican primary campaign, Trump made some refreshing comments about evenhandedness in the middle east and telling a jewish dominated group of donors that he didn’t need their money. The, before either received their party’s nomination, Trump and Clinton spoke at an AIPAC meeting about how much they would support Israel. As I recall, the speeches were nationally televised live. That’s when I knew Trump was a phony. I still voted for him thinking that he had expressed thoughts and promises that were in such contrast to Clinton that it would be impossible to back down on all of them. I didn’t count on all the excuses such as 4D chess, QAnon, those nasty federal judges and turncoat republicans that were used by his true believers to relieve… Read more »
trumps disdain for the rodent jew media was refreshing
that was the beginning and end of the brief infatuation
if that was even real
I don’t know if Bannon and Flynn were patriots, or not, but I will agree with the Savant that they were taken out of the game early on; so I would suspect that they were on our side, more or less, or perceived as such. But it is looking more and more as if Trump were the one sitting at the table, throwing the scraps to us dogs, while the children got the select morsels. He might have been a bit of an eccentric, talking to his dogs and such, and letting them gather under his feet, but the children have now got him under control, and he is going along in a most agreeable and docile manner. “Thank you, Master Trump! Thank you! Even though you petted us, called… Read more »
At least Sheldon Adelson aka “The Casino Magnate” died finally, so there is that.
And like Jew (Soviet Union state propagandist) Ilya Ehrenburg– who once exhorted Soviet troops to rape German women and girls– who also died wealthy and comfortable in his old age, he’s done a lifetime’s worth of damage. I’m not consoled by the passing of Jew Sheldon Adelson.
Be consoled by a woman in New York City referring to Chuck Schumer as a Nazi and an anti-Semite. Amazing projection. (The Jews use this trick all the time!) The Jews have overplayed their hand, as they’ve done so many times in history. The idiocy of their strategy will spiral out of control before too long. I remain hopeful. Our people are beginning to wake up.
Some dumb, probably Christard at a Trump rally ages ago, shouted ‘This is Goebbels!’ at Zionist Trumpstein…yes, of course…I often think rabid kosher triumphalism will backfire on them and their goyish shabbos goyim glove-puppets but it’s only treaclefast or paintdryingfast and too slow for my hasty taste.
Pelosi arrested ! Held at Greenland military base !
Laptops seized ! National Guard deployed !
Deep State are scared ! Pedophile networks will be smashed !
Trumpybaby’s got this !
Trust the Plan !
/: sarcasm off
Whatever happened to the Kraken ? Poor thing dried up on the beach at Haifa.
> Poor thing dried up on the beach at Haifa.<
NICE. Well done.
The link below provides the orange haired man’s apparent social and economic accomplishments since his inauguration in 2016. I just think it warrants deeper insight.
The mask is dropping… from Jew Chuck Schumer:
“…will closely examine the rise of violent extremist groups, white supremacists and violent fringe conspiracy theorists…”
yeah , it’s not over
these grifters are still going
tried to warn people from day one , on the chans but was flooded out by an army of jewbots
i really don’t know how much longer they can continue with this garbage
but i think they plan on milking it for a long time to come
Albeit that Capitol Hill has blossomed into a satanic masonic lodge, let’s just give orange haired man four more days and the benefit of the doubt… When considering the alternative in the 2016 elections, I sense that he was the lesser of the two evils.
I actually called my local ‘cuck HQ about a week or so ago and asked them if they could give me just one reason why voting even made any sense anymore, and, unbelievably, the guy said that they were the ‘lesser of two evils’…….
Which leaves me 2 choices: Join one of the existing Nazi parties or go full-on Robin Hood.
That’s It Then
That’s It Then No, what’s really it , is the fact that Trump who defied Jews who attempted to get America involved in several foreign wars, attempted to crash the economy, attempted to infect America with a virus which had some degree of lethality-but minor, who devised some kind of vaccine poison to poison the American people – that’s what’s really IT . Trump was the only thing, imperfect as he was, that stood between us and a new world order which will introduce a antiwhite Patriot Act II whose sole designation is to create a means to enslave Caucasian peoples here in the United States. So what is the final IT ? The final IT is the total conversion of America into a copycat Chinese communist type system which… Read more »
Why Trump trumps Biden: Trumps’ snub of Bidens historic in its magnitude (SO GOOD TO HEAR!!!) On the morning of January 20, Donald Trump and Melania Trump will depart the White House as President and first lady, but they will not invite their incoming counterparts, Joe and Jill Biden, inside before they do. The dissolving of one of America’s most enduring transfer-of-power rituals — the outgoing president welcoming the incoming president on the steps of the North Portico, and then riding with them to the United States Capitol — is just one of the snubs the Trumps are perpetrating as they leave Washington. Instead of a president and first lady, the Bidens will be greeted by the White House chief usher Timothy Harleth, according to a source familiar with the day’s events and planning.… Read more »
I think that the globalist swamp creatures have become a bit overconfident in recent years and to our good fortune have been digging their own graves. The orange haired man accomplished his task of exposing them to the world. Now, the American military has taken over the state of affairs. I just hope to god that they represent the good guys. Perhaps time will tell….