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WLP90: The Psychology of Political Correctness
This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two…

The Problem with Leftism
by Thomas Dalton, Ph.D. EVERYONE COMPLAINS about the Left, but no one does anything about it. Or so it would seem. Part of the problem, I suspect, is that many in the public have mistaken notions about what “the Left” is and how it operates, and thus they more or less mindlessly support it, or oppose it, as…

Violent Opinions
AS OUR ancestral homeland commits Semitic suicide, we can take solace in the awesome power of muh constitution, which will protect us and stand forever, just like all our physical monuments. Our enemies are sure to respect the stern warnings on yellow toilet paper written in the distant past by evil…

What’s Really Happening in America
by David Sims SINCE 5 November 2020, the Democratic Party’s massive election-rigging machine has been exposed. Before then, it was only a speculation, or, as leftists would say, a “conspiracy theory.” Now we know that that particular conspiracy theory is true.
Because people…
Because people…

Gosh, Systemic Racism Does Exist After All
Damn straight by David Sims YOU DON’T have to prove a negative. The statement “Systemic racism does not exist” doesn’t need to be proved. The burden of proof is on those who say it does exist. And, in a sense, it does. However, the systemic racism that actually does exist are…

For Discriminating Thinkers
by David Sims LEFTIST VALUES have become so deeply embedded in our politics that we unthinkingly accept them as positive values. One of these values is that racial discrimination is a bad thing, an irrational thing, which must be extirpated from society. Getting rid of racial discrimination is supposed…

Two Ridiculously False Narratives
Reason and sanity personified, trust me. by David Sims NOT MANY people really believe the Politically Correct leftist narrative about race. But many people do think that everybody else believes it. The leftist propaganda, disseminated to the general public by the Jewish-owned mass media, have given…

Interwar Germany: Their Enemies Are Our Enemies
Download this important book free. CONTRARY TO post-war propaganda, it was not the “Nazis” who terrorized Germany prior to 1933, but the far Left. This book, based on original police case files from the time, shows how the far Left and their “Social Democratic” party allies…

P + C = 4
by David Sims IN TOTALITARIAN systems of government, there’s always a push to remove wrong-think from all of a nation’s institutions, particularly in education. In Hitler’s Germany, it was called Gleichschaltung. But the Communists practiced it, too, and far more bloodily.…

Hitler Analyzes the Left: “Fight Poison Gas with Poison Gas”
by Adolf Hitler
Introductory Note: In this extract from Mein Kampf Hitler grapples with tough problems that still challenge us. Why does the White multitude adhere to Left-wing views and policies designed to physically exterminate it? Given this pervasive Leftism, how can more than an insignificant…