Gustav Schwarzenegger: A Real-Life Hero
by James Harting
GUSTAV SCHWARZENEGGER was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire on August 17, 1907. He was the son of Cecelia (née Hinterleitner, 1878–1968) and Karl Schwarzenegger (1872–1927). Gustav had an uneventful middle-class upbringing. He joined the Austrian army in 1930 and served as a military policeman until his discharge in 1937.
In 1938, some 11 days before the reunification of Austria with the German fatherland, Gustav Schwarzenegger applied to join the Austrian branch of the National Socialist German Worker’s Party. It was a time of crisis and Schwarzenegger felt that he had to take a stand, rather than just sit on the sidelines as a spectator. On May 1, 1939, he deepened his commitment to National Socialism by joining the Stormtroops (Sturmabteliung or SA).
In November of that year, shortly after the outbreak of the Second World War, he enlisted in the Wehrmacht. He again became a military policeman, eventually rising to the rank of Hauptfeldwebel (Master Sergeant). Schwarzenegger took part in military operations in Poland, France, the Ukraine, Lithuania, and Russia.
The role of military policeman may suggest to some that he was behind the front lines, where he was removed from the dangers of combat. Not so: He fought on the front in numerous engagements, winning the Iron Cross First Class and the Iron Cross Second Class. He was also awarded the East Front Medal, which was given to all soldiers who survived the brutal winter campaign in Russia of 1941-1942.
On August 22, 1942, he was severely injured in combat and evacuated to a military hospital in Poland. He subsequently received the Wound Badge. At some point, he contracted malaria, which led to his discharge from the army in February 1944. He became a postal inspector, and in 1947 resumed his career as a police officer.
In October 1945, he married Aurelia “Reli” Jadrny, whose first husband has been killed in the War. They had two sons: Meinhard and his famous brother Arnold.
We do not want to suggest the Gustav was a saint or that he was without faults. It is possible that he suffered from PTSD because of his wartime experiences. Arnold said that his father drank more than he should have, and that he would explode in anger on occasion over something trivial. But overall, he was a good husband and father.
Gustav Schwarzenegger was what we might call an “ordinary hero,” that is, he was an average man who rose to the occasion and performed extraordinary acts of courage when the situation demanded, and then went back to being an average man. His voluntarily involvement in the National Socialist movement, if only on a basic level, indicates that he was also a man of character, who took his civic responsibilities seriously. This is also suggested by his career in law enforcement.
Gustav Schwarzenegger was far from unique: There were hundreds of thousands of men and women like him who served the National Socialist Cause.
Sadly, his more-famous son Arnold is not cut from the same cloth. He has pandered to the Jews on numerous occasions, most notably in his 2003 bid for governor of California. He has also denounced his father in the media. Gustav was a real-life hero: Arnold just plays a hero in Hollywood movies. In most (if not all) of his roles, he portrays an exaggerated caricature of masculinity, with hypertrophied biceps and an ultra-aggressive persona.
One does not have to be a psychologist to see what is going on here: Arnold, knowing that he does not have the strength of character that his father displayed in real life, has tried to compensate by projecting a celluloid image of himself as a courageous man of action. To underscore Arnold’s lack of character, we note that he has admitted to using steroids during his career as a bodybuilder, and that he cheated on his wife with his Mexican maid, fathering an illegitimate Mestizo son.
Recently, in an apparent attempt to stay relevant, Arnold described the occupation of the Capitol by militant Republicans as being equivalent to the so-called Crystal Night in Germany. Nothing in the two events matches up, except that in both cases windows were shattered, leaving broken glass on the ground. He also took the occasion to again defame his father — which was simply despicable. Perhaps he feels that by making “anti-Nazi” noises that he will please the Jewish overlords of Hollywood, and that they will reward him by helping to revive his flagging career as an actor.
Gustav is long dead, so he does not have to witness the disgraceful spectacle of his son betraying his memory, and of cutting himself off from his folk-heritage to seek favor with his people’s enemy. Let us be thankful for such small mercies! But let us also honor the memory of Gustav Schwarzenegger, a real-life hero who deserved a better son!
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Source: New Order
The Governator sure does seem to have strange taste in women.
Allegedly, he decided that Maria Shriver – who would make a fairly convincing transsexual – would be his future wife upon seeing her on TV and the roly-poly little menudo cook is a far cry from the legions of sexy Latinas whom he could have found in any L.A. night club.
All that fame & money and no hotties ?
The entertainment field draws all sorts of people with mental issues. If you have no fundamental core being, you can easily lose yourself in a role to become somebody else. Probably why the best actors tend to be the most unbalanced. Arnold was not that great of an actor, just a shallow person.
Notice too, all the problems entertainers, artists, etc. have with finances, relationships, substance abuse and reckless behavior.
Arnold had plenty of hot girls along the way including Eleanor Mondale (VP Mondale’s daughter) when she was hot back in the early 80s…I also always thought Maria was goofy looking but I recently watched an old 80’s Letterman clip on YT and she was alright looking there…Online I saw a couple of funny early 1980s photos of obviously drunk Arnold on a boat feeling up a compliant negro female…
And yet, for passing on his genes, he chose….that ?
Arnold is (was) a symbol of everything I dislike: Bigger is better, appearance is everything, and cheaters (and politicians) win. His big (or formerly big) muscles, his athletic appearance and his cheating by taking steroids and kissing up to Joe Weider to win contests do not a man make.
He was described in his bodybuilding days as “a gap-toothed bully.” Of course, the bodybuilders were not wrestlers, and a real wrestler would have put Arnold on the canvas pretty quickly.
Regarding “Stormtroops (Sturmabteliung or SA)”, a better translation would be Storm Division. They were unarmed volunteers who paid for their own uniforms and shovels before the war and therefore should not be equated with military troops. Their uniform was too inadequate to be military apparel. Moreover, Hitler executed Roehm because he wanted to convert the SA into an army at a time when Hitler was promoting peace.
They were originally needed as protection against Communist gangs.
Recommended viewing: Hitlerjunge Quex and Hans Westmar – Einer von vielen
Arnie was just another shabbos goy Trotskiist Libertarian, like Wayne and Eastwood, two other fake Righties to tweak Lefties…and Freemason Trump was just the same ersatz corny macho with his kosher patriotardism and gay parade background. This is all, very, very Commonwealth Anglosphere Individualism, that leads straight to its Juedische puppeteers like Ayin Rand the alternative to which is the Red morons of the Left…a neat framing by the Juden of the Europeans of the Far West UK/USA and of the Far East, former USSR that excludes the racists of the European continent, victims of both now they are EU captives. As such, this also makes the NA and Matt Hale and Tom Metzger et all seem vey unamerican r American victims of the USA acronym, especially now the former… Read more »
Arnold’s (dumb nazi) parents look so decent and lovely….Since the late 90’s Arnold had a falling out with his hometown (Graz, Austria) and his name was removed from the buildings and streets that bared his name…Whatever reason Graz did that would be an interesting article in itself…. Why did Arnold do that vile repulsive, jew dialoged 5 minute video a few weeks back? (Aside from trying to get some attention for his starved deranged ego….). Probably the same reason he did that one minute Stuporbowl commercial about 3 or 4 years ago where he was paid 2 million dollars to depict a dumb, deranged, senile old man “Conan”…(destroying his White Action Hero persona)…He was compensated SOMEHOW by the jews or the jews called in an IOU…(probably the later)… Arnold has… Read more »
Schwarzenegger’s name was removed from a stadium in Graz, Austria because as governor of California, he signed off on the execution of a negro murderer. One of the few positive things he did as governor.
Yes…That’s right…That was about the most INSANE reason to remove Arnold’s name possible…Shows just how cucked and suicidal European nations are doesn’t it? (actually there are no more “nations” but we goyim aren’t supposed to know that yet)….
If you want to puke from John Wayne’s kosher cuckery take a look at this putrid MULTICULTURAL NBC TV special he did in 1970 celebrating “Amerika”
John Wayne’s (kosher) Tribute To America – Swing Out, Sweet Land
Well it’s extremely easy to see what’s going on. It just simply turns out that the son is just mere shadow of his father who was actually a man. When the Austrian country needed to have its son’s answer the call against Jewish Bolshevism than that’s when the father stood up. Contrast that to the son who got his calling in life from the fantasy movies that he saw in his childhood that were pumped out by Jewish Hollywood and that became his life’s calling. You have to give Schwarzenegger one pat on the back for one thing that he did in his life, and that he knew which side his bread was buttered on. Once he had a taste of it, he knew he could never disengage himself from… Read more »
Very interesting article. I didn’t know those facts about Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ancestors. It frequently happens so that children of good people happen to be unworthy. But we can look at this phenomenon from other side. The mainstream average people tend to conform to the prevalent social tendencies and copy behavioral patterns of people around them. In good time, when society is mostly healthy, such people behave in the same way; but when society collapses, loses its moral foundation, normalizes vices, these formerly normal people transform into something completely different. I suppose, that Arnold Schwarzenegger himself would be an average good man himself, if put into normal European social environment of before WW2 era. But now, when the Evil Tribe rules the West, all mainstream people are psychologically compelled to behave… Read more »
Now you finally know why the “Sperminator of Brainwahington” has a hollow head shaped like a shoebox. While Frankenstein’s monster was a fantasy figure – Shekelstein’s monster is real!
“Sit up and beg, Arnie! (After all, you know all about sit-ups!) You’re our best candleholder & folding spade, you rotten stink-mummy.
But don’t dare to say a wrong word! You owe us everything! Don’t forget, it’s us who put you where you are now – and we can put you back down too!”
The “Great Purge” has (long since) begun. One quotation from a Jew must be included at least to avoid being suspected of “anti-Semistism”. Here from a certain Alvin Toffler
Even “Elvis” (had German blood according to Bolshevikipedia) hallucinated Stalin in the clouds (who transformed into Jesus) while driving to meet his Jewish hairdresser Geller.
“Elvis” was in the end what Konrad Lorenz called “the piggification (Verhausschweinung) of man”. He would never have become a polar explorer, but he was the ideal fidget clown of the Jewish “entertainment industry”, and eventually perished from its contradictions and insincerity.
A hundred years ago, every scientist had to understand English AND German. 20 out of 25 Nobel prizes went to Germany. Later, “pop stars” like Elvis, the Beatles, Petula Clark and Cliff Rihard still sang in German.
Heisenberg found his inspiration on Helgoland
(where he anthem of the Germans was composed).
Of course Heisenberg was just a “cowardly Nazi”.
This “Brit” (descended from an Ame-
rican Negro), chose a song by a Jew.
Thank you James Harting for bringing us the true history of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s father, Gustav. I have the greatest respect for all of the soldiers of the Third Reich who fought the good, noble and right fight for our race and by doing so left a legacy that generations of whites can look to with pride and for inspiration. Gustav Schwarzenegger was a fine and noble Aryan man. The son, Arnold, is a complicated character. I will not pretend that I know enough about him to sit in judgement. I will say that at his best as a body builder, Arnold was an inspiration to tens of millions of young white males. He is still the greatest of all time. He may not have been a Nazi himself, but he… Read more »
Both Wayne and Eastwood mouthed kosher Liberal tropes despite some racist lapses which were but damage control…all artists have been the Jews court minstrels or comedians since 1945.A cultural revolution is long overdue-Cultural Hitlerism.
Thankyou for this short history of Gustav Schwarzenegger, a real-life hero who deserved a better son! How true. All who served for German and European freedom from the controlling Jewish bankers and their puppets, Churchill and Roosevelt, are all heroes.
A Syrian “refugee”, who used his time of residence in the FRG* to found a smuggling organization, and who was given the worthless “FRG citizenship” after 6 years prematurely for his questionable “achievements”, wants to enter the Bundestag for the Greens this year. He wants to stand up for the fact that the lettering “Dem Deutschen Volke” (To The German People) at the Reichstag is exchanged against “Allen, die in Deutschland leben” (To Everyone WhoLives in Germany). Who is supposed to take all this seriously anymore. We are in the madhouse. A people that not only puts up with such impudence, but also actively promotes it, has in my eyes forfeited any right to ensure its continued existence in its place. (* The FRG is a Jewish pseudo-legal construct which… Read more »