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Heroic Measures
by George Mosley IN HIS famous “Rivers of Blood” speech, Enoch Powell prophesied that in the near future the non-Whites in Britain would have the whip hand. This prediction is usually portrayed by the left as an example of unhinged Whiteness, an hysterical response to what they deem a moderate,…

Gustav Schwarzenegger: A Real-Life Hero
Gustav Schwarzenegger and his wife by James Harting GUSTAV SCHWARZENEGGER was born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire on August 17, 1907. He was the son of Cecelia (née Hinterleitner, 1878–1968) and Karl Schwarzenegger (1872–1927). Gustav had an uneventful middle-class upbringing. He joined…

Heroism: 6-Year-Old Wyoming Boy Sets the 2020 Standard for White Manhood
by James Harting JULY 9th of this year saw six-year-old Bridger Walker and his four-year-old sister playing in a friend’s backyard in Cheyenne, Wyoming. Also in the yard were two dogs, one, said Bridger, was “nice” but the other one was “mean.” Suddenly and without warning, the mean dog (a one-year-old…

The Modern Cartels Jungle
[T]he power of the hero… [W]hat we need is not more people telling us that ‘they will change things from the inside and take over a mainstream party’ but a new political messiah. by Karl Radl IRVING E. COX’S 1955 science fiction novella, The Cartels Jungle, tells the story of how a newly retired young…

Cowardice and Individualism
by Dr. William L. Pierce ON EARLIER American Dissident Voices broadcasts I’ve spoken about our problems with Blacks, with Asian immigrants, with Mestizos, and of course, with Jews — especially about our problems with Jews, in deference to their demand always to be at the head of the…

A Nation’s Treason
Le Courage est leur patrie by Fabrice Laroche and François d’Orcival
reviewed by Revilo P. Oliver
TREASON IS merely commonplace in the United States today. And the last frantic decrees of Suppiluliumas II have survived to remind us that treason was equally commonplace in the Hittite Empire in 1290…

Francis Parker Yockey on Adolf Hitler’s Historical Legacy
by James Harting THE AMERICAN political thinker and activist Francis Parker Yockey (1917-1960) is best known, and rightly so, for his magnum opus, Imperium: The Philosophy of History and Politics (1948). (ILLUSTRATION: The Hero of the Second World War) Yockey dedicated Imperium to “The…