Echelon One
by David Sims
THE ELITES that really do run our country and many other countries depend, first, on the widespread use of reality-approximating fantasies to keep people fooled about how power works in the real world. You are taught these fantasies via the mainstream media for news and for entertainment, and they are formally taught to children as “civics” in high school.
That is, spokesmen for the elite try to convince us that power really works as it is supposed to work, although nothing could be further from the truth.
When fantasy fails to continue to fool people, and those people who were fooled understandably express their displeasure, the elites turn to force. The police show up to arrest you on dubious charges, or the extralegal minions of the elites, such as Antifa terrorists, are sent to harm or harass you, while the police stand by and do nothing.
About a hundred years ago, a Russian writer and magistrate named Sergei Nilus published a tract entitled The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion, which you should read. It identifies Jews as the top echelon of these elites, and that might be correct. But whether it is correct or not, these elites do exist, and you ought to dispense with any lingering influence from your high school civics lessons.
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Source: Author
I think you would learn more about how the US and other nations actually operate by watching the first two installments of “The Godfather” films than any civics or political science textbook.
I have read “Protocols” three times; this document is one of the most important of the last two centuries. Bolsheviks sentenced people to death for only crime of possession this book. This fact clearly shows that the document is real and exposes true origin of all revolutionary leftist movements. The vile crowd of mainstream historians, politicians and newsmakers compete with each other in denouncing “Protocols” of being fake but by this very ardor and hostility confirm their authenticity. Any fake document could predict future so precisely. There should have been a plan and “Protocols” uncover this masterplan of world conquest. And in stark contrast to the Roosevelt’s fakes about Nazis’ plan to conquer the world, this one is real. But we live in the dark time when fakes are presented… Read more »