David SimsEssays

What America May Come To

…if the Jewish-communist weaponization of Blacks continues much longer.

by David Sims
with additions by National Vanguard staff

[THE SUN rises, just a few years from now, in a suburb twenty miles outside a burning American city, on what was until recently a high school football field. Shortly after the Provisional Government of North America evacuated all the White families there to a safe city 110 miles out, the field became a staging area where volunteers of the New American Army are trained. As the reddish light starts to illuminate the young soldiers’ faces, we see a steel-hard resolve in their eyes and their expressions that bodes ill for any who would threaten or harm the White families and White children they are sworn to protect.]

Drill sergeant: “Let me hear you! What do you do with communists?”

Squad (loud): “Search and destroy! Shoot on sight! Shoot to kill!”

Drill sergeant: “I can’t heeeaar you!”

Squad (even louder): “Search and destroy! Shoot on sight! Shoot to kill!”

Drill sergeant: “What do you do when the communists are in the media?”

Squad: “Search and destroy! Shoot on sight! Shoot to kill!”

Drill sergeant: “What do you do when the communists are school teachers?”

Squad: “Search and destroy! Shoot on sight! Shoot to kill!”

Drill sergeant: “What do you do when the communists are lawyers?”

Squad: “Search and destroy! Shoot on sight! Shoot to kill!”

Drill sergeant: “What do you do when the communists are bankers or billionaires?”

Squad: “Search and destroy! Shoot on sight! Shoot to kill!”

Drill sergeant: “Does it matter what kind of job a communist has?”

Squad: “NO!”

Drill sergeant: “Do you treat male and female communists differently?”

Squad: “NO!”

Drill sergeant: “If a communist is 70 years old what do you do?”

Squad: “KILL HIM.”

Drill sergeant: “If a communist is 40 years old what do you do?”

Squad: “KILL HIM.”

Drill sergeant: “If a communist is 10 years old what do you do?”

Squad: “Wait until he’s 18, and if he’s still a communist, then KILL HIM.”

[The sun breaks over the bleachers. It’s time for a five-mile run, fully armed and packed, before breakfast. Then, after listening to Political Officer Williams’ speech on what is at stake, it’s Stage 10 training in street-to-street warfare, armed acquisition of enemy media facilities, and enemy leadership cell removal. Tomorrow, the Creator willing, the city will be liberated.]

* * *

Source: Author and National Vanguard staff

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Rommel 41
Rommel 41
30 August, 2020 1:13 am

As we used to say in the 70s, “Sounds like a plan !”

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
30 August, 2020 11:03 am

This actually energizes White people. We love what is real.

“In battle is poetry”–Viking runic saying.

This time we will know the true enemies, at long last, at long last.

tito perdue
tito perdue
4 September, 2020 5:28 am

Jews are Semites and about as “white” as Eskimos. Myself, I would never wish to erase the molecular distinction between Aryans and Jews. As for compromising with the other non-white, or rather anti-white elements in our population, I far prefer ethnic cleansing, mass sterilization, genetic engineering, and clean-sweep genocide [from the legally constituted authorities after a fair trial of course].

7 October, 2020 11:57 pm

Mister Sims, I translated your article into German today and I want to criticize you. A ten year old communist will never change his mindset. The reason: spoiled blood.

8 October, 2020 12:49 am

Preparing the Future

Find ways to contact active soldiers and police officers of all ranks. Make them soldiers of the National Alliance.

Who else? Members of militias, gunsmiths, fathers of families, young people, schoolchildren, students, entrepreneurs. . . Start recruiting in your families.

Tell every spiritually sane White man about the National Alliance.

5 January, 2021 5:53 pm

Perhaps you could pop over to England after…no one gets into Cromwell’s kosher parliament or thus into the state, who is not a Communist,which includes the Trotskiist Conservatives.Well-written article.