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East Wind, Rain: Treason at Pearl Harbor
by Kevin Alfred Strom IF YOU WANT to understand why the American government supports Communists in Haiti and South Africa — if you want to understand why neither Democrats nor Republicans will protect our borders from alien invasion — and if you want to understand why we are rapidly losing our freedoms…

The Jews Behind Fidel Castro and the Cuban Communist Party
by Karl Radl THE Cuban Communist Party, or the Partido Comunista de Cuba (hereafter PCC), is the organisation that preceded the development of the broad left-wing revolutionary movement that transformed into the late Fidel Castro’s communist government, and which was then recreated to support…

What America May Come To
…if the Jewish-communist weaponization of Blacks continues much longer. by David Sims
with additions by National Vanguard staff [THE SUN rises, just a few years from now, in a suburb twenty miles outside a burning American city, on what was until recently a high school football field. Shortly…
with additions by National Vanguard staff [THE SUN rises, just a few years from now, in a suburb twenty miles outside a burning American city, on what was until recently a high school football field. Shortly…

National Justice Report: Violent “Antifa” Filmed by Project Veritas Is New York Times-published Author
Antifa extremist belongs to bizarre communist death cult, yet receives privileged, pampered treatment from the powerful. by Eric Striker National Justice reports: TWO WEEKS ago, Project Veritas published an investigative journalism piece showing the inner workings of “Antifa”/anarchist…

The People’s Commissar of Health Equality
by David Sims APPARENTLY, the anti-White communists have also penetrated the medical profession in a big way. Recently, the American Medical Association sponsored a panel discussion in which Dr. Aletha Maybank (who is Black and is shown in the image above) made the ridiculous assertion that “racism”…

Triumphant Ecumenism
by Revilo P. Oliver MOST AMERICANS will remember that in January 1959 a foul and probably part-Jewish murderer named Fidel Castro seized the island of Cuba with the surreptitious support of the government in Washington, which was implementing Lenin’s strategy of encircling the United States…

Interwar Germany: Their Enemies Are Our Enemies
Download this important book free. CONTRARY TO post-war propaganda, it was not the “Nazis” who terrorized Germany prior to 1933, but the far Left. This book, based on original police case files from the time, shows how the far Left and their “Social Democratic” party allies…

Latvian Communist Party Under Fire for Election Poster Showing “Future of EU”
The Social Democratic Workers Party of Latvia (LSDSP) — a communist party dating back to 1918 — has been reported to that country’s security police for possible prosecution following the publication of an election poster depicting the EU as an African tribesman, Latvia as a White woman…

Michael Straight: The Reluctant Renegade
DOROTHY WHITNEY was an all-American blue-blooded baby. Her father, William C. Whitney, was Secretary of the Navy under President Cleveland. At Dorothy’s christening in Washington in 1887, the President, his Cabinet, the Supreme Court, and the leaders of Congress were all on hand. Today,…

Anti-Trump Violence and the Reichstag Fire
by Hadding Scott
What Would Hitler Do? — Radical Agenda, 15 June 2017
Anti-Trump Violence and the Reichstag Fire
I AM GOING TO talk about the shooting of Congressman Stephen Scalise, and the Reichstag Fire. This week we saw an attempted mass-shooting of Republican politicians by a man from Belleville,…