Big Tech Is Eating the World
As they are richer than many nation-states, they are also more powerful than, and dominate, many nation-states. Effectively, they are a part of a supranational government dominated by Jews. Though they are not all headed by Jews, many are, and the Jewish presence in top management is vastly disproportionate — and they are all interlocked closely with the banking system, one of the major levers of Jewish power.
BIG TECH IS eating the world: The combined market capitalization of #FANGMAN (Facebook, Amazon, Netflix, Google, Microsoft, Apple, Nvidia) topped $7 trillion this week, equal to the combined GDP of Germany, Italy and Indonesia — and nearly double that of Germany alone.
The Economic Times predicts that these companies will continue to “dominate the world” despite Covid-19 disruptions, as the combined market cap of the seven FANGMAN stocks has rallied 24% so far this year — which is more than the GDP of several countries including Japan ($5.15tn), Germany ($3.86tn), India ($2.94tn) or the UK ($2.83tn). The total market cap of all 3,000 stocks that are traded on India’s main stock exchange on Thursday was $1.8 trillion — whereas Apple alone commanded a market cap of $ 1.5 trillion.
“World’s most valuable company” Apple currently trades at 28 times its earnings whereas Microsoft, Google, and Facebook are currently trading at between 30 and 35 price-to-earnings ratios. Some analysts see this as a bubble ready to burst, whereas others point out the nearly monopolistic and quasi-governmental character of some of the FANGMAN companies and suggest that the bubble will “not be allowed to burst.”
That mammoth market cap gives these corporations enormous financial power to buy stakes in other assets. Facebook last month had invested $5.7 billion in Jio Platform while Google is looking to buy a stake in Vodafone Idea and Amazon in Bharti Airtel. A billion-dollar acquisition is a commonplace month-to-month event. Do you think they cannot also buy legislators? According to The Print, all except Nvidia (so far) had made some sort of public statement in support of Black Lives Matter as of June, and their consistent support of open borders, globalism, and the demonization of racially conscious Whites is long established.
One observer, Sam Johnston, asked, “Are we okay with this much concentration of power? They’ve already begun to censor and control the information we consume, influence our democratic institutions, shape the narratives, and stifle competition, progress, and innovation. Time to break them up.” National Vanguard has for several years taken the position that the social media and print/book marketing components should be regarded as public utilities and, under a proper National Alliance government, would be regulated as such, and their opposition to and hindrance of racial-nationalism should be regarded as the most serious crimes. Kevin Alfred Strom, the National Alliance’s media director, said on Sunday, “Under no circumstances should Jewish capital or Jewish-dominated tech firms be allowed to dominate, or even operate, in our nations. In the new order we will establish, technology in our nations will be under the control of our people alone, as will government.”
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Source: Holger Zschaepitz and Economic Times
[S]ocial media and print/book marketing components should be regarded as public utilities and, under a proper National Alliance government, would be regulated as such, and their opposition to and hindrance of racial-nationalism should be regarded as the most serious crimes. — I don’t know about social media since I ignore them, but these Big Tech giants that censor us and deny our customers essential online financial services are either Jew-owned or in bed with Jew hate groups. Not only should they be regulated as public utilities, they need to be broken up and PUNISHED! But with their trillion$ to buy politicians and peddle influence in corrupt courts it won’t be by the DOJ or through some toothless executive order by Donald J. Trump. Punishment will have to wait until there’s… Read more »
Since you mentioned Dan Schulman, I start searching for information about him. I started with Wikipedia which, although a Jewish outlet, offers quite a lot of information if we know where to look. It turns out that apart from being a crook, this disgusting critter is an active promoter of sexual degeneracy, like most of his fellow Jews. Here is the proof: “Schulman denounced the North Carolina Public Facilities Privacy & Security Act that mandated people in public facilities use bathrooms in accordance to their gender at birth.[22] He stated that “The new law perpetuates discrimination and it violates the values and principles that are at the core of PayPal’s mission and culture.”[22] Schulman also cosigned an opposition letter with about 120 executives from major corporations.[23] In protest to the… Read more »
To repeat: [T]hese Big Tech giants that censor us and deny our customers essential online financial services are either Jew-owned or in bed with Jew hate groups. Not only should they be regulated as public utilities, they need to be broken up and PUNISHED! But with their trillion$ to buy politicians and peddle influence in corrupt courts it won’t be by the DOJ or through some toothless executive order by Donald J. Trump***. Punishment will have to wait until there’s that “proper National Alliance government.” Now that the big crackdown by Big Tech on even alleged “extremist” Donald Trump’s free speech in the past couple of days our new, timely National Alliance sticker far and wide Available for printing here: *** Note: Joey Biden’s pick of this crazy,… Read more »
The anti-white monster is already cutting off its white enemies alive .. The clock is against ..
For the most part, social media is a cesspool of group think. I don’t personally have a Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter. However, my German Shepherd has her own Instagram, with an okay following. Silly I know, but sometimes I just want to decompress, and look at cute puppy pictures. My point, I’m seeing people start to fight back. There’s a huge surge in support for police. Project Warpath posts a lot of truth, when it comes to black crime, and government inaction. For every BLM support post I see, there’s three more supporting law enforcement, so it isn’t all bad news. Obviously, Google, PayPal, etc., are a huge problem. With a death grip on internet searches, they can bury anything they want. Just as PayPal can choose not to release… Read more »
Forget about earnings in fiat money, these corporations have the ability to design and predict the future. There are already many working AI’s that predict human future actions, with about 90% accuracy, based on their social media accounts alone. In the not to distant future, with 5G and other wireless tech everywhere, the goal is to enhance and finish creating a real-time model of the world. Actually, not just one, but infinite real-time models. With these models and the control over information, any possible future can be created, meaning the future can be predicted and chosen. As Putin talked about not long ago, whoever is first to create this complex AI, will forever rule humanity and beyond. As you can imagine, fiat money and (quarterly) earnings become meaningless. Many of… Read more »
I don’t believe these companies are even particularly profitable (outside Apple which has a maturing product line). They are kept viable by the constant supply of credit from the fed to Wall Street firms. Amazon makes almost all of its money from Amazon Web Services which subsidizes the Amazon sales platform. I think they get significant revenue from government contracts, particularly with the intelligence agencies.
Amazon also does something rather underhanded. When they see items selling well on their platform, Amazon starts selling it, and undercut what the shops on their platform are selling the item for. They have the purchasing power and the warehouse space to put small time sellers out of business, it’s sad.
I’ve started to actively look for ways to avoid Amazon, which is still possible, it just requires a little extra effort.
Currently looking for a phone that’s JUST a phone – no Google, no web, no ‘apps’, nothing, just calls.
Can’t completely avoid Walmart, but I’ve scaled back and diverted quite a bit of my shopping to thrift stores, yard sales, flea markets, local stores.
In some cases, it costs a little more that way, in much the same way organic produce costs more for having (hopefully) less pesticides on it…..
I don’t think that disconnecting from the system is going to be enough- the monster is WAY too big – but it’s a step in the right direction while preparing for the inevitable.
You don’t need perfect adherence to boycotting the system. But every bit hurts them, particularly in a severe economic downturn. One development to look out for is the introduction of a digital US Dollar. This will allow the Fed/Treasury to control, direct and track everyone’s spending. You can be sure that it cannot be used for purchasing firearms or anything to make you independent of the system. There is a Youtube channel called Uneducated Economist who discusses this. He suggests that cash will be devalued relative to the digital dollar in order to get people to abandon cash for the digital currency. I’m wondering if this is the reason Bitcoin was tolerated for so long by the authorities.
Ultimately, all money is fake. Bitcoin – or other such ‘cryptocurrencies’ – doesn’t exist at all in the real world, digital money (credit/debit cards, etc.) exists only as numbers on a paper or website, paper money is a ‘promise to pay’ – the actual item is worthless – and even coins aren’t what they used to be. No one’s seen a silver dollar in probably decades – at least not outside a numismatic convention – and even the humble copper penny now contains a LOT more tin than copper. Don’t suck on it….. Even gold isn’t much good in shtf situations. Can’t eat it, can’t drink it, can’t wear it to keep warm. Our Pagan forebears had it right when the family cow was the equivalent of a savings account,… Read more »
That’s great that you choose to shop local as much as you can, not many of us have that kind of discipline. I frequent thrift shops because refinishing furniture is a hobby of mine. I don’t buy fast fashion (Old Navy, Zara, etc.), choosing instead to buy quality over quantity that isn’t made by slave labor in China. We also have a few farmers markets in my town, so I try to go there when I can. Lately, there seem to be more artists selling doggy bandanas, and whatnot than actual farmers.
I don’t buy from Amazon too often, and I try to avoid Walmart as much as I can.
Nope, we can’t completely avoid the system, but we can try to stick it to them as much as possible.
Walmart had been getting nastier and more of a hassle for several years and may now have reached critical mass. Today: BIG signs warning of fines for not wearing your muzzle, ‘security’ guards who resemble favela swat teams, checkouts getting ready for the all-out ban on cash… I bought 2 canisters of generic oatmeal (which I just found out I can actually get cheaper in bulk at the health food store), 1 big can of coffee, which will last me at least 1/2 year, at which point I will have found an alternative source and a bottle of bleach, which I can certainly get elsewhere or even do without. Started to become suspicious of Amazon about a year or so ago, haven’t bought anything from them in months, haven’t written… Read more »