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Rent Seeking: Taking Without Giving
And organized Jewry are the most flagrant rent-seekers of all; their “banking” scam alone drains off probably half the wealth that would otherwise be in the hands of the people. RENT-SEEKING IS a behavior that describes the tendency of people to seek profits without doing any real work.…

Washington Regime Hoping to Cripple ‘Proof of Work’ Mining
Proof of Work is the world’s best network security system and has the potential to set people free from Jewish banking; Proof of Stake just means ever-increasing control by the rich. The excuse they will use to try to re-enslave us is that Proof of Work ‘uses too much energy’ and is …

The Global Expropriation Wave
by Prof. Dr. Eberhard Hamer,
Mittelstandsinstitut Niedersachsen e.V. WHOEVER GIVES AWAY HIS assets and entrusts them to strangers (including banks) can be expropriated. The US has the highest indebtedness in their history (over 30 trillion dollars = 135% GDP), so they have been over-indebted for…
Mittelstandsinstitut Niedersachsen e.V. WHOEVER GIVES AWAY HIS assets and entrusts them to strangers (including banks) can be expropriated. The US has the highest indebtedness in their history (over 30 trillion dollars = 135% GDP), so they have been over-indebted for…

Breaking the Stasis
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 5 March, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom BECAUSE THE AMERICAN PEOPLE were mostly sleeping during the last century, we’ve let our worst enemies turn our country…

Wall Street Vultures Who Harmed Millions Go Unpunished, Retire as Billionaires
July 4, 1988: Fortune magazine cover featuring George Roberts and Henry Kravis, “Masters of the Buyout Game.” THE JEWISH founders of Kohlberg Kravis Roberts (KKR), America’s first nationally celebrated “private equity” giant, have announced they’re stepping down as the company’s co-CEOs. Henry…

René Binet and his “Theory of Racism,” part 5: Capitalist Barbarism
by René Binet From Théorie du Racisme, 1950
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 INDIVIDUALISM and the thirst for loot, which is to say the desire for profits obtained without labor, are the only motive forces of capitalist society. The ethical values of capitalism are founded upon …
Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 INDIVIDUALISM and the thirst for loot, which is to say the desire for profits obtained without labor, are the only motive forces of capitalist society. The ethical values of capitalism are founded upon …

René Binet and his “Theory of Racism,” part 3: The Tyranny of Gold
The Tyranny of Gold by René Binet From Théorie du Racisme, 1950,Translation by M.M. & Hadding Scott, 2016 IN THE MOST recent historical period the appearance of capitalism, as a medium of social differentiation and as the basis for a new social structure, has momentarily distorted the whole development…

A Rose by Another Name
by Revilo P. Oliver LAST APRIL, National Review carried a significant article. Professor William R. Hawkins, a professional economist, in “Neomercantilism: Is there a Case for Tariffs?” took his departure from the fact that America’s industrial potential has been partly destroyed…

Bleeding Us White
by Douglas Mercer “It is estimated that the United States alone benefited from a total of 222,505,049 hours of forced labor between 1619 and the abolition of slavery in 1865. Valued at the US minimum wage, with a modest rate of interest, that is worth $97 trillion today.” — Jason Hickel,…

Warning: Usurers Can Grab Your Latest “Stimulus” Money
There was a time when sensible people reasonably opposed the government randomly or not-so-randomly handing out checks to citizens. But in a time of Jewish debasement of the currency, of endless handouts and bailouts to the richest and most powerful ethnic group on Earth, it’s only reasonable…