Gates Foundation Honoree: “Get Rid of All the Whites” to Increase Vaccination Rates
DR. CAROL BAKER, a vaccine expert who was appointed by the Obama administration to lead a CDC advisory committee and was honored at a ceremony funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, is facing widespread criticism following a report on her videotaped proposal to “get rid of all the whites in the United States” to stop “vaccine refusers.”
A reader sent us the Texas Medical Board’s response to a formal complaint against Baker. The letter states that “the Board has already been notified of the allegations made in your complaint.”
Carol Baker’s reviews on WebMD are also justifiably negative these days, including, “Ending the existence of white peoples in America isn’t preventative medicine, it’s genocide.”
Dr. Carol Baker of Houston is caught on tape proposing that society “get rid of all the whites in the United States” to reduce the number of “vaccine refusers.” Baker has recently served as the executive director of the Center for Vaccine Awareness and Research at Texas Children’s Hospital. Baker was honored in Washington, D.C. with the Sabin Vaccine Institute’s 2019 Albert B. Sabin Gold Medal at a ceremony “made possible in part by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and Pfizer.” In 2009, Obama administration Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius appointed Baker to chair the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Baker chaired through committee until 2012 and she served as a liaison representative of that committee as recently as 2019.
“So I have the solution. Every study published in the last five years, when you look at vaccine refusers. I’m not talking about…hesitance, most of them we can talk into coming to terms. But refusers. We’ll just get rid of all the whites in the United States,” Baker said at the “Achieving Childhood Vaccine Success in the U.S.” expert panel discussion sponsored by the National Meningitis Association in New York City on May 9, 2016. “Guess who wants to get vaccinated the most? Immigrants.”
Full Conference Video
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Source: Larry Harmon and National Vanguard correspondents
SLIME !!!!!!!!!!!
If they get rid of all the whites, who is going to develop the vaccines? Who is going to pay for the development of the vaccines?
But She IS White, She cannot mean that White people should be destroy. It is a Joke
It is not “White” as its just another kike masquerading as a (((fellow white))).
“Everything on this earth can be corrected. Each defeat can become the father of a future victory. Every lost war can be the impetus for a new upsurge. Every disaster can cause a new influx of energy in people. Any oppression can become a source of new forces for a new revival. All this is possible while the peoples keep their blood clean. Only with the loss of blood purity is happiness lost forever. People are falling down forever and you can’t erase the consequences of poisoning from the human body. One has only to compare the gigantic importance of this factor with the role of all any factors of a different origin, and we will immediately see that all other problems, compared to racial, play a ridiculously small role.… Read more »
speaking of Bill Gates – he needs to be sent to India to answer for his many crimes there
Der Zweite Weltkrieg war im Wesentlichen ein Krieg zwischen den beiden Ideologien: Marxismus und Nationalismus. Die Vereinigten Staaten kämpften ohne Wissen der Massen neben dem Marxismus, einer Ideologie, die die Kernfamilie offen angreift und verunglimpft, so dass der soziale Abschaum über die Gesellschaft selbst erhoben wird.
Die Geschichte die sich auf betrügerisch semantische Usurpationen ergründet, erweitert unaufhaltsam die Dimension der menschlichen Bestialität.
The Gates Foundation
Bill Gates is a member of Satan’s Synagogue. Decades ago, the Lodge Brothers came up with identifying features with which they can be identified as members of the Lodge.
Important identifying features
1. The finger pointer
2. The grip on glasses
Injectees are no longer human:
DNA modification. A terrible price to pay
for Political Correctness.
University of South Carolina Professor Phillip Buckhaults, Ph.D. is a highly qualitfied specialist in the field of biochemistry and molecular biology research as follows: The distillation and upshot of Dr. Buckhaults crucial work is this: that the Covid injections were intentionally formulated to trigger all manner of automimmune disorders and diseases, dysregulation and syndromes, adverse reactions and debilitating symptoms, which they have certainly done.×432.jpg My current understanding is that the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda, as it is often called, was quite purposefully rolled out as a slow- motion Extinction Level Event. In an explosive and extraordinary analysis, Dr. Anita Baxas, MD, explains the multiple causes for injuries and deaths from covid injections worldwide. An estimated 20 million people died and another 2 billion have been injured (adverse events)… Read more »