CommentaryJohn Massaro

Why Did I Write My Anti-Vaccine Book?

by John Massaro

IT’S NOT NORMAL FOR an author to write a glowing review of his own book, but since we’re not living in normal times I’ll have a go at it.

Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? is the product of nearly thirty years’ part-time research. I self-published it in November 2021, though the main text was completed in October 2019, just before all the Covid business started, which in my view makes it all the more prescient. In the opening pages I tell my own very personal story of what motivated me to write it. Briefly here, never having heard a bad word about vaccines, I got numerous preventative “travel shots” from 1981 to 1986 before leaving home and traveling extensively around Africa, Asia and South America. In January 1987, I learned to my horror that one of them, gamma globulin, was a pooled plasma product — this at a time when many had died of AIDS-contaminated blood transfusions — and one or more of the others caused an autoimmune condition that indirectly ruined my life. I was never told about any risks by the medical people who injected me. I became obsessed with the subject and made an exhaustive effort to learn everything I could, examining both sides of the controversy with an open mind. Eventually it became crystal clear to me that vaccination is, and always has been, an untold story of failure and fraud drenched in every conceivable form of corruption. And now, with the lethal Covid-19 jab — about which I was able to write an afterword — we’ve reached the inevitable final act: the Kool-Aid dispenser at Jonestown. The truth about this criminal industry becomes so obvious to anyone who looks into it, that I would no sooner debate it with a vaccine zealot than I would argue about how many ears I have. Instead, I direct adversaries to my Web site, where I offer $30,000 to anyone who can show me one vaccine success story, going all the way back to the original trickster Edward Jenner, who started the whole business in 1796 with his cow pus smallpox vaccine. That shuts them up. Presumably thousands have read my offer, but I’ve received only a few sour or irrelevant responses, which I’ve posted.

I wanted to write a book that was unique, and this starts with the striking large format front cover, designed by Alliance media director Kevin Strom, who also did the layout work, expertly sorting out the text, and the numerous photographs, illustrations, and other material that makes it not only an engaging read but an attractive “coffee table” book. That sets it apart from every other anti-vax book, as does the fact that I ignore all taboos in getting to the heart of the matter. You won’t find a chapter like “The Jewish Factor” anywhere else, yet it’s impossible to understand this multibillion dollar racket without dragging some of these hideous creatures, with their depraved indifference to human life, into the spotlight.

Will Vaccines is kind of a scrapbook of ideas that ties many current issues and unpleasant aspects of human experience together, showing, for example, how the dogma of vaccination — the baloney that “vaccines have saved millions of lives” — runs parallel with other religious and social dogmas, with anti-gun propaganda, employee incompetence, vile business practices, and underpinning it all, media mind control which has conditioned the lemmings to dread being labeled an “anti-vaxxer.” Here and there, to make a point, I throw in some personal anecdotes that everyone can relate to. While it’s a serious subject, of course, in one long chapter I lighten up and discuss everything I learned from observation and experience with regard to staying healthy while traveling in regressive countries (don’t even think about getting any vaccinations), including some entertaining stories about getting sick (though they were anything but funny at the time!). If you or anyone you know is contemplating travel to an exotic Third World destination, I offer plenty of advice — sound advice, not the stale garbage and vaccine sales pitch published by the CDC on their travel page — which in itself is worth the price of my book twenty times over, and could even prevent a debilitating illness.

I think I’ve written a book that will stand as the last word on vaccines, if you’ll excuse my vanity. But four people did tell me that it’s one of the greatest books they’ve ever read. After ten years of writing, revising, updating, and wondering if I was doing it the right way, that sure makes me feel good.

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Afterword by Kevin Alfred Strom: Will Vaccines Be the End of Us? is the only book today that takes on the vaccine problem fully and directly, and without fear takes on the questions of 1) the entire concept of vaccination and 2) the crucial Jewish factor as it relates to the vaccine industry. It is available in a handsome 8 1/2″ X 11″, softcover, 291 pages format from Cosmotheist Books. You can give your family and loved ones no greater gift in these dangerous times. Contact our Cosmotheist book store if you would like to arrange for the author to personally sign your copy.

* * *

Source: Author

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28 February, 2023 7:29 am

The pharmaceutical industry got their start when the Romans slaughtered the Druids, consolidated their power during the Cuckstian persecution of ‘Witches’ (read: traditional herbal healers) and is today largely in the hands of Jews. Who want the White race dead, which is why the orchestrated the Kung Flu hoax, to drive the brainpoisoned White goyim sheeple masses into the sterilization killshots. Which is why the put sodium fluoride in the water. Which is why they put all sorts of chemical additives into just about everything we eat and drink. One way or another, Whitey has to go, and they will do N-E-THING and EV-RY-THING to get that done. If that means also killing millions or even billions of non-Whites – even including rank-and-file Jews – so be it, they count… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Wolfgang
1 March, 2023 10:24 am

Outlining how we Whites are being set up for and being the targets of genocide is a common thing for pro-Whites to do these days, Wolfgang. It begs the question all of us should be asked though: What sort of solution did you have in mind that you’ll actually put your name and your actions to? Here’s ours.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
1 March, 2023 8:38 pm

Well, Jim, a direct question certainly deserves a direct answer. What I, as an individual White guy surrounded by an ocean of non-Whites and heavily brainpoisoned Boomers and Gen soYers can do is disconnect from the system as much as possible, resist everything they try to throw my way and block all their attempts to get in my face. When the slave muzzle madness was in full swing, I wore – when I absolutely, positively had to – a child’s party mask (Rafael from the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, a thrift shop find), which got me a lot of positive comments, and also got me kicked out of several stores, once even by an actual city cop. I stopped going to stores taking the ‘mandate’ very seriously and urged everyone… Read more »

Reply to  Wolfgang
24 June, 2023 6:36 pm

If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always got.

The only way you’ll ever meet a quality woman is to either go where the fishing’s good. You’re a practicing Pagan? Don’t they have meetups?

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Andrew
24 June, 2023 9:35 pm

Wolfgang has left us, Andrew. The way he wants it done is that we’re here to serve him, and abjures the thought that he is here to serve our race. Backwards thinking! It’s funny, but when serving along side others, the opportunity to meet a like-minded mate increases.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
25 June, 2023 6:55 pm

Yes, that’s why in a lot of the successful marriage stories I’ve read about or heard first-hand they met in church or some other social gatherings and they and their families knew each other.

2 March, 2023 10:59 pm

Interesting title of the book and it’s certainly thought provoking. But I have to disagree with this notion that vaccines are a “hoax”. It is true that many Pharmaceutical companies are owned and operated by the Jews. If the vaccines are not properly tested, they will be potentially very dangerous to a general population. That also applies to cars, trains or aircrafts. If you have broken brakes in x amount of cars, that will directly threaten the safety of people in general. We have experts and regulatory bodies which are responsible for handling those kinds of situations. That’s why we don’t have a lot of car accidents or other related catastrophies. Or we (used) to. But this is a “what if” and hypothetical situation. Many people come to me and… Read more »

Howard Reese
Howard Reese
1 April, 2023 10:23 am

I enjoyed reading your, book, however depressing that sounds. I did want to say that Fauci comes from a crypto-Jewish Swiss family Abys (son of able) and Bill Gates does as well. Most of the gentile sociopaths listed in your book have a long line of crypto-Jews down their familial line. Additionally, the Covid ‘vaccines’ are CRISPR cas9 injections.