Classic EssaysRevilo P. Oliver

The Three American Eras

by Revilo P. Oliver

THE JEWS ARE a unique race, parasitic and predatory, evidently formed from hybrid stock (including, according to Mourant’s haematological analysis, c. 10% of Congoid blood) in the way described in Sir Arthur Keith’s theory of human evolution.

The parasites find, seemingly by instinct, and attack every inherent weakness in our racial stock and exploit our vices, so that it is often difficult to fix a boundary between our innate deficiencies and the parasites’ exacerbation of them. Our current religion is one of their many weapons: The superstition infects our race through its appeal to our racial proclivity toward romantic sentimentality, transcendental mysteries, and even a certain heroism: the willingness of men to sacrifice themselves for their people, which is perverted into asceticism and an itch to serve “all mankind.” That has been a deadly infection, encouraging both the survival of the unfit of our own race by preventing the natural process by which viable species eliminate their degenerates, and by encouraging a fatuous toleration of racial enemies.

Whittaker Chambers seems to have been right when he decided (for some of the wrong reasons) that our people are driven by a subconscious, but irresistible, death-wish. At least, the racial mind of most of our contemporaries, rotted by fifteen centuries of a superstition designed by the Jews to paralyse goyim, seems no longer capable of perceiving reality, let alone of coping with it.

For those Americans who do wish to perceive reality, it is useful to divide our country’s history into three eras, viz.:

I. The First Republic, established as result of the Civil War (the only one in our history) in the British colonies, 1775-1783, which made the several colonies independent states. This republic, based on the Constitution, lasted from 1789 until 1860, when it was forever destroyed by the war of aggression launched by a league of Northern states and their invasion of the South.

II. The Second Republic, established by the Northern conquest, 1865 to 1932. Some parts of the original Constitution were salvaged and adapted to a regime of “democracy” and political corruption that was fundamentally incompatible with that Constitution, although the boobs were made to believe that that document had been preserved by being destroyed.

III. The Ochlocracy, sometimes called the Dictatorship of (the thugs who own) the Proletariat, 1932-present. Established by the Jews’ capture of the government of the Second Republic in 1932 and the gradual assimilation of the United States to the governmental system used in the Soviet Union, including the establishment of the Revolutionary Tribunal in Washington (still called the Supreme Court), which has repeatedly made it clear that ‘Constitution’ has become merely a word that is used in bad jokes. No one should be misled by the fact that the management still stages elections to amuse the boobs, some of whom find them almost as exciting as football games.

The future of our stultified and brutalized race depends on so many imponderables that it would be rash to venture any forecast. The only hope, as I see it, is that the present owners will make the blunder of precipitating or permitting a total collapse so drastic and sudden that its physical effects will penetrate to the consciousness of the boobs and induce something like thought, and that if and when that happens, there will be a nucleus of men who understand the situation and have the courage and intelligence to organize and lead the boobs to regain independence from the world-conquerors.

I continue to write, at constant sacrifice of my own convenience and peace; to write, in the hope that I may possibly contribute a little to the formation of such a nucleus that will be able to act intelligently when the time comes — if it ever does.

January, 1983

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Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
25 December, 2020 1:14 am

Well put. I have always felt the illegally ratified 14th Amendment utterly destroyed the original US Constitution.