David SimsEssays

Intolerable, Flagrant Injustice for Whites in America

Jose Ismael Torres and Kayla Rae Norton react to their decades-long prison sentences for being White in modern America

by David Sims

THIS YEAR (2017) the Marxist left made a substantial grab for heightened reach and power. Charlottesville was part of it. Another part of it was this year’s conviction of Kayla Rae Norton and Jose Ismael Torres in Georgia. These two Whites are guilty of nothing more than creating a public disturbance (if that), yet they got sentenced to prison terms more appropriate to aggravated manslaughter or second-degree murder.

The original aggression at a Black kid’s birthday party was committed by some of the Blacks who attended it, when they threw rocks at the traveling group of Confederate Pride demonstrators.

Reverse the situation, put the Whites where the Blacks were, and put the Blacks where the Whites were, and once again the Whites will be assigned all of the blame and put into prison for decade-plus terms.

Here are some comments I’ve seen on the convictions of Norton and Torres:

Funny how Latahusha Nedd, the African-American female who held a gun up to a camera and threatened to shoot White people and police in the exact same area, is already out of prison and posting on Facebook, however if you’re White and wave a Confederate flag, you’d better be prepared to do 35 to life. That’s what they call justice in America in 2017.

Looks like the media left out the part where the Blacks threw rocks at one of the trucks as it passed, causing him to hit a curb, starting the whole confrontation.

I doubt that the Latahusha Nedd precedent and the actual causes of the Black-White birthday party confrontation were unknown to the court. Rather, it’s more like considerations of fairness in the application of the laws are now considered “counter-productive” by the left and by those who seek to ingratiate themselves with the left (like certain judges).

Anti-Whites are using videos of the sentencing hearing to mock Norton and Torres most spitefully. Apparently, Norton and Torres broke down in tears when they heard how much time in prison they had received. A White mother and father will not be able to raise their three children, who must now grow up without them. And the White family’s trouble began when Black people threw rocks at their vehicles, and they stopped to complain about it.

Here’s a quote from some early press coverage of the incident:

Bush said his group was leaving a nearby event when they drove by Alford’s home and the partygoers started yelling at the trucks in front of him. They then threw rocks at his vehicle, he said. Bush said he fishtailed while trying to drive away, then ran over a median and got a flat tire. When he pulled into a nearby driveway, the partygoers swarmed and made threats, and his friends backed him up, he said. “Basically about eight of us had to hold 15 to 20 of them back,” Bush said, admitting that a specific racial slur was likely used by members of his group. Someone called 911 and police eventually arrived to separate the factions. Authorities said neither side claimed anything physical took place, and no injuries were reported. They are now reviewing videos to see if any criminal activity occurred.

There was a video on YouTube showing the incident, but apparently a leftist reported it and had it censored.

The anti-White “Young Turks” television channel said of the incident (followed by my response): “So what they did is they drove through a Black neighborhood as a Black child was having a birthday party. And they started making threats toward the party-goers.”

Leftist Young Turk, you left out an important detail. As the flag-waving trucks entered the neighborhood, the Blacks saw the Confederate flags, decided that they didn’t approve of the display of Confederate pride, and began throwing rocks at the trucks. One of the trucks swerved to avoid a rock and ran into a median, where something concealed in the grass caused the truck to have a flat tire. The convoy stopped in order to let the driver of the truck with the flat tire change the tire. As this was going on, Blacks from the party swarmed the truck and caused a confrontation. That’s when the hard words were spoken, undoubtedly on both sides.

The mainstream media did with this event what it usually does — what it did with George Zimmerman, what it did with its hoaxing regarding Charlottesville: it lied, it abused emphasis, it omitted important details, it made deceptive use of camera angles, lines-of-sight, timing, and selective “eyewitness” interviews to give the public a false impression.

And you, Young Turks, are part of this deception. Kayla Rae Norton and Jose Ismael Torres are political prisoners convicted of trumped-up charges and given a show-trial with a conclusion pre-determined by Political Correctness. They are guilty of nothing more than creating a public disturbance, if that, and their sentences are more suited to persons convicted of aggravated manslaughter or second-degree murder.

If this happens again, except with Whites where the Blacks were, and Blacks where the Whites were, then once again the Whites will be assigned all of the blame and will be given decade-plus prison sentences. And the reason will once again be Political Correctness. [That is, this sort of thing will happen until we build a new society for ourselves alone, which is exactly what we must do. — Ed.]

* * *

Source: Author

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Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
9 October, 2017 11:56 am

This is outrageous, but what can we do?

Where can I contribute for a retrial?

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
9 October, 2017 12:13 pm

It seems to me that the recent Dove soap ad was a lot, lot worse than this.

Of course, their apology was accepted.

9 October, 2017 3:43 pm

I remember reading about this. Can’t these poor people appeal? They have to be appealing, right? This simply cannot stand in a fair and sane court. I’d happily donate to their appeal process.

Michael Smith
Michael Smith
10 October, 2017 12:01 pm

To Rosemary Pennington: As soon as possible, please do some follow-up research and then publish it. Your research topic should be the following factual details: (1) The name(s) of this couple’s defense attorneys. (2) Specification of whether the defendants had only public defenders (names mentioned), or whether they had any private attorney(s). (3) The date that the final sentence was rendered. (4) A specification of which court in which jurisdiction the trial was held (including the city’s name). (5) A specification of whether any TIMELY appeal was filed, or will be filed. (6) If any attorney is handling the appeal, WHO this attorney is and his contact information. (7) Contact information (e-mail address at least) for the parents of the defendants, so that sympathetic readers can contact them for updates… Read more »

Sic Semper
Sic Semper
10 October, 2017 5:15 pm

European Christian Americans are quickly understanding how peoples facing genocides in their homelands can adopt the “unthinkable” means of final resistance. Under Semitic terrorism and treason we are waking up to the fact we have been rendered Palestinians in all of Western Civilization. Each of us is being pilloried before the sanhedrin. As of now so many Euro-Christian men are turning to the narcotics that our overlords flood us with and the invitations for mass suicide, what happens when our destruction turns instead from suicidal acceptance to absolute rage? The Palestinians really are the guinea pigs for what is to be done with all the unapologetic Aryan stock. When the last options to resist our genocide are taken from us and we face the kosher butcher – what then? Do… Read more »

Will Williams
Will Williams
Reply to  Sic Semper
12 October, 2017 9:04 am

SIC SEMPER: European Christian Americans are quickly understanding… so many Euro-Christian men are turning to the narcotics… — Aryan man may finally reverse the suicidal course he’s on when he straightens out his thinking and gets the cursed Christianity out of his neck. The docile European Christian Americans will deny their own race, defend African Christian Americans, bless Israel — even worship the Jew’s imaginary god Yahweh — and viciously attack a group like the National Alliance that seeks White renewal. So how is the Semitic slave creed working out for European Christian Americans these days? How any self-respecting White person who will listen to just the past two broadcasts of KAS reading Dr. Revilo Oliver’s expose of Christianity — “There can be no question but that Christianity was originally… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Will Williams
23 September, 2022 9:53 pm

What has happened to the Georgia couple is terrible. That someone in their party called someone in the pack of 15-20 Negro children the “N”-word (a nigger) apparently elevated the defendants’ avoidable reaction to threats up to a felony “bias crime.” Hopefully the convictions won’t hold up on appeal, but they are casualties of a racial war that we can’t dwell on for long while that war is still raging against our people on many fronts. — Woman convicted of racially motivated confrontation at child’s birthday party released from prisonts://media.11alive.com/assets/LOCKEDON/images/ed4b6725-1290-44a8-ad92-f4eb7150bbc2/ed4b6725-s Author: Christopher Buchanan Published: June 30, 2020 DOUGLASVILLE, Ga. — A white woman who was originally sentenced to several years in prison for terrorizing a Black eight-year-old child’s birthday party was freed after only about two years. But a victim of… Read more »

Arvin N. Prebost
Arvin N. Prebost
10 October, 2017 8:08 pm

Yes. The smallest mammal, when about to be pulled into the water by a killer croc, will fight to the very last ounce of strength.

Are we to assume that these two young people just went headlong into the water, without resistance? Without even the resistance of a rabbit?

Where is the appeal? If there is not grounds for appeal, then this is just fake news and you are exploiting our emotions.

Fred Jones
Fred Jones
12 October, 2017 8:48 am

GoFundMe can’t be used to raise funds for their defense nor paypal. How do we help?

12 October, 2017 10:14 am

Not directly related, but I’m waiting for revelation of the ethnicity and immigration status of the Las Vegas Mandalay Bay workers who knew someone was firing a weapon in the hotel several minutes before the concert assault began. Mainly, were they illegal aliens who were afraid to get involved calling 911 to report a shooting?

A Swedish Man
A Swedish Man
21 October, 2017 7:22 am

You might have your first and second amendments, giving you freedoms and rights most White nations can just dream about, but when the iron heel wants to crush you they will find their means to do so.

Kevin Alfred Strom
Kevin Alfred Strom
Reply to  A Swedish Man
21 October, 2017 2:06 pm

That’s for sure, as I know only too well. That is why we must do whatever is necessary to ensure that, somewhere on this Earth, we build an overwhelming power so that those of our race and our beliefs become the state — a state so strong and incorruptible that it can withstand the combined forces of ignorance, evil, and biological parasitism that will be arrayed against it. It is my belief that only a relentlessly objective intelligence, combined with a new race-based religious faith, can build such a force.

14 October, 2020 3:16 pm

Stop fleeing from blacks and start fighting back and retaking our countries. If we run and dont change from the sucidial christian mental illness of worshiping weakness and our racial enemies it will happen again in the future. America is the great devil in our time and we must eliminate it wholy. Democracy which is created by the jews must be irreversibly destroyed forever if we are to never fall prey to this ever again.