
Jewish Myths Glorify Manipulation and Deceit

YOU CAN TELL a lot about Jews from their stories. Reading the Old Testament, I’m constantly struck by how many of its tales seem to glorify deceitfulness. This quality is found in even the greatest of the Jewish patriarchs. Abraham, for example, pimped his wife out to the Egyptian pharaoh by pretending she was his sister. Abraham’s son, Isaac, was conned by his wife and son Jacob into depriving his other son Esau (whom Jews regard as a symbol of Christians or goy in general) of his rightful inheritance.

A people’s epic literature normally glorifies the qualities it prizes most greatly. For most peoples, these qualities will be courage, honour, patriotism and skill in battle. For Jews, they are deceitfulness, manipulative skill and capacity to exploit sexual weakness.

The Book of Esther contains another of the Biblical stories that exalt these same qualities. This tale forms the basis of the bizarre Purim festival that Jews celebrated this week.

As I discussed in a previous article, the story the Book of Esther tells is one that has no historical foundation whatsoever. Like so much of Jewish “history”, it has just been made up out of whole cloth. And yet Jews continue to invest a strange intensity of emotion in it.

I won’t go over the historicity of it again here. Instead, let’s recall the basic contours of the story to get an idea of the qualities it is implicitly holding up for praise.

Haman “the Agagite” has achieved a position of power in the court of the Persian emperor, whom he serves as a kind of imperial administrator. The name “Agag” is associated with kings of the Amalekites, a made-up people whose name the Jews, even today, use as a symbol of wicked goyness that must be blotted out.

Haman is due respect as a high official but the Jew Mordecai refuses to offer him the customary signs of deference. No explanation for this is provided. Haman decides to exact revenge on all of the Jews and set in motion a plan to have them massacred. Mordecai has previously pimped his sister to the Persian emperor as a part of his harem. He told her to conceal the fact that she was a Jew. Once she has established herself as one of the emperor’s favourites, Mordecai tells her to use her influence to avert the threatened massacre of the Jews and bring Haman to ruin. This she does using trickery. Haman is executed, her brother Mordecai is appointed in his place; the enemies of the Jews are massacred and all other peoples learn to fear the power of the Jews.

Yes, like almost all Jewish festivals, this one celebrates a genocide committed against Gentiles.

But what qualities does this story hold up for admiration? Above all, cunning and skill in manipulation.

Jews have been holding Esther up as a role model in this respect.

Though the Purim story is considered miraculous, the name of God is not mentioned in the Megillah [Book of Esther]. Perhaps it’s because another sort of power — hidden soft power — becomes our secret weapon.

..One reading of soft power might see it as manipulative and surreptitious, but in the story of Esther it is truly the saving grace.

For centuries, counter-Semites have alleged that Jews manipulate powerful people into doing their bidding using lies, trickery and cunning. And for thousands of years, Jews have told stories that glorify exactly those qualities. Yet when those same qualities are returned to them as a reproach, they shriek “anti-Semitism!”.

Incidentally, when Mike Pompeo said recently that Trump may have been put in place to help the Jews, he was echoing the text of the Book of Esther. When Esther expresses doubts about trying to manipulate the emperor, her cousin Mordecai tells her that she may have been put in place to do exactly that.

Then Mordecai commanded to answer Esther, Think not with thyself that thou shalt escape in the king’s house, more than all the Jews. For if thou altogether holdest thy peace at this time, then shall there enlargement and deliverance arise to the Jews from another place; but thou and thy father’s house shall be destroyed: and who knoweth whether thou art come to the kingdom for such a time as this? 

Pompeo compares Trump to Esther, who has been pimped out as a whore to serve the needs of the Jews, which seems very fitting.

* * *

Source: Diversity Macht Frei

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Shawn Green
Shawn Green
14 April, 2019 11:36 am

I have been and am still wondering if many ambitious people who wanted to be a political figure in America have ever felt humiliated and frustrated when they realized that their beloved country has been practically conquered. They cannot be traitors when they were young boys and girls proud of and full of love of their country. Certainly not. Then there must be a point when they realized the America is not what they were told. And they should have decided whether they keep pursuing their career or give up deeply disappointed. In the minds of those who determined to pursue their ‘glory’, isn’t there any tiny bit of shame and humiliation? Or didn’t they really figure out what’s really happening? Do they really accept the all the evidence of… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
18 April, 2019 12:20 pm

Before continuing, there is a very important issue that must be understood, i.e. why these Bible stories were written and who received them. For the first fifteen hundred years or so, until the first century, Torah stories were a closely guarded oral tradition strictly reserved for an elite, Jewish priesthood. These stories were never intend to be heard by the “unwashed” (unclean) masses, as they contained secrets alluded to in the Genesis story of the tree in Eden that holds the “knowledge of good and evil.” This knowledge, that proto-Jews Adam and Eve take with them when the Lord banishes them from his garden for their theft, is then elaborated on in later Torah stories. Thus, the stories of the Torah are teaching tools for an elite, Jewish priesthood that… Read more »

20 April, 2019 8:16 am

The silly thing people get wrong about the Jews is how they still think they are the chosen one. In the Old Testament, in the book of Amos 3: 1-15, it reads that God will punish the Jews for their iniquity and for disobeying God’s commandments. He warns them, through Amos that he will destroy Israel and He keeps his word. God repeats the same warning through Nehemiah and Zechariah. He keeps his word when Jesus appears in the New Testament and says in Mathew that Jesus could not even find one faithful in Israel. Mathew 21:43 Therefore say I unto you, The kingdom of God shall be taken from you, and given to a nation bringing forth the fruits thereof. Jews had ceased being God’s people, they who believe… Read more »

Arch Stanton
Arch Stanton
Reply to  Geli
21 April, 2019 12:51 am

God will punish the Jews for their iniquity and for disobeying God’s commandments. Jews invented their god, so why wouldn’t he make Jews his chosen people? Is not Amos a Jewish prophet, speaking from the pages of a Jewish book? Is not the Jew’s “god” YHVH, a wrathful, vengeful, murderous god that strikes fear into the heart of his people by slaughtering them for disobedience? Is not the fear of god’s terror and wrath the way elite Jews have always controlled their tribesmen? I note elite Jews, like their god, have no compunction about “sacrificing” their tribal brethren to achieve their nefarious ends. Did not elite Jews entrap their fellow tribesman expatriating to Palestine? Was it not elite Jews that used their British proxy to force Germany into WWII, thereby… Read more »