Who’s Behind the Race Mixing Agenda in Advertising?
THIS POWERFUL VIDEO by Aaron Kasparov shows us another aspect of Jewish media control: their purposeful promotion of racial mixing and their denigration of White people and White families and especially White fathers through their domination and control of the major advertising agencies.
Let us also review for a moment what some prominent Jews have said about their media dominance:
“So here I am again in purse and wallet country … briefcases, hold-alls, canvas football-bags — the swag that’s forever associated in my mind with being Jewish. Cheap and ugly objects, made for others’ tastes, never one’s own; Jews always second-guessing the gentiles, making little Hollywoods, little Broadways, returning gentile ideas to the gentiles, giving a Jew’s idea of what is gentile back to gentiles, wherever they go … If that is a Jewish tune to which the Lauren Bacall and Faye Dunaway look-alikes are dancing in Beverly Hills, then I wish someone other than Jews had written it.” — Howard Jacobson, Jewish author, 1995, p. 26, 208
“I wonder if any of our immigrant grandparents could have imagined that on the eve of the 21st century, Jews would comprise 11 percent of the United States Senate, dominate the entertainment industry as never before, while at the same time boasting the most popular professional wrestler as well as the most notorious spy in the country?” — Jonathan Tobin, Jewish author, 1-4-99, p. 5
“Non-Jewish participants [in a Los Angeles-area survey sponsored by the Zionist women’s organization Hadassah], most of whom did not grow up with Jews or know them personally, had vivid resentments toward Jews for their economic success, seeing them as ‘insular,’ superior and rich. They repeated the canards that Jews own the media, run the studios, own the Wilshire/Fairfax district. Jews were praised for their work ethic and strong family solidarity, but were regarded with suspicion, as being important behind-the-scenes players, lawyers who took advantage of their clients and media manipulators who slanted the press in the O. J. Simpson case.” — Marlene Adler Marks, New Jersey Jewish News, 4-23-98, p. 5]
“It just seems the whole world is Jewish … The Jewish Connection can be found in so many people, places … and even animals.” — M. H. Goldberg, Jewish author, 1976, p. 105]
In the old days, if you married someone that wasn’t your ppl you were banned and disowned by the family and town itself. This ‘acceptance’ has been the norm, a practice that destroys a race. The tribes in Brazil that still live in the forest (to this day) refuse to break tradition, including marrying outside of their race. They are sneered at and are taunted for their ‘ancient practices.’ It’s modern to have a bastard child before marrying, its modern to be a single parent, its modern to marry outside your race, etc. just to be part of the in-crowd. Blah, I never listen to what society says.
I’d like to marry a Caucasian woman in the USA, but it’s very difficult to find one that’s marriage material. Like marrying a rattlesnake that’s a slut.
(((Who))) is behind it? Great video, thanks for posting the link to it,otherwise it would’ve slipped into the memory hole.
Great video, thanks for posting the link to it, otherwise it would’ve slipped into the memory hole.
What video?
Correct, Will. The video and all works of Aaron Kasparov have been scrubbed by JewTube and that link given in the above article is now a dead one. It appears that Jews cannot stand the light of truth shining on their sheeny heads and Mr. Kasparov had to go elsewhere to post his videos.
While Odysee has allowed Mr. Kasparov’s works to remain on their platform, and you can find them here: https://odysee.com/@AaronKasparov:2 , I cannot tell if the video that was posted here on National Vanguard was reposted on Odysee.
“It will not cease before it has reached its goal. The truth cannot be stopped by lies or force. It will get through. The Jews will meet their Cannae at the end of this war. Not Europe, but rather they will lose. They may laugh at this prophecy today, but they have laughed so often in the past, and almost as often they stopped laughing sooner or later. Not only do we know precisely what we want, we also know precisely what we do not want. The deceived nations of the Earth may still lack the knowledge they need, but we will bring it to them. How will the Jews stop that in the long run? They believe their power rests on sure foundations, but it stands on feet of… Read more »
What is obvious to me is that it’s not just the promotion of miscegenation, but very frequently what is featured is a white man or woman with a person who is clearly of mixed race. Some years ago a commercial featured a Chinese mother who, in an almost indescribable manner, acted in a most bizarre manner while expressing acceptance to her son marrying a white female. In response, Chinese-Americans from all over the country were all over this; the commercial was quickly pulled. Another obvious ploy is portraying white males as either cold, goofy, nerdy, or obstinate; while portraying white females as cool, attractive (as opposed to white males), slutty, or finicky. To attempt to criticize our well-placed stalkers would be pointless. It would be like trying to ball out… Read more »
Guys, please stop posting on jewtube.
I agree with EARLYMAC, for some time now it has become pointless to post videos on jewtube. (((They))) are obviously monitoring this site 365/24/7 and will take down all content that is offensive to (((them))). If you can, please repost elsewhere; this is a very interesting topic. Thank you!
Of course, the account associated with that youtube account has been terminated when I tried to see the video today December 2019. Is there a place to archive videos like wayback machine but for videos? Thank you for your site, I try to visit every day for my white future.
since when are Jews in charge of who f—- who?
who the f— are they to tell anyone what to do?
they need to just stop trying to get us “back” for what Hitler did to their ancestors.
Grow the f— up and let things go! if it didn’t happen to you, then why should you have emotions over it?
I can’t help but think that this is means of deliberately changing the demographics in the next generation. Barak Obama is biracial; Halley Berre is too. But what race are they assigned, not mullato and certainly not white, but black. The product of biracial marriages, Caucasoid and Negroid is popularly designated black Therefore the more marriages like this are promoted the more the designation changes to black. In politics it is no secret that whites are maligned with statements like we have “too many white people in our caucus”, as if being white is a disease.
“ I can’t help but think that this is means of deliberately changing the demographics”
Well, yes. This publication provides ample proof of that on a regular basis. A simple perusal of the pages of Haaretz, the JTA or The Forward will not only confirm it, but tell you who and why.
What are you going to do about it?
The National Alliance offers a clear vision for the future and actively works to build a future world where our demographics will never be so shifted. Please read through this site. Maybe even stop on over at our enemies’ publications and confirm for your self. Then perhaps if you are the right sort for us, you might even consider joining and supporting our cause.
“Video unavailable” should be changed to “Jews dont want you seeing this”.
YouTube censored the video. I think that the same Aaron Kasparov video can be found at
https://archive.org/details/aaron-kasparov-race-mixing This video file cannot be played. (Error Code 224002) QUESTION: Who’s Behind the Race Mixing Agenda in Advertising? It’s not Negros. They are mere paid actors in Jewish Madmen’s ads and TV commercials, as are the White actors and models. If there is any one commercial more disgusting on the FOX News TV network than the one for the Fellowship of Christlings and Jews, begging for money for starving holocaust survivors in Ukraine and Russia, it’s that bible-thumping former crack addict My Pillow fellow. How much was he paid by the Jewish Madmen to have a white female actress lay her head on one of his pillows with a black male actor laying in bed behind her? I saw that in a current commercial that was broadcast today. The… Read more »