
The Decline of Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations

justin_kaplanby John I. Johnson

YESTERDAY I picked up a used copy of Bartlett’s Familiar Quotations (16th ed., 1992). Unfortunately, it was edited by Justin Kaplan (pictured), and incorporates vast amounts of Jewish, non-White, anti-White, and pop culture swill.

(Two good ones “attributed” — that is, technically unverified — were from Cary Grant: 1) His response to a telegraphed query, “How old Cary Grant?”: “Old Cary Grant fine. How you?”; 2) “Everybody wants to be Cary Grant. Even I want to be Cary Grant.”)

In his memoir Back Then (2002) Kaplan wrote of the atmosphere in the already very Jewish publishing world of the 1950s, even bragging a bit of Jewish “enjoyment” of White women:

“It was fun to work at Simon & Schuster. [It was] not surprising to see editors staying long after hours to talk books, trade industry gossip, and joke over office bottles of Scotch and gin. In the days before it was absorbed into a conglomerate the house was like a summer camp for intellectually hyperactive children,” only without a curfew, reminiscing about dancing at a party with Marilyn Monroe, “gently kneading the little tire of baby fat around her waist.”

Interestingly, around this same time Kaplan met and married Anne Bernays (b. 1930), daughter of propaganda expert and the inventor of “public relations,” Edward L. Bernays. She was also the great-niece of Sigmund Freud.

Kaplan includes lots of arrogant, sneering stuff in his edition of Bartlett’s, like this supposed defense of Nixon’s proposed appointment of the Left-demonized Judge G. Harrold Carswell (whom Kaplan won’t even dignify with the title “Judge”) to the Supreme Court in 1970 by Czech-American Sen. Roman Hruska (R.-Neb.) (whom Kaplan refuses to label “Senator”):

“Even if he’s mediocre, there are lots of mediocre judges and people and lawyers. They are entitled to a little representation, aren’t they, and a little chance? We can’t all have Brandeises, Cardozos and Frankfurters and stuff like that there.”

The latter all happen to be Jewish, of course.

Since Kaplan doesn’t provide specific citations to his sources in many instances (including this one), it would require an army of revisionists to even begin to test the accuracy of his many tendentious and racist inclusions.

Interestingly, Kaplan usually allocates explicit anti-White expressions to non-Jews: Blacks, Indians, and so on. Famous anti-White quotes by Jews like Elie Wiesel and Susan Sontag are omitted from their entries.

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Source: Author

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Anthony Collins
Anthony Collins
19 June, 2016 2:27 am

Many of the pictures of Jews on this website practically demand snarky captions (e.g., “Justin Kaplan pondering how to hoodwink goyim“). The physiognomy and body language of Jews exudes malevolence, dishonesty, and vulgarity.

In The Anti-Christ, Friedrich Nietzsche wrote: “The anthropologists among the criminologists tell us that the typical criminal is ugly: monstrum in fronte, monstrum in animo [monster in face, monster in soul].” I don’t know if this is true of typical criminals, but it is clearly true of the exceptional criminals — chosen by Yahweh! — who prey upon our people.

Travon Martinberg
Travon Martinberg
17 December, 2017 12:33 am

Here are some other quotations: . (The home page does not appear to be pro-Islam or pro-arab, just into naming the jew).