California: Truth-Telling by White Teachers Angers Mestizos

Simply saying that the absence of “La Raza”-chanting Mestizos relieved overcrowding puts White teachers’ careers in jeopardy. Note that, in the video, the Mestizo principal uses the Communist clenched-fist salute as he addresses the “deep concerns” of the school’s Mestizo students. The concerns of White students and teachers don’t even exist as far as he is concerned. Time to build a new White nation, folks.
SIX Rubidoux High School educators are on paid leave as officials investigate social media posts that many said disparaged students who skipped school Thursday for the national “A Day Without Immigrants” boycott.
Angered by the Facebook messages, about 150 students walked off their Jurupa Valley campus before classes ended Friday afternoon, holding Mexican flags and chanting “Mexico, Mexico!” and “Que Viva la Raza!” as they walked on sidewalks and in the middle of streets.
In the posts, which have since been deleted, at least five Rubidoux teachers and one counselor at the majority-Latino school applauded the fact that so many Latino students missed class on Thursday.
The comments included statements that students were “lazy” and “drunk” and that the cafeteria was cleaner without them. Jurupa Unified School District Superintendent Elliott Duchon said the posts don’t represent the views of administrators and employees.
Social science teacher Geoffrey Greer started the thread Thursday afternoon by writing that having 50 percent fewer students proved “how much better things might be without all this overcrowding.”
State data show that, in 2014-15, Rubidoux’s average class size was 27.3, higher than the Riverside County average of 26.1 and state average of 24.3.
Greer added that students who protested used the occasion “as an excuse to be lazy and/or get drunk. Best school day ever.”
Hours later, Greer acknowledged in another Facebook post that his comments “infuriated a great many people” and wrote that he “deleted the post in an attempt, however small, to mitigate any further damage.”
“While I stand by my assertion that skipping school is no way to demonstrate one’s value to society, I do apologize for the harsh tone and hurtful structure of the previous message,” Greer wrote. “I hadn’t meant for it to come across as quite so scathing.”
A man who answered the phone Friday at a number listed for a Geoffrey Greer declined comment. Other educators could not be reached.
Art teacher Robin Riggle took part in the Facebook conversation, saying that having 50 absences “was a very pleasant day.”
Science teacher Allen Umbarger wrote that most of those missing were “failing students.” Agriculture teacher Rhonda Fuller and science teacher Chuck Baugh said their classes were less disruptive. Baugh said such days should be done more often.
Guidance counselor Patricia Crawford wrote that the “cafeteria was much cleaner after lunch” and there were “no discipline issues. More please.”
Rubidoux High, located in Jurupa Valley near Riverside, enrolls nearly 1,600 students, 91 percent of whom are Latinos.
Eighty students were absent Thursday, about double that of a typical day, Assistant Superintendent Paula Ford said in an email.
Rubidoux student Yennica Castro, 17, said she had taken Greer’s class and found the posts offensive.
“I don’t think it’s right for them to be doing what they’re doing,” she said of the teachers’ Facebook comments as she walked down Mission Boulevard in the rain.
“I thought he was really cool, but when I saw what he posted … I think he’s racist,” she said.
Message from principal Juose Luis Araux to students:
‘Deeply Concerned and Distressed’
Duchon also condemned the posts, saying they don’t reflect the “beliefs and core values of the district or staff.” He said extra counselors were at Rubidoux on Friday to support students.
“We want to express that we are deeply concerned and distressed about the postings,” Duchon said in a statement on the district’s website. He added that the district would take “appropriate action.”
District officials discussed the situation with their attorneys Friday, said Duchon, who declined to elaborate on what action might be taken against the educators or to provide additional details.
Rubidoux students became aware of the teachers’ comments through social media Thursday night.
Teachers acted like “it was a normal day” Friday and didn’t mention the statements in class, said freshman Vianey Camacho, 14.
Camacho said students planned not to buy anything from the student store to protest the comments.
The walkout, “kind of just happened,” she said.
Camacho said some walked out during lunch, and others soon followed. Some wore red. As students made their way toward Patriot High School and walked back to Rubidoux High, drivers honked in approval and cheered for them.
‘A Bad Image’
Some students said they blame President Donald Trump because of his past derogatory comments about Mexicans.
“He’s the one that’s causing all of this,” said Jazmin Lugo, 17.
Students Christopher Maldonado and Isaias Torres, both juniors, waved a Mexican flag as they led the group walking back to their high school.
Maldonado said the educators’ comments “made us feel disrespected.”
Bernice Meza, 17, said she watched the situation become chaotic during lunch. Some students tried to put up the Mexican flag on the flagpole, she said. Others ran, threw food and tried to leave campus but the gate was locked.
Administrators, who cut lunch short by 20 minutes, opened the gate because so many students wanted to get out. Some students started walking toward Patriot High School, which is 2 1/2 miles away, Meza said.
Meza, who didn’t take part in the walkout, said she was disappointed in some of her classmates’ behavior.
“I feel like it’s giving us a bad image,” Meza said. “People are going to associate us with people who are choosing to be disruptive and people who want to leave class just to leave class.”
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Source: Press Enterprise
Teachers are ridiculed and punished FOR SPEAKING THE TRUTH.
Ignorant little “useful idiots”. Little do they know they’ll be executed in the communist “normalization” process after their color revolutions end. So much for Viva La Raza!
I couldn’t stand the hypocrisy of the mestizo administrator. So, this means teachers can’t express their opinions on social media? George Wallace knew this day would come.
Less disruptive, cleaner, more learning happening, so the teachers had a wake up call what it would be like without all the Mexicans.