
Shhhhh… Another Hush Crime

13938544_1265266896846707_3605256434372861878_nThe controlled media’s double standard

by Kevin Sorbo

HELLO. Don’t recognize me? That’s OK; I understand. My name was Antonio West. I was the child who was shot in the face at point blank range by two black teens, who were attempting to rob my mother, who was also shot.

I think my murder and my mommy’s wounding made the news for maybe a day, and then disappeared.

A Grand Jury of my mommy’s peers from Brunswick, Georgia ruled the black teens who murdered me will not face the death penalty… too bad it was me who got the death sentence from my killers instead, because Mommy didn’t have the money they demanded. See, my family made the mistake of being white in a 73% non-white neighborhood, but my murder wasn’t ruled a ‘hate crime’.

Oh, and President Obama didn’t take a single moment to acknowledge my murder. He couldn’t have any children who could possibly look like me — so why should he care?

I’m one of the youngest murder victims in our great Nation’s history, but the media didn’t care to cover the story of my being killed in cold blood.

There isn’t a white equivalent of Al Sharpton, because if there was he would be branded a ‘racist’. So no one’s rushing to Brunswick, Georgia to demonstrate and demand ‘justice’ for me. There’s no ‘White Panther’ party, either, to put a bounty on the lives of the two black teens who murdered me.

I have no voice, I have no representation, and unlike those who shot me in the face while I sat innocently in my stroller — I no longer have my life. Isn’t this a great country?

So while you’re out seeking ‘justice for Trayvon’ and Michael Brown, please remember to seek ‘justice’ for me.

Tell your friends about me, tell your families, get tee-shirts with my face on them, and make the world pay attention, just like you did for Trayvon. I won’t hold my breath, I don’t have to anymore.

Part II:

7/18- Jimmie Norman, white male murdered by black male. No national news.

7/18- Terry Taylor, white male murdered by black male. No national news.

7/17- Cindy Raygoza, white female murdered by black male. No national news.

7/11- Luis Aguilar, 91 year old hispanic male murdered by black male. No national news.

7/10- Brittany Simpson, white female murdered by black male. No national news.

7/6- Sarah Goode, white female murdered by black male. No national news.

7/6- Jeffrey Westerfield, white male murdered by black male. No national news.

7/5- Perry Renn, white male murdered by black male. No national news.

7/3- Laurey Kennedy, white female still in coma from beating by black male. No national news.

7/3 Eric Mollet, white male murdered by black male. No national news.

7/2 Rupert Anderson, white male murdered by black male. No national news.

7/2 Jennifer Kingeter, white female murdered by black male. No national news.

6/30 Jim Brennan, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/29 Paul Shephard, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/27 Shirley Barone, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/27 Penelope Spencer, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/27 Inga Evans, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/26 Jake Rameau, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/25 Gina Burger, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/24 Nathan Dasher, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/22 Jonathan Price, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/20 John Whitmore, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/18 John Yingling,white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/17 Allyn Reeves, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/15 Michael Beaver, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/11 Angela Cook, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/11 Nathan Hall, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/7 Harry Briggs, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/5 Laura Bachman, white female, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/2 Robert Mohler, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

6/1 William Headley, white male, murdered by black male. No national news.

All this in just 48 days yet no national news. Want to know why?

Because this happens EVERY single day in America and we are used to it.

Yet a THUG getting shot by a Police Officer doing his job, 20 minutes after the THUG committed a robbery, makes national news! So why is this everyday phenomenal rate of blacks killing whites, not to mention the far worse rate at which blacks kill each other, generates riots or is addressed by black leaders as a problem within their community, but an occasional killing of a black by a white police officer, a black who is usually doing something dangerously criminal, becomes a riot?

When the statistics speak we see that there is an epidemic of violence coming from within the black community that seriously endangers the remainder of the population. So, where is the true injustice and tragedy?

We have a black president, a black attorney general and an irresponsible press committed to misleading the people of this country because it fits their liberal ‘politically correct’ agenda and it’s getting worse not better.

* * *

Source: Author

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Joey Virgo
Joey Virgo
9 August, 2016 7:49 pm

THANK YOU for bring up more needed attention to the horrific death of young Antonio West.

I recommend others watch Colin Flaherty’s YouTube videos to be clued into the escalating devastation in the U.S. of black on white violence and murder.

12 August, 2016 1:10 am

Excellent, we need to get these out more.
I am glad to see you guys posting Kevin Sorbo, what a surprise! I sure do hope he is truly one of us.

6 September, 2019 1:57 am

This is why I read NV. This is why I trust almost nothing prima face from the mainstream media and its amiable presenters. These nice people ought to seek an honest profession.

25 May, 2022 10:37 am

The story apparently made the news, albeit to smear the mother. Going with what the scum laywer shat forth as gospel, all the headlines I could find read “Mother shoots son in stroller for insurance money….says defense.”

It also seems they weren’t interested until they found out the father is mestizo & they continue using his last name (Santiago) instead of the boy’s legal name….don’t worry though, the spade defense implicates him in the “plot” as well.

At the very bottom of the article they finally admit the negroid relatives of the shooters were arrested for tampering with evidence & making false statements.