Posts Tagged
Black on White crime

America: The Ongoing Slaughter
by David Sims IN 2019, there were 566 Black-on-White murders. In that same year, there were 246 “White”-on-Black murders. Of the “White” perpetrators, 95 were really non-Whites that the FBI/DoJ misleadingly categorizes as Whites when counting crime offenders, hence…

Beaten by Blurry Ghosts
Martin Geissler MARTIN GEISSLER IS A special needs student at Kingsbury High School in Memphis, Tennessee. Last week, Martin — who is White — was walking near the school when a group of at least five Black teenagers attacked him, knocking him to the ground and stomping on his head and body…

Remembering Christopher Newsom and Channon Christian
ON January 6, 2007, 15 years ago this week, a young White couple, Christopher Newsom and his girlfriend Channon Christian, went to visit a friend in Knoxville, Tennessee. They never made it. They were kidnapped by five Blacks (four males and one female), who then took them to a house where Christopher…

America 2021: You’re Not Even Safe in North Dakota
Negro brutally murders White girl in what controlled media, as usual, call “a random attack.” Daisey ‘Jupiter’ Paulsen, 14, was skateboarding to her North Dakota home when police say she was attacked DAISEY ‘Jupiter’ Paulsen, a 14-year-old White girl, died…

A Race-Based Argument
I’VE BEEN documenting the steady erosion of our institutions for a long time, but I feel today’s incredible dispatch from the national cadaver represents a major concession to the encroaching necrosis. The sort of insane jurisprudence formerly confined to Western European disaster…

Gonna Get Dealt With
PLEASE WATCH the following amazing video: Grab a handful of anti-depressants, a plate of partially cooked maggots and your estrogen drink with the weird little “U” on the bottle, it’s time for the evening news. We’re looking for a “woman,” meaning a living…

New FBI Data Shows Whites Underrepresented and Blacks Overrepresented as “Hate Crime” Offenders
THE FBI’s newly released study of hate crimes in 2019 is a bucket of cold water on the media-induced “white supremacist violence” moral panic. According to the data, White people (61% of the US population, 73% if “Hispanics” are included) are only approximately…

Happen and Fizzle Away
Notice in the video below, shot in “upscale” Naples, Florida, the witness is afraid to show his face on camera. He well knows who is now empowered to use violence in this country. WE’RE SO CLOSE to curing “racism” in America you can almost taste it. After the 500 billion …

His Name Is Rowan Sweeney
Introduction by David Sims A FEW weeks ago, I posted about a five-year-old White boy in Wilson, North Carolina, named Cannon Hinnant who was murdered by a male Black neighbor, on 9 August 2020, who came into the Hinnant family’s yard to shoot Cannon in the head. On 21 September 2020, it happened…

Her Name Is Wilma Hochstetler: White Woman Murdered by Group of Blacks in Indianapolis
Young son says, ‘I wish they didn’t shoot my Mommy.’ AMANDA Blackburn. Nathan Trapuzzano. Both victims of brutal Black on White violence in Indianapolis. Names you’ve never heard, drowned out in the cacophony of “Justice for George Floyd,” and “Black Lives Matter.” Her name is Wilma Hochstetler. …