
Are These the Sons He Dreams of? — Black Murderer Offers “Apology”

Black People

But the “apology” was to Michael Brown and other Blacks, not to the families of the White victims he had tortured and killed.

A BLACK murderous thug who was convicted along with his partner in crime (pictured) for the brutal execution-style murder of two white teens in Detroit shocked and angered an entire courtroom when he abused his chance to offer an apology to the grieving families in attendance.

Frederick Young, the 26-year-old thug who murdered white teens Jacob Kudla and Jourdan Bobbish, showed zero remorse and used his time to apologize to the families of Mike Brown and Eric Garner.

The victims,
The victims, Jacob Kudla and Jourdan Bobbish

“I’d like to say sorry to the families of Aiyana Jones, Michael Brown, Eric Garner. And I want to apologize to them for not being able to get justice for their loved ones who was murdered in cold blood — and in respect for the peaceful protest, I want to say, ‘Hands up, don’t shoot. Black lives matter.’ That’s it your honor,” Young said.

The unbelievable show of disrespect came on the heels of emotional testimony from the victim’s families, including brothers, mothers and fathers grieving over their tragic loss.

“This crime has affected me personally, destroying my sense of inner peace. I stand here today broken inside. I have sorrow in my heart, soul and every fiber of my being today and I will carry that with me for the rest of my life here on earth,” said the mother of Jourdan, Carrie Bobbish.

 The murder, which Young committed with his thug partner, 24-year-old Felando Hunter, was particularly brutal. The two thugs robbed, imprisoned, tortured and murdered the two white teens in a vacant lot on the east side of Detroit (H/T Truth Revolt).

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Source: Conservative Tribune

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11 September, 2018 12:46 am

Disgusting Congoids being honest for a change….