German Sturmvogel in Sweden: Patriotic Youth Camp Gives Hope to Young People
And vicious media attacks ensue
THE SCHOOL-AGE children are drilled for a week. Wearing uniform-style outfits and sporting traditional hairstyles, they take part in flag ceremonies, physical exercise, and other activities at a remote location in the forested Småland province. The Swedish media have now taken notice of the German organization Sturmvogel and their “camp week” in Sweden.
The red-and-white banner is blazoned with a black bird of prey. Beneath the banner, children stand at attention, all of them White and many blond, with traditional hairstyles, wearing uniform-style outfits bearing the red-white-and-black symbol.
At a given signal, they line up, salute the flag and sing.
It is the end of July, 2016, and German patriots are organizing a children’s camp in the south of Sweden. For a full week, schoolchildren of all ages are taught by instructors at a remote location in the woods of Småland.
It is just after 7 a.m. in the Småland woods, many miles away from the nearest major town. Children’s voices are heard, and after a minute or two a group passes by us closely – some fifteen children, the oldest of them around 15 or 16 years old, the youngest of elementary school age. All of them are boys here (but girls also participate in the camp); all of them are dressed the same way — short pants and white undershirts. They run in a line, the older youths spread out along the column. On the other side of the road there are two large plots of land with a number of buildings. A married German couple who believe in nationalist ideals own the substantial property adjacent to the forest.

As we look more closely, we see that the group has made camp: tents, washing lines, water containers, and spaces for meals fill the clearing.
Just before 8 a.m. there is great activity. As the time nears 8.30, all goes quiet. It is time for the morning muster, and through the trees we can see the red-white-black banner being raised. A few loud cries. Then silence once more. Suddenly, all that is heard is a chorus of children’s voices — the morning muster begins with a traditional German folk song.
The banner, blazoned with the silhouette of a bird of prey, belongs to the German organization “Sturmvogel” — Storm Bird. Sturmvogel is a German nationalist youth organization with a deep respect for Germany’s National Socialist era and traditions. The organisation was founded in 1987.
In Germany, merely criticizing the Jewish anti-White agenda can lead to prosecution, and System politicians, bureaucrats, and media hacks attack Sturmvogel on every front possible: “The most important explanation is that they are trying to hide in order to avoid attention from the security police. Other similar organizations have previously been banned, and Sturmvogel wants to avoid that,” says Andrea Röpke, a controlled media reporter and self-styled “expert” on “extreme right” groups in Germany.
The group finishes its morning gathering, the Appell (roll call). During the roll call, silence and standing in ranks are normal requirements. Anti-White journalists, sneaking in the woods and looking for any excuse to harm the group or cause it to be prosecuted, have falsely claimed that “children have been seen collapsing during roll call,” which they describe as “strict.”
After the muster, the group moves towards a large, round tent that has been raised further down the plot. Chatter and laughter can be heard, and then suddenly an adult’s voice: “Alles Aus!” – “Silence!” A few minutes later, breakfast is finished. Soon the camp is full of activity again.
The program at Sturmvogel’s camp often follows the same routine: The morning flag ceremony is followed by physical activity, musters, and different kinds of work.
Discipline is strong. Clothes and hairstyles are traditional: green uniform shirts with symbols; long skirts and pigtails for girls. Non-German words are to be avoided. According to German experts, the movement is largely a family affair. Often, participating families have been dedicated to their racial ideals for several generations. Traditions from the Third Reich, and even earlier German traditions, have survived.
Since the 19th century, there has existed in Germany a Völkisch movement, which extols and tries to preserve the life and traditions of their people. Today the movement appears in a new form by celebrating traditional life and renouncing modernity. Romanticism concerning Nature, outdoor activities, and tradition are its leading lights.

Just before lunch, smaller groups of participants have ventured out into the surrounding area. In a deforested clearing, a group of ten-year-old boys gather branches. A little further away, a couple of girls in their early teens pick blueberries.
Suddenly a trumpet signal rings out, and some of the 30-40 campers run through the forest to yet another muster under the red-white-and-black banner.
The landowners were harassed by media and anti-White activists, who demanded personal details and “explanations” in an effort to harm them or find a pretext for prosecuting them. Nevertheless, the elderly couple remained polite: “They are grandchildren and friends,” the woman in the house told reporters.
A younger man explained: ”It’s about Nature.” It most certainly is.
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Source: Greenline Front
Why are those who trespass and spy on the children not prosecuted? Any guesses?