Germany: Jews Don’t Like Being Pointed Out
You’d almost think they really had something to fear, like consequences of their own actions.
A PATRIOTIC group in Germany posted a map on Facebook containing the addresses and locations of about 70 Jewish institutions and businesses. The list was published by the Berlin-based group on Wednesday, 11/9, just as the vote tally indicated that Donald Trump had won the US presidency, and which, Jewish groups pointed out, was also “the 78th anniversary of the Kristallnacht pogrom.”
Titled “Jews Among Us,” the list includes synagogues, “community centers,” schools, memorials, businesses, restaurants, and cemeteries. Its existence was first reported by the German-language Tagesspiegel. The post also read: “Today is such a nice day!”
All the Jewish establishments on the list were contacted by the group “Mobile Counsel against Right-wing Extremism,” or MBR, and Green Party lawmaker Volker Beck, who told Tagesspiegel that he was disgusted by the post and said he would stand with the Jewish community.
“I see this as an attack against our open society. This is an attack against us all,” Beck said. He did not explain how a mere list of Jewish institutions, such as the Jews publish themselves in their innumerable Jewish lists and directories, constituted an “attack” on anyone.
Beck said that an initial legal assessment of the post shows that it does not fulfill the requirements for the crime of incitement of hatred.
Asked about the post, National Alliance spokesman Kevin Alfred Strom noted: “Why so much fear over a mere list? It’s almost as if they know they’ve done something wrong and fear the wrath of an awakened population.”
None of the media reports on the overblown “incident” state the name of the alleged “neo-Nazi” group responsible for the posting.
For an example of an even more outrageously overplayed “anti-Semitic incident” see the American Dissident Voices broadcast “The Horror.”
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Source: Jerusalem Post and National Vanguard correspondents