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Classic Essays

The Wheel of the Year: A look into Europe’s ancient traditions and myths, that illuminate her time-honored values. by Frank Jamger INDIGENOUS EUROPEANS traditionally celebrate eight holidays whose dates are set by significant positions of the Earth as it revolves around the Sun. These positions…
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Classic Essays

by Martin Kerr THERE IS NO REGION on Earth that Aryans have not at least visited, including remote Pacific islands, sand-choked deserts and steaming tropical rain forests, and most countries today have at least a token Aryan population. But historically, the homeland of our Folk has been in the North,…
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by Martin Kerr THERE IS NO REGION on Earth that Aryans have not at least visited, including remote Pacific islands, sand-choked deserts and steaming tropical rain forests, and most countries today have at least a token Aryan population. But historically, the homeland of our Folk has been in the North,…
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by Martin Kerr THERE IS NO REGION on Earth that Aryans have not at least visited, including remote Pacific islands, sand-choked deserts and steaming tropical rain forests, and most countries today have at least a token Aryan population. But historically, the homeland of our Folk has been in the North,…
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And vicious media attacks ensue THE SCHOOL-AGE children are drilled for a week. Wearing uniform-style outfits and sporting traditional hairstyles, they take part in flag ceremonies, physical exercise, and other activities at a remote location in the forested Småland province. The Swedish media…
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Classic Essays

by Jennifer Passmore TODAY’S WHITE American faces a frightening and uncertain future. As his race falls from majority to minority status, he often fears losing his place in the world. All around him, persons of other races raise the flags of their mother nations, adorn themselves with traditional…
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EssaysJohn Young

This essay, written late last winter, captures the sense of urgency coupled with calm determination that intelligent men and women need in these times. by John Young TODAY I PLANTED seeds. There is still a foot of snow on the ground, torrential rains have flooded out roads and we got an inch of sleet last…
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