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Fighting for the Future: an Interview with Kevin Alfred Strom, part 2
Click the image for a high-resolution download, suitable for printing on 4×6 photo paper. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 15 April, 2023 by Kevin Alfred Strom TODAY WE PRESENT the second part of my recent interview on the Resolution Radio Network with host Sonny Thomas. As I said last week, there…

Living in the Falling Empire
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 19 March, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom ONE sign that we’re living in a falling empire is that the state simply cannot meet its obligations. One such…

William Pierce: How to Improve Our Souls
American Dissident Voices broadcast of 12 March, 2022 by Kevin Alfred Strom A “sneak peek” into the new Power of Truth CD; newly republished work by Dr. William Pierce,…

Cyprus: Golden Dawn Inspired Nationalist Party Rises In Polls
CYPRUS’ “Golden Dawn” is quickly rising. Last October, the Greek government imprisoned the entire parliamentary bloc of Golden Dawn, due to their growing electoral success. The decision to sentence leader Nikos Micholiakos and multiple others to 13 years in prison just for…

National Socialism and Reactionary Nationalism
Klas Lund writes about the relationship between reactionary nationalists and National Socialists and why National Socialism is the only way forward. This article was originally published in Attack! No. 8, 2010. Attack! (not to be confused with the predecessor to National Vanguard of the same name,…

Nationalism and Socialism
Nationalism is for the nation; socialism is for the people. Be a National Socialist. by William Joyce THE MYSTERY is that Nationalism and Socialism should have remained separate for so long. That mystery is solved only when we realize that our ”other values less glorious” have embraced useless butchery,…

H&D joins the Nationalist 100 Club!
Mark Cotterill reports as Heritage and Destiny reaches its first centenary edition. by Mark Cotterill HERITAGE AND DESTINY has now joined the very exclusive group (known as the 100 Club) of UK nationalist publications that has made it to issue 100 – which no doubt will upset many of the loons who post…

Spanish Nationalist History in the Spotlight
Isabel Medina Peralta SPANISH racial nationalism — past and present — has received ‘viral’ attention online in recent weeks following a controversial speech by young Falangist activist Isabel Medina Peralta. This speech, widely shared online and reported by the mainstream media, was part of a rally…

The KSK versus the Occupation Government
by Karl Radl IN A humiliating turn of events for the occupation government of Germany — aka Mama Merkel and her Twelve Judeo-Gypsy Dwarves — the elite German special forces called the KSK (Kommando Spezialkräfte) have decided to immediately ‘dissolve’ one of the four companies of troops…

Nation, Race, Blood, and Faith
The real spirit of traditional European religions — and of Cosmotheism — is contained in the blood of our folk wherever it extends through space and time. by Savitri Devi THE GREAT difference between creedal and non-creedal religions lies in the fact that, while the principle of unity…