
Jews Declare: Negro Tubman to Replace Anti-Banker White Patriot Andrew Jackson on $20 Bill


Another milestone in the Jews’ conversion of America into a stinking Third World slum, just a notch or two above Zimbabwe. And naturally they’d remove Andrew Jackson, since he was a firm opponent of their fractional reserve banking scam.

HARRIET TUBMAN will bump Andrew Jackson from the front of the $20 bill while Alexander Hamilton will stay put on the $10 — a historic move that gives a woman prime placement on U.S. currency and quells a controversy kicked up by Hamilton super-fans (Hamilton, though not a Jew, was a supporter of the Jews’ fractional reserve banking swindle — quite the opposite of Jackson.).

“Today, I’m excited to announce that for the first time in more than a century, the front of our currency will feature the portrait of a woman, Harriet Tubman, on the $20 note,” Treasury Secretary Jack Lew (a Jew) told reporters during a conference call Wednesday afternoon. “Her incredible story of courage and commitment to equality embody the ideals of democracy that our nation celebrates, and we’ll continue to value her legacy by honoring her on our currency.”

Lew rolled out sweeping changes that will put a new cast of historic figures onto various bills that have remained largely static for decades. Leaders of the women’s suffrage movement will make their way onto the back of the $10 bill, while civil rights era leaders and other important moments in American history will be incorporated into the $5 bill. Jackson will be kicked to the back of the $20 bill.

The plan is a major reversal for Lew, who appeared taken aback by the swift rebukes Treasury received last summer when he announced that he was considering replacing Hamilton on the $10 bill with a woman.

While he explained that Hamilton was on the chopping block as a matter of practicality — the $10 bill was the next one up for a redesign — Lew still got an earful from fans of Hamilton, who helped create the Treasury Department and the modern American financial system.

Critics immediately called for Lew to take Jackson off the $20 bill instead, given the former president’s role in moving Native Americans off their land.

Lew told POLITICO last July that Treasury was exploring ways to respond to critics. “There are a number of options of how we can resolve this,” Lew said. “We’re not taking Alexander Hamilton off our currency.”

But supporters of putting a woman on the $10 bill have complained that it will take too long for the $20 bill to come up for a redesign. Lew has predicted that the new bills will be unveiled in 2020 to coincide with the 100th anniversary of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which granted women the right to vote.

On the call on Wednesday, Lew said he would try and make the changes quickly. “The two things most important are the security of our money and getting this process to move as quickly as possible,” he said.

“Due to security needs, the redesigned $10 note is scheduled to go into circulation next,” Lew said. “I’ve directed the Bureau of Engraving and Printing to work closely with the Federal Reserve to accelerate work on the new $20 and $5 notes. Our goal is to have all three new notes go into circulation as quickly as possible, while ensuring that we protect against counterfeiting through effective and sophisticated production.”

The movement to keep Hamilton on the $10 bill was fueled by academics but gathered strength after the Broadway musical named after the former Treasury secretary and founding father became a smash hit.

“Hamilton” creator Lin-Manuel Miranda (a mixed-race Puerto Rican with unusually close ties to Jews) even directly lobbied Lew last month on Hamilton’s behalf, after which Miranda said Lew told him “you’re going to be very happy” with the redesign plan.

Reaction to Tubman, a Civil War-era abolitionist, replacing Jackson on the front of the $20 was widely positive, with Democratic presidential candidates quickly hailing Treasury’s decision.

“A woman, a leader, and a freedom fighter,” Hillary Clinton tweeted. “I can’t think of a better choice for the $20 bill than Harriet Tubman.”

The Leftist Jew and presidential candidate Bernie Sanders concurred, tweeting roughly 30 minutes later that he “cannot think of an American hero more deserving of this honor than Harriet Tubman.”

Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D-N.H.), an idiotic feminist who thinks that placing this living fossil’s snout on American currency can actually “honor” White women, tweeted that it was “great news!” “Tubman on $20 is the right call,” she added. “The redesign needs to happen as soon as possible. Women have waited long enough.”

Rep. Luis Gutiérrez (D-Ill.), another mixed-race White-hating Puerto Rican, who introduced the “Put a Woman on the Twenty Act in Congress” last year in the House (Shaheen introduced a similar bill in the Senate), also commended the decision Wednesday.

“There has been a lot of talk about putting a woman’s portrait on our money, but finally it sounds like Secretary Lew is putting our money where his mouth is,” Gutiérrez said in a prepared statement. “It is crazy that women have been mostly absent from our money up until now, with only a few exceptions.”

“Conservatives” also supported the selection of Tubman for the $20 bill. National Review writer Charles C.W. Cooke tweeted: “Given the sheer number of blows that Tubman struck for liberty, she belongs on the currency more than most. Good choice.”

Former Republican presidential candidate and retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson, however, expressed his love for Tubman and what she accomplished but suggested that placing her on the $2 bill would be a more appropriate honor.

Tennessee Sen. Lamar Alexander on Wednesday expressed dissatisfaction with the decision to move Jackson, arguing that history shouldn’t pit the former president against the anti-slavery activist.

“United States history is not Andrew Jackson versus Harriet Tubman,” he said in a statement. “It is Andrew Jackson and Harriet Tubman, both heroes of a nation’s work in progress toward great goals. It is unnecessary to diminish Jackson in order to honor Tubman.”

Historians and policy wonks weighed in as well, sharing praise for the compromise.

“[Hamilton] is fully appropriate to be on American currency, whereas Jackson was a scoundrel, a slave holder and a white supremacist who was involved in the removal of Indians and was completely opposed to paper money and was horrible to women,” said Kari Winter, director of the gender institute at the University at Buffalo.

The Jewish former Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, a fellow at the Brookings Institute, last year railed against the initial plan, saying he was “appalled” Hamilton would be yanked.

On Wednesday, he called the new plan “a good one,” noting that it fell in line with what he recommended.

“Tubman is an excellent and deserving choice, and no one has a better claim to be represented on the currency than Hamilton, who did so much to help establish the American economic system we know today,” he wrote in a blog post.

Bernanke also advised that Treasury, similar to the U.S. Postal Service, should redesign bills more frequently. “Occasional changes to bill design would give us more space and flexibility to honor the past; and, if done at reasonable intervals, could coincide with necessary security improvements as well,” he said.

Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen — another Jew — also commended the move. “Throughout American history, women have made important contributions to the free and democratic society we enjoy today,” Yellen said in a statement. “I welcome the decision by the Treasury Department to honor these achievements. The Federal Reserve will work with Treasury on a design that also incorporates strong security features to protect worldwide users of U.S. currency.”

White House deputy press secretary Jennifer Friedman, also Jewish, said President Barack Obama was both pleased with Americans’ enthusiasm around the whole process and the end result. “The President welcomes Secretary Lew’s important announcement that our next currency will honor the contributions that women and civil rights leaders have made to our country, celebrate our democracy and reflect the rich history of the United States and the struggles for freedom and equal rights,” Friedman said. …

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21 April, 2016 2:17 pm

Dolley Madison would have been far far better.
And Dolley was a fighter to boot.


21 April, 2016 2:42 pm

This will bring about a faster destruction of the U.S., since this will de-motivate the present-day white males who make this country run. The MGTOW movement in response to feminism, has already caused a large exodus of productive white males from the social courtship game. This in turn leads to them needing less money, so they feel less of a need to work hard and tend to leave the work force early. Without the productive and creative talent of white males spread throughout the U.S. supporting it, the U.S. will weaken on countless fronts from military men, business owners, inventors, engineers of all types, etc. This relates to the currency issue above in that these young males, who are unaware who is doing this or why, will have even less… Read more »

Reply to  Jay
18 July, 2021 7:41 pm

I must admit that I’m one of these white males you speak of. It’s no relation to the dollar, but I did drop out of working about 15 years ago, and consumerism, and courting. It’s just like you say. I realized that despite working nearly every day for my entire life, I wasn’t getting even a little ahead. In fact it seemed I was getting even worse off. And, like you say, I realized that the entire reason I busted ass each day, and tore up my body, was for the off chance that I might attract a mate or sexual partner. However, girls were not attracted to people who worked all day, yet were as poor as the lowest non-workers in our society. Basically, I had nothing to offer… Read more »

21 April, 2016 6:20 pm

The picture of an ape on the US $20 bill – priceless! And who do we blame for this sorry state of affairs – well no other than white people – lemmings. Let us not forget the salient fact that Jews are but 2.5% of the US population and whites are still the numerical majority. I am happy that an ape appears on the bill and I hope more apes replace more white icons. Our people – white people will only awaken from the trance created by the Jews when things get really bad and we have not reached that point yet. The economy is good and whites still have money to spend on shiny things. Yes, whites are being raped, robbed and murdered in ever increasing numbers by minorities… Read more »

22 April, 2016 12:51 am

I agree people will fight once in a corner, but this is not the case today. Why? Media control and school upbringing. If they do not have direct contact, many will not believe. South African Whites became a small minority and their taxes were at 80%; they still did not go all out. They sat and took it. Because they couldn’t convince enough of their people to put up a resistance. An example of this is in the U.S.; blacks move into liberal white areas and create high crime levels. Liberals stay in that place, in denial, or move to the countryside (seen then here) and still live a lie. My point is not to dishearten, on the contrary it is to show practical steps. You need some sort of… Read more »

Reply to  Jay
22 April, 2016 1:56 am

Education will not solve the most difficult problem of all – creating space for whites only. Will Blacks, Asians and Mestizos leave the US voluntarily? Will they give up their welfare benefits and other government subsidies voluntarily? I think not, so what do we do? We must remove them from our living space with force, and it will take a lot of dirty work, and probably a lot of ‘wet’ work too. This is what the current crop of whites is not ready for – dirty but necessary work. It will require herding the racial filth like cattle and removing them at gun point. Most whites would find this too difficult.

22 April, 2016 9:29 pm

Before you can remove or “convince” others to move out,
you need a media arm that builds up enough moral fight in the population to do it.

Just like the segregation fight, you will lose unless you have a way to claim the moral high ground with our people.

We have the moral high ground, but most just don’t have the will to do what must be done. Because they have no connection to the info and other people to support them.

You are putting the cart before the horse; have a base of support first and then we can do the other.

Reply to  Jay
23 April, 2016 11:55 pm

I was actually talking about what needs to be done after the revolution is complete. The hard part is getting the revolution started. It will not happen until whites have no choice but to fight or die – and we have not reached that point yet – perhaps we never will. Most racially aware whites are still spectators, living in hope that someone else will come along to save them – a la Donald Trump.

The hardest part about being a white nationalist is not losing faith in white people. Knowing what must be done to save our people is the easy part.

18 July, 2021 8:13 pm

Well what do you think will happen after the revolution? Not alot of common people no how to operate a government. We could learn, if we had time, at that point, if we succeeded. But………we won’t have more than a day or 2. Because the globalists will be sending troops, immediately, to take back the country. Don’t get me wrong, I like the idea. But I don’t really feel like the common people are in any position to run and defend a country on day 1 of having it back. And I truly believe that is what would happen. Surely, Israel, the UK, Canada, Germany, France, and other globalist controlled countries will not let us be, at that point. We would have to fight the entire New World Order on… Read more »

23 April, 2016 12:01 pm

The main purpose behind putting coloreds on the currency is a last-ditch effort by the White-hating US government to thumb their noses at the White Man and our examples. One can say – and truthfully so – that Federal reserve notes are worthless bits of paper and putting the Negro Tubman on a note is just political correctness and pandering. Of course these things are fundamentally true. But it is, was, and should be our nature to fight for what we believe, by any means necessary. When up against a government that doesn’t represent Whites, I’ve given up on all hopes of discussion with them. So one thing that any/every White man, woman and child CAN do is simple. Get a black permanent indelible marker and DEFACE those bills, every… Read more »

Reply to  Christopher
18 July, 2021 8:18 pm

Well don’t forget, they have been trying to lead us into a cashless society for a couple years now. This is probably just another attempt. They are trying to piss people off. It’s sort of damned if we do, damned if we don’t.

25 April, 2016 8:27 am

I have a much better idea: put Buckwheat or Stymie on the twenty dollar bill. They’re far more important than this un-photogenic, Congoid relic will ever be.

What a travesty. I blame it on the airhead, white liberal fools and other mindless, white democrats that made it possible for this White America-hating, mulatto Marxist to get elected not only once, but to a second term. If the Big Zero in the ‘white’ house weren’t where he is, this wouldn’t be happening.

Again, what a travesty!

Robert Ferrara
Robert Ferrara
21 March, 2017 3:54 pm

Jacob Lew the Jew. Just like here in Ol’ Blighty, every, damn, time…

The Eye
The Eye
7 January, 2020 6:51 pm

Why is that black dude named “Harriet??”

Josef Tone
Josef Tone
3 March, 2021 5:08 pm

I recognize her disposition. I could even respect it if she fought for a homeland for her people. However, her disposition is more like the disposition of a small, newly arrived family of termites in your home. They’re not wanted. Like all living things, they want to live, thrive, and expand; they’re programed to break down dead wood. In a fair and just world, Harriet Tubman would have lived her entire life somewhere in remote West Africa; free to roam the dangerous terrain for as long as she was able to, free from exploitation from other races, free from projected unrealistic and hurtful aesthetic standards from another race, free to reproduce to the capacity that the rough environment would allow, and free from the confining laws of civilization. I’m sorry… Read more »

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
4 March, 2021 9:25 am

“Yellen said in a statement. ‘I welcome the decision by the Treasury Department to honor these achievements. The Federal Reserve will work with Treasury.’…”

Imagine that. We must have Jews heading up both the Fed and Treasury because, as we all know, they are <cough!> so good with money.

$uper Jewe$$ Yellen…

When this new twenty is issued no National Alliance member shall ever accept one — only two tens, or a ten and two fives, and if there are no tens or fives, only 20 ones. If there are no ones, then only coins. Every self-respecting White American should follow suit with this simple measure of White resistance.

Alex Wells
Alex Wells
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
4 March, 2021 11:58 am

I have every intention of doing just that, and I have had such an intention ever since I first heard of this plan five years ago. No one needed to give me the idea. There is one alternative, however. I’ll accept an old twenty with Jackson’s image on it.

William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
William White Williams • Chairman, National Alliance
Reply to  Alex Wells
4 March, 2021 6:58 pm

It might not be a bad idea to start hoarding Jackson’s $20s. Instead of taking Franklin $100s ask for 5 Jacksons (only). They’ll be worth more than face value some day (at least to our type). Grandma can give the rare Jacksons to the grandkids for Xmas or birthdays along with a history lesson.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark

While the symbolism on our banknotes is important, money itself is an under-reported subject by not only the National Alliance but by most of the pro-white movement. The people who control our government and banking systems have unlimited power to destroy us via the creation of fake wealth through printed money that is not back by gold or silver. It was formerly backed by the productive work of the American people, but that, too, is rapidly disappearing. This was a a key reason why the majority of the nation’s Founders set the nation’s financial system upon gold and silver coins, or banknotes that were fully redeemable for gold or silver. The banknotes — also called “dollars” — were a paper credit for specified number of grams of gold or silver.… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Old Aardvark
10 July, 2021 7:47 am

Ultimately, all money is fake, a representation of something of real value. Even gold is basically worthless, unless everyone agrees that it isn’t. You can’t eat it, drink it, wear it to keep warm in the winter, it’s too soft and rare of a metal to be useful for making tools or weapons. There are a few medical and electronic applications, but that’s about it – besides jewelry.
Silver and copper are a little better, but barely.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
11 July, 2021 1:54 pm

The white founders of this nation held a much different opinion. They understood that gold had been the ultimate form of money for the past 5000 years, and silver has been the money of the people for just as long, so they stipulated that only gold and silver were to be considered money. Gold and/or silver have been the elements that have financed all great nations and empires from ancient times right up to the United States. And copper has little value you say? You don’t understand that copper makes our modern world possible, do you? Without it we would have no electrical motors and no electrical grid and controls systems to supply electricity to them or to anything else. Copper makes the electrification of the world possible. Silver is… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Old Aardvark
12 July, 2021 6:50 am

Much of the practical, everyday value of silver and copper lies in expressions of advanced civilization, such as electricity.
See Varg Vikernes on muhCivilization……
The best use for copper I can think of in the Mad Max/Walking Dead type world we’re headed for is that it may kill bacteria in drinking water.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
13 July, 2021 1:45 am

White people will not forget the utility of electricity. We will not remain in a Mad Max world forever. In the meantime, copper is so valuable today that we can no longer afford to make pennies of it… but nickels and quarters are mostly made of copper. Ancient Athens’ primary source of wealth was from their nearby silver mines. The Spanish empire from the 1500’s to 1800 was made possible by their excellent silver mines in Mexico and Peru. I don’t see us falling back to either of those levels and remaining there forever; but if we do, we will still find that silver would be a perfect form of money. And BTW, a world without copper and silver would be a world without electricity and computers, and that would… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Old Aardvark
13 July, 2021 7:54 am

White people may not forget electricity – although it may take on the form of myths and legends – but it may be a LONG time until it becomes available or useful. Bitcoin doesn’t exist at all, it’s a ‘bubble’, dependent entirely on the existence of something like the interwebs – and a lot of wishful thinking by nerds. One pull of a plug and it goes bye-bye forever. As for White rulers not paying attention to finance and therefore getting outfoxed by Jews, let me answer you with a scenario presented by Ice Age Farmer on his blog or JewTube channel: You have built a self-supporting community or ‘survival station in Mad Max world, a homogenous, high trust environment and 2 guys show up at the gate, wanting to… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
13 July, 2021 1:22 pm

I’m in agreement with you. In a survivalist setting ammunition and food and essential things would be much more valuable than gold. Reminds me of the early gold-rush days in California and Alaska where the people who made most of the money were the men who owned trading posts and frontier stores and who sold essentials to the prospectors and miners; however, those kinds of minimalist conditions don’t last long and we soon need a money system to facilitate progress. Look at how much California developed from 1850 to 1900. Phenomenal growth. Or look at the progress our race made there from 1860 to 1960. We need an honest financial system that allows our people to flourish but does not allow manipulation and cheating… which takes us back to Andrew… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Old Aardvark
16 July, 2021 8:12 am

It also takes us back to a certain Austrian watercolor artist, who was quite successful with a monetary system based on labor, not gold….

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Prinz Edelhart
11 July, 2021 4:50 pm

Money vs currency – there IS
a difference!

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Walt Hampton
13 July, 2021 1:49 am

JP Morgan once said, “Gold is money. Everything else is credit.”

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Old Aardvark
13 July, 2021 7:53 am

That’s quite right. Gold, silver, and to a
lessor extent – copper and bronze – are
true money in that they do not represent
anyone/anything else’s obligation. I do
have my doubts about the cryptos. If
need be, you can always melt down and
reshape the money metals into jewelry
and other useful items. Can you do that
with cryptos? And another item…where
will the cryptos be when the electrical
power goes ((out)))?

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Walt Hampton
13 July, 2021 1:09 pm

I am a harsh critic of Bitcoin. It is actively promoted to the masses mostly as a another way to keep the price of gold from rising relative to the dollar. Meanwhile, central banks and wealthy individuals buy up gold at low prices. Since Bitcoin and other cryptos have no real value their markets rise and fall on nothing but greed and fear. Seasoned traders use it to fleece the novices.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Old Aardvark
14 July, 2021 1:49 am

Absolutely correct! If times come to
their absolute worst, a harty Caucasian
can always melt down gold and silver
coins into something useful such as
tools and jewelry. Once again, where
will Bitcoin and other cryptos be when
the power goes (((out)))? It is a delusion
based on misplaced technology. Here is
a good link as to where cryptos are going:

Ten, twenty and more Cryptos competing
with each other. Now I hear the bankers
at the Federal Reserve are going to start
their own – called “Fedcoin.” Pleeze, give
me a break!

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Walt Hampton
15 July, 2021 2:14 pm

There are literally HUNDREDS of competing cryptos. Bitcoin will eventually return to its true value of ZERO. As I write this Bitcoin is down another five percent on the day. Government central banks will eventually all release their own versions of digital currency. True inflation today is already as bad as it ever was in the 1970’s, and it’s going to get much worse. So a digital US FedCoin will be issued to give the temporary illusion of value. The real purpose of a digital dollar will be the ability of the government to monitor every transaction you make: Zero financial anonymity and zero personal freedom. The US global empire will collapse when the US dollar collapses. That time is drawing closer. Here are comments by Russian president Vladimir Putin… Read more »

Prinz Edelhart
Prinz Edelhart
Reply to  Old Aardvark
16 July, 2021 8:15 am

My ‘favorite’ is when they tell us on the ‘news’ that ‘the markets are nervous’ due to instability in the Middle East. There’s been instability in the Middle East for at least 4000 years. The markets should be used to it by now…..

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Old Aardvark
15 July, 2021 9:25 am

…[M]oney itself is an under-reported subject by not only the National Alliance but by most of the pro-white movement… — Thanks for that informative link, OA. The fact is that the money movement folks, for all the helpful advice they provide, never discuss the primacy of race. All they seem to care about is their money. Race preservation is the focus of NV, but we have discussed money — the detrimental fractional reserve system with fiat money. You probably missed this article by Kevin Strom: Money, Money, Money | National Vanguard Kevin likes Bitcoin, but I’m with you on that. I see it as a risky investment. I do like that our bookstore customers can purchase books and CDs with cryptocurrency since the goddamned Jew has made it impossible for… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
15 July, 2021 3:42 pm

Race is fundamental to everything; however, as long as the Jews can print dollars and buy off the vast majority of people, the nightmare we find ourselves in will continue. When the dollar fails, things fall apart in a big way, and that is what we must be prepared for. This is why financial news is important now. When the white cops walk away from their jobs because the money is worthless then anarchy will follow and a chance for white freedom. The state security systems collapse when the money becomes worthless. Here is a good short video for people who don’t know a lot about finances.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Old Aardvark
16 July, 2021 12:23 am

I think of the Kris Kristopherson line: “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose… ” We are all a lot closer to having nothing left to lose than we realize.

Better have some guns, ammo, food and a safe place to bug out.

George H. Brown
George H. Brown
Reply to  Old Aardvark
16 July, 2021 12:40 am

I agree about the evil “US” empire and its filthy “dollar.” And I agree that quite a few of the hundreds of cryptocurrencies are poorly designed, or are inflationary like the Fed’s trading stamps, and should be avoided. However, you are incorrect about Bitcoin. It will not go to zero. It has wildly outperformed stocks and gold as a hedge against inflation and as an investment generally in nine out of the last 11 years, with an average return of 250% a year. You note its decline of 5% in recent days. Even after a 50% market correction, it is still up 260% from what it was one year ago ($9,100 then, $31,000 now), a gain of almost 4x. No investor or hedge fund manager who has ever lived can… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  George H. Brown
16 July, 2021 9:46 am

Bitcoin is not a hedge against inflation. If it were then why has it sold off over half its value in the past few months just as inflation is gaining momentum? Bitcoin is a purely speculative asset, one that has no value. Playing in Bitcoin is akin to playing poker. A good poker player knows how to read the other players because he understands human psychology, especially greed and fear. The same is true for a successful Bitcoin investor. He understands he’s playing a game. He knows when to hold, and most of all he knows when to sell. People have only made money in Bitcoin if they have sold their Bitcoin at some point after they bought it when the price was higher. If you still own Bitcoin, you… Read more »

George H. Brown
George H. Brown
Reply to  Old Aardvark
16 July, 2021 12:33 pm

Dear Aardvark: So much to comment on in your brief post. I think you have an emotional hostility to Bitcoin. I have no emotional hostility to any investment and prefer to stick to facts. I own silver. I own gold. I own Bitcoin. I own no Wall Street paper. I own as few US dollars as I can and still pay the bills. All this seems rational to me. (Of all these assets, Bitcoin has performed by far the best for years and years on end.) Let’s start. You said: Bitcoin is not a hedge against inflation. If it were then why has it sold off over half its value in the past few months just as inflation is gaining momentum? It is more accurate to say that it gave… Read more »

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  George H. Brown
16 July, 2021 2:08 pm

It is easy to cherry pick data from charts for a stock or commodity or a Bitcoin and prove whatever you like. For example, gold is up about ten-thousand percent over the past hundred years. How many stocks that existed in 1921 can match that record? One of the very few stocks that has been around that long is General Electric (GE). It peaked at $60 in 2000 and sells for less than $13 today. Most companies listed on the major US stock markets a hundred years ago are long gone. So gold has an unparalleled history as a store of value over all of recorded history. In comparison Bitcoin is a Friday-night poker game. Like a poker game, for every dollar one man wins another man loses because Bitcoin… Read more »

George H. Brown
George H. Brown
Reply to  Old Aardvark
16 July, 2021 4:01 pm

Aardvark, it appears you’ve made your choice and feel quite strongly that it cannot be wrong.

I do want to say, though, that I did not cherry pick the data. I used the numbers from October of every single year.

I picked October at random. I could just as easily have picked January, February, or any other month, and the results would be close to the same. Anyone can do the comparison, picking any month, and will be convinced. Its performance is solid. Better than index funds, better than any hedge fund or mutual fund I’ve seen, better than gold, better than Swiss francs, better than the yuan, better than real estate.

Outside of that, I’ll just let you have the last word. The numbers speak for themselves.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  George H. Brown
17 July, 2021 1:29 am

Indeed, Bitcoin’s performance does speak volumes about it. During the ten year’s of its existence it has had two noteworthy years (2017 & 2021) where the hype took hold and the price shot parabolic several hundred percent only to give back all the gains in the same year. The chart does not lie about the breakout and subsequent collapse in 2017, and if you look closely at the patterns you will see the exact same silhouette developing for 2021 as it did in 2017, only multiplied by a factor of three. Just like in 2017 Bitcoin is now in the process of crashing back to earth, having already given back about seventy percent of its gains for the year so far, and we have nearly half a year left for… Read more »

Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
16 July, 2021 12:54 pm

Have you delved into Lykurgus’ reforms in Sparta or, was it Solons seisachtheia reform?

Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  stefan
16 July, 2021 6:00 pm

Nope, and don’t plan to, thanks.

I’ve enjoyed George and Aardvark’s back and forth about the merits and flaws of Bitcoin, especially when Aardvark advised folks to sell and donate to NA. Also George’s defense of Cosmotheist Books customers who purchase with cryptocurrency. They certainly are not criminals. They have found a way to get around the Jew’s blacklisting of CB to support the work of our Alliance.

But to take things back on topic: that Harriet Tubman is one ugly jigaboo.


Reply to  Will W. Williams * National Alliance Chairman
17 July, 2021 2:51 pm

Ah Will, she couldn’t even spell her own jewish name, it’s Taubman.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
16 July, 2021 12:21 am

Little wonder the ancestors held
onto these little darlings:
comment image

Little wonder Roosevelt wanted
to give the sheeple FRNs in
place of these. Pulled off the
greatest gold heist in all of
human history. Now, the descendants
of those sheeple are lining up
in droves for their “Covid-19”
kill shots…the greatest con
game in all of human history!

Reply to  Walt Hampton
16 July, 2021 12:46 pm

13 hexagrams-each original state a little Calvinist Zog and their Masonic sheriffs with pentagram badges like goyishe golems.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  stefan
16 July, 2021 5:41 pm

This item contains 33.44 grams of pure
gold. Melt it down and you will have
1.075 troy ounces of pure gold. The US
mint is producing a gold coin with the
image of a full-blooded Negress. The
same procedure would remedy that item
as well.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Walt Hampton
17 July, 2021 12:40 am

I have not seen an image of a Negro on on the US Mint’s Gold Eagle coin. Putting a Negro on a gold US coin would tank sales.

Walt Hampton
Walt Hampton
Reply to  Old Aardvark
17 July, 2021 8:04 pm

You might want to look at this:

They want $340 for a 1/10 oz 
gold coin? You could always melt
it down into something more

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Walt Hampton
18 July, 2021 12:19 pm

So that is the “modern rendition of Liberty.”

Reply to  Walt Hampton
17 July, 2021 10:44 am

Walt, Longacre’s double eagle had a total weight of about 33.44g of alloyed gold/copper (90%/10%). The pure gold contained within those coins was 0.9675oz.

Old Aardvark
Old Aardvark
Reply to  Walt Hampton
20 July, 2021 2:00 am

Jim Rickards gives a brief rundown how the bankers took gold money away from the people and locked it away in central bank vaults and gave us paper notes in its place.

18 July, 2021 12:41 am

Who the hell cares what they put on their shekels.
The “American dollar” has nothing to do with America.
It’s a foreign debt currency, controlled by private banks that handsomely bribe our treasonous white politicians.

If you really want to enrage humanity’s parasite, hand them back all their shekels.

Reply to  Anonymous
19 July, 2021 10:38 pm

Greetings Anonymous. I advocate the printing of UShekels and giving every jew a trillion UShekel note to spend in Israel. ‘Debt’ repaid!

19 July, 2021 10:58 am

Americans may not know that this supurb new note was designed by Bonobo Nostrils a famous Afreakan artiste-and Andrew Jackson was not Jewish or even black or female, said Mr.Nostrils…indeed, a milestone or millstone in the inclusivisation of America.

20 July, 2021 1:35 pm

For all his faults, Jackson was a great champion of the American people, ever vigilant to smite liberty’s enemies, whether disguised as southern secessionists or northern banking monopolies. When South Carolina first threatened to secede during the 1832 Nullification Crisis, Jackson told the governor that he would personally command the federal army against him, and clip the ears off his corpse, to keep as souvenirs of the justly earned fate of traitors to the United States.

20 July, 2021 1:56 pm

Tubman was actively engaged in stealing private property. Commemorating her lawlessness on the currency is as shocking and inappropriate as the 1994 German Ten Mark coin minted to celebrate the anniversary of the attempted assassination of the Chancellor of the Third Reich.

17 May, 2022 11:38 pm

Not surprising at all.
If International Parasites control most of the world’s currencies, then they should have the right to choose whatever creature they deem appropriate to portray on their monopoly notes.
On the other hand, the dingbats that have and still support this “debt money” should have no say at all.

LH Collins
LH Collins
24 July, 2022 5:29 pm

Smuggling White Men’s property under their noses doesn’t make Miss Tubman a hero. But seriously, that n3gr03 does not deserve to be idolised on printed money.