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Adolf Hitler on the Woman’s World
by Martin Kerr ON SEPTEMBER 8, 1934, Adolf Hitler addressed the National Socialist Women’s League (Nationalsozialistische Frauenschaft, abbreviated NS-Frauenschaft or NSF). This was the women’s wing of the National Socialist movement. The overall topic of his speech was the role of women in the…
New Year, New Directions
The trailer for the new Barbie film: Killing your babies by smashing their heads in is shown as “liberating” and “fun” for little White girls. American Dissident Voices broadcast of 31 December, 2022…
English Soccer and What Others Cannot See
by Douglas Mercer WHEN, BACK IN 1968, Enoch Powell said that in the not-too-distant future the Blacks in England would have the whip hand, the most typical response (other than hysterical meltdowns) was that he was being “alarmist.” Turns out he may have understated the case. There won’t…
Bring Forth the Cleansing Hell Fire
THERE WAS A TIME, and it wasn’t all that long ago, when magazines for teenage girls were mere innocent entertainment. Mainly clothes and make-up. And romance. Said romance was of the innocent-girl-swept-off-her-feet-by-charming-suitor who in true gentlemanly fashion never ‘takes…
Simone de Beauvoir, Pervert
ONE OF THE THINGS they don’t teach in Women’s Studies classes is that pioneering feminist author [and close associate of the Jewish Frankfurt School “intellectuals” — Ed.] Simone de Beauvoir was a pervert who was fired from a teaching job for seducing teenage girls: In 1943, Simone…
Lost Daughters
by Aethelwulf Hunter HERE I PRESENT a haunting short video by a friend of mine who goes by the name Elysian Lies. It begins by showing an orthodox Jew describing what will happen to the goyim (non-Jews) in the times immediately before the Jews’ imagined “Messiah” comes to them. (To…
A Volkish Take on Sex Relations
by Blake Hood
“Woman lives more in being, man more in consciousness. To woman belongs the present, to man the future or the past. Masculine logic corresponds to woman’s feeling for measure. Man strives, but woman lives. Man is the centrifugal force, but woman is weightier. Woman is short-sighted…
Jewish Judge: US Can’t Ban Female Genital Mutilation
by David Sims MY FIRST IMPRESSION after hearing of the case of Jumiana Nagarwala was that Congress certainly does have a Constitutional mandate to ban female genital mutilation. It’s in the Fifth Amendment. A woman’s genitals are her property, just as much as her arms and her legs, of which…
Jewish Merchants of Sin and Porn, part 7: Second-Wave Feminism
Some of the quotations and accounts of Jewish perversity in this article are disgusting and disturbing and should not be read by children or sensitive persons. by Benjamin Garland NOTE: All parts of this series may be found here.
“As activists, professionals, artists, and intellectuals, Jewish feminists…
The State as Pimp: the Brainwashing of German Girls
IN THIS POWERFUL video, the German version of which was quickly deleted from YouTube, Martin Sellner exposes the brainwashing of German girls by the state into entering into sexual relationships with non-White male invaders. [This is doubtlessly done under Jewish influence, though Sellner does…