
FBI Uses Paris Attacks as Excuse to Demand Back Doors to Encryption Software


EDITOR’S NOTE: This isn’t about “protecting us from terrorism.” Any terrorist with an IQ above room temperature can use one-time pads for communications — and they can never be decrypted, not even by next century’s supercomputers. What this demand is all about is spying on dissidents and potential dissidents. There will be no privacy under Jewish tyranny.

U.S. COUNTERTERRORISM officials argued Wednesday for encryption specialists such as Apple (NASDAQ:AAPL) and Google (NASDAQ:GOOGL) to provide backdoor access to their locked platforms so law enforcement can more easily detect and find terrorists, as the war on Islamic State broadens in the aftermath of the Paris massacre. (ILLUSTRATION: “Just kiddin’!”: James Comey swears to uphold the US Constitution)

ISIS recruiters have used Twitter (NYSE:TWTR) to find sympathizers, FBI Director James Comey said Wednesday during a New York cybersecurity conference, according to the Wall Street Journal.

Once commanders find sympathizers willing to die for the cause, they go dark, turning to encrypted platforms, Comey said.

Comey didn’t say whether encrypted communications were used to organize the attacks last week in Paris that killed 129 and prompted arrests throughout Europe. France responded Tuesday by dropping bombs on an ISIS stronghold in Syria.

The U.S. has seen an upswing in encrypted applications since Edward Snowden’s release of thousands of classified NSA documents in 2013. The documents largely outlined U.S. surveillance programs on Americans.

The Paris slaughter could support U.S. officials’ argument for law enforcement access to companies’ encrypted communications. The 1994 Communications Assistance for Law Enforcement Act allows for telephone and Internet surveillance, but doesn’t address newer technology like email, online messaging and social networks.

FBR analyst Daniel Ives sees a $30 billion three-year market opportunity for encryption technology amid the heightened threat landscape.

“While we believe encryption will continue to be a major, hotly contested debate within the Beltway in 2016, we expect technology companies (and their executives) to remain steadfast in their privacy/protection of consumer data concerns,” he wrote in a research report late Tuesday.

Apple and its CEO, Tim Cook, are at the forefront of this public battle, Ives wrote. In September 2014, Cook wrote that Apple wouldn’t share its data with any government.

“I want to be absolutely clear that we have never worked with any government agency from any country to create a backdoor in any of our products or services,” Cook wrote on Apple’s website at the time. “We have also never allowed access to our servers. And we never will.”

Microsoft (NASDAQ:MSFT) recognizes Big Brother’s presence in Washington and offered its European enterprise customers the option to store their data in German data centers in the second half of 2016, Ives wrote.

“This has been a roadblock for some customers before embarking down the cloud path with Microsoft,” Ives said.

Concerns are mounting for global law enforcement. Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. said Wednesday that encrypted phones hid evidence in 111 cases his office handled.

He called for legislation that would make cellphone companies have the capacity to unlock a customer device.

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Source: Investor’s Business Daily

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