David SimsEssaysGuest opinion

Twitter: Jewish Censors Slithering Back In

by David Sims

WHEN ELON MUSK BOUGHT Twitter, he promised that only illegal speech would be censored, and only people who committed crimes with their speech would be permanently banned. He has gone back on those promises, and inquiring minds want to know why.

First, it was Alex Jones, a “right wing” pundit who usually (not always) publishes the truth about subjects important to Americans before anyone else does. But he does have an over-the-top and flamboyant style that has made him an easy target for criticism.

Alex Jones apparently made a mistake in assessing the Sandy Hook school shooting, and, ostensibly because of that, Elon Musk banned him permanently from Twitter. I say “ostensibly” because I think that Elon Musk might have had other reasons for banning Alex Jones from Twitter. More on that in a moment.

But Alex Jones wasn’t the end of the permanent banning. Others, including Jared Taylor, Kevin MacDonald, and James Edwards, all three of them polite, modest, soft-spoken men, were also permanently banned from Twitter. Why? They published books and made videos in which they said things that the Jews don’t like.

Also banned from Twitter after Elon Musk’s takeover was Tomislav Sunić, a European White nationalist. And which group of people both despises White nationalism and has enough influence to cause him to be banned? As far as I know, only the Jews have that combination of power and motivation.

So, I suspect that the ADL (which is allowed on Twitter despite its shady past) has put some sort of pressure on Elon Musk, which is sufficient to cause Musk to change his mind about making Twitter a platform for free speech. Musk has used a deceptive, weasel-worded phrase: “Freedom of Speech but not Freedom of Reach.”

In what way is freedom of speech distinct from freedom of reach, where the use of social media is concerned? If you can type a message on Twitter, but hardly anyone will see it, then what is the point of using Twitter at all?

Elon Musk has, also, apparently bought the ADL’s claim that the ADL has a unique ability to say what “hate speech” is — not merely in the subjective sense of “I hate that statement,” but in the objective sense of “that statement is hateful apart from the opinion of any person.”

Even if the ADL were right about that (it is not), the US Supreme Court’s 2017 ruling in Matal v. Tam made it clear that so-called “hate speech” is legal speech with First Amendment protection. The ADL continually behaves as if that ruling was never made and pressures people to censor themselves and others as if it were never made.

So Twitter’s permanent banning and shadow banning of the accounts of people who dissent from the ADL’s opinion about what constitutes hate speech is essentially censorship, back once again, because Elon Musk couldn’t stick to his principles in the face of Jewish pressure.

And what sort of pressure was that? I’m not certain, but typically the ADL will threaten to deprive a person or a business of advertising money by its usual method of smear and rumor-mongering. That’s what they did with Kanye West, and, apparently, it worked with him, too.

In my own case, I’ve certainly annoyed Jonathan Greenblatt enough that he’d try to get me banned. So far, I’ve only been suspended for tweets that “violate the Twitter rules.” However, none of the suspensions were for my tweets that probably annoyed Greenblatt most. (One of them is a meme quoting Greenblatt as saying “I only want to ban the lunatic fringe,” with a caption that reads: “Hey everybody! JONATHAN GREENBLATT thinks that he gets to say where the fringe is and who the lunatics are! Isn’t that funny?”)

Once, I told Joe Biden to “go jump in a lake,” and Twitter suspended me for “promoting self-harm.” In my appeal, I informed Twitter that the phrase “Go jump in a lake” is a way of saying “I don’t believe your nonsense,” and the suspension was lifted.

I am again suspended, at present, from Twitter for tweeting:

@elonmusk Watch. Was this your idea? Ahem. . . tranny

Twitter has made the slang word for transsexual, tranny, a “hate speech” word. Tweets that contain it are put on Limited Visibility (i.e. shadow censored), and they cannot be replied to. When I tried to alert Elon Musk to the fact that his moderation team was doing this, I was suspended from Twitter again.

If Twitter will do this with one word, then it will do it again for others. There will be no end to it.

If Twitter will ban Jared Taylor, then it will also ban anyone who the ADL demands be banned. Again, there will be no end to it.

In the end, Twitter will return to what it was before Elon Musk took it over. He has sacrificed his principles for money in an arena in which the enemies of free speech have significant control over financial income. Eventually, he will have spent that $44 billion in vain, because, in the long term, there will be no social benefit whatever.

* * *

Source: Author

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18 May, 2023 8:22 pm

There’s been some talk that he’s going to step down into the COO or CFO position and give the CEO job to some dame name Linda Yaccarino who’s the global ad exec for NBCUniversal. Floating around in the comments section of Breitbart, when it was announced last week, some snoopers were saying she has ties to the WEF.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  torch
19 May, 2023 12:28 am

Dimwits who long for a ‘conservative hero’ have chosen Elon Musk as their latest boy wonder who has come to save America, freedom, and a Budweiser spokesman who looks and sounds like them. Boy, do I wonder when these people will get an ounce of sense and realize no one is coming to save their hopes to live in a majority White society that makes some sense. Silly me! I know that they won’t realize anything at all and are fodder for the Jews’ pet third worlders.

No, instead Mr. Musk is just another piece of controlled opposition — acting like he really cares about Whites in America.

Who really cares about the White race and where we are heading? Guess.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
21 May, 2023 9:24 pm

Incredibly, there are STILL people who believe that Swampthing Trumpowitz is some kind of ‘White Nationalist God Emperor’…..

Reply to  Wolfgang
7 June, 2023 2:04 pm

Wonderful words! I love Trump’s new name, is far more realistic and descriptive than his own. (LOL)
Unfortunately, there is an endless supply of idiots ready to believe anything that will keep them at ease. They are cowards who refuse to accept reality because it is too unpleasant.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
7 June, 2023 2:20 pm

Excellent words Jim! I never liked nor trusted Elon Musk. First of all, his Biblical name is already a red flag. Second, he is a billionaire and that kind of people which are obsessed with making money, are natural allies of the Jews. Third he was/is a great promoter of transhumanism.

Most people are idiots who (in a very Christian/Semitic way) are looking for a “saviour” that will save them the hardship and unpleasantness that go together with facing a hostile world and fighting against it.

19 May, 2023 3:38 am

There are somewhat popular Twitter accounts, some anonymous, who share opinions with the National Alliance on blacks or jews. E.g.: @MuhSocioFactors, @shane7777ssss, @tomhennessey420, and @kevin_a_strom. I doubt Musk reads them, so his delegated team is responsible for filtering them if needed. The team is probably unchanged from the heady days right after Musk acquired Twitter, and before the ADL could pressure him. But ADL’s hate lists are probably used as reference for that team, ignoring lesser-known racists while banning MacDonald, Taylor and similar due to their reach. So there’s the possibility that Musk has jewish and black associates or subordinates and is disturbed at his platform being a sounding board for published facts and opinions that might embarrass those people – especially those who would not fit in the molds… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Sam
19 May, 2023 1:28 pm

Platforms such as Twitter are Jew-dominated or owned outright, that they produce and expand upon anti-White narratives should be no surprise to anyone at this date. By using their platforms, you support anti-White hate. Isn’t it time that they lose that support?

We Whites in the National Alliance are building our own platforms, such as National Vanguard and White biocentrism to encourage useful and pro-White learning and discourse. Your support by joining the National Alliance, the parent organization of those platforms, is needed to expand our reach to Whites in furtherance of our goals. We cannot do it by selling advertising like they do; we are presently confined to ask serious and sincere Whites for direct support.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
20 May, 2023 10:34 pm

Musk is not a Jew and owns Twitter. Zuckerburg owns 13.6% of Meta’s (Facebook) issued stock shares. How exactly is Twitter Jew-dominated? Musk’s Space X handles 2/3’s of NASA’s launches now, and there is no evidence that NASA is being pressured to reduce that influence. If anything, as the world’s richest man; it’s obvious what he could say about jews by selling certain publications now banned by Amazon. And, Meta’s largest shareholder after Zuckerburg is, oddly enough, The Vanguard Group (7.9%), a mutual fund brokerage that has millions of investors, followed by the similar Fidelity Management (4.9%).

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Sam
20 May, 2023 11:42 pm

Ask rather, why does Musk fear the Jews and on their behalf deplatform Whites (only) for pro-ethnic or racial speech? Could it be that to take such heavy handed actions is required to keep the big financing money flowing into his operations that have been at the heart of his becoming a billionaire?

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
21 May, 2023 9:53 am

There are many jews in the leadership at Morgan Stanley (MS) and Goldman Sachs (GS), Tesla’s biggest lenders. At the level of funding Tesla requires, all transactions are put in writing and CPA-audited annually, and subject to federal and NY State laws against discrimination in lending, which includes monitoring for disparities in lending terms among clients. Minutes are kept of all meetings, Tesla’s business plan included. The lending process is largely computerized and administered by sub-managerial analysts who calculate risks and terms for the loan, performing and documenting due diligence. In light of this audit trail, internal control separation of duties, and external oversight, how would those lenders get away with extorting Musk into silencing pro-White posters on Twitter in exchange for loans or favorable rates? The lender leadership could… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  Sam
23 May, 2023 12:44 am

How naive that some believe that all want to follow the law when big money and a clear objective that may be illegal is wanted.

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
21 May, 2023 2:59 pm

Musk is a creation of Epstein and the Mossad.

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Sam
22 May, 2023 7:37 am

Sam: [Faceberg’s] largest shareholder after Zuckerburg is, oddly enough, The Vanguard Group (7.9%), a mutual fund brokerage that has millions of investors, followed by the similar Fidelity Management (4.9%)…

Heyseus F Christos, Sam!

Why do you hike up here on NV as an apologist for Jew-controlled Faceberg and its millions of investors? Is your head up your ass?

I’ve never been on Faceberg or Twitter, or any other Jew-controlled social media for that matter We have sufficient Internet platforms now to circumvent Jew-controlled media with our agenda of racial separation without input from the likes of you here, defending our enemies.

A Happy 2016 from Jew-controlled Fakebook | National Vanguard

Reply to  Sam
22 May, 2023 3:26 pm

His mother is Jewish which makes him Jewish

William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
William W Williams * National Alliance Chairman
Reply to  Amie
23 May, 2023 4:34 pm

With the name Zuckerberg, it’s likely that Mark’s dad and his dad before him are/were also Yids. Jews claiming him is a good test: Mark Zuckerberg’s 10 Most Jewish Moments April 10, 2018 Mark Zuckerberg’s testimony before Congress on Tuesday is expected to touch on his knowledge about leaks of user data and his views on personal privacy.Zuckerberg himself has been increasingly open about Judaism and the role it plays in his life. Here are Zuckerberg’s most Jewish moments:He wasn’t the only Jewish Facebook founder:Zuckerberg’s relationship with Harvard roommate and co-founder Eduardo Saverin, who is a Brazilian Jew, was the subject of the film “The Social Network.” Another Jewish roommate, Dustin Moskovitz, became the company’s first chief technology officer. Zuckerberg also hired Sheryl Sandberg as his first chief operating officer.He… Read more »

Reply to  Amie
25 May, 2023 7:53 pm

Please tell me you don’t believe that (Jewish) lie that ‘Jewishness’ only comes from the mother. That would make them the ONLY people – nay, species – on the planet where the males do not carry the same genes as the females.
Prime examples: Christie Brinkley’s son with Billy Joel looks exactly like his Jewish daddy, not a trace of super-Aryan mom visible.
Elizabeth Montgomery’s son with producer William Asher looks even more Semitic than his Jewish dad does – despite super-Aryan mom.
Barbara Eden’s son with Lebanese (essentially the same as Jewish, DNA-wise) Michael Ansara was the spitting image of his dad – despite mega-Aryan mom.
Sometimes I wonder if those guys weren’t at least somewhat…disappointed…that even snagging extra-hot blondes did not give them children better looking than themselves.

Reply to  Wolfgang
26 May, 2023 6:33 am

That’s what the Jews believe. Don’t shoot the messenger.

Reply to  Amie
26 May, 2023 7:18 pm

I don’t think that they actually believe that, I think that this is supposed to tell us that it’s ok for Jewish men to breed with White women – the children won’t be half Jewish….
See examples above for the reality.
It’s a trick.

Reply to  Wolfgang
7 June, 2023 2:41 pm

You have made a good point Wolfgang; however, sometimes it works the other way. I can easily remember, at least, four cases when I met Jews (male and female) that did not look Jewish at all.

I did not know, neither I cared if they had Aryan ancestors or not, although they must have had them because they were handsome and looked 100% Aryan. The point of my comment is: “Do NOT judge a book by its cover”.

Another aspect to consider when dealing with people which we do not know and who do not look Jewish is to be careful; as an old friend told me once: “One never knows who is the person one is talking to”

Thank you for your comments. Regards.

28 May, 2023 5:31 pm

Here we go again, more jewish plagiarizing of gentiles. Zuckerburg did not invent
Facebook – two gentile brothers did, Winklevoss, and Zuckerburg worked for them
and was stealing their ideas and research under the table to secretly beat the brothers
to the draw. Friends like that, who needs enemies. The brothers should have kept
their enemy closer.

David R. Westerlund
David R. Westerlund
1 June, 2023 4:40 pm

“Eh” guys. You forgot Paul Fromm, the GR8 Canadian writer/hTruther being banned from Twitter after Musk took over.

12 June, 2023 9:00 pm

In regards to Musk (I know this an old article but I’m putting this here for any interested parties), I came across this article on American Thinker talking about How ol’ Georgie Soros is handing his empire over to his doubling-down-on-daddy’s-work son. In mentioning a back and forth between Musk calling out Soros vs a puff piece calling out Musk the author states this… “Left out of the gushy piece praising Soros and attacking Musk — and it’s a big one: That Musk is Jewish, too, so the criticism is comparable to one black person calling another black person the n-word unaffectionately. That’s not quite the same as when a white Democrat such as Bull Connor or Robert Byrd does it.” I’ve seen bits and pieces about his possible jewish ancestry… Read more »

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  torch
13 June, 2023 5:52 am

It’s hard to believe that Musk is Jewish on the basis of this American Thinker article, so I looked further and did not see any other pieces that could confirm this. Do you have a better source?

On this topic, humorously: https://nationalvanguard.org/2022/12/government-warns-that-with-elon-owning-twitter-jews-will-only-control-97-of-media/

Reply to  Jim - National Alliance Staff
15 June, 2023 11:39 pm

The only other thing that I’ve come across was this article…


Like I said above, I’ve never found 100% evidence but I trust my gut on, at least, not trusting him, regardless of descent. I know a lot of people, pro-white and not, hold him up as if he were some sort of messiah figure and see him as a neo-Albert Einstein but I’ve got my own personal doubts and merely wish for others to be informed for the sake of caution. If I’m wrong, I’m fine with that but then, even if not a jew, I still see him as a shabbos in the wood pile.

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  torch
16 June, 2023 1:33 am

Haldeman, Musk’s ancestor, is a German name and not Jewish. If Musk is indeed working for Jewish interests, I would agree that he is a shabbos goy. One of several millions, really, although this particular one has billions in wealth.

On the flip side, we have ourselves who can contribute towards Building a New White World. Let’s not be a mere commentator, but a participant in the shaping of our race’s future. Join us.

21 December, 2023 11:08 pm

National Vanguard is also blocked from Twitter X as I can not tweet this…
It went through with ease once removed the link is Elon Musk afraid of Zionism when it comes to Hitler and the truth…

Why did General Patton stated that USA fought with the wrong side in WW2. Compare to how the world is today he could actually been right under Hitler be no #Zionism or Usury…

Jim - National Alliance Staff
Jim - National Alliance Staff
Reply to  QuestionItAll
22 December, 2023 8:48 pm

We’re the “right side” for our race, QIA. While we cannot control what Musk, Jewish pressure groups, the Military that Patton served, we can control how we seize our future. Part of this includes building our own media, social and otherwise. The rest of what we are doing now is right here and we want serious, sincere, and morally courageous folks who believe in doing the right thing, no matter what.