Posts Tagged

Free Speech

Classic EssaysWilliam Pierce

This week we honor William Luther Pierce, the founder of Cosmotheism, of the National Alliance, and of National Vanguard on the 90th anniversary of his birth by presenting classic articles of his, nearly all of which haven’t appeared on this site since their original publication more than two
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David SimsEssaysGuest opinion

by David Sims WHEN ELON MUSK BOUGHT Twitter, he promised that only illegal speech would be censored, and only people who committed crimes with their speech would be permanently banned. He has gone back on those promises, and inquiring minds want to know why. First, it was Alex Jones, a “right wing”…
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Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

Steven Shaviro by Douglas Mercer KEVIN ALFRED STROM HAS postulated that every subversive Jewish action can in fact be boiled down to one motive: to stop White people from having more children. It stands to reason. In their campaign of White genocide they can’t just kill us outright, right? So…
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by Russell James THE RIGHT WAS wrong. “Democratization,” as it turns out, is a good thing. As presented by the left, the World Wide Web was going to enable a brand of “democratization” that would empower the various privileged identity groups–Jews, Blacks, Mestizos,…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE FOLLOWING comment of mine, made on YouTube, has been getting replied to for the past seven years. I’ll include my original remarks here, along with my replies to others who’ve reacted to what I said. * * * ALTHOUGH A person isn’t blameworthy because of an inherited…
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by Chris Rossetti HIS NAME is Alexander Feaster. Last June, he shot a hostile trespasser who ripped down and stole his flag after being egged on by an alcohol-fueled, anti-free-speech, likely politically-motivated mob across the street. One of the crowd apparently had a gun at the ready, since it is…
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Arthur Topham AS THE result of political pressure brought to bear by B’nai Brith — an international Jewish supremacist group — Arthur Topham, a Canadian dissident who was convicted of an online ‘hate crime,’ now faces strict new “probationary rules” on his public expression concerning…
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Travis Patron, leader of the Canadian Nationalist Party The Canadian Nationalist Party has filed a civil lawsuit against the City of Saskatoon, claiming an infringement of constitutional rights to peacefully assemble and freely express themselves during the recent 43rd Federal Election by Travis…
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by Simon Lindberg The Nordic people’s constitutional freedoms and rights are being abolished. Repression against critics of the system is increasing. The situation is starting to get very serious… THE MEDIA, politicians and celebrities in Sweden (in other words, the entire establishment) often…
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IN SEPTEMBER last year, the Jewish-owned social media giant Facebook engaged in electoral meddling by arbitrarily banning the large accounts of radical nationalist parties Forza Nuova and CasaPound. In a rare victory for free speech in the West, Judge Stefania Garrisi found that Facebook had violated…
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