Douglas MercerEssaysGuest opinion

“Anti-Racist” Medicine

Welcome to Pleasantville Surgery Center; survivors will be billed if White.

by Douglas Mercer

CAREFUL WHEN YOU STEP into that doctor’s office; you are more and more likely to get a witch doctor or a medicine man. He won’t have been educated in the latest cutting-edge medical arts — but, if asked, will recite on cue the latest bromides from the academy about “critical race theory” and anti-Black “oppression.” He might be wearing a white coat, but you can be sure underneath is a black heart dedicated to the needs of Blacks. And hey, you’re just a White guy, so he won’t be too concerned about the test results. He’ll be more focused on your “privilege” than your medical needs. And surgery? Forget about it, once you go under you don’t stand a chance, and if no one is looking he’ll do some of that voodoo “restorative justice” on your kidney. And don’t think about a lawsuit; the entire medical establishment will back him up, for they have drunk deep of the cup of “equity.” Do no harm? To Hell with that, they say. More like “do no White supremacy.” And a dead White guy doesn’t mean anyone did any harm.

Columbia University received backlash online after a video showed medical students reciting a revised version of the Hippocratic Oath that included tenets of critical race theory. Vagelos College of Physicians and Surgeons Class of 2025 during a White Coat Ceremony recited this oath: “We recognize the acts and systems of oppression effected in the name of medicine. We take this Oath of service to begin building a future grounded in truth, restoration, and equity to fulfill medicine’s capacity to liberate.”

Why the white coats? Isn’t that hegemonic something or other? Isn’t that colonizer medical wear? The pristine apparel symbolizes something, but I’m not sure it’s really what they are going for, what with its suggestions of cleanliness and purity. But either way you can hear the monotone in their mantra as they chant and recite in unison. Really, they might as well be saying: We are dedicated to the destruction of the White race and all forms of Whiteness. The White race has performed untold evil and the medical profession has been complicit. We pledge to eradicate Whiteness from our work and the world. It’s an oath, mind you — and one they take deadly serious.

The oath also instructs students to contribute to the field of medicine through ethical study and equitable, evidence-based care as well as address systemic issues in the institutions upheld by the medical profession: “I promise to self-reflect diligently, to confront unconscious prejudices, and to develop the skills, knowledge, and character necessary to engender an inclusive, equitable field of medicine,” the students chant in another portion of the oath.

Nice use of code words, that. They have, of course, thrown in some “nice”-sounding words like “ethical” and “evidence-based,” but they counterpoint them with what they really mean: “equity,” “inclusion,” “unconscious prejudices.” Someone who has not been clued in to the critical theory’s manner of speaking and the symbolic (shambolic, really) import of the words might read that and think it more or less straightforward and innocent. Of course it could not be less so; it is nothing of the kind. Once you know their verbal tics you will see that these chants are riddled with our enemies’ unique and carefully crafted lexicon, ripped straight from a book called White Awareness.

This is nothing less that the incorporation of anti-White zealotry into medicine.

58 of the nation’s top 100 medical schools have some form of mandatory coursework related to the idea that racism is systemic in America’s institutions. The University of Minnesota includes a “land acknowledgment” and a pledge “to honor all Indigenous ways of healing that have been historically marginalized by Western medicine.”

This is witch doctor meets medicine man tripe. Can voodoo dolls and head-shrinking be far behind? Yes, the outsides of the buildings are still gleaming (the legacy of White people), but inside they have teepees and mud huts; there is a shaman doing what looks like a jig in order to appease the god of physical malefactions. There may be totems and some sweat lodges, but paleface need not worry: The dreamcatcher has a fetish in the shape of a buffalo bone, and he be wardin’ off ’fection. Take some sweetgrass and some sage on the way out, spin the medicine wheel for good luck, and when your leg turns green just hope the spirit in the sky is feeling kindly that day.

The Class Oath includes a commitment to acknowledge and embrace the diversity that exists within all communities. “We also recognize the acts and systems of oppression effected in the name of medicine. We take this oath of service to begin building a future grounded in truth, restoration, and equity to fulfill medicine’s capacity to liberate.”

The big move now is for cities and states to declare that “White racism” is a “public health care crisis.” They base this ludicrous proposition on the fact that health outcomes differ widely between us and them, but is that really so surprising? They are poorer (mainly for reasons of ability and character), take vastly poorer care of themselves, choose to access professional health care far less often, and eat an even worse diet than we do; it has nothing to do with supposed (but actually non-existent) “White racism” — but that doesn’t stop politicians and administrators from tossing massive amounts of money at them in the name of (you guessed it) “equity.”

The real public health crisis will be in ten years when the s___ hits the fan on all of this “anti-racist” medicine; for, instead of educating these future doctors on the fundamentals, they are filling their heads with toxic blather about “White racism” and “White evil.” So the doctor won’t know how to read your chart, or when to draw blood, or when surgery might be required — but he will be able to lecture you on your “White privilege” and give you a song and dance about how his profession has never treated non-Whites properly. And the last thing you want to see before the they give you the gas is a Black doctor who’s been been schooled deeply in the ins and out of “medical equity.”

A review of the admissions process at 50 of the top-ranked medical schools found that 36 asked applicants their views on, or experience in, DEI efforts. Many were overt in asking applicants if they agreed with certain statements about racial politics and the causes of disparate health outcome. Medical schools are asking these questions in order to turn ideological support for health equity and social justice initiatives into a credential that increases an applicant’s chance of acceptance, screen out dissenters, and signal to all applicants that they are expected to support this new cause.

Do no harm? Ha! That’s a joke. That’s old-school thinking. They’ll do plenty of harm, especially if you’re White. “Do no White supremacy” is their credo now, and nothing says “White supremacy” like accomplishment and excellence. Giving White patients their best efforts is probably “enabling White privilege,” too — not that their “best efforts” are any too good to begin with. This is why it’s so dangerous that they are going to pre-purge anyone who might have problems with their balderdash, who might have the quaint and old-fashioned belief that, above all, a doctor must have competence and skills, that nothing is so un-ideological as caring for someone’s health. And you can bet that the “dissenters” in this regard will be exclusively White, so (not that there isn’t already a glut of Indian and Asian and other non-White doctors in our land) going forward a nice White doctor, of consummate skill and deep caring, the kind that used to make house calls, will be a rare thing indeed.

The questions identified in the report vary in their implicit assumptions and the extent to which they probe applicants. Some ask about the unique experiences and challenges that applicants may have faced, or name-check diversity and ask in very general terms about its importance. The University of Pittsburgh’s School of Medicine, for example, professes to be interested in combating all forms of systemic barriers and entreats applicants to share their thoughts on opposing systemic racism, anti-LGBTQ+ discrimination, and misogyny.

From the looks of it you’d think that these applicants were applying for a TA gig at the Berkeley School of Evil White Man Studies. What any of this has to do with medicine is anyone’s guess, and the only reasonable guess is nothing at all. What it has to do with is the embedding and entrenchment of a foul, sinister, and alien ideology into every nook and every cranny of all American institutional life; it should come as no surprise as the medical profession, against all reason, is in the forefront and vanguard of the trans transition and chop shop movement meant to physically and chemically castrate our boys and unsex our girls. You might have thought that a profession with as lofty and noble a history might have kept their collective head down on this one, and let it pass, or try to — but if you thought that, you thought wrong. They are the chief ghouls inside the gates when it comes to the race and gender revolutions — and if medical leaders don’t have a sound mind, how can patients expect to have a sound body under their care?

At the University of Minnesota, applicants are first told that our country is “reckoning with its history, racism, racial injustice, and especially anti-black racism.” Then they’re asked to share their “reflections on, experiences with, and greatest lessons learned about systemic racism.” The University of Minnesota Medical School students took an oath “to promote a culture of anti-racism” during a white coat ceremony. “White coats,” the students [recited], “are themselves a symbol of power, prestige, and dominance.”

Nobody wants a doctor in a black coat, but then no one really (not really) wants a Black doctor either. Other than seeing that a Black is piloting the plane you are on, a Black in medical scrubs approaching you while you are prone on your back for surgery is about as low as it gets. But the sub-Saharans (and the Indo-Pakis and the inevitable Yellows to boot) are the darlings of the medical schools, and someone with power and money is now making very, very sure that an anti-White fervor permeates them. The medical brass in all these institutions has suddenly and simultaneously and spontaneously (well, no, not spontaneously) given them the green light to strut about like they own the place and like Whitey’s day is done. Nothing good will come from this witches’ brew of “anti-racist” medicine. But then, that’s the plan, is it not? — that nothing good will come from it.

“We commit to uprooting the legacy and perpetuation of structural violence deeply embedded within the health care system,” the students [chanted]. “We recognize inequities built by past and present traumas rooted in white supremacy, colonialism, the gender binary, ableism, and all forms of oppression,” the students said in their oath pledging to be anti-racist.

This is the anti-White oath. This is the new god to which they pledge their undying allegiance.

The American Medical Association, the American Association of Medical Colleges, and the American Association of Pediatrics have all agreed that medicine is racist. The New England Journal of Medicine presents a non-stop stream of articles on topic, such as “The Pathology of Racism,” “Towards Anti-Racist Allyship in Medicine,” “How Structural Racism Works,” and “Racist Policies as the Root of Racial Health Disparities.”

White medicine has until recently been the wonder of the world. It was we who discovered pathogens, learned the causes of outbreaks, and eradicated diseases. It was we who caused life expectancy to jump to unheard-of levels. But it was also we who exported our medicine in the name of a humanitarianism gone mad. There is a meme going round in which Albert Schweitzer says that the Black man is an implacable enemy of the White man; true, but he was nevertheless a man who spent his life medically caring for Blacks in the darkest jungle instead of helping his own people; and it was fools like him who brought modern White scientific miracles to Africa — and took a continent of three hundred million and turned it into one of two billion. Millions upon millions of his legacy are crashing through the borders of White nations right now. The Jewish media and their sycophants say that what we did in Africa constituted genocide — but what we really did was establish Black breeding colonies so large they are beyond what anyone could have imagined just a few decades ago.

And now the Black tide is everywhere, and the genocide is on us now. And as a result the American medical establishment is mired in a kind of new Lysenkoism, a madness without a peaceful cure. So our children will not be getting the kindness and the miracles and the cures they deserve. They will be lucky to get a thumb in the eye.

First the schools; then the nursing homes; now the clinics and hospitals. All unusable by us. All must be replaced now. You read it here first.

* * *

Source: Author

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13 May, 2023 7:03 pm

Instead of trying to look intelligent why don’t these Nonwhites actually act intelligent? It seems they are more interested in destroying White biological integrity than actually improving their own race.

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
Reply to  Rob
16 May, 2023 1:54 pm

They’re not capable, as you know.

14 May, 2023 9:04 pm

For family reasons, I became suspicious of mainstream medicine and the medical establishment at an early age – meaning in childhood – and my experiences since have only added to this. Race had, at the time, nothing to do with it, there wasn’t a single non-White doctor or nurse when I was a kid, but I fully understand that today, it may very well have a lot to do with how you’re treated at what I have come to call death carelessness facilities (code name: ‘hospitals’) – where they are STILL not done with the Kung Flu hoax, face diapers, sterilization killshot promos and so on. I can only urge everyone to STAY AWAY from anyone and anything having anything to do with mainstream Sciencism medicine, learn as much as… Read more »

Nom De Guerre
Nom De Guerre
16 May, 2023 2:11 pm

Unfortunately, where I’ve lived as an adult, finding a White doctor, be it generalist or specialist, has been like trying to find $500 bills that aren’t Monopoly money. I’ve had to deal with them for decades, and after a huge health crisis years ago, I got stuck with an obese black neurologist, who was too busy nagging me about being underweight and not even pretending to care that my balance was shot and I used a cane. My husband had to get major surgery on his lung and ribs, and you guessed it, the surgeon was black…he had complications after that for a while, because he didn’t see to it that his lazy receptionist got his x ray visit in a timely manner. The imported curry munchers, kimchi eaters and… Read more »

Bruce Arney
Bruce Arney
4 June, 2023 10:47 am

The best approach is to stay healthy by eating unprocessed foods and getting plenty of exercise.