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Part of the Mar-a-Lago complex by James Harting ON AUGUST 8, 2022, the Federal Bureau of Investigation raided Donald Trump’s gigantic, ornate Mar-a-Lago palace in Florida. The raid was ostensibly in search of presidential documents Trump is claimed to have illegally taken from the White House when…
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Classic EssaysCommentaryWilliam Pierce

He is your implacable enemy, dedicated to the service of evil. When he “acts reasonable,” the operative word is acts. His goal is to use you to harm innocents, and you are under zero obligation to help him. by Dr. William L. Pierce A STANDARD police textbook (Inabau and Reed, Criminal Interrogation
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Guest opinionNews

INTERNAL FILES of the National Counterterrorism Center (NCTC) and the FBI recently leaked to Yahoo News reveal a nefarious scheme to utilize Satanism in dissident groups as a means to demoralize activists, splinter groups, and cause individuals to “disengage.” The document,…
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THE FBI’s newly released study of hate crimes in 2019 is a bucket of cold water on the media-induced “white supremacist violence” moral panic. According to the data, White people (61% of the US population, 73% if “Hispanics” are included) are only approximately…
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David SimsEssays

by David Sims THE FBI’s definitions for “White nationalist” and “White supremacist” are surprisingly accurate. What follows in quotes is from a US House of Representatives resolution. “A 2006 Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) assessment defined a…
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RUSSIA RUSSIA Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia Russia!!!!!!!!! Muh Russian agents! Remember all the cretinism with muh Russian collusion? Of course it…
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WHILE CHINA blames the US government for the coronavirus, Jewish organizations and the FBI are busy seeding paranoid hoaxes against their national enemy: politically active White men in America. According to an FBI report cited by World Jewish Congress head Ronald Lauder, bands of “white…
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TRUMP APPOINTED FBI director Christopher Wray today declared that “white nationalists” and the “far-right” are being treated as a threat on par with ISIS. The Department of Justice under William Barr has also ordered a massive offensive against “anti-Semitism.” …
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FRED C. ARENA, a former employee of the Navy Yard in Philadelphia with no criminal record, has been sentenced to 6 months in prison for the process crime of “lying to the FBI.”  According to the indictment, Arena had filled out an electronic questionnaire to obtain a national security clearance…
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The Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Rabbi Marvin Hier, who spoke at Donald Trump’s inauguration. He is now directing Trump to create a special unit in the FBI to harass, monitor, infiltrate, arrest, and prosecute groups that criticize Jews. THE Simon Wiesenthal Center (SWC), a discredited…
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