Posts Tagged
Law Enforcement

Oklahoma: Alexander Feaster’s Two Years of Torment
by Chris Rossetti HIS NAME is Alexander Feaster. Last June, he shot a hostile trespasser who ripped down and stole his flag after being egged on by an alcohol-fueled, anti-free-speech, likely politically-motivated mob across the street. One of the crowd apparently had a gun at the ready, since it is…

Washington, DC Gets a Taste of Haitian “Law Enforcement”
Karl Racine IF YOUR streets are getting overrun with violent crime it’s fair to say that Haiti wouldn’t be the first place you’d look to for a solution, that benighted country being the poster child for violence and corruption. Then again maybe such an unconventional source could…

New Scottish Hate Crime Law Could See People Prosecuted for Expressing Views in Own Homes
Scottish Justice Secretary Humza Yousaf, shown here, a member of the so-called Scottish National Party, stated in June that “Scotland is too White.” The new proposed legislation will introduce a “stirring-up of hate” offence on characteristics including disability, sexual orientation…

Does Melbourne Represent Our Future?
AUSTRALIANS have always enjoyed, a laid-back easygoing lifestyle. Ozzies themselves were independent-minded and freedom-loving. Which makes Melbourne’s draconian reaction to the Covid plandemic the stuff of nightmares, medical martial law. Right now there’s an 8.00 pm curfew,…

Inhuman and Brutalizing: Israeli Training of US Law Enforcement
The Israeli military taking care of some rebellious Palestinian slaves, er, I mean terrorists. The NYPD has been training in Israel for years now. It’s where the infamous knee-on-neck move originated. And yet now the NYPD’s new directive demands, under criminal penalties, ‘no…

Jewish Influence Caused the Death of George Floyd as Well as the Violent Reaction That Followed
by Hadding Scott KNEE-ON-THE-NECK is a standard technique used by the Minneapolis Police Department. According to NBC News, Minneapolis police have used that technique and variants thereof at least 200 times since 2015. They got it from the Israelis. Police attended an Israeli “counter-terrorism…

Philadelphia: Delaying Arrests
IT’S GETTING BAD in the North American Economic Zone, so bad that problems like “racism” and “actually arresting negro criminals” are really starting to get out of hand. For whatever reason, creating a Zionist Tower of Babel to reach up to Moloch has failed to instill…

Pennsylvania: Jew-Critical Journalist Arrested, Harassed, Released at Pittsburgh Airport
by Eric Striker IT ALL STARTED yesterday evening when I arrived at Pittsburgh International Airport in the rustbelt township of Moon, Pennsylvania for a flight to Boston. I approached the kiosk to print my ticket and immediately got an error, asking I go get my boarding pass from the airline’s…

FBI Fabricates Another White “Terror” Plot
WATCH TV shows like MindHunter or Dick Wolf’s FBI and you might come under the impression that the FBI is a law enforcement organization. But from its inception, the FBI has always acted as political police led by megalomaniacs (Hoover, Mueller, Comey, McCabe) with no real congressional oversight…

Fracturing America: Virginia Police Officer Placed on Involuntary Leave for Reporting Illegal Invader to ICE
Fairfax County Police Chief Edwin Roessler Northern Virginia, where NV’s editor lived for decades, is an example of the new non-American America that is in open revolt against the remnants of the Old America that still exist in isolated patchwork form in our society — as this controlled…