The Evolution of the Jewish Banking Swindle
by David Sims
MOST PEOPLE assume that the banks act in good faith and in the public interest. They could not be more wrong. Our money system is the creation of the Jews, a predator race, for whom usury, deception and subversion are basic tools.
During the middle ages, gold coins were used as money. Gold is heavy, and thieves would try to steal it. So people who had a lot of gold, but who didn’t have any safe places of their own to keep it, began renting strongboxes from others who promised to keep the gold secure. For a fee, of course. Think of it as a rented locker for gold coins.
Most of the people who owned the deposited gold were European nobles. Most of the people to whom the gold was entrusted for safekeeping were goldsmiths, and most of the goldsmiths were Jews. Whenever a European noble would leave some gold with a goldsmith for safekeeping, he would get a receipt for the amount of gold he’d deposited, and by this receipt he would claim his gold again when he had need of it, reduced by the amount the Jew charged as his fee.
As the years went by, the nobles discovered that they could use the receipts as money of the “bearer bond” sort. Whenever the noble wanted to buy something, he didn’t like to go running to the Jew to make a partial withdrawal of his deposit—especially since the Jew was charging for that service also. Instead, when he made his deposit, he had the Jew write him receipts for 1%, 5%, 10% portions of the gold on deposit, which added up to 100% altogether. And when the noble bought something from somebody, he would sign over the ownership of one of these fractional receipts to the seller. By this means paper money came into common use. Originally, it was a certificate by which an amount of precious metal could be claimed.
For a while, it is possible that the Jewish goldsmiths were scrupulously honest in their accounting. Maybe. But things didn’t stay that way. Over time, the Jews discovered that the nobles had come to rely on their paper receipts as money, and they hardly ever came to call upon him for a return of their deposited gold. By careful estimation, the Jews calculated that they could safely begin using about 90% of this gold as they pleased. So what they started doing was lending the gold to third parties at interest. The Jews had no right to do this, since the gold didn’t really belong to them, and each loan carried a risk of default or of simply being stolen by thieves.
Remember that the whole point of the Jews keeping the nobles’ gold was to keep it safe, in a strongbox, so that thieves would not have an opportunity to steal it. So not only did the Jews begin taking income from lending valuable property that was not theirs to lend, the very act of their using the deposited gold in this manner was a breach of contract with the nobles who really did own the gold. The Jews had begun putting at risk what they had promised to shield from risk.
More time went by, and a further financial development came about. Instead of releasing any of the gold right away to borrowers, the Jews started writing promissory notes on the deposited gold. That’s a note that promised to pay gold to someone who borrowed it—from the Jewish goldsmith, who didn’t really own the gold that he was promising to pay with. Instead of walking out of the goldsmith’s office with any actual gold, a borrower walked out with a promise written on a piece of paper. A Jew’s promise was supposed to be “as good as gold.”
So now there was, upon each coin of gold in the Jews’ strongbox, two written instruments by which it might be claimed. The first one was the receipt that the Jew had given to the noble, whose property the gold really was. The second one was the promissory note that the Jew had given to a borrower. And both the receipts and the promissory notes entered general circulation as paper money.
Since the Jews had taken the step of creating more possible claims on gold coins than could be satisfied by the number of gold coins they had, there didn’t seem to be any reason for them to hesitate about issuing a second promissory note upon each gold coin, and then a third, and so on. And charge the full rate of interest against each borrower, as if they could have paid them all in real gold.
But, although each gold coin could be claimed by more than one written instrument, the rate at which the Jews had to produce the actual gold coins was low enough that they never got caught short. If anyone had known that the Jews would be caught short of gold were all of the possible claimants to present their demands, there would have been a “run on the bank” as each depositor and each borrower tried to make sure that he wasn’t one of the persons upon whom the Jew would have to default.
But by maintaining the illusion that there was enough gold to pay everybody, the Jews were able to continue making promises to pay that they could not keep, and so they were also able to continue extracting interest on loans of gold whose aggregate principal was several times greater than the amount of gold (other people’s gold!) that was actually in their strongboxes.
This was sort of a gamble for the Jews, during these early days of the Jewish banking swindle. If the nobles and the kings had caught on to the Jews’ tricks soon enough, then matters could have been set aright by having the king’s soldiers forcibly seize all the gold and execute the offending, presumptuous Jews. But the European nobility did not catch on in time, or else they did not see where the Jews were going with their scam and so did not muster the necessary amount of concern to nip it in the bud.
And so the devil’s seed grew. The Jews kept getting richer and richer by lending out other people’s gold, and lending it in several different directions at once, while the working classes kept getting poorer because of the interest that the Jews charged on their loans.
Eventually, the Jews had so much money by this means that kings who found themselves in need of funding started coming to them for loans, which meant that the Jews began to have financial leverage over the governments of Europe. Leverage that could be used, for example, to start wars. The Jews had an incentive to start wars because, being expensive, wars forced governments to borrow from them further and going ever more deeply into debt, which provided the Jews with an income from the interest. The more war, the more borrowing, the more debt, the more interest, the more wealthy the Jews got, the more the Jews could incite more wars, forcing governments to do more borrowing… and so on.
And that’s why Europe’s history went the way it did, for the past 400 years.
Several Jewish families, including the Rothschilds and the Warburgs, formalized their financial swindles as banking houses. It was still the same assortment of cheats and tricks, only now it had a patina of respectability from the spaciousness of the lobby, the sumptuousness of its furnishings, the dress and grooming of its employees, etc. And this predatory Jewish activity continues today as the Federal Reserve System, as the Bank of England, as the House of Rothschild, and other institutions that might strike you as respectable until you know what they really are: huge financial frauds, the like of which the law should never treat with friendly hands, improperly, immorally, and treacherously given a legal license to cheat people.
Henry Ford, writing in the Cleveland News on 20 September 1923, recognized that the only way for the world to escape from the snare of Jewish finance was to round up all of the Jews who were involved in its scams and “control them”; i.e., either execute them or hold them fast and incommunicado in a prison until they died.
“Get hold of fifty of the wealthiest Jewish financiers, the men who are interested in making wars for their own profit. Control them, and you will put an end to it all.” —Henry Ford
The fundamental reason that American businesses can’t both be profitable and pay good wages is the money system used in the United States: the Federal Reserve System. It’s a usury-based scam disguised as “the dollar,” more or less run by Zionist Jews, and it sucks wealth away from employers and workers alike. It’s been doing so for 100 years, after the most significant failure of government in history, which was Congress allowing the Federal Reserve Act to pass in 1913 and then failing to repeal it in 1914. Similar Jewish scams exist in the United Kingdom (the Bank of England) and in almost every country of Europe.
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Source: David Sims
It’s ridiculous and painful. Who would have thought that a small group of swindlers conquer the world, not by huge armies but by just usury and trickery.